Under Volume 57, the McGill Law Journal became the first Canadian legal journal to launch a significant podcast series. Each episode provides a forum for discussing important legal questions, while connecting with our audience in a deeper way. Envoyez-nous un courriel à [email protected] si vous avez des questions ou des suggestions.
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The CSB-SCB podcast is owned and operated by the Canadian Society for Biomechanics. Student Representatives, Jackie Zehr and Franziska Onasch, interview experts (academics, industry professionals, practitioners) about the science and practice of biomechanics. Interdisciplinary topics are discussed with a particular focus on research, technology, evidence-based practice, and knowledge translation in the field of biomechanics. New episodes are released on the first Monday of each month. For qu ...
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The Badz Boyz is two guys of 16 years, from Paris and lovers of electronic music that starts to do the mix and later make their own composition (remix and even creations personal electro sounds.). If you like it , suscribes you. :) PS: You can become a fan, it's nice and it costs nothing: D Les Badz Boyz, c'est deux mecs de 16 ans, habitant la region parisienne et amoureux de musique electronique qui se lance a faire des mix et plus tard a faire leurs propres composition (remix et même des c ...
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This podcast is designed to help intermediate English speakers become completely fluent, for free! Using this podcast and the free transcripts on our website (www.speakeasyenglish.club), you will learn English naturally and automatically! In each episode we talk about new and interesting topics to help you improve your English, just by listening! At Speakeasy English, we don’t believe in practicing boring grammar or flashcards - no way! We believe in natural language learning - which means b ...
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What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the good news of His Salvation? Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all of us. He paid a heavy price at the cross because He loves us. Each week, hear about how to break free from religious restrictions but instead have an abiding, trusting relationship with Jesus. If you want to live in the shelter of the Most High, encompassed by His blessing, His overflowing grace, and His never failing, everlasting love, this podcast is for you. “And how wi ...
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Sounds Like History is a podcast exploring the Virtual Gramophone collection from Library and Archives Canada. It is produced by Canada's History Society in both official languages.
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“Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come, for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen.” - Doctrine and Covenants 87:8
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“Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come, for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen.” - Doctrine and Covenants 87:8
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Bienvenue sur mon podcast Love and other stuff. Si vous voulez passer un bon moment , c'est par ici que ça se passe🤗!
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Learn French naturally through topics that matter . You can find all the transcripts at https://innerfrench.com Do you enjoy our podcast? Let us know! https://ratethispodcast.com/innerfrench/
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🇺🇸🇬🇧 Com d'Archi : the first bilingual podcast that opens the doors to the fascinating world of architecture. Every Monday with a portrait in French, every Wednesday with a project in English, meet Anne-Charlotte, doctor in History of Architecture in Paris, communicator and author, in the company of her guests: architects, specialists, artists, entrepreneurs, all those who make architecture. Each episode is nourished by a sensitive look at our heritage, as well as at architecture and the cha ...
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Learn French in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native French speakers. Season 1 lessons are for absolute beginners, and the courses increase in difficulty as the seasons progress. 386357 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Welcome to CastasGODwills! I’m Sir Twak, call me wAllah, guiding you through self-discovery and professional growth. Each episode, designed with care, offers strategies for personal and career challenges, helping you navigate life with grace and purpose. As a self-development consultant, I guide you to develop yourself, and as a management consultant, I guide you to develop your institution/system/company like one cannot imagine. Podcast Features: Zoom Therapy Sessions: Choose from a quick 1 ...
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Qui a peur du Grand Méchant Beat ? C’est p’têt vous, c’est pas nous… Et toi !? T’as peur du Grand Méchant Beat ? Si oui ! Gare à toi car il a pris ses quartiers à Paris depuis le 17 décembre 2011. Le Grand Méchant Beat, celui qui te souffle l’estomac avec ses infrabasses, qui te tord le cerveau avec ses basses lourdes et distordues, qui te démonte les neurones avec ses mélodies vicieuses et bien placées… Celui dont personne ne veut, qui effraie les foules de clubbers, que toutes les salles p ...
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Welcome to Brighid 💋🧙 DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, )O( MAGIC OF BRIGHID )O( https://witchtok-magic-of-brighid.onepage.me/ ...About Brighid https://linktr.ee/witcheslovespellsnatural ... 💋🧙♀https://magic-of-brighid-143975338.hubspotpagebuilder.eu/sorciere-strega-brujas-witchtok-hexen-noita-czarownice-voodoo ... https://linktr.ee/witchcrafttoday ... Anderswelt-Import.eu Wiccawholesale.com Tiktok/witchcircle Jahreskreisfeste.de Hexenmagie.org Hexenvideos Witchcraft Playlist Blog https://hexenzauber-yo ...
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[REPLAY] S4#54 🇺🇸🇬🇧 "The Bellune hotel, an ideal stopover"
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10:19From her experience with Jacques Garcia and Jean-Philippe Nuel, Stéphanie Cayet retains the experience of interior architecture applied to the hotel program, an exercise that constitutes the essence of her activity today. Stéphanie CAYET claims a method, rather than a style. As an expert in experiential hotel design, the interior architect imagines…
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[REDIFF] S4#53 🇫🇷 Itv, "Les secrets d'un endroit très sympa" avec Stéphanie Cayet
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45:16De son expérience chez Jacques Garcia et Jean-Philippe Nuel, Stéphanie Cayet retient l'expérience de l'architecture d'intérieure appliquée au programme de l'hôtellerie, exercice qui constitue l'essentiel de son activité aujourd'hui. Stéphanie CAYET revendique une méthode, plutôt qu’un style. Experte de l’hôtellerie expérientielle, l’architecte d’in…
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation with no way out? In those moments of helplessness, remember—you're never alone! In this week's episode, we uncover the powerful truth that God is always by your side. Even when things seem impossible, He is already paving a way—one greater than anything you could ever imagine. Don't miss this inspiring me…
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[Counterpoint] Code of Ethics: Navigating Artificial Intelligence's Challenges and Regulation
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26:54In this episode, we unpack the ethical and regulatory challenges posed by artificial intelligence, particularly its impact on systemic inequality. Our guests, Professor Ignacio Cofone from Oxford University and Professor Jane Bailey from the University of Ottawa, delve into the ways AI can amplify discrimination, the shortcomings of Canada’s curren…
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S6#41 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Itv, "Paris, rue de Bellechasse project" with Vittoria Rizzoli
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9:04Vittoria Rizzoli is an Italian architect who graduated from Milan Polytechnic. After completing her studies, she set out to conquer the major American agencies, where she honed her design skills. Returning to Europe, she pursued her career in Paris, France, working for prestigious agencies such as that of renowned decorator Patrice Nourissat, after…
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S6#40 🇫🇷 Itv, "Optimiser l'espace" avec Vittoria Rizzoli
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55:54Vittoria Rizzoli est une architecte italienne diplômée de l’école Polytechnique de Milan. A l'issue de ses études, elle part à la conquête des grandes agences américaines au sein desquelles elle affute sa pratique du projet. De retour en Europe, c'est à Paris, en France, qu'elle poursuit son parcours dans de prestigieuses agences notamment celle du…
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[REPLAY] S4#64 🇺🇸🇬🇧Itv, "A gardener who became a landscaper" with Richard Hartlage
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38:25It was by cultivating his garden, armed with a horticultural background, that Richard Hartlage became an acclaimed landscape designer. His agency, Land Morphology, based in Seattle, USA, carries out projects throughout the United States. For example Land Morphology has been working since 2015 on the master plan for the Leach Botanical Garden in Por…
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[REDIFF] S4#63 🇫🇷 "Le jardin botanique Leach, historique et du futur, à Portland, USA "
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10:56C'est en cultivant son jardin, armé d'un bagage horticole, que Richard Hartlage est devenu un paysagiste plébiscité. Son agence, Land Morphology, implantée à Seattle, USA, réalise des projets sur tout le territoire américain. Ainsi Land Morphology travaille depuis 2015 sur le plan directeur du jardin botanique Leach de Portland en Oregon et a récem…
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The key to a worry-free and anxiety-free life lies in our hands. It is a choice that we need to make. Tune into this week's episode to truly understand the extent of God's promise to us for an absolutely carefree life. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” -…
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E163 Les Français travaillent-ils moins que les autres ?
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42:24Vu de l’étranger, les Français ont la réputation d’être allergiques au travail. Semaine de 35 heures, vacances à rallonge, retraite généreuse, sans parler des interminables pauses déjeuner et des grèves à répétition… Pourtant, on entend aussi qu’ils sont parmi les travailleurs les plus productifs au monde. Ils auraient réussi à trouver l’équilibre …
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S6#39 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Itv, "Living together in the eco-district in Bagneux, an awarded project" by Nicholas Gilliland
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6:37The Bagneux project, by Tolila + Gilliland architects, seeks to cultivate pleasure in communal living, providing shared spaces on every level of progression from the public to the private. Two main buildings are each divided into three, producing smaller blocks of mixed dwelling types and minimizing the impact of the project’s scale on the neighbor…
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S6#38 🇫🇷 Itv, "Une architecture de la transformation" avec Nicholas Gilliland
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36:29Gaston Tolila et Nicholas Gilliland se rencontrent en 2003 autour d’un concours d’architecture humanitaire qu'ils remportent. Ce projet de dispensaire nomade est exposé au Centre Pompidou en 2005. En 2011, ils créent l’atelier d’architecture Tolila+Gilliland autour de la volonté commune de concevoir des projets, de les accompagner au bout de leur r…
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[REPLAY] S4#45 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Itv, "A fertile imagination for building" with Jeff Kovel, Skylab Architecture office
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49:31This is the third interview in Com d'Archi with architects or engineers working in the United States. From the practice of the daring Frenchman Jean-Michel Humbert, based in Washington, to that of the great engineer Eric Long, of one of the most important architectural firms in the world, SOM, and now Jeff Kovel, architect and founder of Skylab Arc…
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[REDIFF] S4#44 🇫🇷 "Une architecture dédiée à une princesse guerrière" ou le bâtiment Serena Williams Nike World par SkyLab
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16:06L'agence Skylab architecture a été fondée en 1999 par Jeff Kovel dans un bâtiment qui domine la ville de Portland en Oregon aux Etats-Unis. Jeff Kovel, auparavent, avait grandi dans une maison d'architecte dans l'état de New York. Qu'est-ce qui l'a amené à aller s'installer dans une ville connue aux Etats-Unis pour ses aléas climatiques? Comment l'…
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S6#37 🇺🇸🇬🇧 "Architecture, around La Mémoire Vive!" Philippe Prost and Antoine Picon, synthesis
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16:14Philippe Prost and Antoine Picon are two of France's leading architectural figures. Antoine Picon is an architect, engineer and architectural historian, and is currently Director of Doctoral Research Programs at Harvard University in the United States, at the prestigious Harvard Graduate School of Design. Philippe Prost is a French architect and wi…
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Our walk with the Lord is full of promises and blessings. This week, we’re exploring an incredible promise that reveals what happens when we fully place our trust in Jesus. All things of the past are gone, and everything has been made new—whether it’s health, finances, relationships... all things. Are you looking for more from God? Here’s the secre…
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S6#36 🇫🇷 Itv, "L’architecture, autour de La Mémoire Vive !" avec Philippe Prost et Antoine Picon
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1:05:27Philippe Prost et Antoine Picon sont deux personnalités de haut vol du monde de l’architecture en France. Antoine Picon est architecte, ingénieur, historien de l'architecture et aujourd’hui directeur des programmes de la recherche doctorale à l’Université Harvard aux Etats-Unis, à la très grande Harvard Graduate School of Design. Philippe Prost est…
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[REPLAY] S4#39 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Itv, "A fantastic space" with Eric Long, SOM architecture office
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40:52SOM In 1936, two architects and an engineer formed a partnership; their founders understood the power of combining their expertise within a single firm. Since then, SOM has grown to include urban designers and planners, interior designers, and more. Their teams are composed of designers with an artistic sensibility, architects and engineers with hi…
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[REDIFF] S4#38 🇫🇷 Recherche et interdisciplinarité, avec Eric Long de l'agence SOM
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12:25L'agence d'architecture Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) a vu le jour en 1936, lorsque Louis Skidmore et Nathaniel Owings se sont associés à Chicago. Un deuxième bureau a été ouvert à New York l'année suivante. En 1939, le partenariat adopte son nom actuel avec l'ajout d'un troisième membre, l'architecte et ingénieur structurel John O. Merrill. Dep…
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Imagine navigating unknown territories in life without any protection. One of God's promises to us is His refuge, a sanctuary in the midst of life's storms. Tune in to this week's episode, which guides us to the secret place that's already been prepared for us. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the …
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Pour bien commencer l’année 2025, quoi de mieux que de prendre un moment pour réfléchir à nous-mêmes et à nos relations ? Dans cet épisode, Ingrid vous propose d'explorer dans la théorie de l’attachement, un concept clé de la psychologie qui éclaire nos liens affectifs et leur impact sur notre vie. Découvrez les origines de cette théorie, ses diffé…
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S6#35 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Itv, "2 awarded projects : Bizot & Lafayette" with Marine de la Guerrande
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7:27In this Com d'Archi Podcast, Marine de la Guerrande explains to us their agency philosophy and this two projects so awarded ! One is a sport equipment. The other is a mix used building rehabilitated. They won PRIX AMO 2024 + TROPHEE EIFFEL 2024 (the first), PRIX D’A 10+1 2024 + EQUERRE D’ARGENT 2024 (the second one). Image teaser DR © Maxime Delvau…
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S6#34 🇫🇷 Itv, "L'architecture, en cohérence" avec Marine de la Guerrande et Adrien Pineau
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1:00:09Avant de créer l'agence Think Tank, ils sont partis à Tokyo sac à dos et sont restés là-bas faire de l'architecture. Ils y ont appris une autre manière de penser l'espace : mutation, réversibilité, transformation, dans des échelles d'espace et de temps différents. De retour en France, Adrien Pineau travaille chez Gaëlle Péneau, Jacques Ferrier. Mar…
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[REPLAY] S4#69 🇺🇸🇬🇧 "Organs and architecture in resonances", the synthesis
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13:05The English synthesis of the interview of Guillaume Lechevalier-Boissel : a permanent back and forth between the organ and the architecture. Image : Orgue Beuchet-Debierre in the Mont Saint-Michel Abbey - photo © Kevin Puget Sound engineering : Julien Rebours ___ If you like the podcast do not hesitate: . to subscribe so you don't miss the next epi…
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[REDIFF] S4#68 🇫🇷 Itv, "Orgues et architecture, en résonances" avec Guillaume Lechevalier-Boissel
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59:33Des motivations très particulières m'ont poussé à réaliser ce podcast grâce à la démarche passionnante de Guillaume Lechevalier-Boissel, un jeune dessinateur en architecture de 25 ans, qui préfère se passionner pour les orgues plutôt que d'aller draguer les filles avec une guitare. Cette interview est, en outre, l'occasion d'interroger les résonanc…
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The new year has begun, let us take a moment to rejoice in the wonderful promises God has in store for us in 2025. Tune in to this special episode for the first Sunday in 2025, to start the year on the right note, just as He would want us to. “Now may God give you of the dew of heaven, And of the fatness of the earth, And an abundance of grain and …
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S6#33 🇺🇸🇬🇧 SPOT "Back to SIMI: transition(s) 2025, in perspective"
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10:35The SIMI is Paris's annual real estate trade show, held every year at the Palais des Congrès de la Porte Maillot in Paris, which gleans everything that goes to make up a project, from investors and promoters to builders and architects, of course. It takes place in December every year. Last December, we went to take the temperature at the show, part…
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S6#33 🇫🇷 SPOT "Retour sur le SIMI : transition(s) 2025, en perspective".
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9:51Le SIMI est la rencontre de l’immobilier, le salon parisien annuel, incontournable qui a lieu chaque année au Palais des Congrès de la Porte Maillot à Paris et qui glane tout ce qui fait projet, des investisseurs et promoteurs aux constructeurs en passant par l’architecte bien entendu. Il a lieu au mois de décembre de chaque année. Nous sommes allé…
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[REPLAY] S3#35🇺🇸🇬🇧🌲☃️: "The Sainte Chapelle, Paris-France"
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15:11This is the last issue of the year 2021! Ce numéro est le dernier de l'année 2021 ! In this issue S3#35 (short format, Christmas 2021), we talk about the Sainte Chapelle in Paris with a perspective, and give some details about the 2022 edition of Com d'Archi. Happy Holidays, Anne-Charlotte Image DR © photogolfer Sound engineering : Julien Rebours _…
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[REDIFF] S3#35🇫🇷🌲☃️: "La Sainte Chapelle, Paris-France"
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16:37Ce numéro est le dernier de l'année 2021! This is the last issue of the year 2021! Dans ce numéro S3#35 (format court, Noël 2021), nous parlons de la Sainte Chapelle à Paris avec une mise en perspective, et donnons quelques précisions sur l'édition 2022 de Com d'Archi. Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année, Anne-Charlotte Image DR © Birute Vijeikiene Sound…
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Pour ce premier épisode de l'année, pas question de parler de bonnes résolutions ! À la place, Hugo explique pourquoi se fixer des objectifs n'est pas forcément une bonne idée quand on apprend une langue. Il vous propose de changer de perspective pour mieux accepter la réalité de l'apprentissage. Puis il explique comment rester motivé sans compter …
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As we reflect on 2024 in this episode we understand that God's mercies are new every morning and that we are more than conquerors in Jesus. With Thanksgiving let’s close the chapter of 2024 “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;” - Colossians 4:2 NKJV Send us a textBy Subir Joshua Gorey
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Despite our admiration for this typology of France's heritage, until now we've said very little about churches in Com d'Archi. The reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris has given us the opportunity to step into the breach, and motivated us to offer you this short, humble SPOT format, useful for reminding ourselves of some of the fundamentals of the hist…
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En dépit de notre admiration pour cette typologie que compte le patrimoine français et jusqu'ici, nous n'avons que très peu parlé des églises dans Com d'Archi. La réouverture de Notre-Dame de Paris nous permet de nous engouffrer dans la brèche et nous a motivé à vous proposer ce format SPOT court, humble, utile pour se rappeler quelques fondamentau…
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A Merry Christmas to you all. Join us this beautiful day in celebrating the birth of Christ and Rejoice forevermore in new beginnings. “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” - Isaiah 9:6 …
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S6#31🌲☃️ 🇺🇸🇬🇧 "Architects' Christmas Eve, 2024 "
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21:47Let us take you away into the magic of Christmas, at the architects' table and more. Thanks to Vincent Parreira, Aldric Beckmann, Marion et Andy Parola Campbell, Fabienne Bulle, Alexandre Jonvel, Luc Moneger, Mathieu Galard, Thomas Bourdon, Nicolas Croix Marie, Emmanuelle et Philibert Déchelette, David-Olivier Descombes, Baptiste Gibert, Céline Bou…
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On the eve of Christmas, let us take a moment to truly reflect on the reason for this celebration. This episode explores the narrative surrounding the birth of Christ—the arrival foretold long before His coming. Discover the one thing that made it all possible, a tool we can freely use to live a blessed life. “Therefore the Lord Himself will give y…
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S6#31 🇫🇷🌲☃️ "Le réveillon des architectes 2024"
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35:57Laissez-vous emmener en toute simplicité dans la magie de Noël, à la table des architectes et bien plus encore. Merci à Vincent Parreira, Aldric Beckmann, Marion et Andy Parola Campbell, Fabienne Bulle, Alexandre Jonvel, Luc Moneger, Mathieu Galard, Thomas Bourdon, Nicolas Croix Marie, Emmanuelle et Philibert Déchelette, David-Olivier Descombes, Ba…
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[REPLAY] S5#31 🇺🇸🇬🇧 SPOT "In the paradise, at the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin in Paris"
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15:03Let's start 2024 with the story of the Porte Saint-Martin theater, rich in twists and turns, and its various architectural morphologies, extraordinarily changeable! Happy 2024! Teaser image DR © pixarno Sound engineering: Julien Rebours ____ If you like the podcast do not hesitate: . to subscribe so you don't miss the next episodes, . to leave us s…
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[REDIFF] S5#31 🇫🇷 SPOT "Au paradis, au Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin !"
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14:19Commençons l'année 2024 avec l'histoire du théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin, riche en rebondissements, et ses différentes morphologies architecturales, extraordinairement changeantes ! Bonne année !! Image teaser DR © pixarno Ingénierie son : Julien Rebours ____ Si le podcast COM D'ARCHI vous plaît n'hésitez pas : . à vous abonner pour ne pas rater…
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Vous faites quoi pour Noël ? C'est la question que se posent dans cet épisode Hugo, Ingrid et Ania. Toute l'équipe d'InnerFrench est réunie pour terminer l'année dans une ambiance détendue, pour commenter et comparer leurs traditions familiales de fin d'année. Et dans la dernière partie, ils vous donnent trois idées de lecture en français à offrir …
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The lineage of the creator has been called out long before our existence. His coming and His ways were defined. His dominion was, is and will always be Absolute. Join us this week to know about the Wonderful counselor, the Prince of Peace and what He has done for us. “There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace.” - Isaiah 9:7…
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S6#30 🇺🇸🇬🇧 "Architectural law, Baptiste Gibert's approach"
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11:48Architectural law is: urban planning, real estate, construction, intellectual property and therefore copyright. How does Baptiste Gibert, a partner at Michel Huet and Associates, an expert lawyer, help the profession? Anne-Charlotte sums up his fascinating talk in this new issue. An episode read by Esther. Image teaser DR © Nattawit Sound engineeri…
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S6#29 🇫🇷 Itv, "L’architecte et la loi en France" avec Maître Baptiste Gibert
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56:42Baptiste Gibert, avocat, intègre le cabinet de renom Michel Huet et Associés en tant que salarié à 25 ans. A 30 ans, il s'associe avec Michel Huet, le fondateur du cabinet. Aujourd'hui, après le décès de Michel Huet, il poursuit l'activité du cabinet en se consacrant à 70% aux architectes, les 30% restants étant dédiés aux maitrises d'ouvrages prof…
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Ever feel like your daily struggles go deeper than what's right in front of you? What if those battles are actually spiritual in nature? In this episode, we explore our daily lives from a spiritual perspective. Discover how we can navigate the struggles we face and be reminded that God has our back! “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,…
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There are certain privileges we receive when we truly believe in what Jesus has done for us. One of these privileges is living under His constant protection. Tune in to this episode to learn more about how we can live without fear and with boldness. “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away th…
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[REPLAY] S5#29 🇺🇸🇬🇧 SPOT "The munificence of the Théâtre de l'Odéon, versus Christmas 2023!"
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17:33The fragmentation of the Western foundation raises questions for Com d'Archi, which is proposing a simple Christmas reminder of the shared value of the festive season, echoed by the architectural and historical highlighting of our national drama stage, the Théâtre de l'Europe, which we'll voluntarily and commonly refer to as the Théâtre de l'Odéon.…
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[REDIFF] S5#29 🇫🇷 SPOT "La munificence du Théâtre de l’Odéon, versus Noël 2023 !"
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17:20La fragmentation du socle occidental interroge Com d'Archi qui propose pour Noël de rappeler simplement la valeur commune que représentent les fêtes de fin d'années, avec en écho, la mise en exergue architecturale et historique de notre scène dramatique nationale, le Théâtre de l'Europe, que nous appellerons volontairement et communément le Théâtre…
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What do you do when faced with a challenge? Do you cower, give in, and blame everything happening around you? Or do you stand tall and soldier through? This week's episode delves into the story of a man who never gave up, who faced situations head-on as they came and always prevailed. “He said, “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for y…
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S6#28 🇺🇸🇬🇧 "Tomorrow's neighborhoods (Quartiers de demain), a consultation open to teams from all over the world "
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9:14“Quartiers de demain” is an international architectural consultation aimed at transforming ten priority neighborhoods in France and designing a more sober, sustainable, aesthetic and supportive living environment. In 2023, the President of the French Republic has announced the creation of an international consultation with designers from all over t…
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