show episodes
Join terrestrial radio's most unproduceable presenters Elis James and John Robins for big laughs and top quality #content. Hilarious, warm and unashamedly ashamed, let their award-winning chemistry get you over the finish line of the working week. Email: #elisandjohn
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The Bear Woznick Adventure challenges men to a deep, gritty and Manly Christianity. "The Most Radical Thing You Can Do In Life is Abandon Yourself To The Wild Adventure of God's Will." Discover the radical adventure of following God's will for your life every week on this one-hour show. PLUS Look for Bear's "Catechism in a Year" Daily 15 engaging discovery through each line of the Catholic Catechism.
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CiTR -- Powerchord

CiTR & Discorder Magazine

Originally conceived by veteran heshers "Metal" Ron and Gerald "Rattlehead" in 1985, Powerchord is Vancouver's longest running metal show! And the torch is still burning with contemporary hosts Coleman, Serena, Chris, Justin, and Ian, covering all sub-genres across the harsh landscape of heavy metal. New releases, local bands, the obscure, the classic, and everything in-between. Two hours of absolute brutality every Saturday from 1-3pm.
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The Cougar Lady Chronicles is a true pioneering adventure story set in the rain forest of the West Coast of Canada in the 20th century. Told in dramatic storytelling fashion by award-winning author and CBC host Grant Lawrence, this is an exciting wilderness saga of the life and times of "Cougar" Nancy Crowther as she faces the daily dangers of wilderness living; everything from cougars, to draft dodgers, to the mysterious force known only as "them." This series originally aired on North By N ...
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This is a podcast where I discuss real topics with real people. Let's cut through the fluff and just be transparent. I want to showcase authenticity since we live in a world where everything needs to be prim and proper from filters to audio tune, etc. On a mission to Educate, Inspire, and Motivate others since we ALL have powerful stories to share to continue to make an impact. Support this podcast:
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The book, The Great Controversy, written by Ellen White deals with the history of the Christian church starting with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and continues right through to our day. It also outlines the closing scenes of this earth’s history and the principles that are at stake. What you about to hear is a dramatised audio version of this book, created by Nancy Hamilton Myers.
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show series
Grammy-award-winning Catholic music giant John Michael Talbot joins the show to share new music and his new autobiography, "Late Have I Loved You." Talbot shares his conversion from spiritualism to the Catholic Church in the 1970s and more!______________________Discover Bear Woznick Deep Adventure Ministries: BOOK "1…
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अनि उहाँले भन्नुभयो, 'अब्बा, बुबा, तपाईका लागि सबै कुरा सम्भव छ। यो कचौरा मबाट लिनुहोस्; जे होस्, म जे गर्छु होइन, तर तपाईले के गर्नुहुन्छ। ”By Adventist World Radio
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संसारमा धेरै कुराहरू भइरहेका छन् जुन धेरै चिन्ताजनक छन्। मानिसहरू वास्तवमा के प्रकट हुँदैछ भनेर डराउँछन्। हामी कसरी सक्छौं,By Adventist World Radio
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We’re all excited about dancing the dance. The most intimate dance. Cheek to cheek entering the ballroom. John woke up at 3:30 this morning on edge about dancing the dance. His favourite conversation. The romantic frisson. The interplay between venue capacity, ticket price and audience demand. The delicious dance. The one thing better than talking …
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एक संक्रमण बिन्दु चिन्ह लगाउँछ, साथै। यसले ठूलो सङ्कष्टलाई जनाउँछ जुन संसारको सृष्टिदेखि नै बराबर छैन। यसले यरूशलेमको पतनमा भएको भन्दा ठूलो वा अधिक व्यापक सतावटलाई चित्रण गर्दछ।By Adventist World Radio
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तर यरूशलेम सहरलाई उजाड पार्ने “आउने राजकुमार” को हो? यो शहर रोमन सेनापति टाइटस द्वारा नष्ट भएको थियो। तसर्थ, यो तार्किक देखिन्छ कि उहाँ "आउने राजकुमार" हुनुहुन्छ भनेर उल्लेख गरिएको छBy Adventist World Radio
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We’ll throw down the gauntlet here. This is *classic* Elis and John. A podium place episode. Champions League. There, I said it. Big laughs, sex swapping, something harrowing from Robins, an absolute Billy belter… of a Cymru Connection, Americans dealing with 5-year-olds’ opinions on gun control and a rock solid Shame. Elsewhere Elis settles into m…
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हामीले उल्लेख गरिसकेका छौं, मन्दिर परिसर साँच्चै अचम्मको संरचना थियो। जोसेफसले टिप्पणी गरे कि कम्प्लेक्सको दक्षिणपट्टि रहेको रोयल पोर्टिकोमा १६२ वटा स्तम्भहरू थिए, जसमध्ये प्रत्येक तीन जना मानिसले हात मिलाएर वरिपरि पुग्न सक्थे।By Adventist World Radio
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Speaker and author of numerous books on divorce, annulment, and remarriage, Rose Sweet joins the show to discuss an issue that many Catholics find themselves facing...Divorce. A topic that is shrouded in shame and confusion, Rose openly shares her experience of multiple divorces and annulments. She explains what helped her to heal and how the Churc…
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A union that we’ve waited 15 years for between a pair significantly involved in the UK’s cultural scene. Some of the most significant personal news to hit this show in a long long time which requires examining on many fronts. No not Elis’s wedding but the Oasis reunion. For Producer Dave might spontaneously combust. He might break down due to not b…
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मार्कको सुसमाचारमा यस बिन्दुसम्म, केही अपवादहरू बाहेक, अधिकांश धार्मिक नेताहरू येशूका विरोधी छन्। यो विशेष गरी यरूशलेममा साँचो छ, जहाँ येशूले मन्दिरको पूजामा नेतृत्वको सामना गर्नुभएकोBy Adventist World Radio
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हामीलाई कुनै कुरामा तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई निन्दा गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सक्थे, या त रोमी राज्यपाल वा मानिसहरूलाई। यो विवादमा यो प्रश्न थियोBy Adventist World Radio
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येशूले मन्दिर सफा गर्नु भएको भोलिपल्ट, धार्मिक नेताहरूले उहाँलाई मन्दिरको दरबारमा भेट्टाउँछन्, उहाँले अघिल्लो दिन कुन अख्तियारले काम गर्नुभयो भनेर सोध्छन्।By Adventist World Radio
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With post-wedding factors still in play, it’s another trip down the pre-recorded well today. But don’t for one second think that means a drop in quality, for with this very podcast episode comes high quality chat about dog/fox mess, a scorching anecdote about Elis having his car cleaned, and a meaty Made Up Game from the vaults to boot. With the Oa…
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बिहान, बेथानीबाट आउँदै गर्दा, यरूशलेमबाट करिब दुई माइल (तीन किलोमिटरभन्दा अलि बढी) मात्रै, येशू भोकाउनुभयो। पातमा एउटा नेभाराको रूख देखेर, सायद केही प्रारम्भिक फल खोज्न उनी त्यहाँ गए। किBy Adventist World Radio
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यस कथाको आधा भागमा येशूले दुई जना चेलाहरूलाई नजिकैको गाउँमा पठाउनुभयो र उहाँलाई यरूशलेममा चढ्नको लागि एउटा गधा फिर्ता गर्न पठाउनुभयो। यो खातामा किन यति धेरै समय खर्च हुन्छ?By Adventist World Radio
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Have you ever wondered how the early church prayed? Former Protestant minister and convert to Catholicism, Dr. Jim Papandrea, joins the show to discuss this very question with a fascinating take! If the early church prayed this way, should we?In this episode:1. Most Important Prayer2. Most Powerful Prayer3. Most Perfect Prayer______________________…
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You might have been expecting to come across the full lowdown of what is being described by Hello and OK! as the wedding of the summer. But no, for with weddings come honeymoons, so it’s a break glass for emergency episode situation. Thus, if it seems weird that there’s no mention of the happy couple or John’s best man activities then there’s your …
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Well, Fine and Unwell: the three states. Constantly switching across protagonists with one having to pick up the slack. But who will it be this week? An Elis at peak stress levels, a Dave on one hour sleep, or a still zen Robins? There’s a lot of chaos to absorb on the show today as Dave tries his best to wrangle four professional talkers. Never ha…
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