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The blood covenant at mount Sinai was broken. As a result, Yeshua reNEWed the covenant. The reNEWed covenant is the Torah written upon our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Yeshua is the representative of the reNEWed covenant and it confirms the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.In the new covenant, we are saved by grace through faith. After we ar…
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Keeping the statutes and judgments of Yeshua are linked with “Do and Live”. And he answering said, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all thy soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. And he said unto him, You have answered right: this do and you shall live. Luke 10:27-28You…
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In this teaching segment, we will be learning about the new covenant. Yeshua is the representative of this covenant. Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him …Isaiah 42:1How much more shall the blood of Yeshua who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God …Hebrews 9:1…
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By keeping the statutes (choqim) we express our love to the God of Israel. Statutes include:*Keeping the Sabbath and the biblical Feast days*Eating biblically clean foodWe are also to keep the judgments (mishpatim) to express our love for Yeshua. The heart of following the mishpatim is how we treat others:You shall love your neighbor as yourself: I…
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The messenger of the LORD is the judge, lawgiver, king and savior:For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us. Isaiah 33:22Yeshua is the lawgiver. He gave the Torah at Mount Sinai. At Mount Sinai there was a wedding. The Torah is the ketubah. The House of Jacob agreed to get married:And all the people …
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Yeshua gave the Torah at mount Sinai. It was a blood covenant. Believers in Yeshua as Messiah are to see themselves as if they were at mount Sinai and that they are part of the covenant. At mount Sinai, there was a marriage between Yeshua and the nation of Israel. The marriage covenant is based upon obedience to Torah. The Torah is divided into sta…
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In this segment, we will look at:*the minchah offering of Cain and Abel*the covenant that God made with Noah*the blood covenant that Yeshua made with AbrahamWe will look at the terms and conditions of this blood covenant that Yeshua made with Abraham. In this covenant we see an exchange of names (Abram becomes Abraham). We also see that Abraham is …
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From Targum Onkelos, we learn that the “Word of the LORD” was in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Adam represents mankind. The deeper spiritual meaning of Adam is “blood of God”. Adam and Eve are in covenant. The marriage between Adam and Even in the garden foreshadows Yeshua’s marriage to His bride. Yeshua shed His blood to have a bride. In t…
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In the covenant walk, two representatives walked through the “way of the blood” stopping in the center. The walk represented a death to living to your self-interests and starting a new life with your covenant partner. There they pronounced their pledges of loyalty and making promises to each other that never could be broken. This is called the “ble…
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In this teaching, we are going to learn a very important principle: that God the Father is in covenant relationship with His son Yeshua. ... that you may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.John 10:38Believe not that I am in the Father and the Father in me? …Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me …John 14:10-1…
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The Rockefellers want One World Government. Below is a quote from Congressman Larry McDonald:“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one world government combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in …
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In this segment, we will examine the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission and the Rockefeller Foundation. These are all organizations that have one world government and one world economy as their main goal. The United Nations was a first step toward one world government. President Roosevelt stated the fo…
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In this teaching segment, we will examine the financial tentacle of the Babylonian system.To begin with we will look at the history of modern banking and the Rothschild banking dynasty. We will also examine the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Before the passage of this Act, the New York Bankers could only dominate the reserves of New York. After the p…
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According to Albert Pike (33rd degree Mason of the Scottish Rite), freemasonry is a religion, is Baal worship and teaches that Lucifer is god. In the lower levels of freemasonry, the Masonic letter “G” represents god and geometry. In the higher levels it represents, “Gnosis” or knowledge as well as a sexual symbol. Mason is coded on the back of a U…
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In this teaching segment, we look at: the symbolism of the statue of liberty, symbolism of Europa and the Committee of 300. We also look at Albert Pike and the origins of freemasonry. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from French Masons to American Masons. The Statue of Liberty represents the Roman goddess Libertas who represented liberty and freedo…
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Babylon is an end time nation. The USA is the end time spiritual land of Babylon.Biblical history is prophecy. In this teaching segment, we will see how Esau is associated with ancient Tyre and the Phoenician people. What happened to Tyre historically is a prophetic blueprint and template for what will happen with the end of days “daughter of Babyl…
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Esau was a firstborn which gave him the position to rule and reign over others.Esau despised his birthright (being a firstborn) and sold it to Jacob.Esau is described as having a ‘hairy garment’ which indicates a position of authority. Esau having a hairy garment indicates his willingness to use his position of power to deceive others. Esau’s sons …
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Esau’s alternative name is Edom which means ‘Red’. Edom in Hebrew is associated with the ground. Edom in Hebrew is associated with man who is flesh. Esau is associated with being a man of the world. Esau is associated with only caring about himself. Esau is associated with pride. Esau is associated with hating your brother.Esau is associated with m…
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In this teaching segment we finish reviewing the ancient Babylonian mystery religion.Babylon worshipped Baal and Ishtar. Baal worship involved human sacrifice. The elements of Baal/Ishtar worship include:Baal and Ishtar were the gods of war, weather, love / sexuality and agriculture. Baal worship is associated with stone or sun pillars. An obelisk …
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Nimrod was from the land of Shinar. These people were known as the Sumerians. The Sumerians became the Babylonians. Nimrod built the tower of Babel. Nimrod means ‘to rebel’. Babylon means ‘to mix’. The Babylonians worshipped many gods. Among the gods were the sun god, Ishtar the goddess of love and the chief god was Marduk which is another name for…
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In this teaching segment, we will look at the political tentacle of the Babylonian system. One of the entities of political Babylon is the United Nations. In the aftermath of WW2, the United Nations came into being in when 50 nations signed a charter to create the United Nations in 1945. For the founders of the UN, they saw it as a first step in th…
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The kingdom of darkness is likened to Babylon. We can liken the Kingdom of Darkness to a Babylonian octopus. In this teaching, we will look at the different attributes of the Kingdom of Darkness in the context of being a Babylonian system. In this overview, we will learn that Lucifer is the king of Babylon. Before Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden…
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In Jeremiah 29, it is prophesied that after 70 years from the birth of the modern nation of Israel, the Jewish people will accept Yeshua as the Messiah and it will result in the end of the exile of the house of Jacob (twelve tribes of Israel). After 70 years from the birth of the modern nation of Israel, the Gog / Magog war will happen and the Jewi…
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Yeshua said these words in answer to the question, What is the sign of your coming? Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. Matthew 24:32In Jeremiah 24 we have a parable about the good figs and the bad figs. One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are fi…
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In the spring, there are green or unripe figs. Most of these figs fall to the ground. Spiritually, they represent the unrighteous who have no fruit. The summer figs are dried in the sun and are usually pressed for winter use. The rebirth of the modern nation of Israel is likened to the fig tree. The birth of the nation in May, 1948 is likened to th…
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In this teaching you will be learning about the characteristics of the fig tree and the process that it goes through in its growing season. The Torah and the nation of Israel is likened to the fig tree. When asked about the timing of His second coming, Yeshua told his followers to “learn a parable of the fig tree”.The nation of Israel and the Torah…
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The Torah = the Statutes (choqim) + judgments (mishpatim).Yeshua is the lawgiver who gave the Torah (testimony) (edut) which was given to the congregation (edah) to be a witness (ed). The nation of Israel was saved by grace through faith, and then they came to Mt Sinai. At Mt Sinai Yeshua gave choqim and mishpatim.We follow the Torah by the power o…
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The choqim are divine decrees from our King. A choq from YHVH gave the priesthood to Aaron and His sons. Korah and his sons rebel against God’s divine decree. Moses confronts Korah regarding God’s divine decree. YHVH is angry that Korah and his men oppose His divine decree. The earth opens up and swallows Korah and his men. Each of the 12 tribal he…
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Did you know that there is an entire chapter in the bible devoted to highlighting the significance and importance of keeping the choqim and mishpatim? That would be Ezekiel Chapter 20.Wherefore I caused them to go forth out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness.And I gave them my statutes, and shewed them my judgments, which if…
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King David kept the choqim (statutes) and the mishpatim (judgments). David means “beloved”. Beloved is a term for Yeshua’s bride. If you don’t keep the choqim and mishpatim you lose inheritance. The kingdom was divided because Solomon didn’t keep the choqim and mishpatim. Jerusalem is given to David because he did keep the choqim and mishpatim.The …
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We follow the Torah with the help of the Holy Spirit. “Zoe” begins by following the Torah. The weightier matters begins with how we treat other people. Spiritual maturity is following Yeshua and Torah. Our first priority in life is to seek first His kingdom. Those who forsake all for Yeshua will rule over all. To suffer tribulation for Yeshua is th…
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The greatest commandment of the lawgiver is the following:Master, which is the great commandment in the Torah ?Yeshua said unto him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.This is the first and great commandment. The second greatest command of the lawgiver is this:“And the second is like…
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The Ten commandments teach us to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourself. To love God with all our heart means that we follow the statutes or the choqim.To love our neighbor as ourself means that we follow the judgments or the mishpatim.So to summarize: The Torah = statutes + judgmentsThe wages of sin is death. Yeshua is our…
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Spiritual maturity produces the fruit of the spirit. Jerusalem is a city of truth. Yeshua is truth. The Torah is truth. The commandments are truth. The New Jerusalem is the city of the bride. The Ten Commandments was put inside the ark. The Testimony was given to the congregation of Israel. The congregation (Edah) is related to the witness (Ed). Th…
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The new covenant is the Torah written upon our heart:For finding fault with them, he says, Behold, the days come says the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Hebrews 8:8We love Yeshua by keeping his commandments. The messenger of the LORD, who is Yeshua, made covenant with Abraham.The Torah is …
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In this teaching segment, we see how a messenger of the LORD spoke to Moses at the burning bush. The messenger of the LORD is the I AM. The messenger of the LORD is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It was Yeshua, the messenger of the LORD, who spoke to Moses at Mt Sinai:This is he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which s…
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What is the Testimony of Yeshua? The Torah and the Ten Commandments is called the “Testimony”. Our foundation is that Yeshua gave the Torah at Mount Sinai. He is our lawgiver. Torah is a general term which means "teaching or instruction". The detailed instructions of the Torah are broken down into two main categories called statutes (divine decrees…
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When Babylon is judged, the house of Jacob is redeemed. With the defeat of the Gog/Magog army, the God of Israel is going to decree the end of the exile.After 70 years, the exile is over. The 70 year prophecy clock started ticking in May of 1948 with the rebirth of the nation of Israel. The good shepherd, Yeshua, will gather the exiles of Israel wh…
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In this segment we look more closely at the signs indicating that we are about to come into the Great Tribulation, also known as the Day of the LORD. The Day of the LORD is also known as the time of Jacob’s trouble:Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins as a woman in trava…
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We are at the end of the 6,000 years. Evidence suggests that we are the last generation. In this teaching segment we will see how the exile of the house of Judah into Babylon for 70 years is linked with the final generation that will see Yeshua return. We look at how long is a biblical generation? The 1,000 year Messianic Era is called the Day of t…
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Jeroboam was the first king of the Northern kingdom. Rehoboam was the first king of the Southern kingdom. The Northern kingdom was taken captive by the Assyrians. The Southern kingdom was taken captive by the Babylonians. Exile is the result of breaking the Torah and not following the Torah. And if you shall despise my statutes or if your soul abho…
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We can see that the 7 days of creation is a prophecy of 7,000 years of time. The last 1,000 years is called the Messianic era. The Messianic era is called the “Day of the LORD”. The Day of the LORD is the prophetic Sabbath of creation. The Messianic era is a Sabbath rest for the earth. Yeshua will teach the Torah to all nations during the Messianic…
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Are we the last generation? Are we the generation that will see the return of Yeshua our Messiah? Here is an overview of what this teaching will be covering. We need to see the big picture of God’s calendar. From the creation of Adam and Eve to the time of the end of the 1,000 year Messianic era is a total of 7,000 years in time. Because of the sin…
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Yeshua has the seven spirits of God which are around the throne of the God of Israel. These seven spirits of the God of Israel are:1) Spirit of the Lord2) Spirit of Wisdom3) Spirit of Understanding4) Spirit of Counsel5) Spirit of Might6) Spirit of Knowledge7) Spirit of the Fear of the LordWe are empowered to be a witness of Yeshua on the earth by t…
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In this teaching, you will see the Holy Spirit from Genesis to Revelation. Before we begin, it is important to understand a very important principle. Yeshua, the Torah and the Holy Spirit are one. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. The Torah is Truth. Yeshua is truth. They are all ONE. The indwelling Holy Spirit causes us to follow the Torah:E…
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There are two pieces of furniture in the Holy of Holies. They are the mercy seat and the ark of the covenant. Spiritually, the mercy seat represents the throne of God. The throne of God is associated with justice, righteousness, mercy and truth.Spiritually, the mercy seat and the ark of the covenant is associated with abiding in the presence of the…
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Fellowship with Yeshua comes through a dedicated prayer life. A disciple of Yeshua does away with childish behavior. This is spiritually ascending and moving from the outer courtyard and into the Holy Place. The Incense Altar in the Holy Place of the tabernacle represents our prayer life. Our prayers are like incense:And another angel came and stoo…
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The outer courtyard of the tabernacle represents the lowest level of holiness in the kingdom of God. The outer courtyard is associated with those who are “babes” in Messiah. Spiritually, a babe / child in Messiah is still influenced by his flesh and worldly thinking. Spiritually, a babe / child in Messiah is to partake of the milk of the Torah / Wo…
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There are two pieces of furniture in the outer court of the Tabernacle. They are the brass altar and brass laver. After being saved by grace through faith from Yeshua dying on the tree (brass altar), we spiritually progress to being cleansed (brass laver) from a sinful lifestyle. The brass laver is the second piece of furniture in the outer court. …
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We will study the tabernacle of Moses as it relates to it being a spiritual blueprint of the heavenly tabernacle and the various levels of holiness in the Kingdom of the God of Israel. We will begin this teaching by looking at the purpose of creation. The first word in the bible is Breishit. The first letter is the letter bet. In the Hebrew picture…
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