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Wizards of the Coast finally realized its 3d virtual tabletop for 5.5e Dungeons and Dragons: Project Sigil. While DMs Rob and Matt agree it is technically 3d and virtual and a Project Sigil a good VTT? Also, are you Gleemaxing? Follow Dungeon Master of None on Blue Sky: https://www.patreon…
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WARNING: The second half of this episode is for GENERAL MANAGERS ONLY. DMs Rob and Matt understand that your boss is a S.O.B. Triangle Agency is weird game (X-Files meets Severance meets 2025 capitalism). It is a great game. It may be one of the best designed TTRPGs we've ever read. Clock in. Save the world? Triangle Agency https://www.hauntedtable…
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Matt regales Rob with tales from his favorite (now abandoned) setting: Crimson Skies! Flying aces take on sky pirates over the plains of a shattered America in a cool dieselpunk environment. We talk about what's cool, what you can take away, and how you might adapt Crimson Skies for a game of your own. Follow Dungeon Master of None on Blue Sky: htt…
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Matt and Rob talk about how to run chases -- whether it's pursuing a suspect through a crowded market, blazing down the highway in your cybercar, or weaving through asteroid canyons in your trusty starfighter, we've got you covered. Systems: D&D 4e/5e Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition Blades in the Dark Genesys Pathfinder 2e Call of Cthulhu 7e Night…
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Put on your scarves, cook some curry, and launch your wind gliders into the skies of Ophoi, because DMs Matt and Rob are reviewing Zephyr: An Anarchist Game of Fleeting Identities, a fascinating game that is radical different in its world-building, goals, and mechanics from most TTRPGs. Zephyr Rules Preview Zephyr Store at Araukana Media Follow Dun…
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Matt and Rob strap on their spurs and ride off into the sunset with Keith Baker and the Eberron crew, reviewing Frontiers of Eberron, the latest (and maybe last?) Eberron splatbook for 5e. It's got a gazetteer, a starting town, an adventure, monstrous races, warforged cowboys, and more! Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone…
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What if a currency was meta? DMs Rob and Matt discuss the systems, strategies, tips, and tricks for deploying your TTRPG's bennies/fate/destiny/power/plot/hero points effectively. Follow Dungeon Master of None on Blue Sky: Join the DMofNone Discord! Music: Pac…
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Or, anti-gift guide...look, we all, as game masters, get nice gifts from our players, but in this episode, we take a look at the mostly cheap stuff that is nice to buy for yourself. Join DMs Rob and Matt and head over to the art supply store, the craft store, the office store, and maybe, the game store for our first "shopping episode." Plus, a secr…
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Matt and Rob talk about the new Amazon Prime short film anthology, Secret Level, especially the episode about Dungeons and Dragons! It's got dragons, it's got paladins, it's got spells (it does NOT have dungeons) -- come find out how we managed to talk for an hour about a fifteen minute short. Follow Dungeon Master of None on Blue Sky: https://bsky…
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DMs Rob and Matt are here to wish you a happy holiday season and to answer your Dungeon Master and TTRPG questions and letters: how to start a campaign collaboratively, dealing with identity with games and SF&F, reading RPG books quickly, learning new systems. and a dozen or so ideas for weird space worlds! Then, Matt and Rob are invited to test ou…
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John Harper is back in Doskvol with an expansion set of rules, lore, and systems for Blades in the Dark. DMs Matt and Rob discuss the great set of ideas for anyone who runs a Forged in the Dark game, or is just interested in good TTRPG design. Blades in the Dark: Deep Cuts Previous B…
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Matt and Rob talk about some exciting news in the TTRPG world, talk through some sticky bits in their games, and reflect on the state of the world and the hobby (but in a chill way, we promise) Join the DMofNone Discord! Music: Pac Div - Roll the Dice REM - It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I F…
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The making of great TTRPG mixtape, like breaking up, is hard to do. You got to kick it off with a killer, to grab attention. Then, you got to take it up a notch, but you don't want to blow your wad. So, then you've got to cool it off a notch. Like anything with role-playing games, there are a lot of rules. Anyway, we've started to make a tape, on t…
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Hey, we were working in the lab late one night...well, you know the rest! DMs Matt and Rob are here to discuss some of the best science fiction creatures, NPCs, allies, and antagonists to drop into your TTRPG, no matter what the genre. We've got aliens, things, shrikes, slake moths, bioraptors, and more! …
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Ready your vans and your airbrushes, because we are back to video and trip down memory lane to put into context the art of the new 2024 D&D Player's Handbook: cool art, bad art, trends, nitpicks, and more! Listen to the full video episode at Join the DMofNone Discord! Music: Pac Div - Roll the Dice; David…
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Matt and Rob discuss Gradient Descent, a module for Mothership and the greatest sci-fi megadungeon made out of an abandoned android manufacturing facility in deep space (and also maybe the best sci-fi megadungeon period). Join the DMofNone Discord! Music: Pac Div - Roll the Dice Soen - Monarch…
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Hey bud, listen up. Your D&D edition is going through some changes. Changes can be scary! But changes can also be good for us. The Ranger? No, not for the Ranger, but good for other better classes. Look, changes are how we grow. You can use Sleight of Hand to pick a lock now? Maybe! We don't actually know. In conclusion, Dungeons and Dragons 5th Ed…
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Matt and Rob talk with Chase Carter of Rascal News about how Hasbro is trying to integrate AI into Dungeons and Dragons and what, if anything, we need to be worried about. Corporate AI Will Save Creatives for Last Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon for bonus episodes and homebrew! Join the DMof…
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This review "is a nonliving, distinct thing." After ten years of Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons, several years of playtesting and teasing, and many months of hype, the 2024 Revised Player's Handbook is here. Is it a perfect triumph? A tour de force? Slightly better than the 2014 one? Actually 5.5e? A missed opportunity? A sign of the stagnation…
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Draw Steel? Yes, we will! DMs Matt and Rob review the first backer playtest for MCDM's tactical heroic cinematic fantasy role-playing game, Draw Steel! Draw Steel Backerkit & Pre-Order MCDM Productions Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon for bonus episodes and homebrew! Join the DMofNone Discord! Music: Pac…
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We are come forth out of that First Mystery, which is the last mystery, that is the four-and-twentieth mystery! DMs Rob and Matt have returned with the hidden and secret rules in Dungeons and Dragons 5e! The weight of all past editions has burdened (or blessed) the current ruleset with occluded structures and strange leftovers that are often not fu…
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It's the final countdown of Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons adventures and campaigns. Classics like Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation stack up against the rest? Tune in to find out and to see the final rankings! Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon where you can watch the video version of this episode in addition to all our bonus episodes an…
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The March of Campaigns continues! Every single official 5e Dungeons and Dragons adventure, module, and anthology will be reviewed and ranked. Dungeon Masters will weep. Players will laugh. The end of Fifth Edition is nigh. Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon where you can watch the video version of this episode in addition to all our bonus episodes a…
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It's time to put the 2014 version of 2014 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons to bed. And what better way to say goodbye than judging and ranking every official D&D adventure, anthology, and campaign from the last ten years. Join us for the complete official and final 5e adventure tier list! Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon where you can watch the vi…
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Game over, man! Game over! Rob and Matt review Mothership 1e, a TTRPG about the galaxy's worst jobs. There's sci-fi, horror, and some of the best game design and DM advice you'll read this century. Mothership Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon!…
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Matt and Rob return to the archives to review three adventures each from back issues of Dungeon and Dragon magazines! Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon! Join the DMofNone Discord! Anna's Archive Steel Shadows Fedifensor Mightier Than the Sword The Chapel of Silence Chadranther's Bane The City Beyond the G…
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DMs Rob and Matt attempt to roll a persuasion check on you the listener! Let us convince you that there are other and better ways to set the scene, the stakes, and the execution of social role-playing encounters. In three parts, we discuss why social encounters can be difficult or different, the interesting mechanics and prep to use from a myriad o…
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Matt and Rob discuss the Tian Xia world guide from Paizo, a triumphant return to the continent on Golarion and a much-needed update to some outdated regions, peoples, and ideas. Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon! Join the DMofNone Discord! Music: Pac Div - Roll the Dice Xian - Ancient Fantasy Journey Chin…
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Have you ever played something that isn't a TTRPG? Well, it turns out there games out there that are not D&D or even a role-playing game that also generate story through play. In the first episode about things that are not RPGs, DMs Rob and Matt will take you on a whistle-stop tour of the wide world of narrative miniature wargaming. Subscribe to th…
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Happy Solstice! Rob and Matt are here to answer your Dungeon Master questions about starting sessions, Vecna/Kas shipping, old systems, failed MMOs, the benefits of classical education, X-COM, and more! Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon! Join the DMofNone Discord! Links: Vecna and the Tears of Unmaking - …
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Matt and Rob talk about dice! Mechanics, systems, resolution, modifiers, taxonomies, the whole shebang! It's not boring, we promise. Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon! Join the DMofNone Discord! Links: https://…
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Follow your rod to the second half of WotC's final 5e Adventure, Vecna: Eve of Destruction. Rob and Matt discuss missed opportunities, share some secrets, and offer some tips to fix this adventure. Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon! Join the DMofNone Discord! Music: Pac Div - Roll the Dice; The Turtles - …
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DM Matt walks you through his prep for a Friendly Local Gaming Convention and his tips for running a successful Con slot. Links: Subscribe to the DMofNone Patreon! RPG Geek Global Game Conventions List Music: Pac Div - Roll the Dice; Dschinghis Khan - Dsching…
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A tome! A tome of forbidden dungeon master knowledge has been unearthed by your intrepid hosts. DMs Matt and Rob discuss the first principles and Apocalypse World-style GM moves for Old School Rules games from the Principia Apocrypha! Principia Apocrypha: Elementary Axioms & Aphorisms On Running & Playing Tabletop RPGs In The Old School Style - Ben…
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