show episodes

Portrait of a Londoner

Catriona Maybury and Muna Hassan

We talk to a diverse range of people living and working in London. We explore their early and current influences. We hope our conversations will be interesting, informative and bring our community closer together.
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Codka Soomaalida DK

Mediegruppen for somailere i dk

This is a somali podcast made by "Mediegruppen for somaliere i DK" in Denmark, and would be in Somali and in Danish primary. This channel "Codka Soomaalida DK" is meant to be the voice of the somali diaspora in Denmark and the topics that are discussed would turn around this. But can be open for topics that are interesting generally for somali diaspora.
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show series
Barnaamijka Codka Soomaalida waxaan qeybtan ku soo qaadan doonaa Mawduuc inta badan la iska inhdo tiro kaasoo ah caqabadaha ragga soomaaliyeed. Waxaynu si qoto dheer u falanqeyneynaa dood ku saabsan. • Aabenimada • Masuuliyada ragga • Maxaa keeni kara maqnaanshaha ragga • Taageero la’aanta ragga Waxaa barnaamijka ku marti qaadnay la taliyaha ururka…
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Waa maxay sababaha keenay autismka in uu ku dhaco carruur badan oo soomaali ah. Sanadadii u danbeeyay waxa autism laga helay carruur aad u tiro badan oo soomaali ah. Waxaan barnaamijka ku cusunay waalid soomaaliyeed, waalidkaas oon ka wareysan doono sababo ay u maleynayaan in ay keeni karto autismka. Waxaan sidoo kale wareysan doonaa DR. Faadumo Sh…
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Kiisas badan oo si sharci darro ah carruur looga qaatay waalidkood ayaa sababtay in duqa magaalada Langelands lagu dacweeyo booliska. Waxaa barnaamjika marti noogu ah Abdinoor Hassan oo ka tirsan golaha degaanka Odense, sidoo kalena xirfad u leh (socialrådgiver) arrimaha bulshada iyo qoyska. -Sidee carruurta lagu qaataa. -Wada shaqayn la'aanta waal…
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Mange unge somaliere springer ud som iværksættere og vi har inviteret to af dem til vores podcast på mandag kl. 21:30. Vi skal høre deres historier, og hvorfor de har valgt at være iværksætter samt hvilke udfordringer de har stødt på i forbindelse med at starte op som selvstændig i Danmark. Vi vil gerne vide, hvilke råd de har til andre somaliere, …
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Deltagelse i den offentlige debat: Hvordan skal vi som en (udskældt) minoritet forstå og håndtere pressen? MGFSDK ønsker at flere debattører af somalisk herkomst skal deltage i den offentlige debat – uanset dagsorden. Samtidig ønsker vi at bevidstgøre dem, der ønsker at deltage i den offentlige debat om spillereglerne. Det er ikke nogen hemmelighed…
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Barnaamijka Codka Soomaalida Habeenka isniinta kl 20:00 waxaan wareysi la yeelan doonaa Ali Nuur oo xubin ka ah xisbiga Socialdemokratiet. Ali waa musharax dooroshooyinka golaha degaanka ee magaalada Århus. Haddii aad rabto in aa su'aalahaaga u gudbiso Ali, fadlan la soco barnaamijka.* Se med på YouTube: Se også på vore…
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Hvorfor skiller somaliere sig atter ud i statistikkerne? Ifølge Zetland er det nærmest en gåde, hvorfor somaliere skiller sig negativt ud i statistikerne og det har de sat sig for at undersøge i en artikel. Artiklen er udarbejdet på baggrund af en nylig analyse fra Rockwool Fondens forskningsenhed, som "tegner et trist billede af somaliske indvandr…
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As part of our current series, and to celebrate the reopening of the Museum of London on Wednesday 19th May, Muna speaks with the museum’s Director Sharon Ament. Sharon has had a varied career working in wildlife conservation, the Zoological Society, and the Natural History Museum. In her current role as Director of the Museum of London, Sharon is …
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As part of our series looking at cultural institutions in London, as well as how we memorialise and learn from the past, we speak with Georgie Wemyss. Georgie is the Co-Director at the Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging at the University of East London. Georgie also runs walking tours In this episode, we discuss: An introducti…
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Continuing our series on museums and galleries, we’re thrilled to welcome Katharine Alston, Volunteer Director of the Deptford Ragged School Archive and leading in public engagement learning at Imperial War Museum London. Katharine is passionate about heritage learning In this episode, we discuss: An introduction to Katharine and her transition fro…
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To kick off our brand new series on museums and galleries, we’re thrilled to start with a conversation we had with Zoe Whitley. Zoe is the director of the Chisenhale Gallery in London and we talk about all things art and galleries, including Zoe’s career, the uniqueness of Chisenhale Gallery, and the need to ensure marginalised voices are included …
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We are excited to share with you our conversation with Labour MP Ellie Reeves, who represents Lewisham West and Penge and is also Shadow Solicitor General. Episode notes In this episode of Portrait of a Londoner, Muna speaks with Ellie Reeves MP about politics and life in parliament, and how they impact the lives of Londoners. In this episode, we t…
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Francesca Specter shownotes Episode Summary We’re back with a new episode with Francesca Specter - podcaster, author, and journalist whose book Alonement was published in March 2021. Episode notes In this episode of Portrait of a Londoner, Catriona speaks with Francesca Specter who is passionate about helping others love the time they spend alone. …
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In this episode we talk to Emma about: Her views on wellbeing in the workplace (3.02) How leaders should role model good practice (9.49) Examples of organisations that are leading the way (13.20) How her parents have influenced her (20.28) Challenging gender inequality (21.27) If you would like to find out more about BITC you can find them here www…
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In this episode we speak to Katty about: What holds people back from starting their own business Childhood bullying and racism which informed her decision to work for herself in adult life How to get the confidence to take the plunge into entrepreneurship Her upcoming business courses Her current career influences How her mother influenced her What…
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Dawaladda Denmark ayaa rabta in ay hirgeliso sharciyo xaquuqda ilmaha ku nool Denmark, si loo sugo amaanka ilmaha iyo xuquuqdooda. Waxaan maanta barnaamijka Codka Soomaalida ku soo qaadan doonaa, qodobada loogu talo galay (ikke vestige indvandre) ajaanibka aan ahayn reer galbeed iyo cawaaqibka ka dhalan kara sharcigan haddii uu hir galo. Sidoo kale…
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In this episode we discuss: How to create boundaries between home and work life How to manage the dual role of working from home and home-schooling How to make a great lunch for one at home How to plan for success using present tense journaling Why she loves living in London Rebecca’s recommendations for local takeaways! You can find out more on Re…
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På mandag kl. 20:00 skal Mediegruppen for Somaliere I DK tale med Ayan Yasin, der er pt. i gang med at undersøge hvorfor danske statsborgere med somalisk baggrund vælger at forlade Danmark til fordel for andre lande, herunder Tyrkiet. Aftenen byder på en samtale, hvor vi dækker følgende: Genopdragelsesrejser: Hvorfor har nogle forældre et behov f…
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Mark Salter qualified in East London in 1983 and after two years working at junior level as an anaesthetist began training as a psychiatrist, obtaining MRCPsych in 1989. In 1994 he became a Consultant in Adult General Psychiatry at St Bartholomew's and the Homerton Hospitals in London and, apart from a one-year sabbatical working in the Marlborough…
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Mark Salter qualified in East London in 1983 and after two years working at junior level as an anaesthetist began training as a psychiatrist, obtaining MRCPsych in 1989. In 1994 he became a Consultant in Adult General Psychiatry at St Bartholomew's and the Homerton Hospitals in London and, apart from a one-year sabbatical working in the Marlborough…
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In this episode we discuss: Her own career journey (1.44) How people might choose a therapist for themselves (08.47) How she chose her own own therapist during training (10.36) How she maintains her own wellness and not taking on the stress of her patients (17.51) How her parents have influenced her (24.55) If you need further support you can find …
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In this episode we discuss: Her model of treating depression including: Beliefs that people have about themselves, beliefs that have been inherited and building a genogram (03.00) Depression can present with anger and can be a signal that life needs to change (06.00) Access to therapy: barriers Faith as a tool for support during mental health strug…
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In this episode, we talk about: What a County Line is (01.58) Pupil Referral Units (03.00) The county lines worker demographic: 91% teenage boys (06.00) The story of the boy who inspired the film (09.00) Why they decided to make the film and how they went about getting it to production (12.30) How Conrad Khan was chosen for the role and prepared to…
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Efter drabet på Georg Floyd i USA er racismedebatten blusset op i hele verden, herunder Danmark. Her i Danmark diskuterer vi om racisme findes? Ifølge en Megafon-undersøgelse mener 51% af danskerne at racisme ikke er et udbredt problem i Danmark. Mange mener at det er svært at opfange situationer, hvor racisme opstår, eller hvor man selv enten skab…
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Der faldt en dom i omtalt drabssag fra Bornholm, hvor to brødre idømmes 14 års fængsel, fordi de er fundet skyldige i at have dræbt en dansk-tanzaniansk mand i Nordskoven på Bornholm. Vi vil sammen med Afro Empowerment Center - Samuel, Afro Danish Collective - Choco og Phillip Johansens fætter Villaindulu, hvor vi vil drøfte hvorfor racisme ikke bl…
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In this episode of our JOY series, we talk to Kenya Hunt whose new book GIRL: Essays on Black Womanhood was released in November 2020. Episode notes Kenya Hunt is an American editor and writer based in London. She is currently the Fashion Director at Grazia UK and previous positions include Deputy Editor at ELLE. Kenya also founded R.O.O.M. Mentori…
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Jane Martin, or @JaneCanDoSE4 on Twitter, has her hand in many of the local initiatives which have helped create strong community ties in Crofton Park and South East London - including the netball team where Muna and Catriona first met. Jane has lived in South East London for almost 40 years and tweets and blogs constantly about the area. She is pa…
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Følg med på mandag kl. 20:30, hvor vi skal tale med 3-4 somaliske kvinder om social kontrol, medgift og ægteskabskontrakt. Ayan Yasin, Amal Abdi, Karia Omar og Hanna Hassan. Subscribe on YouTube: Follow on Instagram: Follow and like on face…
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Maalmahan waxay xisbiyada dawladda Denmark ay ka wada hadlayaan sharci cusub oo loogu tala galay xanuun saf-mar ah. (epidemilov) Madaama sharciga degdegga ah ee hadda jira u dhacayo Maarso 2021. Subscribe on YouTube: Follow on Instagram Fol…
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Episode Summary Next up in our JOY series, we chat to Dominique Beverton about walking, sustainable fashion and music. Episode notes We continue our search for joy in lockdown in London as we speak with Dominique Beverton AKA @irrelevant_styling about her various passions. Dominique is a force for good …
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This week we speak to Rob Lowe AKA Supermundane, an artist based in South East London. Rob’s signature geometric images that play with line, colour and optical effects, have been published and exhibited worldwide. As part of our series on joy, we sit down with Rob to discuss where joy can be found in his work…
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Arbacada kl. 20:00 waxaan ka hadli doonaa kiisas cusub oo ku saabsan carruuurta soomaaliyeed. Waxaa ayaamihii ugu danbeeyay nala soo xariiray qoysas badan oo kulligood la wada kulmay kiisas ay fahmi waayeen. Arbacada in sha Allah nagala soo qaybgal si aad uu maqasho dacawadaha iyo wixii aan qaban karno. Subscribe on YouTube:…
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This week we talk to Jasmine Pradissitto, artist and physicist. Jasmine introduces her self below in her biography, you can find out more on Jasmine on her website and she is on instagram and twitter. “Just be you; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde Paradoxically, just being ‘you’ is the hardest thing to be, e…
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Waxaan Jimcaha barnaamijka marti noogu ah Imaam Cabdi Qaadir Jaylaani oo ka socda Masjid Al-Imaan. Waxaan kala hadli doonaa su'aalaha hoos ku qoran. 1: Qofka muslimka sidee ayuu waajibkiisa diinta ku gudan karaa isagoo ku nool wadan cilmaani ah? 2: Siduu u aragtaa masaajida soomaalida ee Denmark. Ma u baahan yihiin in wax laga badelo? 3: Firkadaha …
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In this episode we talk to each other about why we decided to make a podcast inspired in part by the work of Action for Refugees in Lewisham. We use some of the questions provided by the Campaign for Empahy menu for conversation including Out today on the podcast we speak to each other! Earlier in the year when we spoke to @nick.merriman CEO of @ho…
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I Danmark tvangsanbringer vi børn i stigende grad. Mediegruppen får en del henvendelser fra forældre, som desværre står i en situation, hvor deres børn bliver tvangsanbragt. I forbindelse med dette, har vi fornøjelsen af at tale med Hasse Jensen fra Projekt Peacemaker. Hasse Jensen beskæftiger sig primært med, anbringelsessager og højkonflikt skils…
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Portrait of a Londoner is a South-East London based podcast. In this episode we speak to Rebecca Vincent, tattoo artist at Parliament tattoo Rebecca talks to us about: Her childhood The challenges of living with her dad’s alcoholism and ill health Her postnatal depression Returning to art to help her mental he…
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Portrait of a Londoner is a South-East London based podcast and in this mini-series we will be talking to people who live in London about racism within the UK education system. In this episode we speak to Naheeda Maharasingham who is headteacher at Rathfern Primary School, a diverse inner London primary. As head Naheeda took the school from special…
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Kvinder med ikke-vestlige baggrund og især somaliske nævnes ofte negativt i medierne, derfor spørger vi Muna som arbejde med denne målegruppe hvordan det kan være? og hvordan tingene hænger sammen lyt med. Subscribe on YouTube: Follow on Instagram:…
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Lavinya talks to us about growing up in South london, being excluded from school but managing to sit her GCSEs and A levels at the same time @merton college before heading to @soasuni to get her degree. During her time at SOAS Lavinya started @theblackcurriculum and she explains her motivation and drive for doing this. She discusses how her parents…
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” Lad os lave et tankeeksperiment: I 2022 vedtager FN en resolution om, at alle indvandrere inden for to år skal vende tilbage til det land, de har et etnisk tilhørsforhold til. Tvangshjemsendelsen gælder alle indvandrere fra alle lande – også dem med statsborgerskab i deres nuværende land. Ville det være opskriften på en moderne katastrofe?” Artkl…
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Portrait of a Londoner is a South-East London based podcast and in this mini-series we will be talking to people who live in London about racism within the UK education system. In this episode we speak to Jason Arday who is an assistant professor in the department of Sociology at the University of Durham…
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På mandag d.14.09.20 kl. 20:30 har vi fornøjelsen af at tale med partilederen for det nyetablerede parti, Frie Grønne, Sikandar Siddique. Vi vil gerne blive klogere på hvem Sikandar Siddique er, og hvad partiet mener med, at de er "Danmarks antiracistiske parti". Følg godt med Her kan du give partiet en vælgererklæring: https://www.vaelgererklaerin…
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Barnaamijka Codka Soomaalida Jimcaha kl. 20:30 waxaan dib u wareysan doonaa hooyo soomaaliyeed ee gabadheeda khasab looga qaatay magaalada Fredericia. In kastoo guddiga rafcaanka ay u sheegeen kommune-ka Fredericia in gabadha Zahra si sharci darro ah lagu qaaday. Haddana ilaa hadda gabadhii guriga kuma soo noqon. Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.y…
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Barnaamijka Codka Soomaalida. Habeenka talaadada kl.21:30 waxaan barnaamijka ku soo qaadan doonaa. - Waana maxay xalku? Subscribe on YouTube: Follow on Instagram: Follow and like on facebook:…
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Socialdemokratiet kritiseres for at have overtaget højrefløjens værdipolitik. Tidligere medlem af partiet, Mahad Yusuf, har netop forladt partiet efter 23 år. Han mener, at partiet ikke længere er sine værdier og politik tro. Følg med på torsdag kl. 21.30, hvor vi sammen med Mahad Yusuf og Abdulahi Bashiir vil analysere & diskutere Socialdemokratie…
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Vi vil blive klogere på, hvad organisations formål er og borgerforslaget Ratificér CERD34 som specifikt omhandler, racediskriminering af mennesker af afrikansk afstamning samt råd om bekæmpelse. Følg godt med. Subscribe on YouTube: Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram…
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Tirsdag d.25.08 kl 21:30, har vi fornøjelsen af at tale med en nyoprettet organisationen, Afro Danish Collective. Vi vil her blive klogere på, hvad organisationens formål og visioner er. Følg godt med 😊 Subscribe on YouTube: Follow on Instagram:…
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Portrait of a Londoner is a South-East London based podcast and in this mini-series we will be talking to people who live in London about racism in the UK. In this episode we speak to Jason Page @jasonwhpage Jason has a portfolio career. He works as Operations Manager at the Migration Museum in Lewisham.…
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Portrait of a Londoner is a South-East London based podcast and in this mini-series we will be talking to people who live in London about racism in the UK. In this episode we speak to Stephen Ismail Thomas a certified M.I.S.P mindfulness teacher of programmes running in primary and secondary schools. Research into Mindfulness has reported success i…
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