Welcome to the Ainda Não Tem Nome podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Josh Rose on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joshsrose
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Podcast sobre NBA no geral e a vida em particular, não necessariamente sobre esta ordem. Com João Dinis, Lucas Niven e Ricardo Brito Reis.
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Pratica o Português de Portugal com conteúdos interessantes e autênticos! Aprende sobre a Cultura e História Portuguesas, Aprendizagem de Línguas, Desenvolvimento Pessoal e muito mais. Cada episódio tem uma transcrição GRÁTIS em Português.
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Podcast não-tão-semanal-assim sobre o Liverpool e a Premier League.
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Um podcast para inconformados e não-conformistas.
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Members of Carbon Crew discuss the myth surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine about how it isn't safe because it was developed "too quickly."
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O Podcast MAIS PODRE da internet! Falamos ou não, sobre basquete
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Todo mundo tem uma "Galerage" que entende de tudo e adora se reunir pra debater os mais variados assuntos. Nossas reuniões eram aos sábados no Bar do Héilo,(tinha que ter um bar né...) um dia surgiu a ideia do podcast, mas não vingou. Então viramos um programa de rádio, que ficou no ar por quase um ano, com o final do programa finalmente a Galerage virou podcast, éramos uma dupla, mas agora somente eu, eu mesmo e só eu mesmo, sem a Irene. O podcast é focado em notícias e curiosidades sobre c ...
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Por que nao ha verdade absoluta, nem razoes incontestáveis, pelo crescimento contínuo e uma vida consciente, seja muito bem-vindo ao PensaCast!
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reflexões sobre o impacto da tecnologia nas nossas vidas
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Este podcast tem como intenção criar discussões sobre sociedade, cultura e comportamento Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/reflexoesculturais/support
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Podcast by Atos Podcast
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RESET Mindset - Responsible Enterprises for Social and Environmental Transformation
Vic, Maurizio, Nao, and Marcello
RESET Mindset podcast aims to inspire change and to help professionals learn about high-impact, innovative collaborations to build a sustainable future. We share stories of companies who are innovating business models through the lens of sustainability. We believe everyone has a responsibility to innovate for a better future and our aim is to inspire people to be a champion in their field or start something new. For transcripts, visit us at www.resetmindset.org Support this podcast: https:// ...
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Todos os poemas neste podcast foram escritos por Pr. Manoel Dias Ribeiro.
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Join NAO and Izzy Judd to escape the noise of daily life through the power of music and meditation in the ultimate therapeutic podcast. Experience guided meditations covering themes such as reducing stress levels and making peace with imperfections from a range of experts enhanced by an immersive classical soundtrack. And if you want the guided meditations without the chat, each one is available separately as a Ten Minute Meditation in BBC Sounds.
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Um podcast sobre cientistas para cientistas (e simpatizantes) sobre tudo o que há de melhor e pior na ciência.
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É um pássaro? É um avião? Não! É o Nerd Diário. Um Podcast de Krypton.
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O podcast sabidão da internet!
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New podcast weblog
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Learning Portuguese can be fun, and incredible! Brazil is a vast country and learning a language with so many different accents and such a variety of cultures can be terrifying in the beginning. So don’t panic! The idea of this podcast is to guide you through this beautiful journey and help you enjoy the ride. You will see that you can keep speaking Portuguese and you will get better and better as long as you have fun and try to dive into the culture by listening to our conversations! Fasten ...
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NFcast é um podcast de esportes e cultura pop apresentado por Pedro Hollanda e Loïc Olichon. Não falamos de notas fiscais.
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A pluralidade religiosa é incrível e esse podcast se propõe a tratar disto, apresentando as religiões e seus praticantes de uma forma não preconcebida e com isenção, pautando sempre pela visão acadêmica e de estudo. Espiritualidade, Religião e Fé, são temas abordados no Caminhos Podcast. Pois muitas são as formas de nos ligar ao sagrado.
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Đây là kênh Podcast của kênh Youtube Đàn Ông Học Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVfsLS2UabBk6sMMCiYaYg Kênh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/325356731763071
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Aprenda os idioms e phrasal verbs mais comuns do inglês toda semana em menos de cinco minutos, com as explicações super fáceis de entender da Ana Luiza do site Inglês Online. Tudo que você ouvir nos episódios é usado no inglês de todo dia. Nível de compreensão recomendado: intermediário e acima.
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Welcome to The Public Space, where thought leaders share strategic ideas and solutions that spark positive change in civil society. Each conversation will offer tangible steps that nonprofit organizations, funders, supporters, and partners can take to better our communities. The Public Space is a podcast created by the Nonprofit Association of Oregon. NAO strives to connect, improve, and advance all nonprofits to help build a thriving and vital Oregon. Each month, NAO sits down with experts ...
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Podcast by Edgar Chauque
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This is my podcast!
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O Podcast acutilante de um gajo que, tal como o primo do Sócrates, fugiu para as Chinas. Assim não dá para lhe bater. Falamos de tudo um pouco, é giro.
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Podcast com mensagens bíblicas diárias, com aplicação teológica e contextualizada, da palavra de Deus. Não discutimos religiões, apenas compartilhamos, estudos bíblicos para nos auxiliar em nossa caminhada diária com Deus. English version: Podcast with daily biblical messages, with theological and contextualized application of the word of God. We don't discuss religions, we just share Bible studies to help us in our daily walk with God. tip: you can listen to the transcript in your language ...
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O Matraquilhos é um podcast de futebol feito por adeptos e para adeptos do jogo. Nasceu sob um mote: não falar de arbitragem. Falamos do jogo. Fazemo-lo de forma apaixonada, sim, mas não clubística. Falamos para apaixonados por futebol, seja ele jogado num estádio da Liga NOS, numa cancha argentina ou no cimento de uma favela do Rio.
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Um raio cheese da Serra Gaúcha. Radionovela Colonews, a oficina da imaginação, um programa que não pronuncia os dois erres. Produção - Estúdio SONA Elenco (em ordem alfabética): Angelo Boscari Jr. “Mestre” - Voz Rodrigo Marcon - Voz e direção Gustavo Andrighetti - Voz André Costa - Roteiro e voz The brazilian nice guys who live in the colony.
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Quatro malabaristas, falam de cinema e de outras coisas que não entendem. Cheio de erros, conversas de café, Todas as Quartas. O pior Podcast de Cinema de sempre.
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Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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**Podcast Title: Best Books** **Description:** Welcome to *Best Books*, the podcast that dives into the world of must-read conservative books, featuring bestsellers, timeless classics, and insightful modern releases. Each episode explores a selection of influential books that have shaped thought and culture, giving you summaries, key takeaways, and in-depth discussions. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of conservative principles, stay informed on the latest bestsellers, or ...
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Nós Somos Abstrato… não nos prendemos a um estilo, trabalhamos pela boa musica! House ao Techno, Free Download & Premiere de Tracks e Set's. - We Are Abstract ... do not hold a style, we work for the good music! House to Techno, Free Download & Premiere Tracks and Set's. powered by Digiment Records / Brazuka Music
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Vamos tentar podcastar coisas aqui, pode ser?
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Experiências , viagens, entrevistas de um brasileiro morando pelo mundo - morando fora! Tudo em português, pra vc que não fala inglês ainda, ou pra vc que está aprendendo português! Bora! Abraços, Rodrigo Baena Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rodrigobaena/support
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Blog/Podcast/Videocast de um brasileiro em Munique, sobre a vida na Alemanha e na Europa em geral.
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Aventuras com Brasil, Brasileiros, e a lingua portuguesa
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Podcast by Podcast ICE Bosque
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Stance is an independent award-winning arts, culture and current affairs podcast run by New York based journalist and curator Chrystal Genesis. An episode is released on the 1st of every month. Stance is produced by Chrystal Genesis, Zara Martin and Saskia Sewell. stancepodcast.com @stancepodcast Guests so far include musicians Four Tet, Jamila Woods, Róisín Murphy, Amber Mark, Caribou, Kaytranada, Jessie Ware, Tricky and Nao, authors Yaa Gyasi, Sayaka Murata, Elif Shafak & Valeria Luiselli, ...
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Podcasts Contábeis, Contábeis News, Contabilidade, Contabilizando com Ricardo Rios, Economia, Economicamente Falando com Jair Casquel, Trabalhista, Conversa de Trabalho com Camila Cruz, Papo de Previdência com Hilário Bocchi Jr, Tributário, Analisando Tributos com Jô Nascimento, Mais que Gestão com Marcelo Boigt Bianchi, Carreira em Tópicos com Marta Pierina, Tecnologia Contábeis Tech com Hélio Donin Jr
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Podcast by Informe Capelinha
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Nos últimos 30 anos sempre esteve envolvido com rádio e televisão, tendo trabalhado nas maiores redes de rádio do Brasil. WMIxShow é um podcast produzido, mixado e apresentado por Walter Marcos apenas para uso promocional – Não está à venda. Baixar gratuitamente. Todos os direitos pertencem aos seus respectivos proprietários listados acima. /// Over the last 30 years he has always been involved in radio and television, having worked on the largest radio networks in Brazil.WMIxShow is a podca ...
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Luis Soto podcast for entrepreneurs. Let's talk about estrategies, mindset and marketing.
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👉🏼 Venha para a Comunidade Inglês Raiz : https://ingles-raiz.com/comunidade-ingles-raiz https://ingles-raiz.com 👉🏼 Saia do Básico com o Inglês Raiz 2.0 por apenas 12 x de R$ 29,64 👉🏼 Se inscreva nas aulas gratuitas que acontecem toda terça aqui no canal: https://bit.ly/aulagratuitatercaraiz 🔴 NÃO CLIQUE AQUI: https://bit.ly/3iyn8E9 Minhas Melhores Playlists: 🟡 Projeto 100 Vídeos em 100 dias: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy... 🟣 Pensou em Gramática Aqui Tem (+ de 140 aulas) https://yout ...
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20 - O mínimo que você precisa saber para nāo ser um idiota.
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Olavo de Carvalho, um intelectual conservador brasileiro. Ele critica o que percebe como a influência predominante da ideologia de esquerda na academia, na mídia e na política brasileiras. Carvalho argumenta que essa ideologia promove desonestidade intelectual, decadência moral e, por fim, a corrosão da sociedade brasileira. Ele apresenta suas anál…
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Carreira em Tópicos 107: Comunicação: o que pode encantar ou não?
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Em mais um episódio do Carreira em Tópicos, Marta Pierina explica o que encanta ou não na hora de se comunicar com alguém.By Portal Contábeis
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Từ năm 1933, Đảng tính đã nhiễm vào người dân Đức như thế nào?
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Năm 1933, khi Đảng Quốc gia Xã hội Đức (Đảng Quốc Xã hoặc Nazi) thắng cử và Hitler lên nắm quyền, chỉ có 33% người dân Đức ủng hộ các quan điểm cực đoan như “người Aryan thượng đẳng” của đảng này. Tuy nhiên, chỉ trong một thời gian ngắn 6 năm, toàn nước Đức gần như đã “đồng lòng nhất trí” bước vào các cuộc chinh phạt đã làm đỏ máu cả châu Âu, đi kè…
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“Chuyến xe buýt số 44”: Sự vô cảm sẽ hủy diệt con người
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Hơn 20 năm về trước, tại Liên hoan Phim Venice năm 2001, bộ phim ngắn mang tên “Chuyến xe buýt số 44” (Bus 44) của nhà làm phim Mỹ gốc Hoa Dayyan Eng đã tạo ra một làn sóng làm chấn động khán giả. Bộ phim đạt giải thưởng đặc biệt (Special Jury Award) ở liên hoan phim Venice, sau đó tiếp tục đoạt giải tại liên hoan phim Sundance và liên hoan phim Ca…
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Chhandasi tells of a mysterious lady.If you have a story that is burning to come out, get in touch through the website www.hongkongstories.comEveryone has a story to tell.
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Alexandre Vidal Porto (parte 2): “Não esqueço quando o meu marido depositou dinheiro de forma anónima na conta de alguém na penúria, que não gostava dele.” - A Beleza das Pequenas Coisas
Ouça aqui a segunda parte da conversa com o escritor e diplomata brasileiro Alexandre Vidal Porto, que aqui fala do processo criativo, e de como a sua literatura acontece, no balanço entre imaginação e memória. E ainda revela um pouco sobre o próximo romance que está a terminar, dá-nos música, lê um excerto de “Sodomita” e revela ainda alguns dos p…
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Som tonåring får Kristina en dag ta ett blodprov. När hon frågar mamma om varför får hon beskedet att det handlar om ett faderskapsprov. Och hennes far är inte den hon trodde. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Har du avslöjat en familjehemlighet som förändrat ditt liv? Hör då av dig till programmet och Gunilla Nordlund så kan din berätt…
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Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. S’il est bien un génie incontesté, c’est lui : Albert Einstein. Pourtant, la découverte de correspondances avec sa première épouse a semé le doute. Toujours dans l’ombre de son mari, cette physicienne brillante l’a peut…
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Le Mary-Celeste, récit d’un mystérieux navire fantôme : une enquête pour la vérité (4/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Bienvenue dans les Fabuleux Destin, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, découvrez la mystérieuse histoire du navire marchand Mary-Celeste. Retrouvé intacte au plein milieu de l'océan Atlantique et sans son équipage cette affaire est considérée comme l'un des plus grands mystères de l'histoire maritime. Qu'es…
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De Nachtzuster biedt hulp en verzachting bij vragen en zoektochten, met respect voor de luisteraar en zijn of haar ervaring en kennis.
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Esta semana, Luís Pedro Nunes mostra-se completamente perplexo com a tomada de posição da Jaguar, que passou por um forte rebranding. Segundo o comentador, isto foi "um tiro na cabeça". "Em 30 segundos, o que se viu arrasou com todo o passado e com toda a história, e ainda afirmaram que não voltam atrás. Fizeram-no no pior timing, num pós-Trump qua…
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Matthew Bannister on Madeleine Riffaud, the French resistance fighter who was tortured by the Gestapo, became a journalist and was embedded with the Vietcong in Vietnam. Chris Topp, the blacksmith who restored ironwork at Buckingham Palace, York Minster and St Paul’s Cathedral. Barbara Taylor Bradford, the best-selling author of A Woman of Substanc…
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Oklahoma builder Nathan Walters discusses his unlikely journey to owning his own building business, the virtues and pitfalls of college vs. on-the-job training, and what he’s doing in Oklahoma to encourage high schoolers to consider the trades. Big thanks to our terrific sponsors BetterHelp.com/MikeRowe Get 10% off your first month. GoRuck.com Use …
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Wie gefällt Ihnen Eins zu Eins. Der Talk? Wen wollten Sie schon immer bei uns hören, an wen erinnern Sie sich gerne? Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich 5 Minuten Zeit für unsere Umfrage nehmen würden. Link in der Beschreibung. https://1.ard.de/umfrage-eins-zu-eins-der-talk- Julian Nida-Rümelin hat eine Art Doppelrolle inne: Er bewegt sich zwische…
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Transgenerationales Trauma - Wie viel Vergangenheit steckt in uns? - Facts & Feelings - Deutschlandfunk Nova
CN: In dieser Folge wird über transgenerationale Traumata und Gewaltverbrechen gesprochen. Solltest du dich dabei nicht wohlfühlen, dann skippe lieber diese Folge oder höre sie dir zusammen mit einer anderen Person an. ********** Manchmal ist genau das spannend, über das geschwiegen wird. Diese eine Erinnerungslücke in der Vergangenheit unserer Elt…
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De schoonouders van Chris (Martine en Fred) wonen in een huis waarin sinds 1932 weinig is veranderd. En dus staat er in de keuken nog een werkende ijskast uit 1932. Waarschijnlijk is het de oudste nog werkende ijskast van Nederland. Samen met Martine bekijkt Chris de keuken en de ijskast. En tussendoor zoekt hij uit hoe de mens de afgelopen eeuwen …
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Viele Münchner Unternehmer haben unter der NS-Herrschaft gelitten, ihre Geschäfte wurden erst gemieden, dann geschlossen. Der Unternehmer Andreas E. Mach stellt bei Hermine Kaiser sein Buch über "Jüdische Familienunternehmer in Hitlers München" vor. Info zum Buch Andreas E. Mach Jüdische Familienunternehmer in Hitlers München Entrechtet, beraubt, v…
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Mitten in München lag ein geheimer Ort voller Musik und wilder Freiheit. Nun wird zusammengeräumt: Es bleiben Erinnerungen und eine Kiste voller Kassetten. Ein Feature über unkonventionelle Inklusion und die Kunst, das Unabänderlichen zu meistern. Lucy Wilke ist Schauspielerin an den Münchner Kammerspielen: https://www.muenchner-kammerspiele.de/de/…
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"Man muss wissen, wo man hinwill, wenn man die Weichen richtigstellen möchte." | Clemens Fuest, Präsident ifo Institut - hr2 Doppelkopf
Clemens Fuest, geb. 1968, ist Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Präsident des ifo-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, das für den ifo-Geschäftsklimaindex bekannt ist. Der Index ermittelt die konjunkturelle Entwicklung in Deutschlands. Seit 75 Jahren gibt es das Institut für Information und Forschung (ifo) und Clemens Fuest schaut auf diese la…
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Alexandre Vidal Porto (parte 1): “O preço da liberdade é a eterna vigilância. Temo que um radical de direita mais inteligente que Bolsonaro consiga seduzir o Brasil” - A Beleza das Pequenas Coisas
O quarto romance do escritor e diplomata brasileiro Alexandre Vidal Porto, “Sodomita”, acaba de ser editado em Portugal e de vencer o prestigiado Prémio Machado de Assis 2024. Um livro que, através da ficção e de muita pesquisa, conta a história real (ou surreal) de Luiz Delgado, um violeiro português votado ao “degredo” no Brasil pela condenação d…
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198: Robbie's daughter was a student at Sandy Hook - What Was That Like - True Stories. Real People.
Adam lived in Newtown, Connecticut. He was 20 years old, and had no criminal record. One December morning, before 9:30 am, Adam shot and killed his own mother, Nancy, while she was still in her bed. Her body was later found with four gunshot wounds to the head. Nancy was a gun enthusiast, and had quite a few rifles and handguns. After he killed her…
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Vidas W
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This week Country Life's learning about the art of making garden trugs and growing heirloom tomatoes, also the benefits of biochar on a farm growing trees, sheep and beef in the Far North.
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Could biochar be the black gold for integrated forestry and farming operations like Pārengarenga Incorporation in NZ's Far North?
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Meet Anthony and Angela Tringham, of Curious Croppers, the couple growing heirloom tomatoes using agroecology principles.
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Tony Hitchcock has been crafting trugs - wooden garden baskets - for several years using untreated willow or hazel and poplar sourced locally from around Golden Bay.
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Increasingly dry conditions across much of the North Island has farmers growing nervous about feed heading into summer, while down South the fine weather has led to good lamb weights.
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Together, we can Make America Wade Again! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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Det är 1993 och turbulenta månader för Sveriges största uttalat nationalistiska band. I texterna hittar en ny generation politiker kraft. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. På skolor införs Ultima Thule-förbud och i media jagas bandet med frågor om sitt förflutna. Samröret med vitmaktrörelsen, fans som heilar och kritiken som följer tär …
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Bandet slår igenom i en tid av förändring flyktingvåg, ekonomisk kris och nynazismen slår rot i Sverige. Var står egentligen Ultima Thule? Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Punkarna har blivit skinnskallar och bakom bandets debutplatta står högerextrema Bevara Sverige Svenskt – BSS. Ultima Thule fortsätter att hänga i kretsarna runt den…
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Cada jueves llevamos la palabra de 'El Faro' a otra parte del mundo, así que nuestro corresponsal comunitario Enrique García Pozo nos estuvo hablando de la comunidad afrodescendiente de Bélgica. Además, Antonio Lucas nos dejó su "destello" y nuestro compañero Javier Gregori, experto en información científica, nos dio un pronóstico "muy negro" de nu…
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In this week's episode, Brian and Shipper are joined by Zach, a former New Yorker turned Cincinnati resident. He explains his decision to leave New York and what led him to Cincinnati. He shares personal anecdotes about his life changes post-move, including unexpected fertility success. The episode takes a light-hearted turn with Zach recounting hi…
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Ingen i bandet minns varför de går från punk till nationalism. Nu kliver han som vet fram. För första gången berättas hela historien om Ultima Thule. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Det som börjar som ett punkband ska komma att bli vikingarockbandet hela Sverige känner till. Älskade och hatade – publiken växer och skivorna säljer samt…
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Har Petter beholdt vennene? PROBLEMER: Klimpringen er intens og klein / Hytta har blitt offentlig eiendom? / Bryllupsgjest eller Judas? / Normalisere irritabilitet / Hva skal vi gjøre i julen? / Innpåsliten kollega. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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On this episode, unearthing an important part of American history. Plus, we go behind the scenes to learn how a Moth Mainstage story is crafted - and talk about what it takes to make sure a story is heard. If you'd like to support the important work that The Moth is doing to build empathy and increase connection, please make a donation. Visit themo…
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In 2023 interviewde de schrijver en theatermaker Joost Oomen (De Bilt, 1990) zijn eigen vader, die euthanasie-arts is in Friesland, over zijn werk. Het leidde in eerste instantie tot een stuk in de Groene Amsterdammer, maar daarmee was het nog niet klaar. Nu is er een roman over euthanasie bij voltooid leven: 'Het paradijs van slapen'. Daarmee leve…
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In Nederland heeft Sinterklaas vele namen: Petra, Henny of Martine, om er maar wat te noemen. Deze hulpsinten werken het hele jaar door om kinderen die anders geen cadeautjes krijgen toch een geweldige pakjesavond te geven. En dat is ook geweldig voor hun ouders.Opname: Julius van IJperen Montage & mixage: Tom RuijgMaak ook onafhankelijke journalis…
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Tout au long de 4 épisodes, découvrez l’histoire de l’un des couples les plus célèbres du monde du sport : le golfeur Tiger Woods, et son épouse Elin Nordegren. Sous pression, le sportif va finir par tomber dans plusieurs addictions, dont celle au sexe. Quinze ans plus tard, retour sur le scandale des 121 maîtresses qui a fait basculer son mariage.…
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Melómana, amante de los gatos, trabajadora de un centro residencial de personas migrantes y agrokiller. Hoy la protagonista de los 'Farolillos por un día' es Viajera y más
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Le Mary-Celeste, récit d’un mystérieux navire fantôme : des disparitions inexplicables (3/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Bienvenue dans les Fabuleux Destin, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, découvrez la mystérieuse histoire du navire marchand Mary-Celeste. Retrouvé intacte au plein milieu de l'océan Atlantique et sans son équipage cette affaire est considérée comme l'un des plus grands mystères de l'histoire maritime. Qu'es…
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Sometimes, things don't go to plan. I've had a two week stretch that started well, but then nothing really panned out. I had some work on that then got postponed, which meant the idea I had for Human/Ordinary couldn't be realised. Them's the breaks I guess. What you get instead is a plug for a show that I worked on earlier this year. I feel it dese…
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Thankful For A Bountiful Harvest - How Bountiful Was It And Who Produced It? | Stats + Stories Episode 45 (REPOST) - Stats + Stories
Linda J. Young is Chief Mathematical Statistician and Director of Research and Development of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service . She oversees efforts to continually improve the methodology underpinning the Agency's collection and dissemination of data on every facet of U.S. agriculture. She works on the surveys designed to characteri…
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Jonathan Haidt on 'attention fracking' and how to stop tech companies from stealing your child's focus - Conversations
Is Australia's social media ban the right way to go? Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt says it is time to reinstate the play-based childhood to bring our kids back from life online and into the real world, away from their increasing obsession with devices. It’s a fact of modern life that children who are given smart phones are able to access porno…
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A citizen runs to stop a terrorist, and is tragically shot by friendly fire. How does this happen? And what does his family do next? The end song is Karma Police, performed by Shefita, originally by Radiohead. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Ob Bergdoktor oder Tatort-Kommissar: Harald Krassnitzer ist aus der deutschen TV-Landschaft nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auf der Blauen Couch spricht der Schauspieler über seinen ersten Kuss, wie es ist, mit seiner Frau zusammen vor der Kamera zu stehen und was Liebe eigentlich für ihn ist.
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“I feel wonderful!” Hosay Erfani, who appeared on our show as the Taliban took over (They Will Cut Our Heads, Of course, And What of Our Friend Toobah), had a harrowing escape from the deadly regime. Now in the US for two years, she is an unbelievable young woman, turning adversity into opportunity, opportunity into success. Here is her tale. Bravo…
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Welcome to Ask-A-Therapist, a new show that allows you to do just that, ask a therapist/counsellor those questions you've always wanted clarity on that will help you navigate your healing journey. In season 2, Aldo Oluoch Olunya, a registered counselling psychologist, will answer all your questions on childhood trauma, starting therapy, masculinity…
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