- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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திருத்தந்தையின் உரைகள், திருத்தந்தையின் சந்திப்புகள், திருப்பயணங்கள், விவிலியச் சிந்தனைகள், ஞாயிறு மறையுரைகள், உலக நடப்புகளின் அலசல், சாதனையாளர்களுடன் நேர்காணல், சமூகநலச் சித்திரங்கள், கிறிஸ்தவ உலக, மனிதாபிமானச் செய்திகள்..... - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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പാപ്പായുടെ പ്രബോധനങ്ങള് - ത്രികാലപ്രാര്ത്ഥന, പൊതുകൂടിക്കാഴ്ചാ പ്രഭാഷണം ആഗോള സഭാ പരിപാടികള്, സഭാ വാര്ത്തകള്, ബൈബിള് പഠനം, സഭാദര്ശന പരിപാടി, അഭിമുഖം, ചിന്താമലരുകള് - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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L'information sur le Pape, le Vatican, la vie de l'Église et le monde.
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English for Africa Programs from Vatican News to listen to where and when you like.
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Vatican News vipaumbele vyake: Habari za Baba Mtakatifu; Vatican, Kanisa la Kiulimwengu na Kanisa Barani Afrika. Tunazo habari za kisiasa na kijamii kutoka Barani Afrika na Dunia katika ujumla wake. Tovuti hii inapambwa na Tafakari ya Neno la Mungu pamoja na Makala mbali mbali. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Vatican & World News Podcast to listen to where and when you like.
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Veprimtaria e Papës dhe e Selisë së Shenjtë, intervista, lajme e reflektime mbi fenë e krishterë, doktrinën shoqërore të Kishës Katolike; puna e Kishës në trevat shqiptare në favor të popullit e të besimtarëve. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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This podcast offers the public speeches of the Holy Father, in their original languages. (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral character and intellectual property's rights are protected when used by third parties. The content of this podcast is made available only for personal and private use and cannot be exploit ...
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- Religious sisters prep for the 11th International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. - The Pope sends his condolences to the victims’ families of a shooting in Sweden. - Pope Francis once again prays for those suffering in nations torn apart by war.
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FROM THE PAUL VI HALL, THE HOLY FATHER'S GENERAL AUDIENCE. (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral character and intellectual property's rights are protected when used by …
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- One of the participants at the Vatican-organized Children’s Summit reflects on the insights and perspectives offered by the event - The vicar apostolic of southern Arabia marks the 6th anniversary of Pope Francis’ Document on Human Fraternity at a prize-giving ceremony in Abu Dhabi - The Pope’s February prayer intention is for vocations for the p…
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FROM THE CLEMENTINE HALL OF THE APOSTOLIC PALACE INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON CHILDREN'S RIGHTS WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF POPE FRANCIS (The content of this podcast is copyrighted by the Dicastery for Communication which, according to its statute, is entrusted to manage and protect the sound recordings of the Roman Pontiff, ensuring that their pastoral c…
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