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Candid, straight-forward Bible teaching that wrestles with practical issues and questions about God, ourselves, the meaning of life, the future, life after death, and much more. Welcome to the Wrestling Room!
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Many believers HAVE given, ARE giving and WILL give their lives to remain loyal to King Jesus! Jesus warned that this would be the case, and it certainly has been, is, and will be in the future! What is the mindset of someone who says, "Take my life! I will NOT deny Jesus!"?? What gives them the courage to do this? Are you ready to give your life t…
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THIS will push the Devil's "RAGE" BUTTON more than ANYTHING! PERIOD! He'd rather have you go to a religious meeting, read a religious book, even attend church! He DOES NOT want you to make a habit, a routine, a LIFESTYLE out of PRAYING! Consistent, fervent, fiery, faith-filled prayer is what CRUSHES HIM! He'd rather keep you busy doing religious th…
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We've all made excuses for WHY we don't pray or DON'T LIKE TO PRAY or don't KNOW HOW to pray. Well, this short video begins a bit of "training" in how to pray. In 1 Timothy 2:1, the Master Warrior, Paul, describes 4 distinct types of prayer, each one a weapon in our arsenal that we need to be aware of and trained in! Here is weapon #1: Spontaneous …
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What is our best WEAPON against the evil in these extraordinarily DARK days leading up to Jesus' 2nd Coming? One clear answer: PRAYER! Passionate, fiery, faith-filled, frequent PRAYER! Jesus modeled it, Paul declared it, and this teaching reminds us of it! We've got to take a serious look at our prayer lives! How are we doing? Is prayer a TOP PRIOR…
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God has given us a FREE WILL. This gives us the option of how we react to hard times and adverse circumstances. The vast majority grumble, complain and become bitter. The vast majority. I've been in that camp FAR TOO OFTEN! But there is a BETTER way...a MUCH BETTER way! In this snippet from "2 Keys to Standing Strong in Adversity", I share some ins…
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Life is full of adversity...conflict...struggle...TROUBLE! That is reality. And in our adversity we can become BETTER or we can become BITTER. It is our CHOICE. In this snippet from "2 Keys to Standing Strong in Adversity" (1 Samuel 30:1-6) I share 3 ugly results of choosing BITTERNESS when we are going through adversity! It is a strong warning and…
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Many people believe that there is very little difference between Jesus, Buddha and many other spiritual teachers who have walked the planet...that they all basically talked about love, treating each other well, forgiveness, tolerance, etc... How many times have you heard that "all religions are pretty much the same"? ALL THE TIME! But is it true? N…
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When Jesus comes a 2nd time, He will be SPECTACULAR...but He will ALSO be SCARRED! It blows my mind to realize that Jesus will bear the scars of His brutal death FOR ETERNITY! We will NEVER forget the price that He paid for our freedom! Jesus will be our ETERNALLY SCARRED King! Amazing. So humbling! _________________________________________________…
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Jesus came as a baby the 1st time...born in a manger, raised in a hick-town, a carpenter, a common man with nothing special about him physically. Not so the 2nd time. Oh...SO NOT SO the 2nd time! When Jesus comes a 2nd time, He will blow our minds! He will come in FULL GLORY...the same glory that stunned bombastic Peter silent and knocked the Apost…
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Many people imagine Jesus as a sort of feminine hippie, walking about handing out daisies, talking about free love, peace, non-violence, inclusivity, and tolerance. Oh, this is SO NOT the case! Jesus WAS Lamb-like...the only 2 words that He ever used to describe Himself were "humble and gentle", BUT...He was most definitely Lion-like as well! He wa…
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When most people are down, they look around frantically for someone to prop them up, cheer them up, bring them up. They don't realize that God has given them the ability to encourage speak life-giving words to their own ears and infuse themselves with courage! The warrior, David, demonstrates this practice in a very dark moment of h…
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When most people are down, they look around frantically for someone to prop them up, cheer them up, bring them up. They don't realize that God has given them the ability to encourage speak life-giving words to their own ears and infuse themselves with courage! The warrior, David, demonstrates this practice in a very dark moment of h…
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Jesus didn't come to take sides...He came to TAKE OVER! And He WILL take over...SOON! Until then, our love, loyalty and allegiance is ONLY for Him! We PLEDGE our ALLEGIANCE ONLY to KING JESUS! ____________________________________________________ This channel is about Spiritual and Personal Growth...and REAL CHANGE! It's about wrestling with God. It…
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God has worked through women in mighty and powerful ways! Bottom line: Women are awesome! No faith has elevated and honored women more than Christianity! But, the Messiah, the Deliverer could not be a woman. The Savior HAD to be a MAN. Why? Find out what the Bible says in this short clip from the teaching "What Will Jesus Look Like?" ______________…
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Satan is a filthy liar...and, in jealousy, spite and hatred, he has attacked not only Jesus' Deity and Humanity, but also His Manhood! False teachers and heretics, inspired by the Serpent's deceitful hiss, portray Jesus as a feminized man, a bi-sexual man, a half-man...and other perverted and twisted identities. What does the Bible teach? Well, it'…
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Christianity is ALL about a PERSON! JESUS! Period. End of story! When our faith ceases to be solely and entirely about the Savior of the World, KING JESUS, we are in BIG TROUBLE! It is only a matter of time before we will sink under some sort of wave! _____________________________________________________ This channel is about Spiritual and Personal…
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Life can be BRUTAL! Yet, so many Christians believe that they have to plaster on that fake "Praise Jesus" smile and pretend that everything is "blessed" even though they are deeply struggling inside. Is that true? NO! In Psalm 55:17, David reveals to us a side of God that should cause us to jump up and do the "Hallelujah dance." God is easier to li…
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Scripture teaches us to "Cast our burdens upon the Lord"...but why do that when I can struggle with them? Why pass them to Jesus when I can beat my brains out trying to carry them myself? This is what I do so often, and it begs the question: Is God my SOURCE or is He my "back-up last ditch emergency exit"? ____________________…
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Asaph was confused and struggling. He was a man of God, but he had been observing the "easy" lives of the rich, famous, powerful and unbelieving...and had concluded (falsely) that following God was foolish and futile...a waste of his time...BECAUSE he was trusting in what he SAW with his EYES! Bad choice, Asaph! But...Can you identify with Asaph?? …
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"PRIEST"---What comes to your mind when you hear that word? The Catholic Church? The Pope? A guy in long robes and a collar of some sort? Here's the deal: If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, YOU are a priest or priestess! This is who YOU are! It is YOUR IDENTITY as a believer! What???? Yes!! That is a fact! So you better know what your role and …
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If you are a believer in Jesus, you are part of a Kingdom! And in a Kingdom, there is only ONE King...only ONE authority who is calling the shots...and in this Kingdom that is King Jesus! Is He on the Throne of your life? If not, WHAT or WHO ELSE is? _____________________________________________________ This channel is about Spiritual and Personal …
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Before the 2nd Coming of Jesus there will be a Mass Exodus...a Great Defection...AWAY FROM Jesus and The Foundational Doctrines of The Faith...TO a "new and improved" version of Jesus who comes with "relevant and socially inclusive" beliefs and "truths." This Apostasy is one of the major prophetic events just before the end of time as we know it on…
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Teaching about the 2nd Coming of Jesus has endured both Omission AND Confusion. Many churches don't talk about this Epic Event! This is tragic! It is like an engagement without a NFL season without a Super Bowl...on an infinitely grander scale! And when it IS taught--AND IT ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE--there is frequently confusion and misinf…
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Teaching about the 2nd Coming of Jesus has endured both Omission AND Confusion. Many churches don't talk about this Epic Event! This is tragic! It is like an engagement without a NFL season without a Super Bowl...on an infinitely grander scale! And when it IS taught--AND IT ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE--there is frequently confusion and misinf…
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Question: Will those who believe in Jesus at the last second be taken to Heaven? The Bible has some fascinating things to say. Answer: I address this from 5 angles: 1. The "Gate" is OPEN...the "Draw Bridge" is DOWN...the opportunity to place faith in Jesus and receive forgiveness for sins and adoption into God's family is being offered...BUT not fo…
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What I’m Learning, Episode #3: How to Pray POWERFULLY in these LAST DAYS: 4 Weapons in your Prayer Arsenal The world is hurtling and careening down the highway of history right into the book of Revelation! While the masses have been distracted by pandemics and wars, masks and mandates, vaccines and lockdowns, the prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, 1, 2…
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Q & A: Episode #2--"What Will Jesus Look Like?" What DID Jesus look like when He came the 1st time? What WILL Jesus look like when He comes the 2nd time? The Bible has a lot more to say about this than I realized. It's actually quite fascinating! In this teaching I ASK and ANSWER: *Was Jesus' HUMAN BODY just a ghost...a phantom...or an illusion? *W…
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What I’m Learning, Episode #2 It’s so easy so get frustrated with all that is going on in the world and react by either going into an isolated fetal position OR in my case, cursing at the devil! Neither are productive! There is a monumentally better way! God has given us a spiritual nuclear warhead, fueled by the power that created the heavens and …
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"What I'm Learning", Episode #1--Wait a Minute...God says I'm WHAT??? As believers, we often fail to realize WHO God has called us to be and HOW God sees us. It is amazing...awesome...inspiring...challenging! We are often living FAR BELOW who we really are! In this short teaching I share some things that I am learning about WHO I AM as a believer i…
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Why do some people live like Hell, but seem to have "Heaven on earth" AND every advantage in life? Are they "beating the system?" Are they getting away with it? Asaph, the worship leader of Israel, almost lost his faith watching evil people prosper...while he was following God and suffering for it. Do evil people get away with the terrible things t…
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IF YOU HAVE EVER THOUGHT:  Why would God EVER want to use me?  I’ve got nothing special to offer God! IF YOU HAVE EVER FELT insignificant or weak or incompetent or clumsy... …THIS TEACHING IS FOR YOU! God uses very COMMON people to do UNCOMMON things! He uses very ORDINARY people to do very EXTRA-ORDINARY things! This is God's way! And it is upsi…
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Wherever there is a Real, there is almost always a Counterfeit, and a Counterfeit always points to a Real! This is certainly true in the religious world. This was certainly illustrated by Judas Iscariot. Judas looked good, performed beautifully, blended in with the Real disciples masterfully...BUT was a Counterfeit...a faker...a poser...a "plant" b…
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Failure! Shame! Condemnation! Many, many people have been knocked down by these things! They have fallen down and don't know how to stand back up, and are living under a perpetual black cloud--fixated upon and paralyzed by their failure. What do we do when we have failed and feel absolutely the team--and our faith is …
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What you focus on GROWS! Who you concentrate on will begin to influence and control you. That said, people we love and trust will FAIL and ABANDON us. This is a HARD REALITY of life! And often we FIXATE on these people, and become BITTER and CYNICAL...AND it deeply affects all areas of our life, but particularly our faith. In this teaching I warn o…
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British Preacher, Joseph Parker declared a century ago: “The days are evil; evil days create OPPORTUNITIES for God-sent men and women!” But as legendary College basketball coach, John Wooden said: “When opportunity comes, it's too late to prepare!” We must be ready NOW for extraordinary days!  Our faith is going to be tested like never before!  O…
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What separates GOOD from GREAT? What separates a COMPETITOR from a CHAMPION? What separates someone who MAKES AN IMPACT from one who just MAKES A SHOWING? The Answer: PREPARATION! "The Separation is in the Preparation." Jesus is building His church. This is a done deal. It's happening. The question is: will you be part of it? The Bible says: "The h…
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We live in 2 Dimensions of time: Seasons and Snapshots...Months and Moments. Each has its own purpose, each builds one upon the other, and God works differently in each dimension. In order to be an intelligent believer and not a religious fool, you must know how to work with God in each dimension. In this teaching, I give 6 simple and practical tip…
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God holds the Universal Stop Watch in one hand, and the Universal Calendar in the other. He is in complete and total control of Time and the Events of Time. He is the Final Authority in the Realm of Time. The major question for you and I, then, is: Whose agenda runs your life...God's or your own? Who or what influences the way you use your time? Wh…
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In the Realm of TIME, God the Father, ALONE, holds the Universal clock. TIME is His jurisdiction. He is the FINAL Authority! As a result, setting dates and making predictions is an exercise in foolishness and futility. It is a waste of time. But...though SETTING DATES is not our job, SWAYING dates IS! As followers of Jesus, how we live our lives in…
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“Wait” is a 4-letter word in our culture! We live in a world that wants things NOW! We want the job, career, mate, home, financial stability, toys, vacations, freedom…as quickly as possible...with AS LITTLE EFFORT or INCONVENIENCE, or DISCOMFORT or SACRIFICE or PAIN as possible! BUT...that is NOT how God's world works. HE IS ON THE CROCK-POT PLAN—L…
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God does not simply dispense His PRICELESS POWER and PRESENCE to everyone who has their hand out. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit very specifically, carefully and discriminately. Jesus discriminates when it comes to whom He gives His precious Holy Spirit and His power. The Baptism with power is available for EVERYONE, BUT not GIVEN TO EVERYONE! There a…
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Normal Christianity is powerful, impactful, disruptive! It has been said that "Christianity today is so subnormal, that if any Christian began to act like a normal New Testament Christian, he would be considered abnormal.” People would call them a "fanatic"! What is Normal Christianity? What marked the members of the brand new church? How did the B…
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Do you feel spiritually weak? Do you ever wonder why your experience as a believer in Jesus often seems powerless and lacking spiritual horse power?? Bible Knowledge and Spiritual zeal are great, but they are not enough to live this Christian life and get the mission of Jesus accomplished. It is a great start, but is only a start. We need Power... …
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The Holy Spirit appears 43 times in the Book of Acts, and He could be considered the Main Character! But many don't even know anything about the 3rd Person of the Godhead. They have a very vague idea of Who He is and What He does, but don't know Him. Well, let me introduce you to the Holy Spirit!By Russell De Vos
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Book of Acts, Week 6: Many people, even Christians, really don't know who Jesus was and is, nor do they realize that He had a very specific message and mission that overwhelmingly directed and dominated His ministry. I know that I was unaware! Most think that He taught primarily about love and forgiveness. That is not the case. He was gentle and hu…
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Book of Acts, Week 5: We only SEE what we want to SEE and HEAR what we want to HEAR. We don't perceive things the way they are...and then, because we don't understand something, we make an ASSUMPTION. You do this, I do this, we all do this...and the disciples certainly did this. And Jesus had to correct their faulty perceptions and assumptions BEFO…
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Book of Acts, Week 4: If you would have walked in on the followers of Jesus the day after His crucifixion, you would have walked into a physical fog of depression and despair. They were beaten down and broken, dazed and confused, in utter disbelief. They had staked EVERYTHING on this teaching, preaching, miracle-working carpenter from Nazareth...bu…
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Book of Acts, Week 3: Have you ever considered that the complete meltdown of the disciples just before Jesus' death was like the cold of winter making way for the new life of spring? Jesus died that brutal week-end in a brutal display. His death was Momentous, Pivotal, Crucial, Vital...there are not enough superlatives....BUT...He wasn't the only O…
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Book of Acts, Week 2: Over 2000 years ago, 120 people bet the farm on Jesus. They went ALL IN to follow holds barred. It would mean conflict, persecution, even their lives. Did they choose wisely? Want my message notes? Feel free to email me at: Check out my website:…
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