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How are you? A little mental health check for you during this uncertain times. Remember that you're not alone, I support you, and help is always there when you need them. Santi shared her incredible knowledge on how to keep our mental health on check, find the proper care, and help us realise that caring for our mental health is not just a pill tha…
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Nidianti atau yang lebih sering aku panggil mba Nidi adalah seorang ibu muda, istri, dan working mom yang bekerja dari rumah untuk suatu digital agency di Jakarta. Keluarga mba Nidi menetap di Bandung dan kesehariannya selalu penuh dari bekerja, mengurus rumah tangga, dan membantu tumbuh kembang anaknya yang sekarang berusia 2 tahun. Hal ini menuru…
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Hai! Untuk episode kali ini aku berbincang dengan Eva. Kita membahas lebih dalam tentang body image dan self love, dan bagaimana itu berdampak ke cara kita melihat ke diri kita sendiri dan kesehatan mental kita, tapi aku dan Eva setuju bahwa sebagai perempuan, penampilan fisik merupakan salah satu insecurity terbesar yang kita punya. Proses kita un…
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Di episode kali ini aku berbincang dengan Mirsa tentang start upnya di bidang logistik. Dari awalnya kenapa bisa sampai memulai start-up dan banting setir dari jurusan teknik, modal awal, permasalahan apa yang dia coba pecahkan lewat bisnis logistiknya, tantangan terbesar selama ini memulai start up, cara dia belajar coding dan membangun produknya …
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Di episode minggu ini, aku berbincang dengan Safira Ramadhani yang berhasil meraih mimpinya masuk ke 2 Ivy League University yaitu Harvard dan Columbia. Dan setelah berbincang dengan Safira, ternyata dia gak cuma masuk ke dua universitas tersebut tapi juga berhasil masuk ke NYU dan London School of Economics (WOW). Aku benar - benar kagum dengan pe…
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Andi Shalini atau biasa dipanggil Sasa, adalah seorang news anchor dan reporter di salah satu televisi swasta digital. Di episode ini aku berbincang dengan Sasa tentang cita - citanya menjadi reporter dan news anchor. Dimulai dari menjadi MC di acara - acara sekolah, kuliah dengan jurusan public relation, dan akhirnya keluar dari comfort zone peker…
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Gap year atau tahun jeda kuliah suka dianggap telat dan dipandang kurang enak bagi anak - anak yang baru mau kuliah, tapi gak semuanya itu benar. Di episode kali ini aku berbincang dengan Andro yang ngalamin sendiri tahun jeda kuliah. Dia masuk kuliah 1 tahun setelah masa SMAnya berakhir dan ngerasain manfaat apa aja selama masa jeda tersebut, pera…
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Laras sudah bercita - cita menjadi dokter gigi semenjak kelas 4 SD. Di episode ini aku berbincang dengan Laras bagaimana dia mengejar cita - citanya dari kecil menjadi nyata, dimulai dari pindah SMA dari sekolah swasta ke sekolah negeri ternama yang sengit, perbedaan dan sisi positif yang dia alami selama perpindahan sekolah tersebut, cara masuk pe…
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Di episode kali ini aku ngobrol bareng Alika yang sekarang tinggal di Jepang dan menghadapi karantina sendiri, jauh dari keluarga dan belum tau kapan dia bisa pulang ke Indonesia. Kita masing - masing berbagi cerita gimana kita menghadapi homesickness saat tinggal sendiri di luar negeri, dampak positif pandemi ke diri kita, kesehatan mental saat ka…
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Welcome back! Di episode kali ini aku mengundang Taqiyya untuk berbagi pengalamannya kuliah di NYC. Bagaimana dia bisa merealisasikan cita - citanya kuliah di NYC, cara memilih universitas dan jurusan yang cocok untuk kamu, proses pendaftaran dan visa, cara dia adaptasi dengan mata pelajaran disana, dan tips untuk kalian yang mau kuliah di di luar …
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Hai semuanya! Setelah lama udah gak upload akhirnya aku upload lagi :) Di episode A Slice of Vai kali ini, aku mengundang Sarah. Dia bukan seorang financial planner tapi di passionate untuk membantu teman - teman nya untuk lebih bisa mengatur kehidupan finansial mereka dari ilmu finansial yang dia dapat saat kuliah. Dimulai dari cari tau financial …
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Denisa, adalah seorang musisi dan audio engineer. Dari cita - cita menjadi penyanyi saat kecil, menjadi kenyataan saat ini plus dia juga seorang audio engineer untuk band Pamungkas. Musik membantu Denisa untuk mengekspresikan emosi dan pikirannya, walaupun saat SMA ini susah di lakukan tapi akhirnya dia bisa merasakan kekuatan dan kepercayaan diri …
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Dias adalah salah satu personil band alternatif/indie bernama Glaskaca. Dari kuliah, Dias sudah bercita - cita membangun satu band dan menjadi musisi, ternyata cita - cita itu terwujud bersama teman - teman dekatnya. Menjadi seorang musisi bukan suatu hal yang mudah apalagi untuk menemukan suaramu dari berbagai macam genre yang ada. Banyak proses y…
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Ella adalah co-founder dari brand bulu mata palsu bernama Guilty Pleasure Lashes. Dia menemukan GPL bersama temannya Vella, di mulai dari suatu cita - cita saat kuliah, menjadi bisnis nyata yang sekarang bisa di beli lewat Instagram, Shopee, dan Tokopedia. Sebagai salah satu sahabat Ella dari kuliah, aku mengundang dia karena maraknya bisnis kecant…
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Omar adalah teman baikku, dia sudah menyukai musik dari bangku SD sampai sekarang sudah mempunyai band sendiri bernama Atsea. Gak pernah di dalam pikirannya bahwa dia akan punya band sebesar Atsea sekarang, di mulai dari bibit menonton School of Rock menjadi realita seorang musisi saat dia mulai kuliah di luar negeri. Terinspirasi dari band Wild No…
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Di episode conquering early 20s kali ini aku mengundang Gregi Tampubolon. Dia adalah seorang pengusaha dan juga pekerja full time, disini aku membahas bagaimana dia mengelola bisnisnya selama ini, karena dia mengelola beberapa bisnis tidak hanya satu. Selain itu aku juga penasaran dari mana dia mendapatkan ide - ide bisnisnya, apakah sulit menjadi …
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Untuk menutup A Slice of Her aku mengundang Raisha, perwakilan dari Hollaback! Jakarta untuk sharing pemahaman dan journey mereka melawan pelecehan di ruang publik. Kita berdiskusi tentang bagaimana sebagai teman untuk support teman kita yang menjadi korban, cara membantu melawan pelecehan di ruang publik, dan bagaimana cara orang tua bisa memprote…
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Perbincangan kita kali ini di A Slice of Her di temani oleh Ellen Nio, dia peraih Forbes 30 under 30 dan perempuan yang memimpin program di Patamar Capital bernama Investing in Women. Di episode kali ini, aku belajar tentang seberapa pentingnya investasi untuk founder - founder perempuan, mengapa ada sedikit sekali founder perempuan di Indonesia, g…
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In this third episode of A Slice of her, I'm welcoming Vice's journalist Alia Marsha. She is working on a project with Vice and other platforms to talk about sexual assault cases that happened in campuses around Indonesia. After Agni's (UGM rape case), has surfaced and the campus did no justice for the victim, Vice, Tirto, and Jakpost rally togethe…
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On this second episode of A Slice of Her, I chatted with Girls Can Lead founder Rachael Abigail. We talked about why there are so less numbers of female leaders, not only in politics but generally in any institutions from business owners, start up tech founder, even in Indonesia's list of wealthiest people there was only one woman, so we questioned…
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Yes! You read it right, in honour of Women's International Day we are welcoming March with female empowerment theme. I'll be inviting 4 incredible young women to share their journey, their concern, and hopes and dreams for girls, mothers, daughters, females in Indonesia, starting this episode strong by welcoming Nadhila Chairannisa. Nadhila is runn…
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This latest episode of A Slice of Vai I talked to my very good friend Ines, our long lost friendship rekindled when we both finish college and I was in awe with her and what she does. Ines studied environmental engineering and that took path for her to work at an environmental advocacy NGO. As we converse I was really keen on what made her travel a…
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Putri or Puput short is the founder of HerDreams.ID an NGO that focuses on enriching young girls to have big dreams. Her journey was far from building HerDreams but she knows that one of her goals was to educate and giving an impact to her society. Her stories was so inspiring, yet it saddens me that most young girls in Indonesia doesn’t know how t…
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Rezha is an education activist, he was born in Kota Kendari, Sulawesi and travelled all over Indonesia for the sole purpose of giving better chance for youths to have higher education in Indonesia through student loans by being a part of Dana Cita. He believed that Indonesia's education system needs to transform due to the current system demanding …
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Mikael Aldo or Aldo for short is a photographer but his approach and concepts are beyond photography. He has shot numerous people from musicians, actresses, models, and many more. We met through our mutual friend Kezia Alaia who was also a guest speaker on A Slice of Vai. It was really fascinating to know how Aldo works, he really opens his perspec…
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Danzel is a full-time dancer, he won dance competitions/battles not only in Indonesia but also in Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, and many others at the age of 18 years old. Not to mentioned he also teaches and choreographs if he’s not traveling overseas (Or even during). He will be sharing his journey, his struggles as a dancer, how he overcome depres…
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In this episode me and Haekal will be talking about his experience working in Melbourne as a young adult, his struggles, knowing himself better, and a lot of great tips that he learned about marketing, networking, and applying for a job. I was really surprised about his stories and advices for youth about job applications and interviews, he went an…
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Politics is not something that I am very interested to talk about, but since Indonesia will be having their presidential campaign next year including our people's representatives, I feel that I'm not the only one who doesn't have a clue on these matter. So I invite Neil, she is the founder of Generasi Melek Politik - an NGO that focuses on educatin…
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Kezia is a poet, writer, and a generalist - she loves to explore new things and she believe that the human capacity is able to do many things instead of just one. In this podcast, I converse with her about her book Bicara Besar, her journey as a writer, how she found poetry as a way to discover and expressed herself, her experience in Argentina wit…
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Shilla has been playing baseball and softball since she was in elementary school, she continue to pursue her passion to be an athlete until now and got the chance to represent Indonesia in 2018 Asian Games that was held in Jakarta and Palembang. I was beyond proud of her, and from this episode I dive deeper to her life as an athlete and I learned s…
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I think being healthy isn't only physically but also mentally. Alva is a dear close friend of mind who has gone through depression, and from this episode I want him to share his story, to help us understand this mental condition that we couldn't physically see or feel. He shared what he went through, what causes it, how it affects his confidence an…
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Nabila is the founder of soon-to-be NGO, Sadari Sedari which focuses on reducing fashion waste by selling our used closed and giving the profits for charity to children educations in Indonesia. I'm amazed by her will, she has made a thrift bazaar called Pasar Raia that has reached 3000 visitors and includes some well known artists that donates thei…
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In this episode of A Slice of Vai we talked about scholarship, college, living abroad, and studying in ivy league university with the incredible Arimbi Yogasara. Her passion towards international politics motivated her to study her masters in NYC and pursue her dreams in the big apple with a highly demanded LPDP scholarship.…
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Egi is somebody who motivated me and I really look up to him for that. He was an entrepreneur, he joined network marketing business, and now he is expanding his influence in the insurance industry. I want people to see that success is not trademarked by how much money they earned, or how famous they are, but a mindset they have, and that is somethi…
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Gary is somebody I look up to and admire since I was young and now I have the privilege to talk to him about how he conquer his early twenties. From high school, college, and now work he is somebody who I personally has the ability to lead. He really took the time to try different things, know his limit and risks, and he took that abilities to lead…
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Tyas is a coffee shop owner, she amazes me by opening her business in less than a year but manage to open two stores all by herself. We talked about what makes a good coffee, menu development, human resources, her passion of dancing and make up but chose coffee as her main income instead, and her advice for every coffee lover out there who wants to…
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My first ever podcast as a trio! I had a lot of fun recording this podcast because I see myself in them in a lot of ways. Bernard and Theo are business owners, but recently become youtubers in purpose of giving value back to their community. They sparked when I asked them about advices they would give to youth in college and the steps they recommen…
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Shane is one of the person who I look up to from a creative point of view. She is an illustrator, graphic designer, comic artist, and a gravity/ mural artist, but she rather be called as visual entertainer. As we converse, I realised that even though she is an introvert, she was able to take risk of making great connections and relationships and fo…
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Welcome back to A Slice of Vai! Can't Believe it's already ten episodes for the conquering early twenties series!! I had a lot of fun making this episode, we talked about what is Zumba and how she first introduced to it, her greatest lesson learned as a Zumba instructor, the abbreviation of "ZIN", flying pound fit sticks, and our best effort to be …
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Dary Sarwono is a restaurant owner and a really good friend of mind. At the young age of 24 he manage to run his own restaurant that he has been dreaming of since he was younger. As I have my lunch at Nampan Bistro (Dary's restaurant), we talked through how he planned his restaurant business and the struggles that he went through, the difficulties …
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Helmy Rianda is the co-founder of DOOgether a tech startup company that focuses on providing easy access for people to find workout studios and memberships. I first met Helmy at an event that we both attend and I was curious on his journey building DOOgether together with his friend and now his team. He will be sharing the struggles on building a t…
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On this new episode of Conquering Early 20s I invite my friend Maitri who is an architect, illustrator, and a poetry lover on her journey finding her identity through her work. I admire her creativity and how she poured her thoughts into sentence as we converse through this podcast. Finding who we really are is an never ending process, Maitri share…
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Bintang is the founder of ByBinzu that provide naturally dyed goods and shibori workshops. I know him since we were kids, it's a really happy sight to see his life was filled with colors as he dive into the world of shibori making (As I can see from his fingers), and it was such a heart warming experience as I listen to his story on how now he is d…
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Nadia Mikhaela is someone who I looked up to this past year. She is someone who really have the guts to change and persevere through the process as she change her course from being a lawyer to an insurance business woman. I personally think her family driven goal and motivation really pushes her to be where she is today, breaking through her comfor…
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In this episode Dai will be sharing his journey on becoming an animator and musician, two of the passions he juggled daily. Our conversation was full of laughs when he shared that he didn't even know how to balance between being an animator and a musician, he just have to do it with a strong sense of motivation, good health, and positive mindset co…
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Dimas is a dear friend of mine, he is my best friend since we were kids and now he is pursuing his dream to be a doctor. Never thought I'll be emotional in this podcast. Dimas will be sharing his experience and stories as a medical student, how he stayed motivated, developed his self - discipline, why he chooses this course, and not forgetting his …
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Taqiyya is someone who is close to my heart. I admire her so much from her creativity, perseverance, and her love for her family. I am a proud friend cause she now owns her own clothing brand MAEN KAEN that provide ethnic ready - to - wear clothes incorporated with Indonesia's kain tenun. She shared her passion through MAEN KAEN, as it was merely a…
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