The pace of legacy modernization is increasing at a staggering rate. According to a recent survey, 90% of IT leaders report they modernized mainframe workloads within the past three years, while only 11% undertook modernization initiatives before 2020. Every enterprise modernization journey is different, as are the needs that drive decision-making along the way. In reality, modernizations that include mainframe as a target are commonplace and our panel of experts will delve into the forces at work in these initiatives. Among other topics, they will discuss: Modernizing existing mainframe apps and data and extending them to the cloud Optimizing mainframe apps and data through technology consolidation How IBM and Advanced are delivering success together Panel: John Currie , IBM Partner and Worldwide Practice Leader for Mainframe Application Modernization Rebecca Huber , CTO Application Modernization, IBM Consulting DACH Presenter: Rob Anderson , VP Marketing and Product, Advanced, Application Modernization Join our podcast as our experts discuss solving modernization challenges with the mainframe and provide insights and commentary backed by decades of experience. If you want to reach out to us, you can email Rob here or drop him a message on LinkedIn . Head to modernsystem.oneadvanced to find out more about what we do. If you enjoyed this episode then don't forget to rate and review us here - we know it's cliché to ask, but it really does help us out! ADDITIONAL LINKS mainframeXchange Official YouTube channel FAQs…