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In this episode, we welcome back David French, columnist for The New York Times , former constitutional attorney, and author of Divided We Fall . We discuss the current state of American democracy, the challenges of political division, and how we can engage in civil discourse despite deep ideological differences. David also shares a personal update on his family and reflects on the profound trials and growth that come with adversity. 📌 What We Discuss: ✔️ How David and his family navigated the challenges of a serious health crisis. ✔️ The rise of political polarization and the factors driving it. ✔️ Why distinguishing between “unwise, unethical, and unlawful” is crucial in analyzing political actions. ✔️ How consuming different perspectives (even opposing ones) helps in understanding political dynamics. ✔️ The role of Christian values in politics and how they are being redefined. ⏳ Episode Highlights 📍 [00:01:00] – David French’s background and his journey from litigation to journalism. 📍 [00:02:30] – Personal update: David shares his wife Nancy’s battle with cancer and their journey as a family. 📍 [00:06:00] – How to navigate personal trials while maintaining faith and resilience. 📍 [00:10:00] – The danger of political paranoia and the pitfalls of extreme polarization. 📍 [00:18:00] – The "friend-enemy" paradigm in American politics and its influence in Christian fundamentalism. 📍 [00:24:00] – Revisiting Divided We Fall : How America’s divisions have devolved since 2020. 📍 [00:40:00] – The categories and differences of unwise, unethical, and unlawful political actions. 📍 [00:55:00] – The balance between justice, kindness, and humility in political engagement. 📍 [01:00:00] – The After Party initiative: A Christian approach to politics focused on values rather than policy. 💬 Featured Quotes 🔹 "You don't know who you truly are until your values are tested." – David French 🔹 "If we focus on the relational, we can have better conversations even across deep differences." – Corey Nathan 🔹 "Justice, kindness, and humility—if you're missing one, you're doing it wrong." – David French 🔹 "The United States has a history of shifting without repenting. We just move on." – David French 📚 Resources Mentioned David French’s Writing: New York Times David’s Book: Divided We Fall The After Party Initiative – More Info Advisory Opinions Podcast (with Sarah Isgur & David French) – Listen Here 📣 Call to Action If you found this conversation insightful, please: ✅ Subscribe to Talkin' Politics & Religion Without Killin' Each Other on your favorite podcast platform. ✅ Leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen: ✅ Support the show on Patreon: ✅ Watch the full conversation and subscribe on YouTube: 🔗 Connect With Us on Social Media @coreysnathan: Bluesky LinkedIn Instagram Threads Facebook Substack David French: 🔗 Twitter | BlueSky | New York Times Our Sponsors Meza Wealth Management: Prolux Autogroup: or Let’s keep talking politics and religion—with gentleness and respect. 🎙️💡…
Content provided by and Connor Quigley. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by and Connor Quigley or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here
Content provided by and Connor Quigley. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by and Connor Quigley or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here
Support the psalms - Psalm 23 sung acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. 1. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to lie In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2. My soul He doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, E'en for His own Name's sake. 3. Yea, though I walk through death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill, For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4. A table Thou hast furnished me In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. 5. Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me, And in God's house forevermore My dwelling place shall be.…
Support the psalms - 11 I said, when I was in my haste, that all men liars be. 12 What shall I render to the Lord for all his gifts to me? 13 I'll of salvation take the cup, on God's name will I call: 14 I'll pay my vows now to the Lord before his people all. 15 Dear in God's sight is his saints' death. 16 Thy servant, Lord, am I; Thy servant sure, thine handmaid's son: my bands thou didst untie. 17 Thank-off'rings I to thee will give, and on God's name will call. 18 I'll pay my vows now to the Lord before his people all; 19 Within the courts of God's own house, within the midst of thee, O city of Jerusalem. Praise to the Lord give ye. Sung acapella from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650. Recorded at Back Free Church used by permission.…
Support the psalms - 19 In vision to thy Holy One thou saidst, I help upon A strong one laid; out of the folk I raised a chosen one; 20 Ev’n David, I have found him out a servant unto me; And with my holy oil my King anointed him to be. 24 My mercy and my faithfulness with him yet still shall be; And in my name his horn and pow’r men shall exalted see. 25 His hand and pow’r shall reach afar; I’ll set it in the sea; And his right hand established shall in the rivers be. Sung acapella from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - Lo, I do stretch my hands To thee, my help alone; For thou well understands All my complaint and moan: My thirsting soul desires, And longeth after thee, As thirsty ground requires With rain refreshed to be. 7 Lord, let my pray’r prevail, To answer it make speed; For, lo, my sp’rit doth fail: Hide not thy face in need; Lest I be like to those That do in darkness sit, Or him that downward goes Into the dreadful pit. 8 Because I trust in thee, O Lord, cause me to hear Thy loving-kindness free, When morning doth appear: Cause me to know the wayWherein my path should be; For why, my soul on high I do lift up to thee. Sung acapella from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 23 My strength he weakened in the way, My days of life he shortened. 24 My God, O take me not away In mid-time of my days, I said: Thy years throughout all ages last. 25 Of old thou hast established The earth’s foundation firm and fast: Thy mighty hands the heav’ns have made. 26 They perish shall, as garments do, But thou shalt evermore endure; As vestures, thou shalt change them so; And they shall all be changed sure: 27 But from all changes thou art free; Thy endless years do last for aye. 28 Thy servants, and their seed who be, Established shall before thee stay. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 1 My heart is fixed, Lord; I will sing, and with my glory praise. 2 Awake up psaltery and harp; myself I’ll early raise. 3 I’ll praise thee ‘mong the people, Lord; ‘mong nations sing will I: 4 For above heav’n thy mercy’s great, thy truth doth reach the sky. 5 Be thou above the heavens, Lord, exalted gloriously; Thy glory all the earth above be lifted up on high. 6 That those who thy beloved are delivered may be, O do thou save with thy right hand, and answer give to me. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 8 I will instruct thee, and thee teach the way that thou shalt go; And, with mine eye upon thee set, I will direction show. 9 Then be not like the horse or mule, which do not understand; Whose mouth, lest they come near to thee, a bridle must command. 10 Unto the man that wicked is his sorrows shall abound; But him that trusteth in the Lord mercy shall compass round. 11 Ye righteous, in the Lord be glad, in him do ye rejoice: All ye that upright are in heart, for joy lift up your voice. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 1 Lord, bless and pity us, shine on us with thy face: 2 That th’ earth thy way, and nations all may know thy saving grace. 3 Let people praise thee, Lord; let people all thee praise. 4 O let the nations be glad, in songs their voices raise: Thou’lt justly people judge, on earth rule nations all. 5 Let people praise thee, Lord; let them praise thee, both great and small. 6 The earth her fruit shall yield, our God shall blessing send. 7 God shall us bless; men shall him fear unto earth’s utmost end. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 2 Bless, O my soul, the Lord thy God, and not forgetful be Of all his gracious benefits he hath bestowed on thee. 3 All thine iniquities who doth most graciously forgive: Who thy diseases all and pains doth heal, and thee relieve. 4 Who doth redeem thy life, that thou to death may’st not go down; Who thee with loving-kindness doth and tender mercies crown: 5 Who with abundance of good things doth satisfy thy mouth; So that, ev’n as the eagle’s age, renewed is thy youth. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 1 Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not; Nor in thy hot rage chasten me. 2 Lord, pity me, for I am weak: Heal me, for my bones vexed be. 3 My soul is also vexed sore; But, Lord, how long stay wilt thou make? 4 Return, O Lord, my soul set free; O save me, for thy mercies’ sake. 7 Mine eye, consum’d with grief, grows old, Because of all mine enemies. 8 Hence from me, wicked workers all; For God hath heard my weeping cries. 9 God hath my supplication heard, My pray’r received graciously 10 Sham’d and sore vex’d be all my foes, Sham’d and back turned suddenly. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 11 The fowls on mountains high are all to me well known; Wild beasts which in the fields do lie, ev’n they are all mine own. 12 Then, if I hungry were, I would not tell it thee; Because the world, and fullness all thereof, belongs to me. 13 Will I eat flesh of bulls? or goats’ blood drink will I? 14 Thanks offer thou to God, and pay thy vows to the most High. 15 And call upon me when in trouble thou shalt be; I will deliver thee, and thou my name shalt glorify. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - The Lord prepared hath his throne in heavens firm to stand; And ev’ry thing that being hath his kingdom doth command. 20 O ye his angels, that excel in strength, bless ye the Lord; Ye who obey what he commands, and hearken to his word. 21 O bless and magnify the Lord, ye glorious hosts of his; Ye ministers, that do fulfil whate’er his pleasure is. 22 O bless the Lord, all ye his works, wherewith the world is stored In his dominions ev’ry where. My soul, bless thou the Lord. sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 57 Thou my sure portion art alone, which I did choose, O Lord: I have resolved, and said, that I would keep thy holy word. 58 With my whole heart I did entreat thy face and favor free: According to thy gracious word be merciful to me. 59 I thought upon my former ways, and did my life well try; And to thy testimonies pure my feet then turned I. 60 I did not stay, nor linger long, as those that slothful are; But hastily thy laws to keep myself I did prepare. 61 Bands of ill men me robbed; yet I thy precepts did not slight. 62 I’ll rise at midnight thee to praise, ev’n for thy judgments right. 63 I am companion to all those who fear, and thee obey. 64 O Lord, thy mercy fills the earth: teach me thy laws, I pray. Psalm 119 sung a capella from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 1 I love the Lord, because my voice and prayèrs he did hear. 2 I, while I live, will call on him, who bowed to me his ear. 3 Of death the cords and sorrows did about me compass round; The pains of hell took hold on me, I grief and trouble found. 4 Upon the name of God the Lord then did I call, and say, Deliver thou my soul, O Lord, I do thee humbly pray. 5 God merciful and righteous is, yea, gracious is our Lord. 6 God saves the meek: I was brought low, he did me help afford. Psalm 116 sung a capella by a free church choir from the scottish psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - 13 Thou shalt arise, and mercy yet Thou to mount Zion shalt extend: Her time for favor which was set, Behold, is now come to an end. 14 Thy saints take pleasure in her stones, Her very dust to them is dear. 15 All heathen lands and kingly thrones On earth thy glorious name shall fear. 16 God in his glory shall appear, When Zion he builds and repairs. 17 He shall regard and lend his ear Unto the needy’s humble pray’rs: Th’ afflicted’s pray’r he will not scorn. 18 All times this shall be on record: And generations yet unborn Shall praise and magnify the Lord. Text from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650.…
Support the psalms - Text from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650. Recorded by Crown Hymn Youtube Channel: 1 O blessèd is the man to whom is freely pardonèd All the transgression he hath done, whose sin is coverèd. 2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord, imputeth not his sin, And in whose sp'rit there is no guile, nor fraud is found therein. 3 When as I did refrain my speech, and silent was my tongue, My bones then waxèd old, because, I roarèd all day long. 4 For upon me both day and night thine hand did heavy lie, So that my moisture turnèd is in summer's drought thereby. 5 I thereupon have unto thee my sin acknowledgèd, And likewise mine iniquity I have not coverèd: I will confess unto the Lord my trespasses, said I; And of my sin thou freely didst forgive th' iniquity. 6 For this shall ev'ry godly one his prayèr make to thee; In such a time he shall thee seek, as found thou mayest be. Surely, when floods of waters great do swell up to the brim, They shall not overwhelm his soul, nor once come near to him.…
Support the psalms - Text from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650. 12 But like the palm-tree flourishing shall be the righteous one; He shall like to the cedar grow that is in Lebanon. 13 Those that within the house of God are planted by his grace, They shall grow up, and flourish all in our God's holy place. 14 And in old age, when others fade, they fruit still forth shall bring; They shall be fat, and full of sap, and aye be flourishing; 15 To show that upright is the Lord: he is a rock to me; And he from all unrighteousness is altogether free.…
Support the psalms: 1 They in the Lord that firmly trust shall be like Zion hill, Which at no time can be removed, but standeth ever still. 2 As round about Jerusalem the mountains stand alway, The Lord his folk doth compass so, from henceforth and for aye. 3 For ill men's rod upon the lot of just men shall not lie; Lest righteous men stretch forth their hands unto iniquity. 4 Do thou to all those that be good thy goodness, Lord, impart; And do thou good to those that are upright within their heart. 5 But as for such as turn aside after their crooked way, God shall lead forth with wicked men: on Isr'el peace shall stay. Support the psalms: PSALM 125 From the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Meter: CM…
Support the psalms - Text from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650. 6 Thy royal seat, O Lord, for ever shall remain: The scepter of thy kingdom doth all righteousness maintain. 7 Thou lov'st right, and hat'st ill; for God, thy God, most high, Above thy fellows hath with th' oil of joy anointed thee. 8 Of myrrh and spices sweet a smell thy garments had, Out of the iv'ry palaces, whereby they made thee glad. 9 And in thy glorious train kings' daughters waiting stand; And thy fair queen, in Ophir gold, doth stand at thy right hand.…
Support the psalms - Text from the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650. 5 Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heav'ns; thy truth doth reach the clouds: 6 Thy justice is like mountains great; thy judgments deep as floods: Lord, thou preservest man and beast. 7 How precious is thy grace! Therefore in shadow of thy wings men's sons their trust shall place. 8 They with the fatness of thy house shall be well satisfied; From rivers of thy pleasures thou wilt drink to them provide. 9 Because of life the fountain pure remains alone with thee; And in that purest light of thine we clearly light shall see. 10 Thy loving-kindness unto them continue that thee know; And still on men upright in heart thy righteousness bestow. 11 Let not the foot of cruel pride come, and against me stand; And let me not removed be, Lord, by the wicked's hand. 12 There fallen are they, and ruined, that work iniquities: Cast down they are, and never shall be able to arise.…
Support the psalms - Psalm 103 from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Recorded at Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland. For he remembers we are dust, and he our frame well knows. 15 Frail man, his days are like the grass, as flow'r in field he grows: 16 For over it the wind doth pass, and it away is gone; And of the place where once it was it shall no more be known. 17 But unto them that do him fear God's mercy never ends; And to their children's children still his righteousness extends: 18 To such as keep his covenant, and mindful are alway Of his most just commandements, that they may them obey.…
A PSALM sung acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650(Meter: CM) Support the psalms: Recorded at the general assembly of the Church of Scotland. 7 Ye gates, lift up your heads on high; ye doors that last for aye, Be lifted up, that so the King of glory enter may. 8 But who of glory is the King? The mighty Lord is this; Ev'n that same Lord, that great in might and strong in battle is. 9 Ye gates, lift up your heads; ye doors, doors that do last for aye, Be lifted up, that so the King of glory enter may. 10 But who is he that is the King of glory? who is this? The Lord of hosts, and none but he, the King of glory is.…
By Bon Accord Choir 7 Ye gates, lift up your heads on high; ye doors that last for aye, Be lifted up, that so the King of glory enter may. 8 But who of glory is the King? The mighty Lord is this; Ev'n that same Lord, that great in might and strong in battle is. 9 Ye gates, lift up your heads; ye doors, doors that do last for aye, Be lifted up, that so the King of glory enter may. 10 But who is he that is the King of glory? who is this? The Lord of hosts, and none but he, the King of glory is.…
Support the psalms: PSALM 40 sung acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Recorded at a free church choir in 2000. 2 He took me from a fearful pit, and from the miry clay, And on a rock he set my feet, establishing my way. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, our God to magnify: Many shall see it, and shall fear, and on the Lord rely. 4 O blessed is the man whose trust upon the Lord relies; Respecting not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.…
Psalm 121 sung Acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Recorded at Free Church Festival of Psalms in 2000. (Meter: CM) Support the psalms: 1 I to the hills will lift mine eyes, from whence doth come mine aid. 2 My safety cometh from the Lord, who heav'n and earth hath made. 3 Thy foot he'll not let slide, nor will he slumber that thee keeps. 4 Behold, he that keeps Israel, he slumbers not, nor sleeps. 5 The Lord thee keeps, the Lord thy shade on thy right hand doth stay: 6 The moon by night thee shall not smite, nor yet the sun by day. 7 The Lord shall keep thy soul; he shall preserve thee from all ill. 8 Henceforth thy going out and in God keep for ever will.…
Psalm 118 sung Acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Recorded at Dowanvale Free Church. (Meter: CM) Support the psalms: 17 I shall not die, but live, and shall the works of God discover. 18 The Lord hath me chastised sore, but not to death giv'n over. 19 O set ye open unto me the gates of righteousness; Then will I enter into them, and I the Lord will bless. 20 This is the gate of God, by it the just shall enter in. 21 Thee will I praise, for thou me heard'st and hast my safety been.…
Psalm 91 sung Acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Recorded at Free Church 25rd Glasgow Recital 1996. (Meter: CM) Support the psalms: 1 He that doth in the secret place of the most High reside, Under the shade of him that is th' Almighty shall abide. 2 I of the Lord my God will say, He is my refuge still, He is my fortress, and my God, and in him trust I will. 3 Assuredly he shall thee save, and give deliverance From subtle fowler's snare, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 His feathers shall thee hide; thy trust under his wings shall be: His faithfulness shall be a shield and buckler unto thee.…
Psalm 71 sung Acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. (Meter: CM) Support the psalms: Recording: Free Church of Scotland choir: Performed in Heaven CD Publisher: Christian Focus 14 But I with expectation will hope continually; And yet with praises more and more I will thee magnify. 15 Thy justice and salvation my mouth abroad shall show, Ev'n all the day; for I thereof the numbers do not know. 16 And I will constantly go on in strength of God the Lord; And thine own righteousness, ev'n thine alone, I will record. 17 For even from my youth, O God, by thee I have been taught; And hitherto I have declared the wonders thou hast wrought.…
Psalm 67 sung Acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Recorded at Free Church Inverness Festival of Psalms 2000. (Meter: SM) Support the psalms: 1 Lord, bless and pity us, shine on us with thy face: 2 That th' earth thy way, and nations all may know thy saving grace. 3 Let people praise thee, Lord; let people all thee praise. 4 O let the nations be glad, in songs their voices raise: Thou'lt justly people judge, on earth rule nations all. 5 Let people praise thee, Lord; let them praise thee, both great and small. 6 The earth her fruit shall yield, our God shall blessing send. 7 God shall us bless; men shall him fear unto earth's utmost end.…
Psalm 143 sung Acapella from the Scottish Psalter of 1650. Recorded Glasgow RP church. (Meter: 66.66D) Support the psalms - 6 Lo, I do stretch my hands To thee, my help alone; For thou well understands All my complaint and moan: My thirsting soul desires, And longeth after thee, As thirsty ground requires With rain refreshed to be. 7 Lord, let my pray'r prevail, To answer it make speed; For, lo, my sp'rit doth fail: Hide not thy face in need; Lest I be like to those That do in darkness sit, Or him that downward goes Into the dreadful pit. 8 Because I trust in thee, O Lord, cause me to hear Thy loving-kindness free, When morning doth appear: Cause me to know the way Wherein my path should be; For why, my soul on high I do lift up to thee.…
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