What is Prayer?
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What is Prayer? On Bend, Break, Burn, and Blow podcast with Josiah Dyer and Aaron Guyett
Welcome to the podcast series called, "Good Christian Men: Brilliance at the Basics for Husbands and Fathers Seeking to Glorify God"
What does it mean to be a God-honoring man, in a society that either upholds toxic masculinity as the masculine ideal, or cuts men down to nothing in order to uphold a toxic feminist culture?
Those are both not working for our society as a whole, so what does God's Word to us say about what we ought to be and do and say in order to be strong, God-glorifying men in Christ?
Josiah Dyer and Aaron Guyett seek to establish a starting point for men in Christ. Men looking to lead a God-glorifying life in their marriage and household. Christian men that understand the power of the household in God's plan to expand His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
They see households as the special forces units in God's Kingdom, establishing His way, truth, and life in His covenant promises to us.
Using a what, why, and how format, Josiah Dyer and Aaron Guyett use their podcast show "Bend, Break, Burn, and Blow" to dialogue about the most important aspects of Christendom: Worship, Scripture, Prayer, Lord's Day, Confession & Repentance, Baptism, Lord's Supper, Creeds or Christian Beliefs, Confessions of Faith or Scriptural Belief Statements, Catechisms or Training, Hermeneutics or How One Interprets Scripture and Literary Texts, Covenant Theology, Reformed Theology, Systematic Theology, Calvinism, Armenianism, Molinism, Logic and Reasoning and Presuppositionalism, Cosmology or The Study of God's Creation, and Eschatology or Study of Final Things.
This episode Josiah Dyer and Aaron Guyett engage with the question, "What is prayer?"
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This excerpt of the Bend, Break, Burn, and Blow Sea Shanty By Christ Church Moscow, ID, is what our show is all about. Being bent, broken, burnt, and blown into the sanctified saints that the Lord is shaping us into for His glory and to enjoy forever. Read God's word daily for your discipleship in Christ, loving your wives, and catechizing your kids. Check out Christ Church's daily Bible reading here: https://biblereading.christkirk.com
20 episodes