Remember To Grow: Remember that God is working (Lesson 1)
Manage episode 434492523 series 2993403
Pastor Matt Hodge (Discipleship Pastor) - 2 Peter 1:1-15 (2 Peter 1:1-15; 3:1-2 & 18; Romans 3:19-27; 5:12-21; Philippians 2:12; 3:7-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 & 14-20; 13:13; Mark 12:28-31; John 13:34-35)
In this first lesson, we’ll explore how God is continually at work in our lives. We'll be reminded that salvation is entirely the result of God's love and grace—it is His work alone that saves us! Not only does God save us, but He transforms us from the inside out, making us new rather than just better. We’ll also see that God’s plan for us begins with inner transformation, leading to outward change. Ultimately, spiritual growth is the ongoing work of God, and He is always at work in our lives.
Remember to Grow: A Study in 2 Peter
Remember That God is Working (Lesson 1) 2 Peter 1:1-15
I. God’s Work For Us—Salvation
II. God’s Work In Us—Transformation A. grace and peace B. the knowledge of God C. Jesus our Lord D. divine power E. called to glory and virtue F. great and precious promises G. divine nature
III. God’s Work Through Us—Formation
Series description:
How can we grow spiritually and make progress in our Christian lives?
In this study of the book of 2 Peter, we will learn that spiritual growth and formation does not happen because we get some new revelation from God, or because we discover a hidden secret that unlocks the blessed life. Spiritual growth and formation happens when we remember the truth that has already been revealed to us, and respond to it with faithfulness and obedience. We do not need something new, but instead we need to renew our commitment to the way of Jesus!
We need to remember so that we can grow!
956 episodes