
Content provided by Teresa Heath-Wareing. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Teresa Heath-Wareing or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here
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How to Get on Top Rated Podcasts and Stand Out as a Guest


Manage episode 417913542 series 3443329
Content provided by Teresa Heath-Wareing. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Teresa Heath-Wareing or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here

Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I am sharing with you how to become a guest on a top rated podcast.

Tune in to hear my checklist of things that are most important to a podcast host, when choosing who they want to interview on their podcast. If you are ready to accelerate your growth, your audience and your email list this episode is a must listen!


  1. How to find podcasts to apply for
  2. How to determine if you are a good fit for a podcast
  3. Top tips for a successful pitch

If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.


Listen back to episode 316, Audience, Audience, Audience: Proven Tactics For How To Grow Yours Download the checklist for the things you should do if you are hoping to get on someone's podcast Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook


Becoming a guest on a top rated podcast can be a game changer for your credibility, for your business, and most importantly, for your audience growth. Getting in front of someone else's audience is so powerful, but how do you get on those top rated podcasts? How do you stand out from the crowd? Why does that podcast host pick you over someone else? Well, today, my friend, I am sharing all after years of having people pitch me to come on my podcast. I have pulled together a checklist of things that are the most important to a podcast host that will help you stand out and Be picked as a guest on their podcast. If you are ready to accelerate your growth, your audience, and your email list, this episode is for you. And if you're sitting there thinking, Teresa, I'm not sure I want to go on someone else's podcast. Then I want you to listen up anyway, because getting in front of someone else's audience is such a powerful strategy to accelerate your audience and your email list growth. And as we know, building your email list is one of the most important things that you can do in your business. And I'm going to give you the confidence to put yourself forward to go for these amazing opportunities. Hello and welcome back to this week's episode of Your Dream Business podcast. How are you doing this week? I've been super busy batching a lot of podcast episodes, and in doing that, it means I'm really ahead with my guests, which is awesome in one way, but also I don't like to be as ahead as I am because it sometimes feels like, great, we did an interview that comes out in September. So it can be a bit frustrating. However, As you can imagine, I get a ton of applications to come on my podcast. I've had my podcast for a long time. This is episode 346, like that is a lot of years. And I've had a load of people on my podcast over that time. And I've also been pitched. Many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times. And I've seen them all the good, the bad, the damn right awful. Like I was once pitched a subject and a person. Because this person said they were a big fan of the podcast. They listened to it and they noticed I'd never had anybody talking about this particular subject and they wanted to pitch this particular person. That particular person had come on my podcast and had spoke about that particular subject. And in fact, that person was highlighted on my podcast page of the website. So if they'd just gone and looked at my podcast page, they would have seen I'd already had that guest. So as you can imagine, that was a hard no. And actually, I think I was obviously not in a great mood that day, because I actually emailed them back and said, I'd do your research if I was you. But the problem is, and I don't normally do that, but the problem is it takes a lot of time as a podcast host who does interviews, finding the right people for your podcast, getting them on, doing the research, all of that stuff, looking through every application takes a ton of time. However, if you can get on a podcast, it's one of the most effective ways of putting you in front of another person's audience. I have a loyal and amazing group of humans that you are part of that listen to my podcast. So anybody that I put in front of you gets a front row seat at that audience. Like they get to stand on my metaphorical stage while I present them to you. So getting on other people's podcasts is a great way to become more visible and to build your email list. And actually, if you want to know a bit more about why we need to get visible and some of the tactics that you can use, and this is part of some of that, but I'm going deep in on this subject today, go and check out episode 316 called audience, audience, audience proven tactics for how to grow yours. So after you've listened to this one and you like the idea of it, go back and listen to that. And I'll give you some more ideas of how you can grow your audience. But like I said, getting on a podcast is a great way to grow your audience. Also, as things go, I find it one of the easiest things I can do. So not necessarily just getting on there, but once I'm on the podcast and being interviewed, being interviewed is awesome. And I love it because I don't have to put a ton of time into it. I don't have to prep too much. If I talk about the same sort of things, or if they ask me about my business, then it's easy. And I love it. I love having conversations with people. I love answering questions. So this is why today. I am going to share with you how you can pitch and get on amazing podcasts, because I have seen it all. And like I said, over the years I have worked out what makes an amazing podcast pitch that means I am very likely to say yes. and what makes a dreadful podcast pitch that I won't even get past the first couple of lines of. So today I'm going to take you through a checklist almost of things that you should do if you are hoping to get on someone's podcast. Now you don't need to panic about writing all these down. If you've got pen and paper, great. If you haven't head over to and you will find a link to this checklist. So as in the numbers, not the words, and you will find a link to this checklist. And I will give you all the things you need in order to go out and get put on amazing podcasts, which can do phenomenal things for you. And. This has been a strategy that I have been working with my group members and my accelerator members for some time. And I have the amazing Emma who has done exactly this strategy, and she has been featured on top 10 podcasts for her industry. She has grown massively in a short period of time because she was able to get in those podcast episodes and be featured on those podcasts. So this is a proven strategy that we are using in the club, in the membership, in the accelerator program, when I work with people one to one, this is something I walk them through and I wanted to give you some of this good stuff today. So let's talk about how do we get on these amazing podcasts. So the very first thing you need to do is find them. Now, this is not as difficult as maybe you would think. As easy as going onto Google and searching podcasts for, and whatever your niche is. So if you are a mom in business or your audience are moms in business, then you might want to go and search for podcasts for moms in business If you sell to people who Uh, online business owners, you might want to search podcasts for online business owners. If you are a coach that only looks after therapists, then you might want to search podcasts for therapists. So you get the gist. It's really simple. Go into Google, do a quick search, and no doubt it will come up with a ton of different podcasts. If you have a podcast, another really good way to do research is ask people when they apply for yours to tell you a couple of podcasts that they've already been on. And this will basically give you a bank of podcasts that you could also pitch for. So there's lots of different ways, but I just wanted to give you two really quick ones. But like I said, finding them shouldn't be the hard bit. Another really quick one, because I can't help, because now I'm talking about it is that you could also go and look at your competitors and see where they're speaking, what podcasts are they being featured on and again, they are podcasts that you could go on. So first thing is get yourself a good old list of podcasts that you could approach, but that's the easy bit. The next thing is. You need to do your research. So one of the worst things that I have is when people come to me and say, your podcast is amazing and it's a perfect fit. And they evidently have not even looked at the podcast. So the things that I want you to do when I say, do your research are. I want you to go and listen to some of their podcast episodes, specifically ones where they interview so that you can get the feel of what's the style of the podcast. Is it formal? Is it chatty? Is it conversational? What particular questions do they ask? How do they approach it? Who are their customers that they're serving? And you can get a really good feel for it from listening to a couple of episodes. Now I get this takes time, but If you're like me, you listen to podcasts while you're getting ready, while you're driving, while you're cooking dinner, whatever it might be. So you should hopefully be able to do it while doing something else. But definitely listening to a couple of episodes is going to give you the kind of in, in terms of, Okay. At least you know that you like the sound of that person, that you could definitely have a conversation with them. Because by doing that, you need to make sure that you are a good fit for their podcast because the audience could be perfect for you. That's one of the next things you need to check. And we'll get to that. However, if you're not a good fit, they're not going to have you on. So, and I mean from lots of different angles and by listening to you'll be able to get the idea. So. If they're particularly conversational, and you good at having a conversation? If they like to do inspiring stories, do you have an inspiring story? So are you a good fit for them? Do your subjects and your things that you talk about fit well with their podcast? So one of the things I get pitched on all the time is to come on and talk about Amazon. I don't talk about Amazon. Nothing I do is about Amazon. So why the hell is someone pitching to come and talk about Amazon? Cause I don't do it. So make sure that you are going to be a good fit for them. Then make sure that they have the right audience for you. So who is it that their podcast is trying to attract? Now, sometimes you might look at it and go, okay, well, if I am a nutritionist for children And I pitched to another podcast as Nutritionist for Children. Their audience is perfect. I'm potentially a really good fit for it. However, you might think I don't want to go on their podcast because they do what I do. First off, don't let this put you off. I've had tons of people on my podcast who do very similar to what I do. Definitely still keep it in the running of places to go. But what you might want to do is start to think of alternative podcasts that have your audience that aren't necessarily your exact thing that you do. So for instance, if you're a nutritionist for children and someone else has a podcast that's a sleep expert for children, then great, that would be a perfect podcast to go on and it would be the right audience. So in the early days, if you want to practice and you've not done many podcast interviews, then yeah, you can be a bit more flexible about the audience and, and you know, it might not be the most perfect fit if you just want to have some practice. However, in an ideal world, you want that audience to be the audience that you're trying to reach. And it definitely, as you're doing this, is a growth strategy. I want you to go and look at what have they talked about before and where could your topic fit in with that? Have they mentioned the thing before but not gone all in on an episode? Have they talked about it from one angle and you come at it from another angle? Have they not talked about it for a good few months and therefore they might be willing to actually now have someone else back on to talk about that particular thing. As a heads up, if I've had someone who has spoke on a subject recently, I won't have someone else speaking on that same subject for a little while. So it's not to say that they won't have you on. It's just, they might be more likely to, if they haven't done a podcast on that particular subject, or it might mean that rather going in with that particular idea, you go in with a slightly different idea. And then the last one in terms of research is do you have any connections that you use? One of the really brilliant strategies, and I would love to say that, you know, I chose it as a brilliant strategy. I don't know, maybe it was a strategy. Maybe I just stumbled across it was when I started interviewing people for my podcast. So bearing in mind, this is. I'm having guests on mine, not me pitching it to others, but the sentiment works the same. I chose someone to interview and then I looked at their network and decided who else in their network would be a really good interview. So for instance, Amy Porterfield was one of my first interviews and I looked at her network and I went out to Jasmine Starr and she came on. Because when you've got a in, or when you've got a, Hey, I've had so and so on, would you come on? Or, Oh, I saw that you had such and such person on. they're a good friend of mine, then it just opens that door. I had just this just the other day. So someone contacted me saying, we've both been, or we've both had someone on our podcast and we have a mutual connection and this connection is particularly lovely. So that instantly had me open up to a conversation with them, got on a call with them, had a chat. We're doing a podcast swap. So. When you have a connection, it can really, really help. So again, another great way to go is looking at that person and then who else do they know that has podcasts and using them. And you might even want to ask them if they can do an introduction depending on how well you get on with them. So always use those connections if you can. Okay. So you've done your research. We've got all our like stuff laid ready. Now, one thing that you might be thinking at this point is Teresa, that's a ton of stuff to go on one podcast. Yeah. It is okay. And you're not necessarily going to want to do this to every single podcast interview you try and pitch for. Some, you are just going to be able to look at them, think, yeah, that looks really good and reach them and contact them and ask if they want a podcast guest. Some that you really want to go on, And that have good audiences and good established podcasts. You probably should go to the extra mile. But like I said, this is a kind of in my world, if people do this work, they are getting very close to a yes before we even have a conversation. So for me, If you really want to get on a podcast, then absolutely, this is kind of the stuff you would do. Okay. So you've done all your research. What do we actually do when we're going to do the pitch? Well, the first thing that I would suggest is that you follow them on social media. Now, this was actually a conversation that I had with Liz Mosley and cause she also has a podcast. And one of the things that she said really made her laugh was when someone would say, Oh, I'm such a big fan. And then she would go and see if they followed her on social media and they didn't. And it's like, well, if you're such a big fan, surely you're following me on social media. So go and follow the podcast or the person or whoever it is on social media and interact with them. And I don't mean from a sleazy kind of, you know, just trying to get in front of their face. I mean, genuinely interact. Like if you liked an episode, what did you like about it? Again, as a podcast host, I flipping love it when people tell me they've listened to it. I love it when they come back and go, Oh, this was brilliant. Like it makes my world. So again, Do that for the podcast you want to go on because why else are we creating all this content other than for people to listen? Okay. So go and follow them on social media, try and go the extra mile. So what I mean by that is things like give them a review on Apple or Spotify. One of the best people that I had reach out to me included a screenshot of the fact that they'd given me a really lovely review. Also, they were very honest that they had only just found my podcast and they were just starting to listen and it was brilliant. So again, they didn't try and pretend they'd been a long listener and, you know, but they made it really useful and they gave me a review. So give them a review on Apple or Spotify again, as a podcast host. We love that because the more reviews we get, the better. So go that extra mile and do something like that. If you share their podcast on social, that's a really nice going the extra mile thing. Then when you do reach out, make it a personal reach out. So I get lots of reach outs from podcast agencies and they're not the worst, like there's some fine podcast agencies that do a good job. However, it is different if the person reaches out personally to me. And it's much harder to say no to that person. Now, personally, what happens when people reach out to me is I forward it on to Johanne, who is on my team, and I either put yes, no, or maybe, and Johanne has a response in which to send them. And like I said, that no, if I give a no, it can be so many reasons. It might have nothing to do with the person. So don't let that stop you. It, like I said, it could be that I've just had someone on talking about it. It could be that I don't want to talk about that thing. It could be that. Actually, that's not a good fit right now. Well, that's not where my focus is. There could be so many reasons why I say no to someone. That is not a reason not to go out and pitch. But like I said, when someone personally reaches out to me, I do feel much more inclined to personally go back to them. So that for me is a really good way to get seen. Okay. Make their job as easy as possible. So again, This is all very much focused on the host, which if you're trying to get on someone's podcast, it's a great place to focus. So when someone reaches out and says, can I come on your podcast? Or would you have so and so on the podcast? If they don't include...
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354 episodes

Manage episode 417913542 series 3443329
Content provided by Teresa Heath-Wareing. All podcast content including episodes, graphics, and podcast descriptions are uploaded and provided directly by Teresa Heath-Wareing or their podcast platform partner. If you believe someone is using your copyrighted work without your permission, you can follow the process outlined here

Today’s episode of the podcast is a solo episode where I am sharing with you how to become a guest on a top rated podcast.

Tune in to hear my checklist of things that are most important to a podcast host, when choosing who they want to interview on their podcast. If you are ready to accelerate your growth, your audience and your email list this episode is a must listen!


  1. How to find podcasts to apply for
  2. How to determine if you are a good fit for a podcast
  3. Top tips for a successful pitch

If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to iTunes and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.


Listen back to episode 316, Audience, Audience, Audience: Proven Tactics For How To Grow Yours Download the checklist for the things you should do if you are hoping to get on someone's podcast Connect with Teresa on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook


Becoming a guest on a top rated podcast can be a game changer for your credibility, for your business, and most importantly, for your audience growth. Getting in front of someone else's audience is so powerful, but how do you get on those top rated podcasts? How do you stand out from the crowd? Why does that podcast host pick you over someone else? Well, today, my friend, I am sharing all after years of having people pitch me to come on my podcast. I have pulled together a checklist of things that are the most important to a podcast host that will help you stand out and Be picked as a guest on their podcast. If you are ready to accelerate your growth, your audience, and your email list, this episode is for you. And if you're sitting there thinking, Teresa, I'm not sure I want to go on someone else's podcast. Then I want you to listen up anyway, because getting in front of someone else's audience is such a powerful strategy to accelerate your audience and your email list growth. And as we know, building your email list is one of the most important things that you can do in your business. And I'm going to give you the confidence to put yourself forward to go for these amazing opportunities. Hello and welcome back to this week's episode of Your Dream Business podcast. How are you doing this week? I've been super busy batching a lot of podcast episodes, and in doing that, it means I'm really ahead with my guests, which is awesome in one way, but also I don't like to be as ahead as I am because it sometimes feels like, great, we did an interview that comes out in September. So it can be a bit frustrating. However, As you can imagine, I get a ton of applications to come on my podcast. I've had my podcast for a long time. This is episode 346, like that is a lot of years. And I've had a load of people on my podcast over that time. And I've also been pitched. Many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times. And I've seen them all the good, the bad, the damn right awful. Like I was once pitched a subject and a person. Because this person said they were a big fan of the podcast. They listened to it and they noticed I'd never had anybody talking about this particular subject and they wanted to pitch this particular person. That particular person had come on my podcast and had spoke about that particular subject. And in fact, that person was highlighted on my podcast page of the website. So if they'd just gone and looked at my podcast page, they would have seen I'd already had that guest. So as you can imagine, that was a hard no. And actually, I think I was obviously not in a great mood that day, because I actually emailed them back and said, I'd do your research if I was you. But the problem is, and I don't normally do that, but the problem is it takes a lot of time as a podcast host who does interviews, finding the right people for your podcast, getting them on, doing the research, all of that stuff, looking through every application takes a ton of time. However, if you can get on a podcast, it's one of the most effective ways of putting you in front of another person's audience. I have a loyal and amazing group of humans that you are part of that listen to my podcast. So anybody that I put in front of you gets a front row seat at that audience. Like they get to stand on my metaphorical stage while I present them to you. So getting on other people's podcasts is a great way to become more visible and to build your email list. And actually, if you want to know a bit more about why we need to get visible and some of the tactics that you can use, and this is part of some of that, but I'm going deep in on this subject today, go and check out episode 316 called audience, audience, audience proven tactics for how to grow yours. So after you've listened to this one and you like the idea of it, go back and listen to that. And I'll give you some more ideas of how you can grow your audience. But like I said, getting on a podcast is a great way to grow your audience. Also, as things go, I find it one of the easiest things I can do. So not necessarily just getting on there, but once I'm on the podcast and being interviewed, being interviewed is awesome. And I love it because I don't have to put a ton of time into it. I don't have to prep too much. If I talk about the same sort of things, or if they ask me about my business, then it's easy. And I love it. I love having conversations with people. I love answering questions. So this is why today. I am going to share with you how you can pitch and get on amazing podcasts, because I have seen it all. And like I said, over the years I have worked out what makes an amazing podcast pitch that means I am very likely to say yes. and what makes a dreadful podcast pitch that I won't even get past the first couple of lines of. So today I'm going to take you through a checklist almost of things that you should do if you are hoping to get on someone's podcast. Now you don't need to panic about writing all these down. If you've got pen and paper, great. If you haven't head over to and you will find a link to this checklist. So as in the numbers, not the words, and you will find a link to this checklist. And I will give you all the things you need in order to go out and get put on amazing podcasts, which can do phenomenal things for you. And. This has been a strategy that I have been working with my group members and my accelerator members for some time. And I have the amazing Emma who has done exactly this strategy, and she has been featured on top 10 podcasts for her industry. She has grown massively in a short period of time because she was able to get in those podcast episodes and be featured on those podcasts. So this is a proven strategy that we are using in the club, in the membership, in the accelerator program, when I work with people one to one, this is something I walk them through and I wanted to give you some of this good stuff today. So let's talk about how do we get on these amazing podcasts. So the very first thing you need to do is find them. Now, this is not as difficult as maybe you would think. As easy as going onto Google and searching podcasts for, and whatever your niche is. So if you are a mom in business or your audience are moms in business, then you might want to go and search for podcasts for moms in business If you sell to people who Uh, online business owners, you might want to search podcasts for online business owners. If you are a coach that only looks after therapists, then you might want to search podcasts for therapists. So you get the gist. It's really simple. Go into Google, do a quick search, and no doubt it will come up with a ton of different podcasts. If you have a podcast, another really good way to do research is ask people when they apply for yours to tell you a couple of podcasts that they've already been on. And this will basically give you a bank of podcasts that you could also pitch for. So there's lots of different ways, but I just wanted to give you two really quick ones. But like I said, finding them shouldn't be the hard bit. Another really quick one, because I can't help, because now I'm talking about it is that you could also go and look at your competitors and see where they're speaking, what podcasts are they being featured on and again, they are podcasts that you could go on. So first thing is get yourself a good old list of podcasts that you could approach, but that's the easy bit. The next thing is. You need to do your research. So one of the worst things that I have is when people come to me and say, your podcast is amazing and it's a perfect fit. And they evidently have not even looked at the podcast. So the things that I want you to do when I say, do your research are. I want you to go and listen to some of their podcast episodes, specifically ones where they interview so that you can get the feel of what's the style of the podcast. Is it formal? Is it chatty? Is it conversational? What particular questions do they ask? How do they approach it? Who are their customers that they're serving? And you can get a really good feel for it from listening to a couple of episodes. Now I get this takes time, but If you're like me, you listen to podcasts while you're getting ready, while you're driving, while you're cooking dinner, whatever it might be. So you should hopefully be able to do it while doing something else. But definitely listening to a couple of episodes is going to give you the kind of in, in terms of, Okay. At least you know that you like the sound of that person, that you could definitely have a conversation with them. Because by doing that, you need to make sure that you are a good fit for their podcast because the audience could be perfect for you. That's one of the next things you need to check. And we'll get to that. However, if you're not a good fit, they're not going to have you on. So, and I mean from lots of different angles and by listening to you'll be able to get the idea. So. If they're particularly conversational, and you good at having a conversation? If they like to do inspiring stories, do you have an inspiring story? So are you a good fit for them? Do your subjects and your things that you talk about fit well with their podcast? So one of the things I get pitched on all the time is to come on and talk about Amazon. I don't talk about Amazon. Nothing I do is about Amazon. So why the hell is someone pitching to come and talk about Amazon? Cause I don't do it. So make sure that you are going to be a good fit for them. Then make sure that they have the right audience for you. So who is it that their podcast is trying to attract? Now, sometimes you might look at it and go, okay, well, if I am a nutritionist for children And I pitched to another podcast as Nutritionist for Children. Their audience is perfect. I'm potentially a really good fit for it. However, you might think I don't want to go on their podcast because they do what I do. First off, don't let this put you off. I've had tons of people on my podcast who do very similar to what I do. Definitely still keep it in the running of places to go. But what you might want to do is start to think of alternative podcasts that have your audience that aren't necessarily your exact thing that you do. So for instance, if you're a nutritionist for children and someone else has a podcast that's a sleep expert for children, then great, that would be a perfect podcast to go on and it would be the right audience. So in the early days, if you want to practice and you've not done many podcast interviews, then yeah, you can be a bit more flexible about the audience and, and you know, it might not be the most perfect fit if you just want to have some practice. However, in an ideal world, you want that audience to be the audience that you're trying to reach. And it definitely, as you're doing this, is a growth strategy. I want you to go and look at what have they talked about before and where could your topic fit in with that? Have they mentioned the thing before but not gone all in on an episode? Have they talked about it from one angle and you come at it from another angle? Have they not talked about it for a good few months and therefore they might be willing to actually now have someone else back on to talk about that particular thing. As a heads up, if I've had someone who has spoke on a subject recently, I won't have someone else speaking on that same subject for a little while. So it's not to say that they won't have you on. It's just, they might be more likely to, if they haven't done a podcast on that particular subject, or it might mean that rather going in with that particular idea, you go in with a slightly different idea. And then the last one in terms of research is do you have any connections that you use? One of the really brilliant strategies, and I would love to say that, you know, I chose it as a brilliant strategy. I don't know, maybe it was a strategy. Maybe I just stumbled across it was when I started interviewing people for my podcast. So bearing in mind, this is. I'm having guests on mine, not me pitching it to others, but the sentiment works the same. I chose someone to interview and then I looked at their network and decided who else in their network would be a really good interview. So for instance, Amy Porterfield was one of my first interviews and I looked at her network and I went out to Jasmine Starr and she came on. Because when you've got a in, or when you've got a, Hey, I've had so and so on, would you come on? Or, Oh, I saw that you had such and such person on. they're a good friend of mine, then it just opens that door. I had just this just the other day. So someone contacted me saying, we've both been, or we've both had someone on our podcast and we have a mutual connection and this connection is particularly lovely. So that instantly had me open up to a conversation with them, got on a call with them, had a chat. We're doing a podcast swap. So. When you have a connection, it can really, really help. So again, another great way to go is looking at that person and then who else do they know that has podcasts and using them. And you might even want to ask them if they can do an introduction depending on how well you get on with them. So always use those connections if you can. Okay. So you've done your research. We've got all our like stuff laid ready. Now, one thing that you might be thinking at this point is Teresa, that's a ton of stuff to go on one podcast. Yeah. It is okay. And you're not necessarily going to want to do this to every single podcast interview you try and pitch for. Some, you are just going to be able to look at them, think, yeah, that looks really good and reach them and contact them and ask if they want a podcast guest. Some that you really want to go on, And that have good audiences and good established podcasts. You probably should go to the extra mile. But like I said, this is a kind of in my world, if people do this work, they are getting very close to a yes before we even have a conversation. So for me, If you really want to get on a podcast, then absolutely, this is kind of the stuff you would do. Okay. So you've done all your research. What do we actually do when we're going to do the pitch? Well, the first thing that I would suggest is that you follow them on social media. Now, this was actually a conversation that I had with Liz Mosley and cause she also has a podcast. And one of the things that she said really made her laugh was when someone would say, Oh, I'm such a big fan. And then she would go and see if they followed her on social media and they didn't. And it's like, well, if you're such a big fan, surely you're following me on social media. So go and follow the podcast or the person or whoever it is on social media and interact with them. And I don't mean from a sleazy kind of, you know, just trying to get in front of their face. I mean, genuinely interact. Like if you liked an episode, what did you like about it? Again, as a podcast host, I flipping love it when people tell me they've listened to it. I love it when they come back and go, Oh, this was brilliant. Like it makes my world. So again, Do that for the podcast you want to go on because why else are we creating all this content other than for people to listen? Okay. So go and follow them on social media, try and go the extra mile. So what I mean by that is things like give them a review on Apple or Spotify. One of the best people that I had reach out to me included a screenshot of the fact that they'd given me a really lovely review. Also, they were very honest that they had only just found my podcast and they were just starting to listen and it was brilliant. So again, they didn't try and pretend they'd been a long listener and, you know, but they made it really useful and they gave me a review. So give them a review on Apple or Spotify again, as a podcast host. We love that because the more reviews we get, the better. So go that extra mile and do something like that. If you share their podcast on social, that's a really nice going the extra mile thing. Then when you do reach out, make it a personal reach out. So I get lots of reach outs from podcast agencies and they're not the worst, like there's some fine podcast agencies that do a good job. However, it is different if the person reaches out personally to me. And it's much harder to say no to that person. Now, personally, what happens when people reach out to me is I forward it on to Johanne, who is on my team, and I either put yes, no, or maybe, and Johanne has a response in which to send them. And like I said, that no, if I give a no, it can be so many reasons. It might have nothing to do with the person. So don't let that stop you. It, like I said, it could be that I've just had someone on talking about it. It could be that I don't want to talk about that thing. It could be that. Actually, that's not a good fit right now. Well, that's not where my focus is. There could be so many reasons why I say no to someone. That is not a reason not to go out and pitch. But like I said, when someone personally reaches out to me, I do feel much more inclined to personally go back to them. So that for me is a really good way to get seen. Okay. Make their job as easy as possible. So again, This is all very much focused on the host, which if you're trying to get on someone's podcast, it's a great place to focus. So when someone reaches out and says, can I come on your podcast? Or would you have so and so on the podcast? If they don't include...
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