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A weekly updated podcast for messages given at CrossPoint Fellowship in Republic, MO. Our church meets on Sunday mornings at 10am at 1660 Hwy 60 E (in the Town East Center next to El Charro and Bair's) so grab a friend and come visit us sometime! Check us out on the web -- -- for more information on coming to one of our services, small groups or events!
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show series
Men of God live differently than the rest of the world. Live open-handed. Do for one what you cannot do for all. Be kind and put yourself in someone else’s shoes before casting judgment. Pass the praise around. Seek opportunities to share admiration for others. Charity, mercy, and kindness make a man far more than self-reliance and cold-heartedness…
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Know and grow yourself, attend to weaknesses that are present and learn from mistakes. Also, count your blessings. Expect nothing and be thankful for everything. A man who continually repeats the same errors does a truly disgusting thing. When it comes to matters of faith, men of God avoid returning to a life before Christ. When we recognize what G…
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Men respect their leaders and consider advice from the experienced. They face anxiety purposefully fearing only a future of regret. A lack of seeking counsel isn't about self-reliance but a lack of respect for what others have to offer. Seeking counsel gives us a different perspective. Seeking counsel instills confidence in us. Seeking counsel help…
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Men shoulder blame and carry the burdens of those who are weak. Men also create paths rather than follow them. Don’t allow yourself to be dismayed by critics - know who you are. We have a duty to protect and serve those who are weaker than us. In order to share in another’s burdens, we must have a heart for their healing. It’s not just the ability …
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Boys live, men sacrifice. Deliver on your commitments even if it isn’t fun for you. It’s important that as men we are measured in action and control our emotions and question our instincts. Men sacrifice and deliver on their commitments even if it isn’t self-serving. Ensuring that we take care of our responsibilities is motivated by a love that put…
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Your word should be fact. Tell the truth even if it hurts and live your values whether no one knows or everyone is watching. Honesty is the idea that we tell the truth even when it hurts. Part of being truthful is being truthful when you could hide the truth. Confession is built in truth and results in the mercy of God. Integrity is present when we…
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Matthew 6:33 says that when we diligently seek God, His Spirit will be with us and take care of our physical needs. This is what we as believers need to live everyday, seeking the Kingdom first and foremost, and allowing the Spirit to act, to perform miracles in our lives to show that Jesus, though ascended, is very much still active in our world t…
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Just as Jesus spoke with authority towards demons, casting them out and commanding them, that authority is given to believers by the Spirit. This authority is unique to believers and the demons know it, people can try to imitate it, but will not have any luck, the best they can do is try and trick people, just like Satan. The glory of God is shown …
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In the face of intense persecution, the Church devoted itself to prayer. Not only does God hear our prayers but He acts on them. God’s actions in freeing Peter show His power over man, that despite Herod’s best efforts to keep Peter from working for the Gospel, those chains were powerless before God. When in the face of persecution, whether by man,…
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Most of us have heard the story of Paul. The Apostle to the Gentiles, arguably the greatest missionary in history, and author of 13 books in our New Testament. He didn’t start this way though, he was one of the primary instruments of persecution against the early Church before Jesus decided enough was enough. This process took the faithful actions …
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The Spirit leads and equips us to impact in ways we could not imagine. Philip is led to a seemingly random individual to explain the Scripture to him. Through Philip’s faithful actions, the man believes, and carries that belief back to Ethiopia. That single act by Philip led to a great spread of Christianity in Ethiopia, leading them to officially …
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The Spirit equipped the early Church to do both great miracles and also to speak beyond their natural ability. Through the Spirit we have the ability to completely change people’s lives for the better. It doesn’t take a formally educated or trained individual to share the Gospel in powerful ways. It takes someone willing to step out in the boldness…
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The Apostles, having lived with Jesus for 3 years, only to see him be killed and rise again, are left having to say goodbye again as Jesus ascends to Heaven. Knowing how we are, Jesus didn’t leave His followers to fend for themselves, and promised to send them a helper, the Holy Spirit. The gifting of the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of the promi…
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Jesus died on the cross to take our place, to take on the sin that we committed. Let’s face it - our sin put him there, we are the reason he was condemned to die. But that’s not where the story ended - he miraculously rose from the grave and he lives for us today. The introduction of Sin necessitated the coming of Christ. Everyone has sinned, and e…
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How can we be real with evangelism and discipleship? What’s our motivation, power source, audience? God’s motivation for evangelism begins and ends with His love for people. Loving others like God does causes us to have compassion for them. Our perspective on evangelism would change if we truly viewed others as lost sheep and not lost causes. A Chr…
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How are we empowered to stand against a world that is ready to reject us? The world is sick. The Gospel is the cure. We are called to be ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. We are all called to go and take the cure for sin to the world. God cares. We aren’t the authors of the message, we’re simply delivering it. We have a responsibility to the world…
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We can walk the walk but do we talk the talk? Those who don’t know Jesus will only learn about him if we tell them. Are we verbalizing our faith? If your faith isn’t important enough for you to discuss, do you truly value your faith? We have a Gospel message and it is worth delivering that message to others. People can't believe in a message that h…
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What about our lives gives those around us a curiosity for the Hope living in us? Our lives will either will either support or undermine our claims for Christ. We must always be prepared to share the hope we have in Christ. Theologian Alexander McClaren states, “Only he who can say 'the Lord is the strength of my life' can go on to say, 'of whom sh…
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The Church is the human representation of the Kingdom of God. The Church is a vital piece of any believer’s walk. This week we look at what the Church should be. The Church is the human representation of the kingdom of God. We talk about two different “churches” in Christianity, the global Church and the local church. The global Church is the body …
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The Lord’s Supper is the representation of Jesus’ final meal with his closest followers. We take the Lord’s Supper to remember the sacrifice that was made on our behalf. The Lord’s Supper is the representation of Jesus’ final meal with His closest followers. As believers, we partake in the Lord’s Supper of bread and fruit of the vine, as Jesus did,…
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We submit to baptism because Christ submitted to baptism. It is a chance to publicly proclaim that we are a new creation in him. Jesus submitted to baptism, signifying the beginning of His ministry. Likewise, He asks us to be baptized as a public profession of faith, as the next right step following Salvation. Believers are baptized by water in ord…
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The Scripture is God’s revelation to man. It’s the Christian guidebook. We need it, we need to know it, we need to follow it. The Bible is the Word of God. The 66 books encompassed by the Old and New Testaments were all inspired by God to instruct and lead people to Him and to righteous living. Though multiple translations are available in multiple…
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Who needs salvation? Everyone. What is Salvation? Forgiveness. Why do we need salvation? Sin. When should we accept salvation? Immediately. All people have sinned and will sin. The due punishment for this rebellion against God is eternal death, which is separation from God. The only way to restore our relationship with God is by accepting the gift …
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The Holy Spirit was a gift from Jesus to his disciples and all future believers. A promise of his presence is what comes with the Spirit. The Spirit emboldens us and encourages us to follow Christ. The Holy Spirit is the final person of the Trinity, God with us. The Spirit calls all people to repent of their sin and is gifted to everyone who has re…
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Jesus is God the Son. He received his authority from YHWH his father. He is the perfecter of our faith and our salvation. He lovingly went to the cross to die for our sins and the perfect life he lived meant that his gift of sacrifice was sufficient to bring about the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus Christ, the Son, is God born as a man. He is the s…
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God gave Moses his name as YHWH translated the “I Am.” God simply is whatever he needs to be - all powerful, all knowing, all everything - to his people. On this day, we discuss the Father. God the Father is the head of the Trinity and the creator of the universe. He is all powerful, all knowing, all loving and all wise. God is the foundation of lo…
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In the end, it’s all about love. It’s why his Father sent him to Earth and it’s why he died for us. The original Greek for the words translated into "gave" and "loved", are both written in the Aorist Active Indicative. Which indicates actions undefined by time that are present and future occurring. The love of Christ focuses on sacrifice and servit…
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Joy is what we experience when hope is realized. For many, Jesus brought about joy that they didn’t know existed. Jesus is an eternal giver of joy. Jesus promises those who experience sorrow that it won't be a permanent condition. We experience joy because Jesus went to the cross to solidify our faith, and did so for our joy. Joy is a sign that sal…
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Peace is the gift brought by Jesus for all mankind. We can find peace in Jesus regardless of our circumstances! The first way that Jesus' peace is made present in our lives is through the restoration of relationships. Our propensity to sin leads us to hurting each other. When we realize that what’s most important is the connection we have to one an…
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Hope - that’s what people were looking for with the coming Messiah. It may not have gone down exactly as they had wanted it to. But, hope is what he came to bring and that’s what we have with him today. The first great thing about receiving gifts is the anticipation. Jesus is our reason to hope in what otherwise feels like a hopeless situation. The…
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God is so good to us. But do we want him to be good to others? Jonah was glad that God had been merciful to him but was angry that he had been merciful to the Ninevites. God sends an object lesson to Jonah to show him there’s a real irony in that. We have no right to be angry with God for being God. Too many of us get upset because others experienc…
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When we run and we repent the next right step is obedience. Jonah does what he should have done in the first place, which was to step outside of his comfort zone in faith. There is no running from God's command on your life. We have no control over how people respond to the message God calls us to deliver, but that doesn’t lessen our responsibility…
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Jonah sank to the bottom of the sea until God sent a giant fish to swallow him up and therefore save his life. God sometimes gives second chances and Jonah was certainly a recipient of that. What should be our response to God in those moments? Is it possible we are drawn closer to God during valleys rather than mountaintops? The natural reaction to…
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Jesus mentioned Jonah while he walked on earth, but who was this man? Over the next 4 weeks, we’ll be diving deep into one chapter at a time from the book of Jonah, learning what we can from his story. This week, we’re looking at how God called Jonah to run to Nineveh to preach to them … but instead he ran in the opposite direction. And away from G…
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It’s tempting and, some days, easier to “fly solo” and say we can do this life on our own. But all of us can point to times where we’ve not only needed God but also others to stoop down and pick us up. The 11 disciples knew they needed a 12th man to help them build the church Jesus started. The fact is that they needed each other - and his disciple…
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You’d think that after 3 years of following Jesus, seeing the things He did, hearing the message and prophecies He spoke, the Apostles would be without doubt. Yet, there was still doubt among them. Thomas, like so many of us, asks for proof before he will believe, his skepticism (potentially pessimism) doesn’t let his faith thrive. Our faith must t…
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Peter was chosen by Jesus to be the rock on which He will build His church, yet Peter wasn’t a perfect man. Peter denied knowing Jesus 3 times during the moments leading up to Jesus’ death. Despite this, Jesus forgave Peter and called him to “feed my sheep,” reaffirming Jesus’ call on Peter’s life. Each of us must know the true identity of Jesus if…
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Jesus didn’t just send out the disciples after His ascension, He sent them out multiple times during His ministry, including just after appointing the 12. We don’t have to be fully trained, theological masters, with a master’s of divinity to evangelize the Gospel, we just have to be followers of Jesus and go out in His power, not our own. They cert…
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Jesus calls Levi (Matthew), a tax collector, who would’ve been despised by everyone at that time. Despite being looked down on and despised by society, Jesus still calls all those who are “sick from sin” that they may be healed and follow Him. From the lowest of blue-collar workers to the white-collar criminals, Jesus is truly for everyone. We show…
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Jesus, being God Himself, went out of His way not just to evangelize to people, but to build a group of individuals that He could both pour into and rely on. The first that Jesus calls to His side is Peter, James and John (and presumably Andrew based on the other Gospel accounts). The story in Luke shows Peter’s initial faith, as well as an instant…
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You would think people would learn from their recent history, but humans have a way of selective memory when things are going well. King Darius fell for the trap and was too proud to go back on his word, so Daniel went into the Lion’s Den. But our God shuts the mouths of lions, and will not be outdone. There will always be people who will seek to f…
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Who gets the glory? God, end of story. We can’t forget where our help comes from, we can’t forget who props us up in the position that we are in. Nebuchadnezzar did just that, and he paid for it. We must provide others with the confidence that their honesty will not be met with hostility. We can deliver hard truths in a way that lends itself to com…
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What do we do when we as believers have been ordered to do something that goes against our beliefs? Lead by example and hold true to what we know is right. Oftentimes doing things that are right by God means doing things we are ordered not to do. We must be willing to lose all that we have gained for what is right. We must be willing to go from bei…
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The reward of acting in faith in times of struggle is provision. God will give us what we need and nothing less. Nebuchadnezzar was attempting to prepare these men for positions of responsibility but their success came because they were being prepared by God. God doesn’t just give you what you need to survive, he gives you what you need to thrive. …
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Despite being given a command by the King who had just captured and dragged them off from their home, they refused to stray from their convictions of what was right. It’s easy to change the way we do things in the midst of a struggle, but faith perseveres. You are who your actions say you are. It’s easy to seek God when our provision is pint-sized …
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You’re a loser. It’s ok - we’re all losers next to God’s goodness. We all are in need of righteousness, given to us by God, and to be equipped by Him. Once we’ve been equipped, we’re ready to be used by him to accomplish his great purpose - to bring other losers like us into his family. When we realize and accept that when we are left alone to our …
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Elijah is one of the great prophets of the Bible and was, at one point, the only prophet of Israel. He accomplished some astounding supernatural things with God’s power… and yet could not overcome his depression. If you feel that way, you are not alone. But we have to find our identity in God’s declaration of who we are, not who we see ourselves as…
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Paul persecuted Christians for years. And then he met Jesus. For possibly the rest of his life, though, we had a personal struggle, what he called a “thorn in the flesh”. We too have our struggles like Paul, but we know that Jesus is there for the losers in the midst of their deepest valleys. Outside of Jesus, God has never called anyone to do anyt…
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