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There was a young prophet in the book of Kings whose name was never given. All it says about him was that God told him to go and give a message to the king. God was also very explicit in instructing him not to return by the way he came. The prophet delivered the message and then the king invited him to go home with him for food and a gift. It reads…
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DON'T GO BACK AND DON'T LET IT COME BACK TO YOU! We’ve all heard the expression “a drug is a drug is a drug.” As they would say when I ministered in the inner city of New Orleans, “what’s your drug of choice?” What could the enemy or flesh make so tempting to you, to such a degree, that you would return to it? Where does the flesh want you to retur…
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ARE YOU REALLY PRAYING OR JUST COMPLAINING? PART 2 Jesus said in Luke 12:48 in the New International Version; But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Agai…
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NOT THE RAPTURE BUT HIS WRATH Usually in the mornings when I wake up I start with the words, "good morning Father, good morning my Savior. I love you Holy Spirit." These have been my words or something similar to them every waking morning for many, many years. But my sisters and brothers on Sunday morning of this week, I had the most horrific dream…
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ARE YOU REALLY PRAYING OR JUST COMPLAINING? Like many Christians, they won’t say it out loud or to others, but in their hearts they know without a doubt that they feel God is being unfair in not judging others as soon as they think He should. Much like children will react and respond to their earthly parents in regards to their younger siblings whe…
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HYPOCRISY PART 4 There are many who believe that there is only one antiChrist. They believe that THE AntiChrist will come as he’s spoken of in Revelations. It’s believed that all of the things, the terrors, judgments and battles of Revelations will be, must be taking place in order for him to be here. Therefore since all of these things are not occ…
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HYPOCRISY PART 3 If certain things in our lives are not in order, then no matter how many gifts we have, no matter how many souls we bring to Christ, no matter how great we can preach, teach, sing, prophecy or whatever else, if we have no honor, morals, character, or integrity, then in actuality, all that we’ve achieved in the body of Christ is bec…
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If certain things in our lives are not in order, then no matter how many gifts we have, no matter how many souls we bring to Christ, no matter how great we can preach, teach, sing, prophecy or whatever else, if we have no honor, morals, character, or integrity, if we we have no intimacy with Christ then we are total hypocrites and we are not growin…
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HYPOCRISY If the people that follow you would become just like you would you like them? Would you see in them the things that you try to keep hidden from others by faking it? Do you live a life before others just to impress them or for them to think things about you for your own personal gain? When you're at home, away from church and the body of C…
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ONE THING AFTER THE OTHER PART 2 If you are one who needs to repent then please know that you don’t have much time left because you can’t last much longer with the way things are going in your life. It’s a matter of repent or perish. God has made promises to His sons and daughters. He has promised to keep us, lead and guide us. He has promised to h…
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ONE THING AFTER THE OTHER! I had a dream a couple of weeks ago in which people were being turned into monsters. As it went, they were after those of us who were still normal. In the dream this man, who I didn't know and I were running and trying to escape from the creatures that were after us. Just as in this dream there are things in life that wil…
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WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP PART 3 After the death of Jerub-Baal, his son by his concubine raised up the people against his half brothers, Gideon’s legitimate sons and had them all killed with the exception of one who was able to escape. That one son, Abimelek called out to the people speaking to them the story of the trees wanting a king. Howe…
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WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP PART 2 When David went to Araunah to purchase his threshing floor for a sacrifice to the Lord, the Message Bible reads in II Samuel 24:24 But the king said to Araunah, “No. I’ve got to buy it from you for a good price; I’m not going to offer God, my God, sacrifices that are no sacrifice.” So David bought the threshin…
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Each and everyone of us need to realize that we all have a particular purpose in life. It's the anointing that God has placed upon you. But regardless or what or how great that anointing might be, are you willing to give it up. Would you be willing to let it go for something less important, something superficial, cheap and cut rate? Are you willing…
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STREGTH IS POWER PART 2 In I Kings 20:11 before Ben Hadad attacked Samaria, he bragged to Ahab as to how he would defeat the Israelite nation. He wanted Ahab and Samaria to be so afraid that they would give up without a fight. But Ahab responded to Ben Hadad saying, “‘One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off.’” What God …
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If we are in the will of our Father then Satan is nothing more than a two year old with a water gun. We stand on God’s word in II Timothy 1:7, we know, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. We know and understand God's word and we trust Him. But yet, when the enemy comes to attack, if we’re not …
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In spite of all that’s occurring in this nation, in your state and even in your personal life, again, God is saying to you don’t give up, don’t let go and don’t stop believing. Remember Jairus when they told him his little daughter had died. Jesus said to him, don’t be afraid, just believe. God has not finished doing what needs to be done in our li…
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THERE IS STILL HOPE! Remember, strength is not the same as encouragement. Yes, God wants us to be encouraged but while being encouraged we also need to stay strong. We need to be powerful, robust and firm in our stance and resistant to the tactics of the enemy. We cannot listen to his words or be incapacitated by his feeble attacks and attempts to …
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"God Has Turned Your Curses Into Blessings and Your Sadness Into Joy!" PART 2 What does your enemy, the devil, think when he hears your name? Maybe there was a time that he didn’t think much but I’m here to tell you today that those times have changed and the tables have turned. You have another name that’s attached to your name and that name deman…
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GOD HAS TURNED YOUR CURSES INTO BLESSINGS AND YOUR SADNESS INTO JOY! In spite of the hardships that you and your descendants may have experienced God wants us to know that we are blessed. The curse of the law is no longer in effect for my family or yours. So many are missing out on their blessings, education, marriages, careers, buying homes and ot…
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In a dream that God gave me last week I was in a store full of supplies. Our Father is telling me that He has everything we need for each of us as we go forth. These supplies will be for ministries, our personal lives , families, businesses or whereever supplies for our lives are needed as long as we obey Him with our whole hearts and our whole sou…
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AFTER THE STORM THEN WHAT? Most of you know that God has been ministering to us concerning test, battles and storms. We must past these test and win these battles in order to move to higher levels and deeper depths in the body of Christ. However, in spite of the fact that many of us made it through the storms and won the battles there will be one m…
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STRENGTH! PART 2 Remember what battles truly are, they’re tests. They’re a test of strength to see who’s stronger, you or the enemy. I love listening to Dr. Tony Evans out of Dallas, TX. Every morning I get a message from him as well as some type of encouraging word. One morning the word he shared stated; "God’s role is to fight. Our role is to hav…
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Battles are tests of strength. Battles are tests to see who, what nation, what team or group is strongest. They’re fought in order to see who has the greatest strength. With that in mind it should be realized that in order to pass the tests that many of us are going through right now, we can’t depend on our own knowledge and self worth but we must …
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WHAT HAVE YOU LEFT OPEN?! WATCH AND PRAY! Once again God has given me a dream to minister a word to His people. Through this dream I know our Father is telling us to be alert, be aware and keep watch. We must be aware of where the gaps and breaches are in our hearts and minds. We cannot allow the enemy to have easy access into our lives and spirits…
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There are some who have been waiting on our Father to move them to higher heights whether that height is spiritual, physical or financial. But in order for this advancement to take place, we must pass the test. God gave me a dream on Monday morning, January 29, 2024. Through this dream I know He's saying it's time for advancement but first we must …
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When God deems it necessary, when our Father sees stones that are blocking our way to Him, He’ll send whatever and whoever He chooses to shake things up! That includes our lives, our finances, marriages, families, jobs, communities and yes, even our nation. God will shake things up for you and if necessary, He’ll shake some things as well as some l…
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This week I am releasing a prophetic word for someone. This message came to me on last Friday and although I don't know in particular who it's intended for, I do know that our Father wanted me to post this today. I pray that whoever it's for, will receive it, be strenthened and encouraged through it. Let me add that because of this word that God ha…
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We need to remember that whatever God has to shake up, reorganize, change and even remove, He will do it on our behalf. Again, He has a plan for it all. In Mark 16 it says there was an earthquake and the angel rolled back the stone and sat on it. The angel didn’t just roll back the stone because after he rolled it back, he sat on it. It’s as though…
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God knows our strengths as well as our faithfulness to Him. Despite that, sometimes we just don’t understand as to why things have been blocking us from accomplishing the goals that God has set forth. We know that we’ve heard His voice and we know that He knows our obedience to His word. But now He’s setting doors before us that only He can open. G…
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When Paul was on the ship in Acts 27 it was one of the worst hurricanes ever. It says that they didn't see sun or moon for days and for all that time they were in that hurricane. If Paul ever needed a miracle he and the men on that ship definitely needed one then. However, God sent the angel to Paul to give him a word not to lend him a hand. During…
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WHAT'S THE REAL PURPOSE OF THE STORMS IN OUR LIVES? As we go through the storms of life there are certain things that we should know. There are certain things that God wants us to know. Yes, our Father wants us to know that we don’t have to be afraid, we don’t have to fear, we don’t have to stress, have anxieties or become hysterical when these lif…
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PUT YOUR FOOT ON HIS NECK OR HE'LL PUT HIS FOOT ON YOURS! PART 3 There are too many who cannot move forth because the enemy keeps attacking and the really sad thing is, that for many, none of his attacks are new or different. He keeps attacking with the same strategies and schemes. Why should he change anything if he knows the old things are still …
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PUT YOUR FOOT ON HIS NECK OR HE'LL PUT HIS FOOT ON YOURS! PART 2 Our covenant with God assures us that we don’t have to be afraid. because as we all know, there’s more that’s for us than they that are against us. In Joshua 10 the Lord told Joshua and the people, “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be ab…
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"IF YOU DON'T PUT YOUR FOOT ON HIS NECK HE WILL PUT HIS FOOT ON YOURS!" This is not the time for the sons and daughters of God to be on rollercoaster rides going back and forth, up and down between victories and defeats in their battles with the enemy. God has not had me to minister concerning spiritual warfare to this degree in quite some time so …
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Last week I was contacted by some of you who listen to the podcast to say that all you received was an advertisement from the buzzsprout server. Unfortunately I was out of town for the entire week and was unable to correct the error from my phone. I'm uploading the same episode this week and it is the final episode for the HARD AND STRANGE FRUIT se…
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HARD AND STRANGE FRUIT PART 3 There are those who truly started out in the body of Christ who were pure, innocent and loved the Lord our God with all their heart. We were God’s beautiful brides and lovers as described in the Song of Solomon. But now the church has caused so many to become grotesque and ugly. As young brides the fruits were developi…
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HARD AND STRAGE FRUITS PART 2 Fruits are not like the gifts. God gives us gifts of the Spirit ( apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, healing, helps, guidance [administrators] and different kinds of tongues) and we know the gifts are without repentance. Once our Father has given us our gifts they’re there to stay. He doesn’t take them back. This …
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HARD AND STRANGE FRUIT! There are far too many who run after the gifts of the spirit but are totally oblivious to the fruits of the spirit. It’s so necessary to understand the importance of these virtues in our lives. There are far too many with nothing but fake fruit. Their love is fake, their kindness, gentleness and even their goodness is just a…
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NO ONE, NOT EVEN YOU, WANTS YOU BLESSED MORE THAN GOD! PART 2 We’ve heard people call others false prophets because they didn’t receive what was spoken to or over them. Of course we all know that there are those who falsely say things in the name of the Lord and they will stand in judgment for it. But what about those words that God truly spoke and…
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NO ONE, NOT EVEN YOU WANTS YOU BLESSED MORE THAN GOD! God wants to remind us that no one wants what’s best for us more than Him. No one wants the good things for us, our children, our mates, family members and even for descendants that we have yet to see more than God, Himself. No one wants your children saved, your marriage blessed, your health re…
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REGRETS PART 2 In my younger years I didn’t know or understand that I needed to forgive myself for not only my sins but for my regrets as well. It’s not a matter of forgetting about the things that we’ve done or the mistakes we’ve made because that may never happen. But ultimately we must forgive them. When we don’t, then the remorse and regrets re…
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This week's episode is entitled REGRETS! There are many of us who have made decisions in life that we truly wish we hadn’t. There have been times when I’ve said that if I could go back and change things in my life I definitely would. So much so, that if possible, I would delete certain events like on the old VCRs that we had years ago. I’d fast for…
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There are far too many who are willing to sacrifice their people but not themselves. They will sacrifice the people but not for the people. There are far too many pastors, leaders and prophets who are willing to see others suffer for their poor decisions and yet not admit that it’s their fault, that it was because of their wrong choices and poor gu…
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DON'T END UP PAYING FOR THE MISTAKES OF YOUR LEADERS! Choices made by leaders are often paid for dearly by the people that follow them. That's not always a good thing. When David made the choice to number the fighting men 70,000 men died but not David nor his family, only the people. Some times we have no input as to what's done by those who lead u…
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For most of us we have tried to give our children what they will need to be successful in the lives they will live on their own. We’ve taught them how to drive, how to cook, how to pay bills and be financially responsible. We’ve taught them as much as we could how to live as adults in this world. But have we taught them sufficiently as to how to li…
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In I Kings 9:5 there are two pertinent words that were used in that verse. Those two words are forever and never. God promised Solomon that the throne would be established forever and never would their fail to have a successor from David’s lineage on the throne of Israel. However, with those promises there were stipulations that Solomon had to foll…
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We all know the words of the song that says, “His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.” If God doesn’t forget the sparrows surely He hasn’t forgotten us. Luke 11:6 reads; Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. As surely as He takes care of the sparrows He will definit…
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In John 19 it says that as Jesus was dying on the cross He spoke to His mother and the disciple whom He loved. Why did Jesus stop in the midst of dying, in the very process of going to His Father to speak to His mother and that particular disciple? It was to assure that His mother would be taken care of in her latter years. Even though He had biolo…
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