show episodes

The Spark Podcast

Amy Tianyi Zhao & Meg Dowaliby

The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: | Vocabulary videos:
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show series
We first had Alex Kim on The Spark in July of 2022 - go back and listen to episode 31 if you haven’t already. Last time we talked, we delved into the incredible work he’s doing to get the BIPOC community outside with Here Montana. To this day, it is one of our most listened-to and engaged-with episodes. Not just because of the work he’s doing with …
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Disclaimer: On April 16th, Amy had the opportunity to finally have lunch with her mentor, the former president of NYU. On the night of the Year of the Dragon New Year’s Eve, Amy found herself in tears while FaceTiming her parents. In this episode, she continues the conversation from our previous installment, sharing her mix of anxieties and excitem…
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Meg is back from her first trip to China in five years. We said we’d be back in three weeks, but that quickly turned into eight. For Meg, jet-leg, getting back into routine, and processing this trip so that she can share her experience took a little longer. This is one of the most precise and poignant episodes we’ve ever recorded. The points of con…
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By the time you read this, Meg will be on a plane to China for the first time in five years and you won’t hear from us for about a month. In this episode, Meg shares her thoughts as she finally gets to go back to China. Amy shares what she’ll be up to while Meg’s gone. 当你读到这条消息时,Meg 已经在飞往中国的飞机上了。接下来的一个月你可能不会收到我们的更新,这是因为Meg要在中国好好体验。毕竟这是五年来她第一次回国。在这一…
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We all take risks, big and small, every day - especially those of us who are leading unconventional lives that span across multiple countries and cultures. In this episode we ponder the question, “When is a risk worth taking?” 无论大小,我们每天都在冒险——尤其当我们是过着跨越多个国家和文化的非传统生活的人。在这一集中,我们思考一个问题,“何时冒险是值得的呢?” Listen along to hear our answers. Join in on the conve…
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We’re baaaackkk! Did you miss us? In our 40th episode and first of 2024, we take some time to reflect on 2023 and share what we’re most looking forward to in 2024. Our first episode of each new year has become a ritual of sorts - a way for us to take inventory of where we’ve been and where we’re going. 我们回来了!你想我们了吗?2024年的第一集也是我们的第40个整集。在这集中,我们花了一些时…
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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In this episode, Meg and Amy deep dive into AI, their experiences exploring its capabilities, where they think it will be adapted and where they think it won’t, and more. Both Amy and Meg share how it is or isn’t being used in their respective fields, and Meg shares the fun ways she’s been using it outside of work. Meg 和 Amy深入讨论了人工智能——这个可能对创意行业产生深远…
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What you might not know is that when Meg is not behind the mic for The Spark Podcast, she’s writing. Surveyor of life, midwife of stories - the truest thing Meg knows about herself is that she’s a writer. In May of 2022, she started a personal newsletter called Field Notes where she shares her lyrical essays, poems, and personal anecdotes. With Fie…
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In this episode, Amy and Meg sit down to talk about the Barbie movie - because it’s a MUST. IYKYK. They talk about their experiences going to see both Barbie and Oppenheimer, how the Barbie movie was received in both America and China, the stark contrast between Barbie and Oppenheimer, and their arrival at this moment in history. 在这集中,Amy和Meg分享了观看电…
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Meg and Amy sit down for a mid-summer check-in. They talk about what they’ve been up to since the last episode, visiting past versions of themselves, work, Amy’s trip home, and more as they look forward to what fall holds for The Spark. Meg 和 Amy在这仲夏之日,坐下聊了聊过去几个月发生的点点滴滴。她们分享了从刚开始做播客到现在的心态变化,工作上的起起伏伏,以及Amy的回家之旅。在这集的结尾,Meg和Amy分享了对“火花电台”接下来节目的策划和期盼。 I…
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Meg and Amy revisited their past episode "Two Cities, Multiple Lives” after three years of turbulence, travel bans, and growth. The world may seem and feel different after the pandemic. However, upon re-listening to the episode and reexamining their lives over the past three years, they realized that instead of splitting lives in between different …
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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我同我個朋友Veronica都係喺多倫多長大 由細到大都係受英文教育 但係仲係有時會覺得英文好難 總係有啲字 淨係識用廣東話講 唔識用英文講 My friend Veronica and I both grew up in Toronto. Despite our English education, sometimes we still find English so hard! Listen to us talk about words that have confused us
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Transcript: Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under: 翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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Meg and Amy reflect on episode 3: Scared But Brave, and episode 4: Hello 2020 - the two episodes recorded before the world as we knew it fell apart. Hello 2020 right? And when they look back they talk about how coincidental it was that the motto they went into to 2020 with, “Scared But Brave,” would be so necessary. They discuss the moments they ha…
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Every great story starts at the beginning. Now that The Spark is almost four years old, Meg and Amy wanted to take a look back on how it all started. They reflect on their first two episodes and from it emerges a the topic of growth. Amy shares how she’s learned to less-critical of herself and Meg shares how she’s learned to become more herself and…
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Meg and Amy are back behind the mic again for their first episode of 2023! They share where they’ve been, where they’re going, and what they’ve been up to since the last episode. Plus, what’s new for The Spark and the exciting new way to connect with Meg and Amy and others in The Spark community! Be the first to join in here: https://thesparkpodcas…
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If you look at the outdoor industry, you usually see one type of person - white men. Alex Kim has set out to change that. Alex Kim is a first generation Korean American. Originally from Maryland, he’s the founder and director of Here Montana. Here Montana, is an outdoor program in Missoula, Montana that serves people of color to increase outdoor re…
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然这并不是火花电台第一次采访楼佳凯,但这是我们第一次用中文与佳凯对话。佳凯是怎样从一个中国留学生,成长为一位拎着相机设备,义无反顾地深入丛林,牧场,和高山的纪录者?除了腾讯纪录片里收纳的情节,《一次远行》镜头后到底还发生了什么故事?在异国他乡学习生活多年后,如今,佳凯终于回到了老家义乌。他最近在忙什么?生活如何? 摘下相机的佳凯,是一个什么样的人?希望通过这集,我们都可以更加了解我们的老朋友,故事叙述人,纪录片摄影人楼佳凯。 你可能已经听说过,或者看过腾讯视频的最新纪录片系列《一次远行》。《一次远行》记录了五名中国留学生在疫情期间,人在他乡求学生活的故事。纪录片的最后一集的主角是火花电台采访过的前嘉宾——自由纪录片摄影人楼佳凯。当我们第一次采访佳凯的时候,他人还在美国蒙大拿州的米苏拉。那时的…
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You may have seen the recent Tencent Documentary Series, Bon Voyage, that follows five Chinese students living abroad during the pandemic. In the last episode, they follow past Spark guest, Jiakai Lou. When we first talked with Jiakai, he was in Missoula, Montana at the height of the pandemic sitting at a crossroad: To stay in the U.S. or to go. If…
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In this solo episode, Meg caught up with the first foreign exchange student she knew who subsequently became one of her oldest and closest friends. Meg met Diane Schäfer-Surén in highschool on the Oregon Coast. The two take a walk down the memory lane, talking about all the instrumental moments that turned Diane’s foreign exchange experience into o…
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Amy终于在去年年底,采访到了一位她非常佩服的好朋友——李泽尧。目前,他的全职工作是一名在PINT任职的网络工程师。业余时间,他是纽约市立大学亨特学院的客座教授。从屏幕前到讲台后,作为一名年轻的外国教授,泽尧在美国公立大学教课的过程中经历了非常多有意思的身份转换和奇异故事。在这集中,我们均娓娓道来。 李泽尧是一名生长在北京,如今长居在纽约的网络工程师,设计师,以及教育者。他本科毕业于上海纽约大学,研究生毕业于纽约大学帝势艺术学院互动电子媒体学位。 感谢聆听!我们希望你能加入和我们的对话。你的评论和评分对这档播客至关重要,我们提前感谢你的参与。 你也可以和我们在以下社交平台直接对话: Instagram: @spark_podcast Facebook(脸书): @thesparkpodcas…
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In this episode, Amy had a casual conversation about careers, lifestyles, and the meaning of being a global citizen in today’s context with one of her friends, Zeyao Li. Zeyao is a web engineer at PINT, an adjunct professor at the Hunter College Film and Media Department, and a fellow Bejinger / New Yorker/ NYU Shanghai Alumni. He unleashes his cre…
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Amy and Meg are back with a brand new episode of The Spark in the New Year, kicking things off how it all began - in conversation, just the two of them. As they embrace the Year of the Tiger wholeheartedly, Chinese New Year brings the concept of home to mind. They realized that the concept of home and it’s definition has changed for the both of the…
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In this episode, Amy and Meg sit down for one final conversation of The Spark’s Motherhood Series which organically stemmed from a single episode and turned into a beautiful, sensitive, and powerful series featuring three inspiring mothers. For Amy and Meg, it only felt fitting that the last guests of the series were the mothers they’ve been in con…
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Raised in Shanghai, China, Jenny Zheng is a fellow millennial, entrepreneur, influencer, and a new mom in Manhattan. She is the founder of Velvet.Co, an international public relations and marketing agency and living her life to the fullest countering challenges with instinct. In this conversation, Jenny opens up about becoming a mother, striking th…
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