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DongXiNanPei, since 2010, is a discussion radio and podcasting in Mandarin chinese and English. The host taiwanese Yilin Lee-Setälä invites the people living in Nordic countries to discuss about Eastern and Western cross-cultural issues. All interviews can listen from facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dongxinanpei
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小明拆台 Ming Strike

小明拆台 Ming Strike

歡迎收聽小明拆台,我們是几位住在英國搞表演和藝術的小明,喝咖啡,聊是非,性本善,拆人台。聚焦世界各地表演和藝術界的事件和現象,討論亞洲藝術家的創作和觀察。 Ming Strike is a monthly podcast about current events and challenges in performing arts through the eye of Asian art practitioners living in the UK.
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A Podcast about Lindy Hopper's Lived Experiences and Stories! 「這些聲音,需要被驕傲地聽到!」 《Swing大小事》是 Switch Taipei 下的中/英文人物訪談節目。(從週更到月更,現在即將變成季更)我們會邀請與 Swing / Jazz / Black Culture / Anthropology of Dance 有關的來賓,聽他們聊聊人生中的大大小小事,為你的搖擺人生帶來新的靈感! 會員訂閱制,正式開跑! 「HELLO?」- 完整版搶先聽,週末八卦閒聊不無聊! 「HELLO~ 耳朵打開沒有」- 會員專屬歌單 + 每月音樂專屬集數 - 「有更多搖擺好聲音,搖擺好想法,需要被聽到!」 - #PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei #SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow Switch Taipei 官網 >> http://switch-taipei-swing.mystrikingly.com/ 會員訂 ...
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《流行通信》是由 IPN 出品的艺术类播客,由龙荻主持。我们不只谈艺术。 Pop Dispatch is a podcast about arts, culture and beyond. It is hosted by Julia Long and produced by IPN. https://popdispat.ch popdispatch@ipn.li
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諾曼共和國是一個全新的網路廣播節目 讓我們以人文藝術和科技作為主題每個禮拜邀請不一樣特別來賓 我的節目分享他們的故事 這是我們共和國廣播節目的預告 希望大家可以訂閱我們的 節目 Republic of Norman it's a new Chines podcast! talks about art, culture and our life.
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Hi, this is a podcast about what readers read and what do they do. The readers read will reflect on their life. Keep reading and sharing. 這裡是Cait與閱讀、閱讀與朋友的Podcast。與在海外的朋友聊他們正在閱讀、推薦的作品,也聊他們遭逢新冠肺炎鎖國的影響、生活樣貌。2021首度嚐試以中英文呈獻,讓中文、英文書迷也能輕鬆聽取完整內容。 預計每月隔週三推出#Call-out好友及#看書架系列,未來預計推出#所剩孤寂的書店系列等節目,如果你在尋找有關閱讀、影視改編原著、或只想找個好睡覺的聲音,歡迎訂閱我的Podcast,這裡有你可找到我的頻道平台:https://open.firstory.me/user/ckmdllo7m1x1f0810ewmuv9mv/platforms Blog: https://caitchang.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/readerscaitlog Inst ...
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From Unicorns and Ninjas to Dinosaurs and Rock Collections, we talk about it all. The Chatty Monkey (蛇猴閒聊) is a Daddy-Daughter Mandarin podcast where we (爸爸和嫣嫣) chat about what excites us in life. Adventurers of all ages welcome. 歡迎所有冒險家來聽聽我們的廣播“蛇猴閒聊“! 是ㄧ個爸爸女兒(七歲)(爸爸和嫣嫣)ㄧ起錄的對話系列. 話題卻五花八門. 既然嫣嫣的興趣繁多我們什麼都談. 獨角馬也好, 水上樂園也好, 無論你興趣怎樣我們大概都會講ㄧ點點. 是ㄧ個以華語為主的廣播. 來吧. 跟我們一起談啊.
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為什麼血是紅色的🩸?為什麼大便臭臭的💩?為什麼恐龍滅絕了🦖?好奇的小孩們總是有好多的問題在腦袋裡轉呀轉!「媽媽老師,我想問問題」是一個為全世界的好奇小孩們設計的Podcast - 孩子們可以勇敢提問,然後媽媽老師會帶著小朋友一起去尋找答案。在節目中我們不僅探討自然科學常識,開啟孩子視角,更深入關懷孩子們心靈,包含社會情緒學習、身體健康管理、品格養成等等...孩子的身心靈各個方面遇到的疑問和煩惱,都有我們來當家庭的後盾。我們會邀請各個領域的專家、其他家長,以及孩子們一起探索,一起學習,一起去找答案。 "Ask Mama Laoshi" is a podcast in Mandarin made for curious minds around the world. Children can ask any questions without being judged, and we not only answer them but also show them how to look for the answers. In this children-centered show, ...
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这个频道里的播客是为中文学习者制作的。欢迎关注我的Youtube频道:Chinese Podcast With Shenglan,那里有更多的中文学习视频和播客:)成为我的Patreon会员,即可获得文字稿和更多播客内容:patreon.com/chinesepodcastwithshenglan?fan_landing=true
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Podcast by Vicky Xu and friends. About anything and everything they find interesting 許微其和朋友們的播客,關於一切他/她們在乎或者覺得有趣的東西 If you have a news lead, or a funky story to tell, we want to hear it 如果你有新聞線索或者有趣的故事,請來信告訴我們 vickyxuandfriends@proton.me Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「喂,Iphie嗎?我是Wendy,你最近怎麼樣?」 / 歡迎來到打個電話給你Podcast,我們是Wendy和Iphie,目前居住在香港和北京的妙齡女性代表,一個從事且沈迷電影,另一個熱衷人類學和社會創新,在信仰的路上越走越誠懇。 / 我們曾經也叫「我不夠好嗎」,在這麼大的世界有一些自我懷疑也是正常的吧?所以我們每周的一通電話,有時聊點感情的娛樂的,有時分享些理性的思辨的,有時也會不小心觸及心中柔軟的疼痛的。 / 如果聽Podcast是為了陪伴,希望我們這一通電話,能用最真誠卻也最隨意的對話,溫暖你的時間。 / (這八十年代的煽情文案真是充分暴露年齡毫不手軟...) / ✨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/one_call_away_podcast/ ✨Patreon: patreon.com/onecallaway ✨YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@onecallaway3444
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Critical thinking practice on pop culture, but we don't talk by popular demand, hosted by Des. Hammer Time 是一个聊流行文化的播客节目,讨论内容以主播个人对流行文化的理解出发,也会请朋友们来聊聊天,展开我们认为有价值的话题。 If you don’t know now you know. Newsletter & 播客订阅:https://hidesssss.substack.com/ 给主播写信:sonicelsa@gmail.com hidesssss.substack.com
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A weekly Cantonese language podcast for intermediate learners covering a line-up of little observations about the Canton culture beyond dim sum. The purpose is to create an alternative to traditional textbook tapes for repeated listening and have more fun. Host Yasmin is from Hong Kong. She is passionate about language learning, capable of 5 languages. . 以改善廣東話學習者(中級)聽力為宗旨嘅輕鬆節目!內容以趣味性出發,圍繞主持人對廣東文化嘅一啲小發現同個人日常。主持人Yasmin,香港人,熱愛語言學習,識得五種語言,希望透過呢個自然地講廣東話嘅節目,提供另類嘅學習機會俾大家。本節目每週更新。
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DJ Chester|廣東話Podcast

從洛杉磯電台DJ,斜槓變身到空少 分享加州生活|旅行|奇遇|心靈 *Podcast 節目逢星期五更新 » NEW Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/flyingdj.radio » IG: https://www.instagram.com/theflyingemcee » FB: http://fb.com/theflyingemcee » Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/美國-DJ空少Chester ▼ More About DJ Chester 盧咫風 ✈️ 飛天時是空少 🎙 落地後是電台DJ/ MC 🌎 空閒時是旅遊浪人 🌋 地底下就變身成城市探險者 帶著”Life is a journey, not a destination”的信念, 隨風探索充滿溫度的親身經歷故事
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北冥有鱼 Carefree Soaring

一档从心理学角度观察和探索我们自身经验以及周围世界的节目。 “北冥有鱼”出自庄子《逍遥游》,讲的是北方的深海里有一条大鱼,它游着游着就飞了。 两个闲晃的临床心理学家,审视万物在精神世界的投影,探索“逍遥游”的可能性。 主播:卡其,朝朝 欢迎订阅,评论,或者将意见和反馈发到我们的邮箱:carefree.soaring@outlook.com 欢迎关注我们的微博@北冥有鱼播客; 小红书@北冥有鱼;Twitter: @CarefreeSoaring 你可以在小宇宙|喜马拉雅|Apple Podcast| Google Podcast| Spotify| Pocket Casts|Radio Public|Anchor 等播客平台找到我们。 欢迎关注我们的播客名片:https://namecard.xiaoyuzhoufm.com/kjty9?s=jlwo 也欢迎添加RSS feed订阅: https://anchor.fm/s/6b6f9e90/podcast/rss
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Boil Basketball

Young | Jack | Godwin

Podcast started by three young passionate basketball fans talking about the hottest NBA news. 這是一個由三位對於NBA充滿熱忱的球迷一起成立的Podcast 三位都曾經出國留學,分散在美國東部和中部。希望用輕鬆幽默的聊天方式在Podcast讓更多不認識NBA的台灣人感受到籃球的熱血! Young | Jack | Godwin Powered by Firstory Hosting
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If you're looking to keep up your Chinese and learn about critical issues relating to U.S.-China policy, then you've come to the right place. This podcast provides a selection of audio recordings from AMS lectures in Washington, D.C., as well as readings from key policy documents often featured in AMS weekly newsletters. If you are not a member of the American Mandarin Society, go to www.mandarinsociety.us and sign up. Thanks for listening!
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Mind a Bit is a semi-monthly podcast dedicated to discussions of intelligence and mind, brought to you by two cognitive psychologists and guest speakers from neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and philosophy, etc. We talk about Brains, Minds, and Machines, grounded in original research. 基智一点是一款讨论心智基本原理的半月更播客。在每一期节目中,两位主播会与来自神经科学、心理学、计算机科学或哲学等领域的嘉宾共同探讨一个与智能相关的主题。我们以原始文献为蓝本,聚正反两面,旁征博引地讨论智能的原理。以围炉夜谈的形式,邀三五好友,深入浅出地解剖关于心智的思考。我们邀请您一起,一点一点地了解智能的基本原则。欢迎访问我们的网站 mindabit.chat,了解更多信息。 Support ...
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歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳 Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please c ...
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通勤學英語Podcast, 利用每日15分鐘,不用死背單字、文法,即刻跟著節目開口提升你的英語力! 每週有三大節目可以收聽,每集15mins以內,跟讀單元附有雙語逐字稿,不論一杯咖啡的時間,通勤或塞車,都可以將幫助你創造全英語學習環境! - 國際時事跟讀,跟著 John老師一起朗讀、跟讀時事趣聞。 - 15Mins Cafe英語咖啡館,收聽John與老師群討論主題內容與精選詞彙。 - 15Mins Live Podcast ,收聽該週一在Clubhouse上的直播單元,可一同參加練習口說! 喜歡這個Podcast? 請在Apple Podcast裡給五星給予支持並留言喔~ 歡迎訂閱加值內容,訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday 官網: www.15mins.today FB粉專: https://www.facebook.com/15minsenglishcafe/ 商業合作請來信: 15minstoday@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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中文說故事 / 台語說故事 / 睡眠音樂 / 讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠。 1.【睡前故事】 中文說故事 + 台語說故事 現在愈來愈多年輕人和小朋友不會說台語,小七想要為台語的傳承盡一份心力,用中文和台語來講經典故事。也有小七自己寫的故事。希望您會喜歡。 2.【睡眠音樂】 聽完睡前故事後, 聽合適的睡眠音樂或白噪音進入夢鄉。也有適合激發智力發展的莫扎特古典音樂,很適合親子聆聽,以及準媽媽做為胎教音樂。 祝您好夢,明天又是充滿希望,美好的一天,晚安! Here is a website about sleep, with sleep music and bedtime stories, good dreams, tomorrow is full of hope again, good day, good night! Bedtime Stories: Now that more and more young people and children cannot speak Taiwanese, Xiaoqi wants to contribute to the inheri ...
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一個與大自然穩定交往中的人類,分享她從零開始與自然談戀愛的經驗的一個短期節目。 第一季:有關自然萬物的知識、荒野經驗、農作與牧場經驗、環境議題、政府與非政府組織、環保小撇步以及與大自然戀愛的日常生活。 第二季:有關森林療癒與自然療法的知識與研究以及被大自然療癒的日常生活。 預計隔週週六晚上八點播出,每期10-20分鐘左右。 同步於臉書專頁、Apple podcast、Spotify、Pocket Casts、KKBOX、Youtube頻道 專輯網站與節目文稿: https://medium.com/one-by-earth 相關粉絲專頁- 。與自然約會21天/Dating with Nature 21 Days https://www.facebook.com/DatingwithNature 。我們的自然故事/Stories about Nature https://www.facebook.com/StoriesAboutNature 節目資訊- 聲音/剪輯/企劃/監製:小一 專輯封面:Wan-Ling Tsai 靈魂繪畫、小一 Powered by Firstory Ho ...
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歡迎來到20以上 40以下 我是莎 一個來自香港 現居台灣的女巫 這是一個80后 想要聊聊30歲左右會遇到的事, 在這混亂的時代不管你是幾歲,該如何自處呢? ✔️5顆星+留言、訂閱、分享❤️ ✔️Firstory: https://reurl.cc/m9onjY 留下你的語音信息 讓我也聽聽你的聲音 在這個時空中用聲音相遇 ✔️IG:https://reurl.cc/Md0v5X 跟我聊聊天 一起聊聊屬於我們的20+40-的時代 ✔️也歡迎請我喝杯冰美式 支持這個節目 讓我們一起聊聊30歲左右會遇到的事:) https://pay.firstory.me/user/20to40 在哪裡可以收聽🔻 🎧 KKBOX: https://reurl.cc/py1dAd 🎧 Spotify: https://reurl.cc/Ezr7ea 🎧 Apple Podcast: https://reurl.cc/9XGEa8 🎧 Google Podcast: https://reurl.cc/8noG8d 🎧 Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/4ikehoo1 🎧 F ...
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一方面 抱怨现实生活 for one thing, it is about the real life you know, a lot of people today are suffering 钱难赚屎难吃 actually they couldn't earn a lot of money, they even couldn't earn a living 物质条件那些事 something of reality and stuff, the material life 婚姻话题 for another, they are scared of marriage, and they don't trust love at all…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》終於回歸第二彈來啦~~~~ 這集的來賓是在倫敦唸性別碩士同時也是來自北京的搖擺舞者 - Claudia!本集的前半個小時宇宙大爆聊性別,Claudia 從他的生命經驗以及中國的脈絡出發加上各種性別理論,跟大家分享他對於性別建構的想法,還有他身為 Gender Non-conforming 和無性戀者的故事,以及更多有趣的從性別角度出發的社群觀察。 - #本集內含: 性別大小事:性別的建構 性別大小事:無性戀的大小事與酷兒時間 故事搖起來:What is SWING to you? 故事搖起來:第一次跳舞的場景與個人經歷的結合(北京) …
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没啥想分享的 尤其是和身边人 No, I don't have anything new to share with other people, you know, especially who are around me 忙完太累了 after a busy day of work or study, I'll be very tired 不爱看电话 sometimes I don't want to spend a lot of time on my we chat or even on my phone 顺便说一下 我好朋友结婚了给我发请柬了 Oh, by the way, my best friend just got married last week and I have got…
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------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.…
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前任做的一餐饭 超好吃 Actually my ex girlfriend used to make a special meal for me, that was quite impressive. 超级用心 from the ingredients to the cooking skills , from the raw materials to everything in details 在厨房俩小时 太不可思议了 She spent like more than two hours in the kitchen and that was very amazing 最逗的是要分手才做的饭 The very interesting point was that she was plann…
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很多人需要朋友 a lot of people like keeping in touch with friends mainly because they need friends the most 忙碌之余生活很无趣 after a hard day of busy work or regular study, they would certainly find the life quite boring 朋友是充实生活的最好礼物 friends will be the best gifts for them to make the life much happier 很多人没见过 但感受过 a lot of people haven't seen it before, but actu…
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平安就是福!家樂福中元用品尚澎湃 8/3-4、8/10-11、8/15-8/17 會員於量販店/超市/線上購物/家速配,單筆消費滿額享9折,實體店以現金折價券回饋 活動詳情及限制請見 https://fstry.pse.is/69uepn —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲…
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This week's ghost stories we discussed ghosts that can move thing, aka poltergeist. Acknowledging a crying ghost at word by offering her food and drinks. Out of body experience by another guest being attached by a bird ghost. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-07-29.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋…
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没有互联网我就去遛弯 Without the internet I would go for a walk 最爱遛弯了 吃完饭之后 the slow walk is my favorite or sometimes just after the dinner in the evening 也会去做户外运动 比如打网球 I would try to play some sport in the open area, like tennis for example 偶尔也跑步 但不经常 sometimes I would just, you know, go for a run, but I don't do it quite often because it is too much for m…
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想買房卻不知道如何開始?想換房卻沒人陪你一起看房? 兩年前我們買下第一間房,也開了《無殼蝸牛》這個節目。我們分享買房經驗,也分析不同地區的區域發展、最新建案、建商評價。戴起耳機,跟著無殼蝸牛一起看房! https://fstry.pse.is/69s37l —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有…
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仲夏節一過, 北歐的夏天就過了一半,有溫度的陽光實在太珍貴了。把握剩下的夏日,住在北歐就得使出「夸父追日」的精神,渾身解數的招數,分秒必爭,不管南北,在戶外一定用盡所有可能的陽光和溫度。住在挪威古城也是舊京的 Nicole(Chan) 當然也不例外,夏天還沒到就開始做好計劃,摩拳擦掌從住家重建計劃,到音樂會,從立式槳板到風箏衝浪,跟著老公上山下海,就算是一天的行程,也要從日出到日落將近二十個小時充分利用,不但遨遊在峽灣著稱的挪威好山好水之間,帶著掛在槳板的北極蝦疊麵包,美酒,吊床,還出國每年夏天雲遊世界各地風箏衝浪好去處,既休假還可以征服天候,挑戰自我。北歐人這樣過夏天的動力,就是要彌補漫長黑暗冬天的遺憾,學會與自然共存。讓我們一起和 Nicole 度過如此豐富的挪威夏日生活! 節目重播 2…
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举足轻重的地位 I think that the internet is playing an important role in our life 与生活学习息息相关 it has got to do something with our regular work and everyday study 不用去教室或者公司 we even don't have to travel to the workplace or travel to the school 效果显著 but it works really well
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平安就是福!家樂福中元用品尚澎湃 8/3-4、8/10-11、8/15-8/17 會員於量販店/超市/線上購物/家速配,單筆消費滿額享9折,實體店以現金折價券回饋 活動詳情及限制請見 https://fstry.pse.is/69uepn —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲…
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🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#60🌸美好的七夕🌸Wonderful Tanabata🎵 中文和台語睡前故事,還有好聽的睡眠音樂,讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠,每週五更新 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn/comments ✦FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/little7.168 ✦YouTube:http://Youtube.com/@little7.7 ✦各類合作請洽:little7.168@gmail.co…
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心情不好压力大的时候 when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm feeling very tired or the fatigue comes to me 钢琴曲不一样 让我放松提神醒脑 the music from piano can be very different from other kinds of musical instruments. I feel like very relaxed and refreshed 不知道为什么 天生的 I don't know why probably it's born with 小时候学过钢琴 when I was at my young age, I tried to learn something…
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是的 啥新闻都看 Yeah sure of course, I could say that currently I'm a super fan of different kinds of news 了解实事 I’ll get to know something new in the world and I would get to know the everyday life 过去只看八卦 sometimes in the past I was trying to stay focused on entertainment news, the gossips 现在看正经东西了 I would certainly keep an eye on finance and economy…
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------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 意見回覆 : ask15mi…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》終於回歸啦~~~~ 寫完論文回歸的第一集(系列中的第三十四集),當然就是要跟大家分享在圖書館寫、在捷運上寫、在飛機上也一直寫,終於寫完的論文;而在這集節目中,最常出現的來賓 Yang 再次登場,邊聽傑森的分享邊替大家進行實時提問。 論文標題 "From Margins to Centre: How Queer Lindy Hoppers Are Redefining Safe Space at Mobtown Ballroom" 不負責任翻譯:「從邊緣到中央:Mobtown Ballroom 的酷兒舞者生命經驗如何重新定義安全空間」 …
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HP EliteBook G11商務筆電搭載 Intel® Core™ Ultra 處理器,內置AI Boost及智慧會議功能,搭配Windows中的Copilot,快速彙整會議內容及工作,事半功倍! https://fstry.pse.is/6a2pn5 —— 以上為播客煮與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核…
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Previously we shared our experiences in primary school. This time, we moved on to discussing our secondary school life. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-07-22.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHo…
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大部分情况下 不会 Most of the time, I wouldn't say yes you know 不明智 I don't think that it's a smart decision to get some help from other people 自己解决 I want to work out problems you know I mean, I want to work things out by myself 克服难题 提升自己 overcoming this problem and just improving myself
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想買房卻不知道如何開始?想換房卻沒人陪你一起看房? 兩年前我們買下第一間房,也開了《無殼蝸牛》這個節目。我們分享買房經驗,也分析不同地區的區域發展、最新建案、建商評價。戴起耳機,跟著無殼蝸牛一起看房! https://fstry.pse.is/69s37l —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有…
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喝啤酒,是北歐人再平常不過的事,但如果喝啤酒,能喝出事業,那就真的很了不起。移居挪威的 Jeff Wang 不用狂飲,也不用喝到爛醉,喝進去的那第一口就註定了他實現自己,投資事業的挪威人生。這個想法來的並不偶然,第一眼看到超市架上那個啤酒罐上的「彩虹」圖樣 和 Jeff 產生了巨大的共鳴,因為那是他的人生觀,生活價值和生活方式。剛到挪威的菜鳥 Jeff 說服了 Oslo Brewing Company 的老闆,不用薪水也要把這個有挪威味道和北歐生活方式的品牌推到世界各地。雄心壯志的 Jeff,用他 20 年在美國,台灣,中國累積的經貿交流經驗,真的做到了。不到十年,現在 Oslo Brewing Company 的啤酒,已經在世界美歐亞設立了十一個貿易據點,挪威超市餐廳飯店,台灣便利商店,連…
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平安就是福!家樂福中元用品尚澎湃 8/3-4、8/10-11、8/15-8/17 會員於量販店/超市/線上購物/家速配,單筆消費滿額享9折,實體店以現金折價券回饋 活動詳情及限制請見 https://fstry.pse.is/69uepn —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲…
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十年之后皮克斯又为大众奉上了一份心理学的礼物——《头脑特工队》第二部。 这部上映没多久就打破年度全球票房记录的电影,标志着人们对探索内心世界愈发旺盛的好奇心和需求。刚看完这部电影的我们也决定好好聊一聊它带给我们的感受和启发。本期的录制风格更加随性,更追随我们的感受: 我们和嘉宾畅谈了自己的成长和情绪的关系,一路聊到了死亡焦虑和生命的意义。不知道听完这期的你会不会也和我们一样,从主人公莱莉和她的情绪们身上也看到了自己与情绪的成长之路。 注:本期含有大量剧透,请酌情收听 嘉宾:芹菜超人 【时间线】 3:51 电影打动我们的各自是什么? 6:01 在核心感受上的共鸣 10:51 被抛弃的情绪,也有存在的意义 12:23 对自我情绪的好奇是一切的开始 16:50 电影中可以对情绪的表达有哪些改进? …
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🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#59🌸愛的訊息搖籃曲🌸Love Message Lullaby🎵 中文和台語睡前故事,還有好聽的睡眠音樂,讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠,每週五更新 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn/comments ✦FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/little7.168 ✦YouTube:http://Youtube.com/@little7.7 ✦各類合作請洽:little7.168@gmai…
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Send us a Text Message. ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 各位好奇小朋友,你們是否曾經好奇過,自己是怎麼到世界上來的呢?小寶寶👶到底是從哪裡來的呢?是天上來的?石頭🪨裡蹦出來的?難不成是送子鳥🕊️送到你家門口的!?寶寶在媽咪肚子裡🤰🏻到底都在做什麼?他們會睡覺😴嗎?他們怎麼吃東西🍽️啊?這些媽媽和小朋友們都好奇的秘密,在這一集,我們邀請到婦產科醫生奶酒媽咪來幫我們解答,快點和媽媽老師一起去開啟新的探險旅程吧! We know that kids are naturally curious, and one of the biggest questions they ask is, "Where do babies👶 come from?" As pare…
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This is a podcast about Lindy Hopper's lived experiences and stories. 《Swing大小事》終於回歸啦~~~~(下集週一上線) 寫完論文回歸的第一集(系列中的第三十四集),當然就是要跟大家分享在圖書館寫、在捷運上寫、在飛機上也一直寫,終於寫完的論文;而在這集節目中,最常出現的來賓 Yang 再次登場,邊聽傑森的分享邊替大家進行實時提問。 論文標題 "From Margins to Centre: How Queer Lindy Hoppers Are Redefining Safe Space at Mobtown Ballroom" 不負責任翻譯:「從邊緣到中央:Mobtown Ballroom 的酷兒舞者生命經驗如何重新…
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想要身材好 健康 必须吃早餐 if you want to lose some weight and keep good body shape, eating breakfast is important and it is required 早餐是核心 breakfast is the key, it is the center, we can say it is the secret weapon 很多人无视早餐 a lot of people ignore the importance of breakfast 做个改变 make a change
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上半年Wendy一共去了三次台灣,加上多年前在台北交換的經驗,和台灣有一種道不完的感情。網絡上有很多對比香港和台灣不同之處的meme,到底台灣和香港有多不同?上期的嘉賓Ason其實也是擁有台灣背景的朋友,那就一期來聊一聊這個話題吧~/00:58 Ason的生世之謎07:23 出生於台灣,在香港長大,那現在覺得哪裡是家?13:56 每次從台灣回香港都感慨香港人真的好沒禮貌?20:29 南北差異:台灣南部人是有多不愛走路?32:08 兩地約會市場洞察!(這部分可能尺度有點打開喔~)/本期嘉賓:在香港的台灣人Ason(Instagram:@ason.liao)/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、ApplePodcast等平台搜索「打個電話給你One Call Away」/…
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必须啊 Why not, I'm saying yes a hundred percent 假期干啥都行 on vacation I could do lots of things that I couldn't in my leisure time 好几天在路上 probably I'll spend more than two or four days on the road 看沿途风景 吃好吃的 了解当地文化 I enjoy the beautiful sceneries on the journey and I'll get to know brand new friends and local food and its culture, and everything…
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压力大 number one, a lot of people today are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and everyday pressure 找到发泄口 they need to find a way out 消除负面情绪 release bad emotions and let these negatives gone in their life 心底的那份爱 because they just love it from the bottom of their heart, no different reasons…
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------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎針對這一集留言你的想法: 留言連結 意見回覆 : ask15mi…
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超爱上网 I think that I’ve spent a lot of time on the Internet 喜欢玩社交软件和其他软件 and it's related social apps and different kinds of apps for sure 免费 it is nearly free of charge, I don't have to pay for it 忙碌之余空虚寂寞冷 after a tough day of regular study or work and I would find the life quite boring
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历史时期是三十年前 没车没互联网的时候 Mention about the topic, the historical period that I have interest is about thirty years ago when we didn't have the Internet and lots of private cars on the street 那个年代我都没出生 at the time, the period was quite different you know and I wasn't born then, but I learned something according to some videos and my parents` words and gr…
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HP EliteBook G11商務筆電搭載 Intel® Core™ Ultra 處理器,內置AI Boost及智慧會議功能,搭配Windows中的Copilot,快速彙整會議內容及工作,事半功倍! https://fstry.pse.is/6a2pn5 —— 以上為播客煮與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核…
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We invited Tiffany Choong, one of the authors of MikuBooks.com to come share with us her book of illustrations of Penang and its culture. All other books from Mike Books at https://mikubooks.com Buy the Art of Joy Everyday Penang by Tiffany Choong: https://clarity8.com/everyday-penang-tiffany-choong.html https://www.instagram.com/bulanlifestyle_art…
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肯定的啦 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent 这样做就很舒服啦 because by doing so, I would feel very safe and very happy 去溜达或者户外 hang out with a bunch of my friends or spend a lot of time in the open area 在家呆着 听歌 what I like to do is sitting in somewhere in my home, and putting on my earphone then listening to some music…
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平安就是福!家樂福中元用品尚澎湃 8/3-4、8/10-11、8/15-8/17 會員於量販店/超市/線上購物/家速配,單筆消費滿額享9折,實體店以現金折價券回饋 活動詳情及限制請見 https://fstry.pse.is/69uepn —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲…
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不会的 Not really, no I wouldn't do anything in that way, no way 太傻了 I don't think it's a very smart decision and it is not a popular way for us to do so 去没去过的地方的话 when I'm trying to travel to somewhere that I'm not familiar with or that I've never been to before 我才不同意呢 I wouldn’t say yes with 100%
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「 Networking 就是 你無法預料你會遇到什麼樣的 Network ! 」今年四月剛接瑞典台商會會長的 Grace Hsu 相信,透過這次商會舉辦的活動,不只可以長知識外,還可以拓展在這裡生根的機會。這是 Grace 接手商會後,商會轉型新一代團隊提供的夏天活動菜單 - - 今年八月 11 號 將在瑞典南部 Malmö 舉辦的 『 夏日 MINGO 』以電子半導體供應鏈為主題,邀請瑞典資深的供應鏈專家分析當今半導體供應鏈產業現狀和未來,演講活動除了協辦的瑞典青商會會長有多年的工作經驗外,與會的資深台灣朋友們也都是在瑞典職場打拼奮鬥的前輩。回到工作崗位前,如果你剛好在 Malmö 附近,這也是個不錯的補腦暖身的活動。 ~~~ Photos: Grace Hsu Grace 在節目中和聽…
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平安就是福!家樂福中元用品尚澎湃 8/3-4、8/10-11、8/15-8/17 會員於量販店/超市/線上購物/家速配,單筆消費滿額享9折,實體店以現金折價券回饋 活動詳情及限制請見 https://fstry.pse.is/69uepn —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲…
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🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#58🌸熱汽球搖籃曲🌸Hot Air Balloon Lullaby🎵 中文和台語睡前故事,還有好聽的睡眠音樂,讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠。每週五更新 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/claago9n006go01u910fm04dn/comments ✦FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/little7.168 ✦YouTube:http://Youtube.com/@little7.7 ✦各類合作請洽:little7.168@gm…
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优点可多啦 There are actually so many good points of using public transport 主要有两点 I think two good points can be identified 价格优势 每个人买得起 it has the price advantage, everyone in the world can afford it 乘坐方便 it is user friendly in life, whenever we want to take a cab or take the subway, you would just find one that you need…
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打车花了一百多 心疼 I need to spend like more than one hundred Yuan each time, and that would kill me for sure 打车从市中心到机场肉疼 just from the city center to the airport and that would certainly drive me crazy you know 我也没敢说啥 but I didn't say anything 不便宜 But I still think that it was too much for me and I couldn't afford it…
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