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How Was Timothy Trained for the Ministry----In the Fulness of Time, God Prepared the World for the Gospel.--The Gospel Gives us the Only Way to Heaven.--After Sowing the Seed, Paul and his Companions Returned to Choose Leaders for the Church.--The New Testament Knows Nothing of One Person in Charge- Every Congregation Should Have Bishops and Elders…
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After working my way through this message I believe I need to state the following.--I was wrong about John Mark- is true in 2 Timothy 4-11, but it is ALSO true that John Mark matured.-Spurring God's people is a job for pastors, but it is directed to everyone in Hebrews 10-24-25.-Being grieved and angry inside does not mean that Paul lost his temper…
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Depression Ofter Follows Exhilaration--Negative Words Can Infect our Souls--The Root of Elijah's Depression Is Disappointment with God--Committing Suicide Is NOT an Automatic Sentence to Hell. --No Actual Christian Can Ever Be Lost.--What Does it Feel Like to Commit Suicide for a Person Without Christ----Give your Anger and Disappointment to God…
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An Altar to the Lord away from the Temple-Mocking Other Religions-Gods in the Image of Man-Bathroom Humor-Cutting Oneself, Blood, and the Demonic-At the Time of the Evening Sacrifice-Should We Kill Baal's Prophets Today---Each One's Place and Calling-Does Any Entity Correspond to Ancient Israel---The Church of the Living God-The Sad Saga of History…
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Here we examine how God sent Elijah into the very heartland of Baal worship- Zarephath belonged to Sidon -1 Kings 17-7-11-, and Ethbaal was the king of Sidon. His daughter Jezebel had married King Ahab -1 Kings 16-31-32-.-Together they persecuted the followers of Yahweh- and made the worship of Baal the state religion of Israel -1 Kings 18-1-14-. -…
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Ahab represents a dreadful apostasy in Israel- Unlike those who have gone before with their turning away from divinely ordained worship, Ahab openly worships Baal.--Terrible things take place during his reign, such as Hiel of Bethel rebuilding the accursed city of Jericho.--However, along with Jehu, Ahab is the most important character in the Old T…
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I had an April Fool's prank played on me and that led me to preach on the importance of sticking to the Bible for teachers -James 3-1-.--We live in an era of nonsense and wild speculations. Consider the eclipse scheduled for tomorrow, April 8, 2024.--We must remember that the signs recorded in Matthew 24-4-8 take place throughout history, but there…
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We can prove that the Lord Jesus rose from the dead.--The guards and the Sanhedrin KNEW that he rose. All of these people worshipped money and would not repent of their lust for money in spite of Jesus' resurrection -Luke 16-31-.--No matter what tortures the followers of Christ underwent, the issue was -Keep your mouths shut.- It was never, -Where …
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This message focuses on the events of Holy Week, looking at them from different perspectives.--In the purely natural realm, Jesus was crucified because he offended virtually everyone- the wealthy class of the Sadducees who profited from the Temple, the party of the Pharisees whom he told were deserving of hell, and his own followers who were disapp…
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I. What's in a name---King David's great grandson's name was changed to -My Father is Yahweh- --abiyy-h--abiy-h-, ------------------- in 2 Chronicles 13-1 from -My Father is Yam- --abiyy-m, --------- in 1 Kings 15-1. --II. We must not underestimate the impact of King Solomon's apostasy on his son Rehoboam and grandson Abijam -1 Kings 11-1-11-.--III…
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Rehoboam enjoyed prosperity for three years -2 Chronicles 11-13-17-.--Then he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the LORD -2 Chronicles 12-1-.--Because they had been unfaithful to the LORD, he authorized Shishak king of Egypt to attack Jerusalem in the fifth year of King Rehoboam -2 Chronicles 12-2-. And God stated, -You have abandoned me…
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Ahijah was a blind man who could see -1 Kings 14-4-5-.--Only the good die young -1 Kings 14-13-.--Why does God himself use crude language, and why do modern translations attempt to wash out God's mouth-- -1 Kings 14-10- Cf. 1 Samuel 25-22, 34- 1 Kings 16-11- 21-21- 2 Kings 9-8-.--Jeroboam's wife is given a horrible burden -1 Kings 14-12-.--Ahijah a…
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Today's message, Journey into Apostasy, focuses on five kings of Judah--David -1010 to 970-,-Solomon -970 to 931-,-Rehoboam -931 to 913-,-Abijam -or, Abijah- -913 to 911-, and-Asa -911-870-.--Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as his father David had done -1 Kings 15-11-. In other words, three kings did evil- Solomon, Rehoboam, and Abi…
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King Rehoboam foolishly rejects the counsel of the old men who served his father and follows the advice of the young men who had grown up with him --1 Kings 12-5-11-.--This results in a political division in 931 BC, and while King Jeroboam I had divine authority to secede from the House of David -1 Kings 11-29-36-, he did not have authority to star…
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When King Jehoshaphat was confronted by Jehu the prophet, he repented and demonstrated that repentance in changes he made as king of Judah -2 Chronicles 19-1-3-.--So that the nation would not relapse in his absence again, he educated the people in God's word and appointed judges who would rule in -the fear of the LORD- -2 Chronicles 19-4-7-.--Today…
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Jehu the prophet showed great boldness in confronting King Jehoshaphat as he returned from joining with King Ahab of Israel -2 Chronicles 19-1-2-. --Jehu has the boldness of Nathan who declared, -You are the man-- to David in response to David's rage against a rich man who stole and slaughtered a poor man's lamb that -was like a daughter to him- -2…
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As I worked on my manuscript, I caught a couple of mistakes, so I would encourage you to read the transcript.--As we continue our message from two weeks ago, we see that the book of Revelation is not only a book on worship- it is a book about worship as warfare.--As we sing the New Song that names the name of the Lord Jesus explicitly -Revelation 5…
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First of all, as always, I made a couple of mistakes, such as referring to the first century of the Christian Era as Before Christ, and I also got a couple of dates wrong- 1690 instead of 1688. And I failed to acknowledge that Queen Mary who was married to William of Orange was the daughter of King James II.- -People misread the Book of Revelation …
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As we examine Revelation 14-8-12, we discover an immediate fulfillment in the first century of the Christian Era, when the Romans burned the city of Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple with fire on the 9th day of the Jewish month Ab, 656 years after the Babylonians had destroyed the First Temple on that same day in 586 Before the Christian Er…
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Jesus' parables about the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price -Matthew 13-44-46-, echo some of what people experience in the modern American Christmas.--You are the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price- The Lord Jesus Christ left the glory of heaven -Philippians 2-5-8- John 17, especially verses 5-6, 9, 20-24- 2 Corinthians 8-9- be…
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The Star of Bethlehem was a supernatural phenomenon, and it is of no use in dating the birth of Christ.--The death of Herod the Great in 4 Before the Christian Era is very valuable, along with the time frame of his murdering the male children in the area around Bethlehem before his death. That means that the Lord Jesus was born five or six years Be…
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Revelation 12-13-17 describes Satan's attacks on two groups of Christians, the Jewish believers who fled Jerusalem before it was destroyed and the gentile believers.--The themes are taken from the exodus- Eagle's Wings and Flooding Torrents of Water.--the abomination of desolation has its initial fulfillment in the time of Antiochus Epiphanies, but…
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Who is the woman of Revelation 12-1-6----Genesis 37-9-11 describes Israel this way as Joseph reveals his dream.--But Genesis 3-1-5 gives us the two main characters of Revelation 12-1-6- Eve and the Serpent -Hebrew- n----, ------- Greek- -phis, -----. --Revelation 12-9 reveals who the Serpent really is- -The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient…
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Today we concluded the passage on the Seven Trumpets.--The Seventh Trumpet corresponds to the Last Trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15-51-53.--Our souls do not sleep -2 Corinthians 5-8- Philippians 1-23- Hebrews 12-23- Revelation 6-9-, but our bodies do, awaiting their resurrection -1 Corinthians 15-51-55-.--Adam rebelled against God, and Satan seized cont…
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The Seventh Trumpet of Revelation 11-15 picks up on a theme from the book of Joel.--Joel 2-1 calls for blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm because it is the Day of the LORD. A mighty army is coming to destroy Jerusalem. Joel 2-10-11 describes this Day as accompanied by shaking in heaven and on earth, and the lights of the heavens no longer s…
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As we go through the book of Revelation, I am attempting to show the evidence for the major interpretations- Preterist, Historicist, Futurist, and Idealist. I am doing this because I see some truth in all four schools of thought.--While Full Preterism is heretical because it denies the future Second Coming of Christ and our physical resurrection -2…
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Until the 20th century, historicism was the dominant understanding of the book of Revelation, and Muhammad -570-632- was identified as being foretold in the 9th chapter, going back to English commentator Bede -672-735-.- -This is the link to the handout for today's sermon- -- it is useful to have as you listen.- -T…
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Revelation 9-11 tells us that Satan is that fallen star of Revelation 9-1.--The abyss is where our Lord descended and from where he led captivity captive -Psalm 16-10- 68-18- Ephesians 4-8-10- Romans 10-7-.--Judges 7-12 helps us understand Revelation 9-13-16. The Midianites, the Amalekites, and the others gathered against Israel are all children of…
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When we examine Revelation 8-3-5, we are reminded of Exodus 19-16-19, when the LORD came down on Mount Sinai.--Numbers 10-9 informs us one purpose of the Silver trumpets was calling on the LORD when Israel went into battle.--The First Trumpet of Revelation 8-7 reflects the Plague of Hail -- 7- recorded in Exodus 9-22-26.--The Second Trumpet of Reve…
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I made a verbal slip in my sermon when I referred to the Second Temple as having been built by Solomon. It wasn't, and I corrected that in the transcript.--Where was Jesus crucified-- --He was crucified in Jerusalem, figuratively called Sodom and Egypt -Revelation 11-7-8-. --Isaiah said, -Hear the word of the LORD, you rulers of Sodom- listen to th…
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The non-canonical book of Enoch, names these seven angels of Revelation 8-2.--We note the parallel between Revelation 8-3-7 and Revelation 6-9-12.--What are Preterism, Futurism, and Historicism----These judgments find partial fulfillment in the life time of those who were alive when Jesus preached.--A core message of the prophets is a lawsuit again…
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Revelation 8-3-5 recapitulates the cries of God's people for justice in Revelation 6-9-11.---The unity of John's book . . . is . . . like that of a musical theme with variations, each variation adding something new to the significance of the whole composition . . . Each new series of visions both recapitulates and develops the themes already stated…
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God's people's prayers in Revelation 6-9-11 produce the judgments that follow, beginning in verse Revelation 6-12-17. Those judgments parallel the judgments in Revelation 16-20, demonstrating that these visions overlap one another, covering the same material but advancing a little bit each time.--Revelation 7-3 parallels Ezekiel 9-4, where true bel…
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What is heaven like----Is it like Muhammad's desire to use women whose virginity was constantly being restored day-by-day----Is it about having a gold mansion that's silver-lined just over the hilltop----Is it Joseph Smith's fantasy to become a god himself, creating worlds for his children by his many wives----Is it a carnival with roller coasters …
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Jeremiah wrote to Israel in exile that they should pray for the peace and prosperity of Babylon -Jeremiah 29-4-7-, quite in contrast to the feelings of the Jewish people in Psalm 137.--However, now that God's purpose for the violent, hateful Babylonian empire is about to be fulfilled, in 597 BC Jeremiah sends a scroll with an official of Judah's la…
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Jeremiah 29-4-8 reveals profound truths.- -Jeremiah 29-4 teaches that these bad things were under God's overarching sovereignty.- -Jeremiah 29-7 gives a radically different focus to Judah in exile than what had existed in the past when Israel became a nation, from Exodus on, as well as in Judges and Samuel. We seek the peace -sh-l-m, -------- of th…
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Psalm 110 is the most cited Scripture by the authors of the New Testament. As such it forms the core passage for how the Lord Jesus and his apostles interpreted Scripture.--In Luke 20-41, the Lord Jesus pointed out that David's Son is also David's Lord, citing Psalm 110-1.--He is also a priest whose priesthood is superior to the Levitical priesthoo…
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This is a question and answer message. --The video began recording before I was ready, and I also told a few corny jokes along the way. I also made a few mistakes in the presentation, but in the transcription, I have corrected those as well as documented what I stated.--The first question was not related to -Scandalous Texts,- but had to do with wo…
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Romans 1-18-20 and Romans 2-14-15 teach what may be called -Natural Law.- It is the foundation for good government for all nations.--God's law is known to all, but human nature chaffs against his law because it is powerless to keep it.--In the wake of Israel's failure to keep God's covenant, she incurred God's judgment and exile. But God made a new…
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In Matthew 5-17-20, the Lord Jesus teaches us to hold to the plenary, verbal inspiration of Scripture, even down to the Hebrew letters themselves.--Jewish people would never refer to the Hebrew Bible as the Old Testament. They call it the Tanakh from its three major divisions- the Torah -T-r-, --------, the Nevi'im -N-v---m, ----------, and the Ket…
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I believe I misrepresented the position of another Christian denomination in this sermon -Please read the transcript-.--A major goal in raising children is to teach them that Christians are engaged in an ongoing fight with the world, the flesh, and the devil -James 3-15-.--The culture of our world has changed profoundly, so that we now reject the s…
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Elijah had been taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire. Now Elisha receives a double portion of the power of the Spirit of God -2 Kings 2-9-14-. --Elijah had met King Ahab and the prophets of Baal, and God answered with fire, proving himself to be the true God -1 Kings 18-24-. --The prophets of Baal are killed and God sends rain -1 Kings 18-40-46-…
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As we look at the issue of slavery, several things stand out.--While slavery was permitted in both the Old and New Testaments, it was very different from the kind of slavery that existed in the United States of America from 1619 until 1865.--Under Old Testament law, slaves who ran away were protected and not to be returned to their masters -Deutero…
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If we carefully examine the New Testament, we must conclude that all elders are bishops, and all bishops are elders.--In Titus 1-5, Paul instructs Titus to ordain elders -------------, plural of -----------, presbuteros- in every town. These elders are all bishops according to Titus 1-7 ----------, singular of ---------, episkopos-.--In 1 Timothy 3…
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