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SATORI magazine is a space for thought provoking content. By exposing ourselves to ideas, thoughts, experiences and life lessons we might stumble across something which gives us new insight or a change of perspective. I’m Lawrence Rice, and I’ve been chatting to people about life, inspiration, the Universe, and whatever else popped up along the way.
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Wisdom Podcast with Katerina Satori

Katerina Satori: Transdimentional Seer - Wisdom Channel - Mystical Mentor

Welcome to the Wisdom podcast with me, Katerina Satori. I welcome your questions, topic's requests, and suggestions - please send them my way to: with the topic: Ask Katerina If you'd like to learn with me, check out my online courses here: You can also find me on my social media channels for weekly deep-dive livestreams: Facebook: Finally, my website: Support this ...
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من حسین میرشکرایی هستم. در پادکست ساتوری به بررسی ادیان شرقی بویژه سه آیین بودا، دائو و کنفوسیوس می‌بپردازم. این پادکست مخاطب را به سفری تاریخی در امتداد جاده ابریشم می‌برد و او را با زوایایی پنهان و آشکار ادیان و باورهای گوناگون مردمان هند و چین و ژآپن آشنا می‌سازد. ساتوری یک اصطلاح بودایی ژاپنی است به معنای روشن‌شدگی، روشن‌ضمیری یا اشراق.
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Life is a journey. Positive and spirituality enlightenment is needed. Here to Satori the universe - Instagram-@SatoriAshe Support this podcast:
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Welcome to the playground of joy and conscious evolution. Join Dr Satori in discovering how to unlock an unlimited life by awakening to who you truly are and creating all that you desire. Are you ready to play? Discover more about Dr Satori Madrone and subscribe to our newsletter to access free resources at
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Satori Radio

Lynn Chenier | Satori Health & Wellness Coaching

Satori Radio is a podcast for health practitioners to connect the mind & the body, and clear the path to lead a healthy and soulful life. Living a soulful life is all about living your truth to be in alignment with your best self. If you want a mindset shift to be healthier, and happier, Satori Radio is the place to be! We turn stressed-out health professionals into high vibe & Mindful Clinicians! Support the show:
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show series
Sonya had a successful career in advertising until a breakdown and stint in rehab introduced her to mindfulness and wellbeing practices. Inspired by these she started her own company, Waves Mindfulness, and from there began a new conversation with the Universe. Sonya’s podcast recommendations: This American Life Radiolab You can find the Satori Pod…
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Hi friends, In this episode, I share what I've learned from my lifelong quest for Soul Purpose and Dharma. I also share what I've learned from the Galactic Guides—two specific vibrations that you can pay attention to navigate and ensure that you live in full alignment with your Soul. Enjoy, and let me know what you resonate with the most. Thank you…
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Hi friends, This is a recording of the most recent metaphysical webinar that I hosted on the topic of Divine Laws. I am announcing a Teacher's Training at the end of the episode called Sovereign Mind. If you'd like to learn more, here is the link: Other ways to work together: To go deeper: See my virtu…
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Latgaliešu valoda un literatūra arvien ir marginalizēta – gan publiskajā telpā un medijos, gan vēstures un mācību grāmatās. Latgaliešu dzejniece, zinātniece un sabiedriskā darbiniece Ilze Sperga savā rakstā sērijā "Latgolys vaicuojums" pat izmanto apzīmējumu "geto". Kāda īsti ir latgaliešu valodas vieta literatūrā un Latvijas publiskajā telpā gan L…
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Runājot par Latgali, var minēt vairākas robežšķirtnes: valodu, valstu, vēsturiskās. Par Latgali kā robežzemi un to, kādas robežas mums jāsargā fiziski un kādas – savos prātos, Latgalei veltītā cikla "Latgolys vaicuojums" raidierakstā sarunājas raksta "Nepārkāp robežu" autore, biedrības "Gribu palīdzēt bēgļiem" pierobežas monitoringa eksperte un ant…
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We all seek it, consciously or not, and yearn to find a higher meaning in our lives. The biggest fear for most humans is not a fear of death but the fear of dying unfulfilled, not realizing their true purpose for existing. In this episode, I explore the three stages of our life's purpose unfolding and Kundalini Awakening and preparing to meet the S…
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Mysticism of the Andes: Spiritual Essence of Peru Welcome, friends. This is a replay of an education webinar I hosted on Peru's rich cosmology and shamanic wisdom. If you are interested in this year's spiritual pilgrimage, plant medicine, and nature immersion retreat, it is happening at the end of September this year, 2024. To learn more and apply,…
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Ar ekonomisko situāciju skaidrotas daudzas Latgales problēmas – gan emigrācija un reģiona iztukšošanās, gan latgaliešu politiskās izvēles un apmierinātība ar dzīvi kopumā. Ekonomisko atpalicību mēģināts risināt arī valstiskā līmenī, ieviešot Latgales speciālo ekonomisko zonu, taču strauju un paliekošu augšupeju arī šis instruments nav nesis. Kur īs…
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Teju pēc katrām vēlēšanām no jauna uzvirmo satraukums par to, Latgale atkal balsojusi "nepareizi". Cenšoties skaidrot atšķirības Latgales un pārējās Latvijas politiskajās izvēlēs, daudz runāts par kultūru, valodu un Latgales etnisko sastāvu, taču maz uzmanības pievērsts ekonomiskajai plaisai. Vai un kā sociālekonomiskā nevienlīdzība un nabadzība ie…
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Latgalei un latgaliešu kultūrai Latvijā ir īpaša vieta – no vienas puses, apbrīnota un cienīta, no otras puses, sveša un nesaprasta. Pēc Krievijas iebrukuma Ukrainā un pēdējām Saeimas vēlēšanām, kurās liels skaits latgaliešu atdeva savu balsi par prokrieviskām partijām, Latgale un tās robeža ar agresīvo kaimiņvalsti kļuvusi par īpaši sarežģītu tema…
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This episode brings you messages from the Other Side. I work with the strongest psychedelic medicine on the planet, Bufo 5MEO, as my primary spiritual teacher, whom I call my "Galactic Chiropractor." The messages that I bring from the other side are not for me alone but for the members of my community who seek spiritual encouragement from the true …
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Attend Anil's upcoming lecture on 26/03/24 here Follow Satori on Instagram @find_satori Anil's book recommendation: Piranesi - Susanna Clarke With more than two decades of research and outreach experience, Anil’s mission is to advance the science of consciousness and to use its insights for the benefit of society, technology and medicine. An intern…
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Valters Sīlis ir viens no aktīvākajiem latviešu jaunās un vidējās paaudzes režisoriem, dramaturgs, reizēm arī aktieris un kopš 2024. gada janvāra – Liepājas teātra mākslinieciskais vadītājs. Valters ikvienam savam darbam pieiet ar lielu atdevi, atbildību, dzīvu personīgo interesi un misijas apziņu, kuru sajūt un novērtē arī skatītājs. Tajā pašā lai…
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Driven by pioneering spirit, Anouk Jans is a Creative Director who creates brand identities, creative concepts, campaigns, social media strategies and digital content to help define, establish and build international love brands that shape culture. Anouk was the main focus of the documentary, ‘Kill Your Darlings: Presented By Togetherr’ based on th…
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Māksliniece un laikmetīgā teātra dramaturģe Laura Stašāne ir viena no 2020. gadā izveidotās dokumentālās izstādes un digitālās platformas "Lietisko pierādījumu muzejs" autorēm. Vardarbība ģimenē ir viņas darbu tēma jau vairāk nekā astoņus gadus. 2023. gada izskaņā nāca klajā Lauras līdzveidotais literatūras žurnāla "Punctum" un "Lietisko pierādījum…
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Gin Rimmington Jones is a lens-based photographic artist exploring ideas of time, space and coexistence in the nested relationship between humans and the natural world. Fascinated by the point at which the two worlds collide, her work interrogates the connections between landscape, representation and the image to question cultural assumptions aroun…
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Are you inspired to become a better leader? In podcast episode 78, I discuss the journey and inspiration to taking hospitals to the next level, with the hopes that I can help you become a better leader and create winning teams. From my early years as a synchro swimmer and coach, to later-on my inspiration to study coaching in Tony Robbins' program,…
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Phil Hewitt is a Suffolk born photographer; now residing in North London. At heart, a man of the countryside. Phil grew up in rural Suffolk and spent most of his childhood building dens, picking up woodlice and catching tadpoles. As he moved through his teens, the birth of the internet ignited his enthusiasm of what the world had to offer. An enorm…
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Dealing with difficult people can feel like a struggle that leaves us stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted. Discover 3 strategies that will shift how you think about and interact with challenging people, so you can free yourself from entangling with others and find the peace you deserve. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out more about how Dr Sat…
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Emma Slade (Ani Pema Deki), Buddhist Nun, inspirational speaker, transformational coach & charity founder. A deep-seated desire to enquire into the deeper aspects of humanity arose following a life-changing trip to Jakarta, where she was held hostage at gunpoint. She resigned from her financial career and explored yoga and meditation and methods of…
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Laura El-Tantawy is an award winning British/Egyptian documentary photographer, book maker & educator. Born in Ronskwood in Worcestershire, UK, Laura studied in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the US & UK. Living between East and West for much of her life inspires her work. Her projects investigate notions of home and belonging, routinely approaching her work…
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What’s my life purpose? The highest purpose you could ever express is to play, experience joy, abundance, carry your light, and awaken to who you are as a Spark of the Divine. We’ll uncover the various aspects of purpose, including the four steps to finding your life purpose, so you’ll know exactly how to answer the call of your spirit and align wi…
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Šajā raidieraksta epizodē “Satori” redaktore Santa Remere sarunājas ar norvēģu valodas pasniedzēju Martu Roķi no Avotu ielas “Valodu mājas”, Lucavsalas ekokopienas koordinatoru un vides aktīvistu Emīlu Hlevicki un pedagoģi, publicisti, “Bērnu mājas” vadītāju Karīnu Elceri. Sarunas dalībnieki spriež par to, kā apkaimju aktīvie dalībnieki - uzņēmumi,…
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For this episode I sat down with Satori co-founder, Duncan Woods, and we asked each other questions. Duncan had suggested this idea to me as a way of exploring my involvement with Satori, and it also became a great way to discover more about his inspiration for the original magazine project and beyond. Duncan Woods is a creative director from Londo…
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Welcome to the Master of Play With Dr Satori Podcast! You are already a Master of Play as a Spark of the Divine, fully worthy and deserving to joyfully express your creation as you desire. Discover how dropping all judgment and resistance is the key to unconditional love and evolving through the layers of density and consciousness. Celebrate the be…
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Šajā raidieraksta epizodē studijā viesojas teātra veidotāja un režisore Krista Burāne, kas ilgstoši Latvijā nodarbojas ar dažādās kopienās balstītu mākslas darbu radīšanu. No bērnu kopienām līdz blokmāju iedzīvotājiem, dažādām etniskām grupām un pat kokiem – kā kopienās balstīta māksla ir saistīta ar demokrātijas procesiem un balsta tās vērtības? B…
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Mākslas zinātņu doktore, mākslas kritiķe, filozofe, kuratore un feminisma teoriju pētniece Jana Kukaine šogad aizstāvēja promocijas darbu par feministisko mākslu postsociālismā. Jana jau senāk rakstīja, ka feminisma laiks ne pasaulē, ne Latvijā nav homogēns – pastāv dažādi atskaites punkti, strāvojumi jeb tā sauktās "feministiskās intereses salas" …
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Šajā raidieraksta epizodē studijā viesojas Ieva Niedre - fonda “Initum” valdes priekšsēdētāja un ļoti pieredzējusi kultūras producente, kā arī Ilze Neimane - Juglas attīstības biedrības vadītāja. Sarunā apskatām gadījumu, kurā apkaimes biedrība ir veiksmīgi atradusi savu "kultūristu", impulsu, kas ir veicinājis šo sadarbību un šķēršļus un grūtības,…
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Šajā raidieraksta epizodē studijā viesojas teātra veidotājs un režisors Jānis Balodis, lai sarunā ar Antoniju Skopu un Žulijenu Nuhumu Kulibali apspriestu gan savu praksi, gan plašāk – teātra iespējas līdzdarboties ar kopienām un darba specifiku, veidojot tieši kopienā balstītu mākslas darbu. Biedrības "Ascendum" veidotais raidieraksts "Kultūristi …
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Šajā raidieraksta epizodē studijā viesojas Kitija Vasiļjeva – radošā un izstāžu producente, kas strādā gan vietēji, gan starptautiski, tostarp, bijusi Latvijas paviljona direktore 56. Venēcijas mākslas biennālē. Sarunā ar Antoniju Skopu un Žulijenu Nuhumu Kulibali tiek pacelti vairāki nozīmīgi jautājumi – vai kultūra var būt kopienu veidošanas un s…
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Šajā epizodē ar raidījuma vadītājiem, Antoniju Skopu un Žulijenu Nuhumu Kulibali, tiekas Sandra Feldmane, Rīgas Apkaimju alianses un Čiekurkalna attīstības biedrības valdes locekle. Sarunāsimies par to, kādi impulsi ļauj apkaimes iedzīvotājiem sanākt kopā biedrībā, par to, vai ideālus nevar iznīcināt resursu trūkums, un vērtīsim skatu uz veidiem, k…
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Dear friends, I am thrilled to share an episode dedicated to the origin of all mystery schools - Atlantean civilization. They have achieved magnanimous advancement of consciousness, technology, and arts based on what they have learned directly from the Star Beings, also known as Interdimensional Time Travelers. Not only am I sharing my own awakenin…
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These 6 steps offer you the opportunity to create a more powerful workplace wellness strategy. All too often leaders are faced with challenges of time. In Episode 66, I discussed 6 Reasons Wellness Programs Benefit Nurses but now, I'm here to offer you the tools to create a sustainable wellness program. What I want most for you, is that you walk aw…
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So thrileld to share with you this epic episode on the Master Plant teacher - 5MEO, Bufo Toad. All glory to this Galactic teacher who strips dense illusions and dissolves the ego. I went deep in this episode sharing with you my direct experience with this medicine. How it helped me get unstuck and reconnect to the Turth of the Universe. This is a c…
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Hi friends, this is a replay of a mystical transmission and a webinar dedicated to the Great Goddess. It is a mix of my personal direct encounter with Her, a few of her divine expressions, such as Goddess Isis and Kali, and practical ways to attune to her. You are invited to join my monthly mystical community, called Wisdom Collective if you'd like…
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Hi friends, I am sharing in this episode the five big reasons why I am completely enchanted by this new form of spiritual and sensual practice, Shibari. My new favorite way to go into transcendental bliss🧘🏻‍♀️ My new favorite way to meditate and to let go ✨ Shibari feels like a reunion for me as I’ve done it before in a parallel life, and simply fo…
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Hi friends, I am so happy to be back with you in this episode, free-flowing on the new codes of consciousness that I've been receiving and activating from the depths of my DNA as well as galactic downloads from my Star Guides. I've been spending a lot more time with Arcturians lately, as well as contemplating on the New Atlatenean consciousness tha…
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Žaneta Ozoliņa ir Latvijas Universitātes profesore. Podkāstā ar viņu sarunājas Rita Ruduša un Henriks Eliass Zēgners, mēģinot iezīmēt, kā attīstīsies karš Ukrainā. Ko īsti grib Putins? Cik drīz beigsies karš? Vai Krievijā kaut kas var mainīties? Kā uz notiekošo raugās Ķīna un citas Krievijas kaimiņvalstis? Vai Rietumi varētu tikt ierauti jaunā konf…
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Our mindset is often times referred to our perception toward things in our life, or “the stories we tell ourselves.” While it may seem subtle and unconscious to many, we do have control over our mindset. The trick is to have enough awareness about your beliefs, and perceptions to know what impact your mindset might be having on the quality of your …
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Santa Remere ir trīskārt Normunda Naumaņa balvai nominēta kultūras kritiķe, festivāla "Homo novus" producente, tulkotāja, kura aprīlī sāks darbu kā redaktore jaunajā "Satori" komandas sastāvā. Redakcijas pārmaiņu procesā tapa arī šī saruna – par feministisko diskursu, kultūru, riebumu pret tituliem, mākslu, kas dod balsi, labas kritikas un žurnālu …
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Igors Gubenko ir filozofs, pētnieks, pasniedzējs Latvijas Universitātes Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātē, kas aprīlī sāks darbu kā redaktors jaunajā "Satori" komandas sastāvā. Redakcijas pārmaiņu procesā tapa arī šī saruna – par akadēmisko zināšanu neizmantoto potenciālu, estētikas nozīmi un dzīvi domstarpību un pretrunu pilnā pasaulē.…
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Pēteris Krilovs ir režisors un pedagogs. Podkāstā ar viņu sarunājas Rita Ruduša un Henriks Eliass Zēgners, analizējot, kā politiķi konstruē savu tēlu un naratīvu. Kā aktierim notēlot katru no Eiropas līderiem? Kas spīd cauri Putina runasveidam? Kāpēc Šolcs no visiem līderiem ir vismīklainākais? Kas atšķir amerikāņu un Eiropas politiķu komunikāciju?…
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Today, I’m speaking with Nurse Dee-Lynn Mason. As I said in Episode 70, 5 Tips To Stay Grounded During Difficult Times, I intended to interview some nurses to hear their stories - which is why we have Dee-Lynn with us today. I also want to apologize for the sound quality. We had glitches during the recording that could not be edited afterwards. I h…
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Katrīna Ošleja ir organizāciju psiholoģe. Podkāstā ar viņu sarunājas Rita Ruduša un Henriks Eliass Zēgners, mēģinot saprast, kas raksturo labu līderi. Ar ko izceļas Zelenska runasveids? Ar ko atšķiras jauno valstu līderu paaudze? Kāda nozīme ir līderībai? Atgriešanās pasaulē, kāda tā bija pirms 2022. gada 24. februāra, vairs nav iespējama. Nedz Ukr…
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Februārī tika publicēti rezultāti ievērojamam pētījumam par dzemdību pieredzi Latvijā. Divas galvenās atziņas: katra trešā sieviete Latvijā ir piedzīvojusi vardarbību dzemdībās un tas samazina sieviešu vēlmi radīt nākamos bērnus. Kā tieši tapis šis pētījums, kāda bijusi tā metodoloģija, kādi ir šo problēmu cēloņi un kā tos varētu risināt? Šajā saru…
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Hello to all my nurses and nurse leaders listening-in today. Today, in Satori Radio, I’m speaking with Nurse Educator Lynn Wilkie Newberry, DNP - who works in policy with new-to-practice nurses, among many other things. Today she shares with us some of the ways that she remains grounded during these challenging times. As I said in Episode 70, 5 Tip…
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