show episodes

Mission Compass

Galcom International Canada

Join Tim Whitehead, Executive Director at Galcom International and host of the Mission Compass– your guide to the Great Commission. Each week, Tim interviews front-line missional workers from around the globe, who share about what they are doing to bring abundant kingdom living here on earth.
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Welcome to Through the Psalms, a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit.
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Located in Isabela, Puerto Rico, Our Podcast aimed for everyone. A Voice In The Desert motto is “Everyone’s welcome because nobody’s perfect, but we believe that anything’s possible.” A Voice in The Desert aims to be culturally relevant when talking about God’s Word in Our Time. Plus a lot of other very important topics to our times.
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show series
The Holy Spirit as My Comforter in Times of Trials In the journey of life, we often encounter trials that test our faith, resilience, and emotional fortitude. During these challenging moments, many believers find solace and strength in the presence of the Holy Spirit, often referred to as the Comforter. This article explores the role of the Holy Sp…
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This week on the Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Rick Rhoads, President of Bible Centered Ministries International, who shares the history of the ministry and how they reach children around the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. Faye Whatford also joins the program to share about the Banjara people of India and how you can pray for ways to…
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LA PALABRA DE FE Algunas de nuestras supuestas oraciones no son las oraciones normales que solemos dar. Son lo que la Biblia llama una “palabra de fe”. La palabra de fe es cuando hablamos directamente de la situación, como Jesús enseñó en Mateo capítulo diecisiete. Una oración es cuando hacemos una petición a Dios. Esta breve “oración o palabra de …
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Strategies for Christian Maturity: Proclamation, Warning, and Teaching in the Context of Christ-Centered Growth Introduction to Christian Maturity Therefore, this section within a section deals with the goal of the life that God gives in Jesus Christ. It is a message given in the context of the need of the church, that it might not only be saved it…
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Do not forget that modern censorship is enacted now through a prism of secular life. And do not doubt for a single moment that secular and scientific living produces new systems of censorial control over religious expression. The message begins with a discussion of the influence of tacit human belief in the recent acts of scientific censorship via …
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Hi all, welcome to A Voice in the Desert. It’s a pleasure to have you join us today in sharing God’s word with you. It's our sincerest desire that today’s message will uplift you, strengthen your faith, and guide you in your walk with Jesus Christ. And now we leave you with our host in today’s message: relax and enjoy. Hi, welcome to A Voice in the…
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Hello, welcome to a voice in the desert, a pleasure to be with you again and today we are going to be talking about the next message and the message is: titled: moral decay in the Christian church. Moral decline in the Christian church is a discouraging reality that demands our attention and action. The church, once a beacon of moral guidance and u…
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Demons are an inseparable part of religious traditions and beliefs. They belong mostly to the sphere of the supernatural, and their main feature is their role. Basically, demons serve two main purposes. First of all, they serve as a way of explaining a wide range of phenomena that people were unable to understand in ancient times or rationalize lat…
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On this week’s Mission Compass, Tim continues last week’s conversation with Elea Hofman, Executive Director of Halton Alive. They dive into issues surrounding Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying program, and what Halton Alive promotes to give hope to those nearing the end of life. Stan Jeter joins the program to share a story from the Global News …
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By His Evil Deeds Is satan Known All are welcome to a voice in the desert. It's a pleasure to have You join us today in sharing God's word with you, it's our sincerest desire that today's message will uplift. You strengthen your faith and guide you in your walk with Jesus Christ, and now we leave you with our host in today's message. Hi folks welco…
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Through the Psalms is a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit.…
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Vivimos en los tiempos de la exaltación de la libertad personal que se acerca a lo absurdo. Relaciones familiares naturales que toda sociedad durante toda la historia ha honrado hoy son entregados antes el libertinaje libre del homosexualismo, bisexualismo, y otras formas de libertinaje que ha colocado el matrimonio como una institución anticuada. …
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This week on Mission Compass, Tim speaks with Elea Hofman, the Executive Director of Halton Alive. They discuss the work that Halton Alive does as a pregnancy resource centre, as well as forwarding the pro-life movement in Canada and the issues surrounding the Medical Assistance in Dying program. Faye Whatford joins the program to share about an un…
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Welcome to Through the Psalms, a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit.…
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Today, it is as important as ever to learn how to draw close to Christ, engage with him and learn from his teaching and example, amid new and complex challenges. Each generation of Christians must learn for themselves what discipleship means as they seek to resonate with their God. This investigation is of immediate personal interest to me and seek…
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Analyzing The Parables of Jesus Christ Introduction to Parables in the Bible Introduction to Parables in the Bible Many times we hear parables being told in churches and we wonder what a parable is. Parables are supposedly the message of Jesus Christ to his hearers. The parables are fundamental to Jesus's teaching. Hamilton identifies that in the s…
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**Rest and Renewal: Embracing the Sabbath in a Busy World** In the fast-paced, demanding world we live in today, finding time for rest and rejuvenation can often seem like a luxury we simply cannot afford. We are constantly bombarded with work responsibilities, social obligations, and various distractions that pull our attention in multiple directi…
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La parábola de la separación de las ovejas y las cabras, descrita en Mateo 25:31-46, es una de las enseñanzas más impactantes y cruciales de Jesucristo acerca del juicio final. En este relato, Jesús nos ofrece una visión clara y directa de cómo será el juicio de todas las naciones al final de los tiempos. La importancia de esta enseñanza radica no …
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On this week’s episode of Mission Compass, Tim talks with Galcom employee Grace Constable. Grace recently went on a mission trip to Huánuco, Peru and shares her first-ever mission trip experience. Bonnie Sala from Guidelines International also joins the program to talk about what God is doing around the world.…
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Overcoming Christian Spiritual Battles and Finding Inner Peace We face spiritual battles on a personal level in the form of evil thoughts. We reject feelings of vengeance, arrogance, anger, and meaningless talking, yet they still come. The thoughts are not the sin; they are sin when they begin to take root. Spiritual battles come from the tradition…
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Bienvenidos a Voz en el Desierto, el podcast que te acompaña en tu caminar espiritual y te brinda palabras de aliento y reflexión en medio de la aridez de la vida! Hoy nos sumergimos en un tema fundamental para la fe cristiana: la Gran Comisión. Esta enseñanza, dada por Jesús a sus discípulos, nos invita a salir de nuestra zona de confort y llevar …
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Through the Psalms is a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit.…
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The concept of Armageddon is related to military struggles, to the place of the great battle and wickedness, and is mentioned in the book of Revelation. This passage has its final fulfillment not in physical terms, but in the spiritual era when the true believers stand in their positions. This publication deals with the concept of Armageddon and is…
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There’s a doctrine around called the Universal Fatherhood of God and the Universal Brotherhood of Man: It says this—that God is the Father of all, and we’re all brothers. That sounds good, that sounds so sweet, but there’s one thing wrong with it. It’s not so. He is the Creator of all of us. And in the broadest sense, with a stretch of the word, yo…
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The Rise of a One-World Government and Its Consequences for the Christian Community From a careful study of what the Bible says about the end times events, we have found six broad categories directly related to this topic. Each of these is significant in its own context, for the Christian community at least: (1) a one-world government is eventually…
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In our text, St. Peter refers to the return of Christ no fewer than five times (to say nothing of allusions or references to it elsewhere in those one and one-half chapters). This is the Apostle who is so strong on grace and life (a life which is a matter of relationship with God), that many have accused him of not caring about good works. Not at a…
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We know who God is not because any of us was smart enough to figure Him out, but because out of His own love, grace, and mercy He has spoken to us. Moses says this explicitly in Deuteronomy 4:32: “To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides him.” The Israelites would not have known God at all unless He h…
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One of the hallmarks of our time is that we face a crisis of preaching. Indeed it would be an exercise in self-delusion if we tried to pretend that nothing is wrong with the preaching that happens in most evangelical churches. Let me ask some honest and difficult questions: If you picked an evangelical church at random and attended a Sunday morning…
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On this week’s episode of the Mission Compass, Tim joins Dennis Cheredar, the Board Chair of Christian Salvage Mission. Dennis shares how the mission started, what has been accomplished in the 30 years since CSM’s founding, and how you can get involved. Faye Whatford highlights an unreached people group from Indonesia and shares how you can pray fo…
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Nuestra era actual está marcada por una crisis en la predicación. Sería un error ignorar los problemas presentes en la predicación encontrada en la mayoría de las iglesias evangélicas. Considera esto: si eligieras al azar una iglesia evangélica y asistieras a un servicio de domingo por la mañana, ¿qué tan probable es que escucharas un sermón exposi…
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Welcome to Through the Psalms, a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit.…
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This week on the Mission Compass, we talk with Abby Penglase, a SIM missionary in Ecuador. We are going to learn about the Quichua people she ministers to, and how an Australian ended up serving in missions halfway around the world. You will also hear about how to be a smartphone reporter from Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance. Make sure to tune i…
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Welcome to Through the Psalms, a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit.…
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The Significance of Armageddon in Christian Beliefs In the realm of Christian beliefs, few topics garner as much attention and fascination as the concept of Armageddon. The mere mention of this apocalyptic event evokes a sense of awe and anticipation among believers. In this subchapter, we delve into the significance of Armageddon in Christian beli…
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Title: The Guiding Light in the Desert: Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the End Times In the vast expanse of the desert, where solitude stretches infinitely and silence reigns supreme, there echoes a voice that transcends time and space. It speaks of a divine presence that dwells within, guiding and illuminating the way through the tri…
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Título: Revelando el Papel de los Ángeles en los Últimos Tiempos Introducción En el ámbito de las creencias espirituales y las interpretaciones proféticas, el papel de los ángeles en los últimos tiempos ocupa un lugar significativo. Se cree que los ángeles son seres sobrenaturales que sirven como mensajeros de Dios, protectores de los fieles y ejec…
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Title: Unveiling the Role of Angels in the End Times Introduction In the realm of spiritual beliefs and prophetic interpretations, the role of angels in the end times holds a significant place. Angels are supernatural beings believed to serve as messengers of God, protectors of the faithful, and enforcers of divine justice. Throughout religious tex…
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This week on the Mission Compass, we talk with Torben Jensen, the Ministry Relations Manager at Joni and Friends Ministry. He shares about how Joni and Friends comes alongside churches to make them more accessible and inclusive for those with disabilities. We also hear from Faye Whatford about an unreached people group who have their own barriers t…
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Welcome to Through the Psalms, a weekend ministry of The Truth Pulpit. Over time, we will study all 150 psalms with Pastor Don Green from Truth Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. We're glad you're with us. Let's open to the Psalms now as we join our teacher in The Truth Pulpit.…
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LO PROHIBIDO Y LO INVITADO Juan 7:32 al 39 En esta gran fiesta del templo, Jesús lloró dos veces. La primera fue el llanto de reprimenda (Juan 7:28), la segunda fue el llanto de compasión y piedad (Juan 7:37). Para ellos, al igual que para muchos ahora, Jesucristo era un gran misterio. Lo conocían, pero no lo conocían. No podían conciliar al "hijo …
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I AND MY FATHER John 5:17-43 The Gospel of John is the "Holy of Holies" in the tabernacle of the New Testament. John could no more invent the things taught in this book than he could make a ladder that would reach unto Heaven. John's Gospel is the Gospel of "the Father and the Son," or the Son's relationship to the Father. With the exception of Mat…
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FAITH: NATURE AND REWARD John 4 46 54 Some of God's brightest blessings come to us clothed in the dark weeds of mourning. If this nobleman's heart had not been moved through the sickness of his son, he never would have known the healing power of Jesus Christ through faith. Blessed is that sorrow which constrains us to go believingly to the Son of G…
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John 4:1-30 "He must needs go through Samaria." There was a must needs for every word Christ spoke, and for every act that He did. Those Jews, which had "no dealings with the Samaritans," usually avoided going through Samaria when journeying from Judea to Galilee; but Christ's love for sinners constrained Him to go that way. He lived not to please …
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John 3:2 We take Nicodemus as one of the best specimens of "religious humanity"; educated, moral, of high position and culture; a strict observer of religious rites, and seasons, and ordinances; a "ruler of the Jews," a "master of Israel," and a believer in Israel's promised Messiah. He ought to have fully known the Messiah's errand, and to have re…
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