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Commuter Bible is an audio Bible reading plan to match your weekly schedule. Published Monday-Friday, major (U.S.) holidays excluded. In the course of a year, you can listen to the entire Bible. Subscribe today and get more of God's Word in your daily life. Commuter Bible uses the Christian Standard Bible translation (CSB).
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The Lord’s love remains on Judah but he cannot allow her rampant evil and adulterous idol worship to continue. Time and again He has called them to repent, but they continue to love their wealth, their sin, and their idols more than the Lord their God. The Lord will send Assyria from the north to conquer Jerusalem and Judah, making it a desolate wa…
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Jeremiah was a young man serving as a priest when the Lord called him and set him aside to be God’s chosen instrument in prophesying against the nation of Judah. Judah had seen the fall of Israel after their centuries of wickedness and idolatry against the Lord, both figuratively and sometimes literally prostituting themselves with idols and cult p…
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John, the apostle whom Jesus loved and the author of the fourth gospel writes today’s letter to the church with encouragement to flee from sin, to trust in Jesus, to love one another, and to assure them of the eternal life that Christ has secured for them. This letter doesn’t have a typical structure; unlike other epistles it doesn’t address a part…
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Job has justified himself in his own sight, repeating again and again that God has been unjust, bemoaning his fate and complaining that a man should be able to take God to court. In today’s episode, God puts Job in his place by asking him a series of questions. This inquisition is designed to help Job see how finite, weak, and limited he is, while …
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As the young man named Elihu continues to present a case against Job and his friends, he confronts the audacious claim that a man gains nothing from friendship with God. Moreover, the God who created all things is accountable to no one; in other words, He doesn’t owe anything to anyone, therefore nobody can say that He is unfair or unjust. The God …
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In today’s episode, Job starts his “I don’t get no respect” routine and tells his friends of the dishonor he now endures from fellow citizens and from the riff-raff that live in the desert around him. He remarks that he has been faithful to the Lord, caring for those in need, and keeping himself from the worship of false gods such as the worship of…
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It won’t be long before Job receives a proper rebuke from Elihu and then from God Himself, but until that time comes, Job continues to vent and express frustration with the situation he finds himself in. His friends keep telling him to repent of his evil, assuming that his sin is the cause of his state. Meanwhile, Job continues to declare himself a…
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Job’s friends are insulted that he would reject their wisdom, especially because they are drawing their conclusions from that which was commonly assumed by the culture and by their ancestors. Job wants to find comfort and consolation from his friends, but they continue to make a case against him. In an earlier speech, Job spoke of God’s justice, bu…
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The book of Job is thought to be one of the earliest writings of Scripture. Set in the period of the patriarchs perhaps even before the time of Abraham, this book gives us the account of a rich man who loses it all. Here in the first few chapters we are given a rare glimpse into the spiritual realm, describing scenes before the throne of God Almigh…
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Job has lost everything but his wife, his life, and a handful of friends who have gathered around him. After sitting together in silence for seven days, Job opens up about the sorrow and agony he feels. His friends, however, greet him with calls to repent, suggesting that God would not punish someone like this if he were indeed righteous. Bildad re…
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The book of Job is thought to be one of the earliest writings of Scripture. Set in the period of the patriarchs perhaps even before the time of Abraham, this book gives us the account of a rich man who loses it all. Here in the first few chapters we are given a rare glimpse into the spiritual realm, describing scenes before the throne of God Almigh…
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In this letter to Timothy, Paul encourages the young man whom he calls a son in the faith to preach the gospel boldly, clearly, unabashedly, and without fear. Paul encourages Timothy to know the Scriptures well so that he can preach the Scriptures well. The apostle has entrusted the work of gospel ministry to Timothy and he wants to make sure that …
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The future looks bleak for the people of God. With the king’s signet ring in hand, Haman has devised a scheme to wipe out God’s people, whom he hates because of his hatred for Mordecai. It seems that the only hope for God’s people rests with Queen Esther, a young woman who has become fully enveloped into Persian culture. Today, Esther continues on …
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The account of Esther, the Jewish orphan who becomes the queen of Persia, is neither a Cinderella story, nor a how-to guide for righteousness. It does, however, give us a picture of the God who graciously uses broken people to achieve His glorious ends and fulfill His covenant promises. The names that the two Jewish characters operate under, Esther…
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Today we’re going to read the entire letter of 1 Timothy together, and as we do I think you’ll see some themes emerge. First, Paul writes to Timothy from a place of humility in order to encourage humility within Timothy and within the church. From that humility comes order within the church, including rightly viewed structures of authority and subm…
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The temple is finished. The wall is finished. The people have rededicated themselves to the Lord’s house, and on today’s episode, the remnant of Israel rejoices. With the work completed, Nehemiah returns to Persia to serve under King Artaxerxes once again, just as he promised. All is right with the world, and God’s people serve Him faithfully from …
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Now that the work of rebuilding the temple and rebuilding the walls surrounding Jerusalem is complete, the exiles from Israel gather together to hear Ezra read from the book of the Law. The Levites explain the law to the people as it is being read, and when the congregation understands the extent to which they have broken the Law, they mourn over t…
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As we began to see our last episode, the governors who oversee region west of the Euphrates, which includes Judah and Jerusalem, are unhappy that Nehemiah has been sent to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Feeling threatened, Sanballat and other officials create false rumors and even bribe others to attempt to deceive Nehemiah. They make every a…
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Nehemiah, an exile who lived in Persia’s capital and served King Artaxerxes as his royal cupbearer, hears news that Jerusalem has been laid waste. The wall surrounding the city had been greatly compromised and the gates that would have maintained a secure entrance had been burned down. In great dismay, Nehemiah asks the king if he can return to hel…
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In our last episode, we were introduced to Ezra, a scribe in exile who had been trained in the law of Moses and who had “determined in his heart to study the law of the Lord, obey it, and teach it’s statutes and ordinances in Israel.” King Artaxerxes has expressly commanded Ezra to do just that. After we review some of the family heads who accompan…
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If you have siblings, then there was likely a time when you tried to get them in trouble for doing something you didn’t like only to find out they were told to do it by your parents. In similar fashion, the governor and rulers that oversee the region west of the Euphrates alert King Darius that the Jews are rebuilding the temple. The king’s reply? …
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The books of Ezra and Nehemiah were originally part of one book but they got separated along the way as the book was translated. The author of this book and the author of 1 & 2 Chronicles are one and the same. This means Ezra continues where 2 Chronicles left off: recall that the temple had been destroyed, Jerusalem had been ravaged, and the people…
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In Paul’s absence, the Corinthian church had begun to follow new teachers who had positioned themselves as superior in numerous ways, all of which were worldly and pompous. They wanted Paul to be like them, bold, arrogant, provocative, and brash. Paul defends the authority he has over the Corinthian church as a true apostle and sarcastically boasts…
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Paul continues to urge the Corinthian to live lives that are fully devoted to the Lord God, asking them to open their hearts once again to him and to the ministry of the gospel. He explains that his commendation comes from a life that is full of dichotomies, and urges them to consider the sacrifices they are making as proof that they are zealous fo…
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Paul loves the church in Corinth, but at the writing of this letter, the feeling wasn’t entirely mutual. The Corinthian church had received a severe letter from Paul that contained instructions about disciplining a church member. This could be the man mentioned in 1 Corinthians 5 or it could be some other person within the church. Whatever the case…
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Obadiah is the shortest book in Old Testament, and it’s a prophecy directed against one nation: the nation of Edom. Though the time or century of this proclamation is not fully known, it is clear from the text that Edom is guilty of mocking Judah in their distress and taking advantage of their dire situation. In the end, however, the Lord will brin…
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King Josiah takes the throne at age 8, begins to seek the Lord at age 16, and cleanses the land of false idols and high places at age 20. At 24, he commands his servants to clean and repair the temple of God, and when they do so, they discover the book of the law of God taken down by the hand of Moses. After consulting a prophet, he learns that God…
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Now that Hezekiah has reestablished worship at the Lord’s temple, he wants to provide for the Levites who have gathered together to serve the Lord in the work of the temple. Thankfully, the people of Judah show kindness and faithfulness by giving a tenth of all that they harvested and produced. Later, King Sennacherib threatens Hezekiah and all Jud…
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In our last episode we read about King Ahaz, one of the most evil and unfaithful kings in Judah’s history. He not only worshipped other gods, but sacrificed his children to them ass an act of pagan worship. When his son Hezekiah comes to power, he literally cleans house, restoring the temple of the Lord so that all Israel could be called back to wo…
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In our last episode, we considered the life of King Joash, the baby heir to the throne who was rescued and brought to kingship by Jehoiada the priest. Joash abandoned the Lord’s temple, and was later assassinated. The next four kings continue this lineage. Amaziah begins well, but surprisingly turns to worship the idols of those he has defeated, an…
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In our last episode we covered the life of King Jehoshaphat who was faithful to the Lord, but in today’s episode we witness the beginning of the end for the kings of Judah. Jehoshaphat’s son, King Jehoram is straight-up Je-horrible and when he dies from a horrific intestinal disease, Scripture records that he “died to no one’s regret.” Sounds like …
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At the end of our last episode we were introduced to Asa’s son, King Jehoshaphat, and today we’ll read further accounts of his life. Jehoshaphat instituted a plan to educate Judah in the ways of the Lord, sending officials and priests out with the book of the Lord’s instruction. Remember that Asa failed to call upon the name of the Lord when there …
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Our reading today examines the lives of two descendants of David who each reigned as king over Israel. First: Abijah, who reigned for only 3 years, but who made an impassioned speech against Israel’s king Jeroboam, warning him that he should not wage war against the Lord and those who serve Him. Abijah’s son Asa takes the throne after him, and Asa …
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Worship at the new temple has been established and the people of Israel begin to worship the Lord with renewed vigor and zeal. The Lord honors their worship and continues to love His people by providing for them and protecting them. King Solomon’s wisdom and wealth become known across the ancient world, and royalty from nearby nations come to seek …
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Solomon has finished the work of building the temple and the ark of the covenant is now in the newly constructed room known as the most holy place. The priests have consecrated themselves and will worship the Lord through music. Solomon prays to the Lord before the nation of Israel, asking God to hear their prayers, reminding the people through his…
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We’re back in the Old Testament with 2 Chronicles which is the second book of a four book series which includes 1 & 2 Chronicles along with Ezra and Nehemiah. Combined, they make up a historical account of God’s people starting with Adam and ending with the return to Jerusalem from their exile in Babylon. It’s likely that Ezra is the author of all …
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Today, Paul begins to speak of the nature of the body of Christ and the diversity of spiritual gifts within it. Just as a physical body is made of many parts that are united together, Paul teaches that the church should be united in love and put away childish divisions, otherwise their flashy spiritual gifts are absolute rubbish. He goes on to enco…
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Well, if you didn't learn it from our time in Songs of Songs, let's just be clear: God is pro-marriage and pro-sex. He created intimacy for the good of mankind so that a husband and wife might enjoy one another to the glory of God. The blessing of marital intimacy should be protected from the many ways that mankind distorts it for selfish gratifica…
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Paul wants the Corinthian church to live under the lordship of Jesus Christ. Divisions had already begun among the church at Corinth, and as we’ll see in these first few chapters, some of the division came because believers began attributing themselves to mere men. Paul directs them to boast, not in the teachers they follow, but in Christ and Him c…
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Israel has taken the lavish blessings of their God and given those gifts to the calf idols of Baal, turning away from the covenant love of the God who redeemed them and turning to love other gods. Therefore, the Lord will discipline his people for their rebellion. Through Hosea, God remarks that he raised Israel like a father raises children, lamen…
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Not much is known about the background of the prophet Hosea, save what is mentioned in this record of his prophecies. By referencing the kings under which he prophesied, we can see that his ministry of prophecy lasted around 40 years. Like Amos, Hosea spoke to the nation of Israel, often referenced as “Ephraim” in this book, under a time of lavish …
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As the book of 1 Chronicles comes to a close we’re given a look at an assembly of all the leaders of Israel. In this gather, David gives glory to God for his many blessings, and charges Solomon to build the Lord’s temple. In so doing, he also makes it clear that, of his many sons, Solomon is to become king, appointed by the Lord God Himself. He pas…
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As David prepares to pass the crown to his son Solomon, his heart and mind continue to be fixed on God’s glory, particularly through the building of the temple and structuring it properly. David has spent years of his life amassing materials for it’s construction, and not only that, he has also drawn up architectural plans, built instruments, and c…
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In his latter days, David charges his son Solomon to build the temple for the worship of God, and we get a few new details. First, we learn that the Lord did not allow David to build the temple because his hands had shed so much blood and because he had waged great wars. We also realize that David looked forward to the building of the temple even t…
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After staying in the house of Obed-Edom for a while, the ark of the covenant finally comes to Jerusalem with great fanfare. After King David reestablishes the tabernacle, he returns to his own home, a palace made of cedar, and thinks “Why does God dwell in a tent, while I, a mere man, dwell in a palace?” As his wheels begin to spin, he tells Nathan…
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There’s a lot more historical narrative in today’s reading, especially when compared to our first three episodes in 1 Chronicles. David becomes king, he intends to reinstitute the proper worship of God at his tabernacle. When the ark of the covenant almost falls in transit, one man reaches out to grab it, which is not permissible by God’s law. The …
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We’re still working through a list of names, but thankfully things get a little more interesting this week as the lists are broken up by historical accounts and records of what people did and when. As someone who once worked retail and food service, I like the behind-the-scenes look at how the Levites and gatekeepers conducted the daily maintenance…
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We’re reading through the genealogies handed down over the centuries that trace God’s people from Adam & Eve all the way through the exile to Babylon. Remember that each name represents a lifetime and a family: real people with real lives who either trusted in the Lord or who were stiff-necked and rebelled against the Lord. Reading these genealogie…
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Alright, real talk: this episode probably isn’t going to change your life, but there are some interesting little nuggets to be found in between the names and genealogies. For instance, there’s, “The Prayer of Jabez,” right? which, if you didn’t live through 90’s Christendom, is the title of a book that says you can be blessed with prosperity if you…
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Among the many things that Luke illustrates in his record of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, is that all of it was in fulfillment of Scripture, including a number of references to Psalm 22. While sinful men sought to snuff out this king and his message about a coming kingdom, they in fact helped usher in the new kingdom by crucifying the So…
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