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Bible prophecy is history written in advance. In this sermon series on End Times Bible Prophecy, we consider topics such as: The Middle East Conflict. The Antichrist, False Prophet, and the Mark of the Beast. Russia, Iran, Turkey and the kings of the East. The Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In this sermon we focus on th…
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) …
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Jesus makes us whole, complete, and well in all areas of life. He died to bring us shalom, which is total well-being. He works wholeness in our lives today, as we open up and receive His saving, healing, delivering, miracle working, life changing power.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30…
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In this sermon we recount some of the miracles of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels. We remind ourselves that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. The kinds of miracles we need may be different from the people in Bible times. But Jesus has not changed. He is the same miracle working Jesus. He works miracles through His people as we believ…
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In the Gospels we see the Lord Jesus casting out evil spirits, delivering people and healing people from sicknesses caused due to demonic activity. We know from Scripture that evil spirits (demons) cause certain physical problems, disturb the mind and emotions, hold people in bondage, captive to addictions and unclean habits, oppress, torment and t…
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In the Gospels we see the Lord Jesus heal all kinds of physical problems by His power. But our faith in God, can welcome the healing power of our Lord into our lives over all physical conditions. The Scriptures teach that when we gather together in His name, Jesus is present, and His power is available. Hence, we can and should expect the same thin…
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In our modern world, where we do have resources and means to address many of our problems, it is important to remind ourselves about our God who is supernatural. There are many things we cannot do, and we need God to intervene. We reflect on the three simple statements and remind ourselves of God's works in the Bible: The God of the Bible is the Go…
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We are living in times where sexual orientation, gender identity and gendered language is increasingly becoming common in public life, and we must learn how to engage. In addressing gendered ideology, we present a framework to guide our thinking. This will help guide our thinking and response in situations we may encounter in relating to transgende…
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The church is called to be the pillar and foundation of truth. With the advancements in science and technology, there are many new areas to which we as believers must respond, while considering the spiritual and ethical dilemmas these present to us. Today we consider a few such areas: Artificial intelligence (AI), neural implants, in vitro fertiliz…
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In this sermon we encourage people to desire and express the creative flow that comes from God. God is the Master Creative-Artist. We learn that we are created in God’s image, created to be creative. All of us can be creative in one or more ways. Creative expressions can serve many purposes including adoration, revelation, restoration, communicatio…
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In this sermon we discuss the importance of the blood to make cleansing for sin. We outline why the blood of Jesus is the one and only remedy for sin. We understand why there is power in the blood of Jesus. We emphasize the need for us to believe, receive and testify to what the blood of Jesus has done for us.Watch our online Sunday Church service …
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In this sermon we explain how the Holy Spirit leads and communicates to us through our spiritual faculties of hearing, seeing, and feeling. We share how to differentiate between the Holy Spirit’s leading and our own feelings. A simple message that will encourage and perhaps stretch you to learn to listen to God and be led by the Holy Spirit.Watch o…
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In this sermon we detail how we can learn to receive the leading of the Holy Spirit through the inner witness or the inner prompting. This is a simple way the Holy Spirit leads us, but all of us believers should learn to receive God’s guidance through the inner witness. Don’t miss this important message.Watch our online Sunday Church service live s…
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The message today stresses an important responsibility we have as believers: Stewarding. We have been freely given and entrusted with many gifts and abilities from God to be used for His glory and the service of the church. Being a good steward of God’s grace pleases God. One of the most important calling in our lives as believers is to steward the…
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The Apostle Peter saw the Lord Jesus minister in signs, wonders and miracles. Peter himself was a man of faith who ministered in the supernatural in the name of the Lord Jesus and by faith in Him. This sermon is a study on Peter’s very important message to the church towards the end of his life about adding to one’s faith. He lists 7 attributes tha…
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In this simple message we are reminded that healing and shalom for our bodies and minds were provided through the Cross of Jesus Christ. The work has been completed. We receive by faith, what the Lord Jesus provided for us through the Cross.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit fi…
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The Lord Jesus demonstrated and taught that we must speak our faith. Jesus spoke to diseases, demons, and natural elements. He challenged His disciples to use their faith in a similar way. He taught us that one of the ways we exercise our faith in God is by speaking words of faith. Bible faith works the same way today as it did in Bible times. We h…
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God instructs us His people to believe His Word and to speak His Word. This instruction is given in both the Old and New Testaments. We learn the power of the spoken word in our daily vocabulary. The spoken Word in our daily vocabulary positions us rightly before God to experience what God has promised. The spoken Word is us invoking and taking His…
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When God created the world and human life, He also set spirituals laws or spiritual principles. He has revealed these to us in His Word, so that we can live by them. One such spiritual principle that we find in Scripture, revealed in both the Old and New Testament, is the power of the words we speak, or the power of the tongue. This sermon draws ou…
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In this simple sermon we are reminded of what faith is and how we are to exercise faith in God. We must have 'things hoped for', to have faith. Faith is the solid foundation, the groundwork for the things hoped for. Faith gives substance or brings into reality 'things hoped for'. Faith is the title deed, the “proof of ownership” of things hoped for…
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We must have tenacious faith in God. Tenacious faith is faith that will not give up. Tenacious faith is faith that will endure through hardships. Tenacious faith is faith that will endure through time. Tenacious faith is faith that will endure through discouragement. This inspiring message will encourage you to have faith in God and not give up.Wat…
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Faith without corresponding actions is "dead", lifeless and unproductive. This sermon reminds us about the importance of acting on God's Word. Acting on God's Word demonstrates our faith in God. Acting on God's Word gets the attention of God. Acting on God's Word sets God's power in operation in our life situations. However, as we act on God's Word…
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One of the essentials to building strong faith is to learn to take God at His Word. To take God at His Word, we simply believe God and His Word. We rest our heart and mind on what God has promised. In the middle of the storms of fear and doubt, in the middle of the waiting periods, in the middle of situations and circumstances that may be contrary …
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At the start of each year, we take time to listen to the Lord for a specific word for the journey ahead. We recognize that we are called to live by the whole counsel of God and the entirety of the Scriptures. The Word of the Lord highlights a key message for the road ahead, as we continue to walk by faith in God and His Word. Conquer Through Faith!…
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As pastors one of areas of responsibility is to watch over the spiritual well-being of God people and to protect the people, the church community, and those in our sphere of influence from things that would cause harm to our faith in the Lord and His Word, or take us away from the purity, simplicity and originality of the faith God has given to us.…
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A simple Gospel message, sharing why Jesus came to be our Savior.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit filled, anointed worship, Word and ministry for healing, miracles and deliverance.YOUTUBE: htt…
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The prophets foretold about the Messiah, the appointed and anointed One, who was for all people of all nations. The odds that one man in history could fulfill all these indicators were highly improbable, almost impossible. And then came Jesus, who fulfilled what the prophets foretold. This Jesus is the Messiah. He came to be Messiah, Savior, and Lo…
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The simple message points to who Christ is based on the claims of Jesus Christ about Himself, and some aspects of what the Bible says about Jesus Christ.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit filled, anointed worship, Word and ministry for healing, miracles and deliverance.YOUTUBE:…
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The Lord is our Rock. The rock is a picture of what is immovable, unchangeable, strong, safe, secure, reliable. But the Scriptures share additional insights into Christ our spiritual Rock. Christ is our spiritual rock, our firm foundation (immovable, unchangeable), our place of refuge (strong, reliable) and our source of all things, the One who mee…
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About 1600 years before the birth of Jesus, Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, prophesied in Genesis 49:8-10 about the coming of One from the tribe of Judah, whom Jacob referred to as Shiloh. In this sermon we consider Jesus and who He is, in the fulfillment of Shiloh, whom Jacob foretold: Jesus came as the One who has conquered His enemies. Jesus is …
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In this sermon we review some of the miracles God did in homes and families, healing broken hearts, restoring family relationships, canceling debts, breaking free from constraints, and turning situations around. The God of the Bible is the God of today. He will still work similar miracles for our homes and families. Let’s expect something good to h…
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In this sermon we consider the reality of life's challenges that any Christian marriage or family will face. We discuss a few simple Biblical practices we can adopt as we work through lifes challenges. A simple message with a lot of practical input.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). S…
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In this sermon we consider the differences across generations, and consider four Biblical principles, and five action points in nurturing healthy relationships in our home, children and family. A simple message with a lot of practical input.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit fi…
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In this sermon we review and apply God’s promises for our home, children and family. A simple message with an emphasis on knowing God’s promises, believing His Word, speaking, and praying His Word for our homes and families.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit filled, anointed wo…
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This sermon points us to the Early Church and how they prayed asking for God to work signs and wonders, and for them to boldly proclaim the Word. God answered powerfully, and in unusual ways. The God of the Bible is the God of today! He still works signs, wonders, and miracles. Expect Him to do something powerful in your life today!Watch our online…
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This sermon is a reminder for us to be involved in missions, in bringing the Gospel and discipling nations to fulfill the Great commission. We consider opportunities in business as mission, technology in missions, mercy missions, urban missions.Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spiri…
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This sermon series is a verse-by-verse study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, the first two epistles written by the apostle Paul. In Part-4 of this series we cover 2 Thessalonians where Paul addresses two main areas of concern: the coming of the Lord Jesus, and the responsibility to work, while we live out our live on earth, in readiness for the Lord’s re…
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