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Durkhanai Ayubi and her family keep alive the stories and flavours they carried to Australia from Afghanistan, in the dining room of their 'accidental' and thriving restaurant (R) Durkhanai was two years old when she and her family came to Australia from Afghanistan. She grew up with stories of the old country from her parents, but her most powerfu…
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Dr. Jannaki Bakhle comes on TPE to discuss the legacy of Savarkar and the making of Hindutva.Nationalist, Hero or Fascist? Dr. Bakhle deconstructs the legacy of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.On this episode of the Pakistan Experience we discuss colonialism, colonial histories, nationalist writings, fascism, Hindutva, making of the Hindu nation, myth mak…
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Tony Wayne, former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs and US Ambassador to Mexico, pulls apart the strands. First, what is an import? How many times would you guess a raw material or auto part crosses a Canadian or Mexican border in the process of making and assembling a car? 4? 5? Each crossing carries a 25% tariff. Tha…
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Mahyar Tousi is a journalist and podcaster whose father is in hiding in Iran. He stands against rising Islamism, but police in the UK have been trying to stop him from speaking out. Now, they ‘accidentally’ released a report on him to the public, making things even more dangerous for his father and for him. Check out Follow my mailing list…
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Ep 592 features Maddie and Casey, 911 professionals with New Hanover County 911, NC. Sponsored by INdigital - Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Web Episode topics – The impact of different shift hours on dispatchers' personal lives. The importance of community programs like the CARE team in supporting frequent callers. How previous careers in public …
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Sie ist kreative Unternehmerin und er einer der bekanntesten Abenteurer des Landes: Tanja Valérien, liebt Mode, Kunst, Design, Fotografie und gute Gespräche. Stefan Glowacz ist als Extremkletterer immer wieder unterwegs zu den spektakulärsten Routen in entlegenen Ecken der Welt. Seit über 20 Jahren sind die beiden ein Paar. Über Liebe, Freiheiten u…
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In 1939, Time Magazine called Dorothy Thompson a woman who “thinks, talks and sleeps world problems — and scares men half to death.” They weren’t wrong. Thompson was a foreign correspondent in Germany in the years leading up to World War 2, and she broadcast to millions of listeners around the world. She became known for her bold commentaries on th…
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Stijn is zot van Batman. Batman met Robin en vooral: de geluiden die erbij horen. Wanneer hij een plaat krijgt van Prince die de filmmuziek maakt voor Batman gaat een wereld open. Illustratie door Staalvaes. Zie het privacybeleid op en de privacyverklaring van Californië op…
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An der "Iberl Bühne" in München stehen Tom Mandl und Florian Günther im Stück "Bauernschach" auf der Bühne. Günther ist zudem Autor und Regisseur des Drei-Akters. Die beiden sind bei Hermine Kaiser zu Gast. Video der Abendschau: Weitere Information…
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Katie falls hard for Barys during a whirlwind trip to Belarus. But there’s a giant red flag she can’t ignore any longer. And two people who have the same name, live in the same city, and have the same professional interests soon find out what else they have in common. STORIES Real Love Boston-based writer Katie Simon is on assignment in Belarus whe…
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A Classic RISK! episode from our early years that first ran in April of 2013: Live From North Carolina! Our wonderful show from the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival in February. Stories from Josh Gondeman, Jane Borden, Robert Bland and Paula Pazderka. • Pitch us your story! • Support RISK! through Patreon at…
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Earlier this week on Honestly, Batya Ungar-Sargon, Brianna Wu, and Christopher Caldwell shared their views on President Donald Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance’s showdown with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and on the Russia-Ukraine war more generally. Simply put, Batya and Chris made the case that Russia is not an American adversary in…
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故事FM ❜ 第 837 期 上周我在上海出差的时候,第二天就要离开了,《以神之名》那两期节目的讲述者翠花忽然联系我,问我能不能帮一下一个单亲妈妈。这位单亲妈妈是一个养女,一直被她的养父骚扰,人就在上海。我了解了基本情况之后,在我上飞机之前,与今天这个故事的当事人见了一面。听她讲述了自己的经历。她的故事让我听了之后,难过,又愤慨。 以下就是她的故事: /Staff/ 讲述者 | 兰陵 主播 | @寇爱哲 采访 | @寇爱哲 制作 | 文卓 文案整理 | 白晴晴 文卓 声音设计 | 文卓 运营 | 鸣鸣 实习生|白晴晴 用你的声音,讲述你的故事。故事FM 是一档亲历者自述的声音节目。在以下渠道均可收听我们的节目: 苹果播客 | 网易云音乐 | 喜马拉雅 蜻蜓FM | 荔枝FM | 懒人听书 小…
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Politieman Bob Schagen vertelt over een onverwacht, postuum weerzien met een moordverdachte. De begintune van deze aflevering is gespeeld door luisteraar Fred Meijer. We hebben naar aanleiding van onze vijfhonderdste aflevering nog veel meer mooie covers van onze tune ontvangen, die we de komende weken allemaal gaan gebruiken. Heb jij ook een goed,…
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Revisionist History will be back with an all-new season starting March 13th. We’ll be investigating everything from Paw Patrol to the secret behind English muffins to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Plus much, much more. To start, a two-part series that revisits the death of George Floyd in 2020. That’s next week – stay tuned. See fo…
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Margriet Oostveen | In de documentaireserie Kinderen van Rutte onderzoekt Roos van Ees hoe het oud-leerlingen van docent maatschappijleer Mark Rutte verging in het nieuwe Nederland van premier Rutte. Het resultaat blijkt niet wat de meester had beloofd. Opname: Julius van IJperen Montage & mixage: Tom Ruijg Foto door Desiré van de Berg (voor de Cor…
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Le couple est aussi un lieu de résistance et d'engagement pour les femmes. A l'occasion de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes le 8 mars, Bababam vous plonge dans l'histoire de ces couples d'exception comme Marie et Pierre Curie, Frida Khalo et Diego Rivera, Virginia Woolf et Vita Sackville West, ou encore Lee Miller et Man Ray... des c…
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Une vie de combats Après avoir vécu l'enfer à Auschwitz, elle devient la première femme à occuper certains postes politiques en France. Parmi ses combats gagnés : la légalisation de l’avortement en France. Porteuse du projet de loi sur l'IVG Après ses études, Simone se lance dans la politique et entre dans la magistrature en 1957. Elle est alors âg…
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Dans le film Gone Girl de David Fincher (2014), Amy et Nick forment un couple en apparence parfait. Mais derrière les sourires et les jolies photos de mariage se joue une guerre silencieuse. Une guerre de manipulation, d'obsession et de contrôle. Dans leur relation, chacun tente d'écrire sa propre vérité, jusqu'à ce que la réalité se fissure. Quand…
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Idag gästas Bathina av journalisten, livsstilsredaktören, longevity-coachen och mindset-experten Paulina Bylén. Paulina guidar oss genom begreppet longevity – konsten att skapa energi, klarhet, styrka och attraktivitet genom hela livet. Hon förklarar varför de flesta av oss åldras i förtid och hur vi genom att jobba med nervsystemsreglering, tarmhä…
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Writer Geraldine Brooks on love, grief and letting go after her husband died in a shocking and unexpected way. In 2019, Australian writer Geraldine Brooks was forced into a world of practicalities when her beloved husband, Tony, collapsed on the street in the United States and died. She had to immediately manage finances and family life, organise a…
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Sahil Adeem and EON have done a podcast against me, this is my response and an exploration of Sahil Adeem's identity crisis.The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: support the ch…
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Wie man sich beim Meditieren eine Rippe bricht, warum er gerne zum Urologen geht und wieso er dem amtierenden US-Präsidenten nicht mit Ernst begegnen kann, darüber spricht der Schriftsteller Axel Hacke bei der "Blauen Couch on Tour" mit Thorsten Otto, live vor Publikum auf der Bühne des ETA Hoffmann Theaters in Bamberg. Sein Blick auf die Welt bege…
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In Episode 04 of 'Of Heroes and Villains' we look at the rise of Benazir Bhutto and General Hameed Gul working against Democracy in Pakistan.Watch the full Of Heroes and Villains Series: Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stor…
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As the founder of two successful companies, iTitans and Kommerce Hub, and an investor in over 10+ startups, I am passionate about fostering innovation and empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs. Through my initiative, Titan Hub, I mentor and guide young founders (typically under 30), providing them with the support, strategic insights, and…
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Wenn der Ex-Partner unseres Partners in dessen Leben noch eine Rolle spielt, kann uns das verunsichern. Dieses Gefühl der rückwirkenden Eifersucht ist ziemlich verbreitet, sagt die Psychologin Tina Rosenberger. Forscherin Jessica Frampton sagt: Soziale Medien können das verstärken. (Wiederholung vom 06.11.2024) ********** Ihr hört: Moderation: Prze…
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Alex Steed, who often advocates for those who need help, tells Taj about finally learning how to advocate for himself. • Pitch us your story! • Support RISK! through Patreon at or make a one-time donation: • Get tickets to RISK! live shows: • Get the RISK! Book and sho…
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Seit 1985 ist Hella Witte mit ihrem Geschäft "Fisch Witte" eine Institution auf dem Münchner Viktualienmarkt. In den knapp 40 Jahren auf dem Markt hat sie sich nicht nur viel Fachwissen angeeignet, sondern auch viele, zum Teil kuriose Geschichten erlebt. Sie ist bei Hermine Kaiser zu Gast. Info zum Buch Hella Witte Fischverliebt Callwey, 2023. 208 …
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Today on TPE we go to Hyderabad and Wan ki Wasi to find out why is Sindh protesting against the canals on the Indus River.The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: support the chan…
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On this episode of Trappin Anonymous “100%” we speak to Promyss, a mother who was the victim of an attempted murder suicide by the hands of her child’s father, which ultimately claimed the life of her first born and only son. This story is unlike anything you have ever heard & a lesson in Domestic Violence within the Black community. Follow @Trappi…
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Paul Saladino, MD, is a double board-certified physician and a prominent advocate for an animal-based diet, known for his controversial views on nutrition and health. He graduated from the University of Arizona College of Medicine and completed his residency at the University of Washington. Saladino is the author of The Carnivore Code and The Carni…
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When Samaiya Mushtaq was growing up, she imagined marrying a kind Muslim man, and at 21, she did. But while studying to become a psychiatrist in medical school, she realized her husband couldn’t meet her emotional needs — something she deeply craved. Despite the shame she felt, she got a divorce. In this episode, Mushtaq shares the twists and turns…
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When his older brother died of cancer, Patrick Bringley quit his New York office job and got a new one at the Metropolitan Museum of Art—as a security guard. He stayed for 10 years. Patrick Bringley's book is All the Beauty in the World. Say hello on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Follow the show and review us on Apple Podcasts. Want to listen to…
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Federal investigators uncover a shadowy scheme to smuggle ancient clay tablets into America. When customs officers in Memphis inspect a package labelled "tile samples" in January 2011, they discover something far more precious - delicate clay tablets covered in cuneiform, one of humanity's earliest forms of writing. Through exclusive interviews wit…
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In this episode of Hammer Lane Legends, Brian, Shipper, and Mike sit down with Randall to swap trucking stories filled with humor, challenges, and decades of experience. From hauling chickens to mastering flatbed driving, they explore the evolution of truck stops, safety regulations, and the unspoken rules of the road. With laughs, personal anecdot…
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Gatool Katawazi | Door de spanningen tussen China, Rusland, Amerika en Europa lijkt het wel alsof we in een nieuwe Koude Oorlog zijn beland. Maar de wereld is geen strijdtoneel van een handvol grootmachten, ziet geopolitiek expert Parag Khanna. De nieuwe wereldorde biedt ook kleinere landen kansen. Voorgelezen door Julius van IJperen Opname, montag…
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Le couple est aussi un lieu de résistance et d'engagement pour les femmes. A l'occasion de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes le 8 mars, Bababam vous plonge dans l'histoire de ces couples d'exception comme Marie et Pierre Curie, Frida Khalo et Diego Rivera, Virginia Woolf et Vita Sackville West, ou encore Lee Miller et Man Ray... des c…
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