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Life at ITU (video)

IT University of Copenhagen

Stay up to date with all the fun things that are happening at IT University of Copenhagen. This podcast will serve you various videos with accounts from actual students at the IT University and give you a glimpse into their lives.
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The Global Economic Governance Programme was established at University College in 2003 to foster research and debate into how global markets and institutions can better serve the needs of people in developing countries. The Programme is directly linked to Oxford University’s Department of Politics and International Relations and Centre for International Studies. It serves as an interdisciplinary umbrella within Oxford drawing together members of the Departments of Economics, Law and Developm ...
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Evolutionary Hologenomics

Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics

This is the podcast by the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics at the University of Copenhagen. We talk hardcore science in simple terms, so you will learn lots of new words and concepts. As a side effect of listening to our podcast, you may become fascinated by and obsessed with microorganisms and their interactions as much as we are. You can also watch the video version of the podcast episodes on our Youtube channel:
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show series
I efteråret 2023 inviterede ITU's Tænk i Tech-projekt til inspirationsmøde på IT-Universitetet, hvor Villum Fondens Science i Fritiden, Videnskabsklubben og youtuberen Maria Jarjis mødtes for at dele erfaringer om, hvordan man når ud til unge i deres fritid og får dem til at interessere sig for teknologi og videnskab. Hvis du ikke havde mulighed fo…
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ITU Active! is a student organisation at ITU, that seeks to gather the students of ITU around active and social events. We hope to create an active study environment, where there are opportunities to participate in sports events with other fellow ITU students, while at the same time socializing across study lines and semesters. Stick around for upc…
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We are a non-profit, student driven café at the IT University of Copenhagen. Our volunteer baristas are trained by Copenhagen Coffee Lab, where we also buy our coffee beans. We serve more than 2000 cups of coffee a week, herein filter coffee, espresso based drinks as well as chai and hot cocoa. Opening hours: Monday - thursday from 08-16 Friday fro…
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Scrollbar is the student driven Friday bar at ITU. Every Friday, voluntary tenders facilitate the best and most embracing Friday bar in Copenhagen. Here you and your friends can come and have a break from lectures, assignments and just everyday life, while enjoying a drink from our assortment of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic menu, and challengin…
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ITU FC is ITU's football club training Thursday from 4 to 5 pm and playing matches in the university league. Our goal is to create an environment for the football-loving student at the university, regardless of skill, ability, or experience. So join us for practice and come play or watch our matches. For more information:…
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October is Hallowe’en month, so we did a special spooky episode with Rob Dunn from North Carolina State University! Microbes are everywhere and they are an indivisible part of us, influencing from our health, to the way we smell to even our behaviour. There are around 200 000 species of microbes in your house! In home hot water heaters there are ba…
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The Evolutionary Hologenomics Podcast turns one! In this special anniversary episode, we catch up with Professor Tom Gilbert, director of the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics. We start with a trip down memory lane, to ten years ago when the idea for the centre first came up, the application process, the rejection, and finally the acceptance of …
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In this episode, we chat with PhD student Jacob Agerbo Rasmussen about his research in salmonids and their microbiome. Since Jacob had two papers published recently, we decided to switch up the format of the podcast a bit and make it like a journal club. We start by introducing the structure of a scientific research paper, and then dive into Jacob’…
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In this episode, we chat with Jaelle Brealey about salmon microbiome and macrobiome. We discuss salmon health and zoom in and out of different compartments to see what bacteria are in the salmon gut, as well as in tapeworms that live in the salmon. Think Matryoshka dolls! Yes, tapeworms don’t have an intestine but they have their own microbiome! No…
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In this episode, we catch up with associate professor Antton Alberdi and get an overview of what it takes to write such a monumental project application, as well as what the project is actually about. Lots of teamwork and interdisciplinarity, from trial design, to collecting biological samples of host and their gut microbiome, processing them in ma…
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We had a chat with our very first guest, Aoife Leonard, who told us about her ambitious project called Earth Hologenome Initiative. She is busy managing the project and preparing very cool sampling kits to send out to collaborators collecting samples around the globe. The idea is to collect samples in the field, all over the world, from animals and…
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Mød Clara og Asbjørn som går på kandidatuddannelsen i Digital Design og Interaktive Teknologier på IT-Universitetet. I denne video fortæller de om hvordan de har lært at lave augmented reality (AR) ved hjælp af softwareprogrammerne Vuforia og Unity. Clara har en bachelor fra Animationsskolen i Viborg og Asbjørn i Industriel Design fra KADK. Den 2-å…
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Er du i gang med det sidste år af din gymnasiale uddannelse eller har du sabatår, og kunne du tænke dig at snuse til livet som studerende på en af IT-Universitetets bacheloruddannelser? Så har du hvert semester chancen for at følge en studerende i løbet af en dag og snuse til hverdagslivet på universitetet. Som ”Studerende for en dag” er du sammen …
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The new Affective Interactions & Relations (AIR) Lab explores the affective and emotional aspects of living with digital and interactive technologies, and how such affective interactions can change our relations to the world, each other and ourselves. AIR Lab focuses on design experiments in AR, VR, biosensing & emotion tracking, sonic interaction …
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Level One Jam er det perfekte game jam event for nybegyndere. Alle er velkomne lige fra erfarne spildesignere til gymnasieelever. Her kan du over en weekend udvikle dit eget spil, samtidig med professionelle udviklere kommer og holder oplæg, giver inspiration og hjælper. I denne video kan du møde Marlene og Mark som studerer SpilDesign på IT-Univer…
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A new lab for students and researchers at ITU, is launching on friday. For the launch event, artist Peter Holmgaard has created an artistic VR installation with flying balloons in Atrium that participants can try out. ð���ð��� --- The new Affective Interactions & Relations (AIR) Lab explores the affective and emotional aspects of living with digita…
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Se hvad de studerende laver på kandidatuddannelsen i Spil. På spiluddannelsen på ITU er der mange spændende kurser, man som studerende kan deltage i. Et af dem er Game World Design, hvor man lærer hvordan man skaber et spilunivers, der kan udforskes og opleves frem for noget man skal spille. Det er der kommet rigtig mange fine spilprototyper ud af.…
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Anders Nygaard og Qadar Ahmed studerer Global Buisness Informatics på IT-Universitetet, og så er de studiekammerater og udviklere af den nye musiktjeneste Limelight Music. I denne video fortæller Anders og Qadar om hvordan de startede Limeligt Music og hvilke planer de har for fremtiden. --- A new music streaming app called Limelight Music helps re…
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Ingen børn synes, at det er sjovt at få besked på at gå ud og børste tænder midt i et computerspil, men for børn med ADHD kan den slags bratte skift i hverdagen virke overvældende og skabe uro, både derhjemme og i skolen. Derfor besluttede iværksætterne Helene Lassen Nørlem og Melissa Azari - tidligere studerende på IT-Universitetet - at undersøge …
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Går du og overvejer at søge ind på bachelor i softwareudvikling, men måske er i tvivl om, hvad softwareudvikling egentlig er, eller hvad det vil sige at programmere? Så er Coding Café måske noget for dig. Gennem et forløb over fem undervisningsgange får du mulighed for at afprøve forskellige emner inden for programmering. Coding Café er for kvinder…
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Deb 6. februar 2018 14:30 - 19:30 åbner IT-Univeristetet i København dørene op for et Åbent Hus-arrangement om universitetets kandidatuddannelser. Når du deltager i Åbent Hus, får du et indtryk af, hvordan det er at studere på IT-Universitetet, og hvor mange forskellige typer af studerende, der er på universitetet. Du er velkommen til at gå rundt p…
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Watch the video about the StarCraft AI Workshop at IT-University of Copenhagen. Computers can beat humans in many games including Chess, Go and most arcade games. The next grand challenge for artificial intelligence (AI) is the real-time strategy game StarCraft. Earlier this year, Google DeepMind and Blizzard released an interface to StarCraft 2 th…
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Til Åbent Hus har du mulighed for at besøge IT-Universitetet og på egen krop mærke energien, der er på universitetet. Om eventen Hvornår 27. februar 2018 14:30 - 19:30 Hvor Atrium på IT-Universitetet, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 København S Du kan møde studerende og studievejledere, som er klar til at svare på dine spørgsmål, og du kan høre oplæg, …
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At være kvinde i techbranchen kan godt være lidt af en udfordring. Der florerer mange fordomme om at kvinder ikke kan kode eller har forstand på IT. Men det er fordomme pga. der ikke er så mange kvinder i branchen - endnu. I denne video kan du møde Cathrine som har stiftet netværket "Women in Tech DK", og Sara der er iværksætter og CEO i techvirkso…
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BreakIT is ITU's monthly hands-on workshop series about hacking, electronics, mechanics, alchemy, interface devices and dangerous things. A specific practical project is built every time. (Nearly) all BreakIT sessions happen at ITU's Rough Lab, 5th floor (5A54) on the first Thursday of the month, afternoon. Students and staff are welcome. For more …
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Ivan Bjerre Damgård is professor of theoretical computer science at Aarhus University, Denmark, and one of the world’s leading researchers in the foundations of cryptography. Among other things, Ivan is known for the Merkle–Damgård construction, which underlies many modern digital signatures. We talk to Ivan about the mathematical basics of modern …
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BreakIT is ITU's monthly hands-on workshop series about hacking, electronics, mechanics, alchemy, interface devices and dangerous things. A specific practical project is built every time. (Nearly) all BreakIT sessions happen at ITU's Rough Lab, 5th floor (5A54) on the first Thursday of the month, afternoon. Students and staff are welcome. For more …
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Lige inden studiestart kan du komme på en 3-dages workshop, kaldet BootIT. Her lærer du det mest basale inden for programmering, så du kan være lidt foran, når dit første semester starter rigtigt. I denne video møder du Viktor som aldrig har programmeret før, og Anders, der studerer på bacheloruddannelsen i Softwareudvikling, og i dag er hjælpelære…
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Er du kvinde og ved at overveje, hvad du gerne vil læse efter din studentereksamen? Så kan du på denne camp få mulighed for at afprøve, om emner inden for IT er vejen for dig. Hvis du har lyst til at prøve kræfter med at programmere din egen app eller webservice, få indsigt i hvordan en robot virker, lære hvordan du går på detektivarbejde i store d…
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Er du kvinde, går i gymnasiet og overvejer hvilken uddannelse passer dig bedst? Synes du det kunne være sjovt at programmere din egen app, gå på detektivarbejde i store datamængder og få en masse inspiration til, hvad du kan studere inden for IT? Så er IT-Camp for Kvinder lige noget for dig. I denne video møder du gymnasieeleven Anne Sophie på camp…
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Flemming og Peter læser Softwareudvikling på henholdsvis kandidat- og bacheloruddannelsen. I deres fritid arbejder de i Danske Bank som studentermedhjælpere. Selvom de ikke går på samme årgang, er de blevet venner pga. deres arbejde i banken. Der er rift om de studerende på Softwareudvikling, når det gælder studenterjobs i erhvervslivet. Derfor er …
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Mød Emil og Alexander som studerer Softwareudvikling BSc på IT-Universitetet i København. Emil og Alexander er i gang med at udvikle en app, der hjælper dig med at finde din nøgle. Se hvordan det går dem til eksamen, og hør dem fortælle om, hvorfor det er så fedt at læse Softwareudvikling. Lyder det spændende, så se mere om uddannelsen på: https://…
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