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Zhikir of Allah SWT is 700k times more virtuous than spending in The Path of Allah SWT (Ahmad).Allah SWT gives manifold increase to whomever He wills, Surah 2 v261.The portion of earth which Zhikir is made takes pride over the rest of the seven earths below it (Aboo Ya'laa).By Yusuf Circle Sheffield
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The Quran is like a nation secured in their forts... (Bazzar).Haa Meem serves as a fortress against the enemy (Maariful Quran).The Quran is a Banquet of Allah SWT thus take as much as you can (Haakim).When tribulations emerge.. the way out is to return to The Book of Allah SWT (Razeen).The company of The Quran rectifies (Abu Nu'aym).Whoever listens…
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Virtues of The Glorious Zhikir of Allah SWTThe familiar voice of those who perform Zikir in times of ease ((ibn Abee Shaibah).The most virtuous servant on The Last Day will be the one who praised Allah SWT in abundance (Tabarani).Zhikir saves one from punishment (Tabarani).Praise is the basis of Gratitude (Haakim).Allah SWT loves to be praised as t…
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The Transcendent Quran.Whoever will teach his child how to read the Quran then Allah SWT will forgive all his past and future sins... And will be crowned on The Last Day with a crown of Paradise... (Tabarani).Whoever recites 10 verses at night from the Quran will then not be written amongst the heedless; 100 verses then will be written amongst the …
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The Quran, Full of Treasures A man suffering problems with his own heart is given a new lease of life by reciitng 11 times Surah 13 v28, Indeed in the remembrance of Allah SWT do hearts find rest.Thus whoever needs it may also recite it.Recite Surah 30 v17-19 in the morning and all the shortcomings in your acts will be repaired... recite in the eve…
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When 'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ was revealed the clouds rushed towards the east, the winds became still, the ocean turned turbulent, the quadruped listened attentively. The devils were stoned from the skies and Allah SWT said,I SWT swear by My Honour and Majesty!I SWT will Bless the thing with which 'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّ…
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The Holy Lands, Al MedinaA person who says Yathrib should repent and seek forgiveness (Ahmad).Whoever says Yathrib once should then say Madeenah 10 times (Bukhari).Yathrib derives from Tharb which means death and violence.By The One who Holds my Soul in His Hand!Verily, the soil of Al Medeenah cures every disease (Razeen).…
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The Holy Lands A Prelude to The Divine meeting on The Last DayMakkah ... Makk means to ruin or destroyThus Makkah destroys sins or ruins the sinner within.A thief intends to steal from The Kaba.We heard that Isaaf and Naailah committed fornication in the Haram and were thus turned into stones (Ibn Ishaaq).The Black stone is Allah SWT's right hand o…
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Amongst the causes of forgiveness is to feed a hungry Muslim (Haakim).When a person gives a Believer something to eat or drink then Allah SWT will admit him into Paradise through a gate reserved only for people like him (Tabarani).The best of you are those who give food (Ahmad).The man who hated Alee (ra), Hasan ibn Alee (ra) & Surah 6 v124.Whoever…
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Moosa (ra) had laid a curse upon Samiree so that if anyone touched him then both the parties would contract fever (Mariful Quran), Surah 20 v97.The scholars believe that charity protects even a wrongdoing person (Baihqi) [as Samirree was spared execution since he was very generous and helped those in distress] (Roohul Mannee).4 things destroy the h…
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The Holy Month of Ramadan and the Glorious Deed of Fasting.And for this [Paradise] let those strive, who wish to strive Surah 83 v26.Whoever Fasts the entire Month of Ramadhan with Belief and expecting reward - then all his past & future sins will be forgiven (Nasaa'ee).The Fast of Ramadhan and Fasting 3 days every month will remove the impurity an…
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The Holy Month of Ramadan and the Glorious Deed of Fasting.Fasting is a protection from the punishment of Allah SWT (Baihaqi).Whoever dies whilst Fasting enters Paradise (Abu Ya'laa).Allah SWT Commands the Angels (as) who hold the Throne to leave their worship and to say "Ameen' to the supplications of those who are Fasting during Ramadhan (Baihaqi…
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Moharrum, Ashura & its Virtues.The Eisha & Fajr prayers are difficult for the hypocrites... (Muslim).3 things that people would fight for... Going to the Masjid for the Zuhr Salaah in the scorching heat, calling out the Adhaan, to be in the 1st row of worshipers.Prayer in congregation is equal to 25 times prayers offered alone (Abu Dawood).Guard 3 …
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Fear Allah SWT in the matter of Salaah! (Baihaqi).If it was not for those who offer Salaah, Milk feeding infants and grazing animals- then the punishment would have come upon you severly thus correcting you by force (Tabarani).The 7 qualities mentioned in Surah Al Muminoon as to those who attain Falaah - Success, who will inherit The Gardens of Ede…
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When a worshipper utters Takbeer, then its light covers everything from the earth to the sky (Taareekh Baghdaad).Jibreel (as) ordered The Messengerﷺ to recite Takbeer (Tabarani).During Salaah it's as if the worshipper is knocking on the Kings SWT door... the door eventually opens (Daylamee)When a person stands in Salaah then the Gates of Paradise a…
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Salaah - A light & a HallmarkThe sign of The Last Day is that you will see people wasting Salaah (Kanzul Umaal).It's a sign of the nearness of The Last day that 50 people will offer Salaah but their Salaah will not be accepted (Jaami As Sagheer).Allah SWT blesses the people who guard their Salaah just as Allah SWT Blessed Ibraheem (as) and his fami…
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A person who is particular to Salaah then really establishes his Deen... Whilst the person who neglects it is in reality demolishing his Deen (Baihaqi).Umar (ra) offered his Salaah even though his wounds were dripping with blood (Tabarani).The one who abandons a Salaah deliberately and intentionally then becomes an unbeliever (Tabarani).Shaytan's b…
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Be sincere in all your deeds for sincerity will magnify the value of an action however insignificant it may be (Haakim).... It is your Taqwaa that reaches Him SWT Surah 22 v37.Whoever guards his Salaah it will then be a light and a proof on the Last Day... (Ahmad).You will be gathered like for like...Qaaroon was distracted by wealthPharaoh was dist…
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Quran Class Session 24 Surah 24 v47-52.Bashir disputes with a man from the bani Israel and Umar (ra) judges between them.Umar (ra) and the Roman Villager [who had knowledge of the previous scriptures] heard a muslim prisoner recite Surah 24 v52...'Whoever obeys Allah SWT [Obligations that we have] and His Messenger [Sunnah] and has awe of Him [ all…
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You only get the reward of what you could comprehend of your Salaah (Majmoo Fataawah).Umar (ra) once saw a man fiddling with his hand during Salaah, "If his heart was submissive then so would his limbs" (Majmoo Fataawah).Yaa Rab-bigh-firlee stated thrice in prostration, He will then be forgiven before he even lifts his head (Ibn Abee Shaibah).If a …
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Guarding the Priceless Deed of SalaahWhen the Salaah is prayed with humility and submission, standing bowing and prostrating correctly, this Salaah rises up in a bright and beautiful form supplicating for the person"May Allah SWT guard you as you guarded me."If a person is not punctual with his Salaah and performs the standing bowing and prostratio…
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A Summary of The Virtues of 2 RakaahsA hidden deed is 70 times greater than a deed performed openly (Daylamee).Offer Salaah frequently in your dwellings so that the good in them may be multiplied (Baihaqi).The Virtues of 2 Rakaah in Summary* More valuable to the deceased than the whole world.* Great purifier of sins.* Supplications favourably respo…
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The best of you are those who have the softest shoulders in Prayer (Abu Dawood).Amongst all 5 prayers, Jumma is the most superior, followed by Fajr on the day of Jumma, then Asr, Fajr, Eisha, Magrib & Zohar (Hafiz Munaweeh rah).No Salah is greater than the Fajr Salah offered with Congregation on Friday, I presume that whoever attends it will be for…
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Rows & Masjids The Pigeon of The Masjid - Abdullah ibn Zubair (ra).Abdullah ibn Zubair (ra) would prostrate for such long periods until sparrows would alight on his back (Sifatus Safwah).When ibn Umar (ra) would miss the congregational prayer he would continue offering Salah until the next salaah - due to his grief (Baihaqi).Seize the opportunity w…
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Whoever offers the Fajr Salaah then attends with the flag of Islaam (Ibn Majah).Whoever offers the Fajr Salaah is under Allah SWT Covenant of Protection until the evening (Tabrani).During his illness, Abu Abdur Rahman Sulamee (rah) would command his companions to carry him to the Masjid despite challenging weather conditions (Ibn Al Mubarak).The ve…
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Masjids - Magnets of Divine MercyVerily there is The Shade of The Throne for a man whose heart is ardently attached to the Majids (Ibn Abee Shaibah).Allah SWT has pledged to shower His Mercy upon the person who spends most of his time in the Masjid and you are allowed to cross The Bridge of Siraat with ease (Baihaqi).The Angels debate about things …
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Masjids - Magnets of Divine MercyAny piece of ground on which Allah SWT is remembered in Salaah then takes pride over the rest of the earth (Tabrani).These 4 are given immense honour of passing through the Plains of Resurrection...* Those who regularly attend the Masjids * The Muazzins* The Imaams* Those who contruct them.Rewards of Salah in Congre…
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