The Word of God is like seed and our hearts are like soil. It’s important for our hearts to be open to receive the seed of God’s Word so we become the strong, flourishing and fruitful ‘trees’ that God wants us to be. In this message, Ps Steu speaks about the importance of having open and unclogged hearts as well as ‘uncluttered’ lives.…
The only real truth is found in the word. If we want to know the truth, dwell in the truth, share the truth and be equipped with the truth, we should build our lives on God’s word - the Bible.By Family Church Southsea
There are countless times in the bible where God has said something and it has come to pass, this message explores God's faithfulness through the bible and the truth that His word is still very relevant, alive and active today as it was in the bible times.By Family Church Southsea
God-pleasing worship involves three specific areas: God-Glorifying Worship, Christ-Centered Worship and Spirit-Driven Worship. True worship occurs when our spirit, connects with God as we surrender our will and hearts to Him.By Family Church Southsea
As we continue in our 3-part series on worship, Steve shares on the important question - Who do we Worship? Listen in, as we open up the thought that there's more to this question than the standard simplistic answer, and how answering this question correctly will mean we are truly satisfied in life!By Family Church Southsea
Every human being has an innate desire to worship someone or something. When you accept Christ, you discover the One true God who alone is to be worshipped. Our worship of God is a response to who He is. The more we know Him, the more we will want to give Him our worship. We know you will be blessed by this inspiring message by Ps Steu. Apologies t…
Today, Ps Steu shared 9 specific goals that have been set for Family Church Southsea to work towards in 2025. These goals flow from our mission and vision. He finished by reflecting on how Jesus gave everything for humanity and how we - when we have a revelation of Jesus’ love - will passionately love Jesus and love His church.…
Ps Andy delivers a keynote message today regarding vision for the whole of Family Church during 2025. He explains how important it is for us to have a vision (Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision, the people perish) and thanks all those who have contributed in any way to the outworking of the church vision the previous year. Ps Andy then concen…
God’s heart to bring restoration to His people is not based on our performance, it’s based on His grace. In this message, Olu’s shares how God is able to bring restoration even when it looks impossible. He encourages us with examples from the Bible and from his own life. We know you will be uplifted by this message.…
Today, three of our church family shared their personal testimonies of how Jesus has restored their lives. It was a special morning and we were amazed by the stories of God’s goodness. We know you will love this!By Family Church Southsea
As we celebrated the official launch of our Southsea congregation, Ps Steu shared five keys to taking hold of the future that God has for you. His plans for us are good and we are excited about what’s next!By Family Church Southsea
On 29th December Ps Andy spoke to the Portsmouth congregation, members from Havant and Southsea were also present..... Ps Andy speaks today in the period after Christmas and before the new year. Using the theme of Psalm 84:5 (NIV) "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage", he examines how life moves from one p…
Ps Andy speaks on The Character of God... Jesus stepped into the world 2000 years ago to take the sin of the world so that we could have relationship with Him. God came down to Earth to dwell with mankind in bodily form. When Mary held the baby, she held the very character of the Father in her arms. Jesus revealed the character of God to the world.…
In this message, Ps Steu speaks about the difference between being set free and living in freedom. He shares two reasons why Christians fail to live in freedom: (1) We don't realise we are living in captivity, and (2) We try to live in freedom but fail to do so. Listen to this message to discover keys to living in freedom!…
When you carry an attitude of 'ownership' toward the House of God, your heart will align with God's heart for the growth of the church. In this message, Ps Steu speaks about how we want to be a growing church in three areas: numerical growth, growth in our relationship with God, and growth in our relationship with each other.…
When you love Jesus and love His House (the local church) you will become passionate about bringing people to the House of God! In this message, Ps Carla shares the heart of God concerning the lost and how He sees the 'one' and desires to bring home the 'one'. You will be inspired as you hear her personal testimony and some stories of other people …
This is the first of five messages on 'Ownership' looking at what it means to have an attitude of 'ownership'. This week Ps Steu shares that an attitude of ownership will produce a caring culture. Our ability to care for one another starts with hearts that have experienced the love and care of Jesus for us personally. In building a caring culture, …
At the very first gathering of Family Church Southsea, Ps Steu introduced the theme of ‘Ownership’ speaking from the parable in Matthew 13 where the merchant sold everything to take ownership of the ‘pearl of greatest worth’. Jesus was speaking of the Kingdom of God, which is revealed to this world through the Church. Today the congregation were en…