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DGT Radio — Radio Lingvistika

DGT Radio - Radio Lingvistika

Radio conversations exploring topics that are relevant to DGT translators' work (English or French). Contact: © European Union 2022. For any use or reproduction of elements that are not owned by the EU, permission may need to be sought directly from the respective right holders. Music: Title: Days Past. Author: In Closing. Source: In Closing - Days Past ( Licence:
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show series
Enthusiastic about being part of a long-awaited historical moment, ready to do whatever it takes to meet deadlines, and happy to celebrate their achievements together! That is how Ildikó Faber, the first Hungarian recruited in DG Translation in Luxembourg, and Zsolt Varga, who was number 4 in the Field Office in Budapest, describe the spirit among …
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Dive into the history and intricacies of the Czech language with Martin Kukal, from the Czech language Department, in DG Translation. Illustrated with 3 poems by Jiří Žáček and a lullaby by Leoš Janáček. Poems: Jádro problému, Hloupá otázka, Epitaf Učitele, by Jiří Žáček, read by Marie Kujinkova Music: Dobrou noc, by Leoš Janáček, performed by Elis…
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What is a Large Language Model (LLM)? A neural network? A supercomputer? How and why is DG Translation building a new multilingual LLM? Cristian Brasoveanu and Bhavani Bhaskar, from the AI team in DGT, explain it all in simple terms. They walk us through DGT’s LLM project, describing its unique assets: high quality linguistic data, checked by langu…
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What’s it like to be a mentor in DG Translation? How do we welcome newcomers to DGT and help them adjust to a new job and life in a new country? Boryana explains what she and the Knowledge Management Team have put in place to help new colleagues and their mentors, while Chris (English department), Thomas and Vincent (Danish Department) share their …
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Three ‘big-bangers’ – Ivars Apinis, Valda Liepina and Liena Muskare – share their memories of the beginnings of the Latvian language department, 20 years ago. With some sound from Latvia (a waltz, a metal band and a famous poem), they recall their adventures, their excitement, their hopes, and also the many challenges they faced, with huge piles of…
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‘Invisible heroes’ of the European Union. ‘Voice’ of the EU institutions. ‘A line of soldiers’ marching on a battlefield. These are some of the images used by scholars to describe EU translators at work. Prof. Łucja Biel, from the University of Warsaw, shares with us her fascination with the ‘complex phenomenon’ of EU translations and the developme…
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Malta. Just over half a million inhabitants — and a fascinating language, mixing Arabic roots with Italian words. Antoinette Camilleri, from the University of Malta, tells us about the tumultuous history of the Maltese language, and explains how it has developed since it became an official language of the European Union 20 years ago – in a country …
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"AI@EC network" , "e-briefing lab", "e-summary", "AI explorers", "DGT GPT Lab": what and who is behind these new tools, services and networks recently developed by the European Commission's DG Translation? Cristian Brasoveanu, from the informatics unit in DG Translation, tells us all about it. Sound/music: Thomas Perissino and "Days past" by In Clo…
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For this special episode, 4 experts from the EMT (European Master’s in translation) and from LIND (language industry expert group) discuss what they do in their networks and how they wish to better work together, within what they see as a true “ecosystem”. Before their lively and enlightening exchange, we talk with 2 colleagues from DG Translation …
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Nike Pokorn, from the University of Ljubljana, takes us on a fascinating journey through the history of literary translation in Slovenia. Starting with a brief recap of the history of Slovenia and of the Slovenian language, she explains the crucial role translation has played in the development of the language and of the national identity, and how …
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What is it like to be a Quality Officer in DG Translation? What do Quality Officers do? How do they work? How do they collaborate with each other? And how do they cooperate with others, in DGT and outside? What is their impact on DGT translators' everyday work? Mateja Arnejsek, Ilona Klemm, Renate Mueller and Karolina Stefaniak, Quality Officers in…
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1 million signatures, 7 countries, 7 organisers: that’s what it takes for EU citizens to request new legislation from the European Commission, through the European Citizens’ initiative (ECI). Barbara Walentynowicz, member of the ECI team in the Commission's Secretariat-General, tells us about this paneuropean multilingual instrument of participator…
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Exposition sur l’histoire de la traduction du Ve siècle à nos jours, rencontre multilingue à la frontière hispano-portugaise, soirée artistico-culinaire sur les «mots qui voyagent» : découvrez quelques-unes des activités organisées par les antennistes du Département espagnol de la DGT à l’occasion de la Journée européenne des langues, le 26 septemb…
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Mariano Martín Rodriguez, traducteur au département espagnol de la DGT, nous emmène en voyage dans l’Espagne médiévale, à l’époque où la langue castillane prend son essor tout en s’imprégnant des cultures arabe et hébraïque qui font alors partie intégrante de la péninsule ibérique. Une plongée passionnante dans l’histoire linguistique et culturelle…
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With Ingemar Strandvik, Quality Manager and ISO expert in DGT, discover the surprising world of ISO translation standards: no less than 38 national bodies and 19 organisations meeting within ISO to discuss and define the processes of translating, revising and post-editing texts. Learn about “ISO 17100”, the “gold standard” in translation, as well a…
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Que veut dire «EMAS»? Que trouve-t-on sur la page «DGT Goes green»? Où vont les vêtements et appareils électriques usagés collectés dans nos bâtiments? Agavni Bagdikian, correspondante EMAS à la DGT, répond à nos questions, et nous explique comment la DGT a relancé une plateforme de co-voiturage et a été primée 2 fois pour l'organisation d'«évèneme…
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Meet Fani, Niina and Valeria, who share their experience of DGT's Job Shadowing scheme. Fani, from Planning, discovered the world of DGT traineeships. Niina paired with another assistant to explore new ways of working. Valeria opened her director's office to a translator, for lively and enlightening discussions on each other's work. While they are …
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Expérience inédite de démocratie participative 100 % multilingue à l'échelle de l'UE, la Conférence sur l'avenir de l'Europe a permis à des centaines de milliers d'Européens de dialoguer et de débattre pendant une année, au-delà des barrières linguistiques, grâce à la traduction et à l'interprétation. Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul, de la Direction générale…
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We hear and translate about the "blue bioeconomy", but what is it exactly? What does the European Commission mean by "Putting the Blue into the Green"? And why is it striving to "unlock the potential" of algae: are we heading for a "seaweed revolution"? Maris Sturgis and Lorenzo Paliotta, from the Commission's DG Mare, answer our questions.…
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Shanna, Tomai and Robert tell us about DGT's Irish language department, how it started with a handful of translators, and then grew at record pace until the end of the Irish language derogation last year. They also tell us about the Irish language, its main features and how it slowly asserted itself as an official EU language, and give us a glimpse…
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Jeroen Aspeslagh, head of DGT's Editing unit, talks about his team, how they work and who with, to carry out their numerous activities and projects: not only improving the quality of originals, but also training colleagues in the Commission, campaigning for clear writing, and even organising a biennial EU-wide conference on plain language.…
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Qu'est-ce que le "NEB" (New European Bauhaus – Nouveau Bauhaus européen), cette initiative phare de la Commission européenne qui cherche à traduire, dans nos espaces et modes de vie, les objectifs de transition écologique du Pacte vert pour l'Europe? Depuis le Centre de visites de la Commission, rénové selon les critères du Nouveau Bauhaus, Célia D…
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Meet Chiara, Leonardo, Olga, Maurits and Sara, 5 enthusiastic and dynamic young trainees based in Brussels and in Luxembourg, who share with us their experience in DGT, the European Commission's Directorate General for Translation: their work in their language units, their busy agenda of professional and fun events, their life in Brussels, Luxembou…
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Comment travaille l'Office des publications (OP), qui donne accès à la législation de l'UE et à toutes les données émanant des institutions européennes? Comment s'effectue le contrôle qualité des textes traduits par la DGT? Qui gère et met à jour le Code de rédaction interinstitutionnel, la «bible» des traducteurs et traductrices de l'UE? Benoît Ve…
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