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진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry 1. New Zealand ups pressure on Korea to cooperate in diplomat sexual assault case [1] New Zealand authorities have heightened pressure on South Korea to cooperate in its probe of a Korean diplomat who has been accused of sexual assault. *heighten pressure on: (감정·효과를) 고조시키다, 압박하다 *probe of: 조사하다, 캐묻다 [2] Winston Peters, New Zea…
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진행자: 간형우, Brolley Genster [팟캐스트] (363) 이번 주 또 폭우 예정 / ‘강철비2: 정상회담’ 개봉 진행자: 간형우, Brolley Genster 1. Another heavy downpour expected; authorities on alert [1] With heavy rainfall expected again this week, authorities are on high alert to prevent further damages during the monsoon season, especially down south. The Ministry of the Interior and Safety …
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진행자: 임현수, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Korea may start charging passengers arriving with COVID-19 [1] South Korean health officials said Tuesday they may start charging passengers arriving with COVID-19 for medical expenses, if the coronavirus influx continues to place a strain on the medical capacity. *influx: (사람 등이) 밀어닥침 *strain: 부담, 중압감 *capacity: 수용력 […
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Is she real? Artificial humans move to the fore [1] If the names Miquela or Imma ring a bell, you have been keeping up with the growing demographic of digital humans. Miquela and Imma are Instagram influencers, respectively followed by 2.48 million and 200,000 users. They are computer-generated imageries, but have pret…
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진행: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. Korean child porn operator's US extradition denied 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 요약: 법원이 아동 성착취 영상물 거래 웹사이트를 운영한 손정우씨의 미국 송환을 불허. [1] A South Korean national who operated the world’s largest child pornography website will…
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진행: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1. ‘Legislate against discrimination,’ human rights body urges lawmakers [1] Korea’s state human rights watchdog on Tuesday urged the freshly elected parliament to pass the highly contested anti-discrimination act in what is its first public endorsement of the legislation in 14 years. *watchdog: 감시단체 *urge: 권고하다 *freshly: 새롭게 *h…
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진행: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Leafleting: decisive propaganda or empty provocation? [1] Even in the 21st century with all its technical wizardry and social media, old-fashioned propaganda leaflets seem to matter a great deal on Korean Peninsula, the world’s last remaining Cold War frontier. *wizardry: 마법 *social media: SNS *old-fashioned: 고전적인 *prop…
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[팟캐스트] (357) 북한, 남북 공동 연락사무소 폭파/ 노인생활시설 휠체어에서도 환경검체 확인 진행: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. North Korea demolishes liaison office, experts warn of further actions [1] North Korea on Tuesday demolished an inter-Korean liaison office in its territory near the border, following through on threats and leaving South Korea with little in the way of options. *dem…
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[팟캐스트] (356) 여름 마스크 출시 / 태안 밀입국 보트 오판 1. Korea rolls out face masks for summer heat 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 요약: 한국 여름 마스크 출시 후 온라인 판매 시작. [1] A new type of face mask designed to be more breathable than the N95 or KF94 respirators while sh…
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[팟캐스트] (355) ‘흑인 사망’ 시위 지지하는 케이팝 가수와 팬들 / 법원 ‘"아이와 동반자살은 극단적 아동학대" 1. Donations, hashtags and fancams: K-pop world reacts to George Floyd protests [1] As protests continue following the death of George Floyd, a black man who died at the hands of police in the US, multiple K-pop stars and fandoms have joined in solidarity to speak up against police …
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진행자: 임정요, Paul Kerry 1. Recycling centers face desperate battle to survive [1] The global coronavirus pandemic is threatening the future of plastic recycling in South Korea, as major recycling centers are incurring mounting losses amid a collapse in global demand. *incur: (비용을) 물게되다 *mounting: 쌓이는 *collapse: 붕괴 [2] Many are being forced to cut cost…
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[팟캐스트] (353) 고3 등교 첫날 코로나 변수발생/ FC서울 '리얼돌 관객' 국제망신 진행자: 김보경, Paul Kerry 1. Physical reopening of high schools faces confusion in Incheon [1] Most high school seniors here returned to school on Wednesday, but some schools were forced to postpone reopening due to virus-related risk factors, related officials said. *returned to school: 개학 *forced to d…
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[팟캐스트] (352) 이태원 집단감염으로 개학 연기 / 달고나 열풍 진행자: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. School resumptions postponed amid specter of second wave 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 요약: 이태원 클럽발 집단감염 발생으로 개학이 다시 한 차례 연기됨. [1] The reopening of schools, which was scheduled for W…
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[팟캐스트](351) 코로나19 2차 유행 대비/ 중•고교 20곳 대상 한복 교복 공모 진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1. ‘Even if 2nd wave happens, it won’t be like the first’ 요약: 코로나19의 2차 대유행에 대비하는 정부 [1] With South Korea set to officially end stringent social distancing Wednesday, health authorities on Tuesday expressed both caution and confidence on the country’s fight against COVID-19. *str…
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Tensions rise on unconfirmed reports of Kim Jong-un’s death 요약: 검증되지 않은 김정은 사망설 보도 잇따라 [1] With North Korean leader Kim Jong-un missing from public view for two weeks, conflicting, unconfirmed accounts about his health, some even indicating his death or near-death, are raising tensions here. *missing: 실종되다, 흔적을 감추다 *co…
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[팟캐스트] (349) 초고령화 사회 / 코로나19, 심장에도 영향? 진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Korea set to be superaged society within 4 years 요약: 한국, 2024년이면 세계에서 여덟번째로 초고령화 사회 진입. [1] South Korea is projected to become one of eight superaged societies in the world by 2024, alongside the existing five -- Japan, Italy, Germany, Sweden and France -- and two other candidates…
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[팟캐스트] (348) 배달의민족 수수료 논란 / 총선 사전투표율 역대 최고치 1. Baedal Minjok apologizes for new fee system, decides to take back 요약: 음식 배달앱 배달의민족 운영사 우아한형제들이 음식점 대상 수수료 부과 체계 변경 계획을 철회. [1] Baedal Minjok, which has come under fire for the introduction of a restructured commission system, on Friday issued a public apology and said it would be returning to the previ…
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[팟캐스트] (347회) 재난지원금 전 국민 확대 찬성 58% / 유흥업소 종사자 아이돌 가수와 접촉 후 확진 진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1. 58% in poll say everyone should get disaster relief [1] Six out of 10 Koreans think the government should pay emergency disaster relief money to everyone, not just the bottom 70 percent income bracket as planned to help fight COVID-19, a recent survey showed. * di…
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[팟캐스트] (346) 서울시, 소외된 외국인 위해 공적 마스크 10만장 지원/ 보령시 해외입국자 전원 휴양림서 2주간 격리 진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Seoul gives masks free to foreigners alienated in public rationing [1] Seoul Metropolitan Government is handing out 100,000 face masks free of charge to foreigners who have been largely sidelined in the country‘s public mask rationing system, the cit…
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(345) 경찰, 조주빈 신상 공개 결정/ 코로나19 자원봉사 손길 이어져 진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer Identity of accused revealed in Telegram sex crime case The suspect who was arrested for selling videos of sex acts involving minors via Telegram chat rooms was a volunteer at an orphanage and managing editor of a college newspaper, who once wrote on how schools should respond to …
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[팟캐스트] (344) 코로나 확산 관련 증오 범죄 / 타다 베이직 종료 진행자: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. [Newsmaker] Korean punched in the face in NY for not wearing mask 요약: 뉴욕 맨해튼에서 코로나19 확산과 관련해 여성이 인종차별성 증오 범죄 대상이 되었음. [1] A 23-year-old South Korean student was punched in the face for not wearing a face mask in New York, in what appears to be a hate crime against Asians amid virus fe…
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[팟캐스트] (343) 서울 내 집단 감염 / 위기에 처한 신천지 진행자: 임현수 Kevin Kevin Lee Selzer 1. S. Korea on edge over largest yet mass infections in Seoul [1] Seoul’s biggest-yet cluster of infections emerged in South Korea’s capital Tuesday, keeping health authorities on their toes despite the number of newly discovered infections slowing for the fourth consecutive day. …
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Cabin fever sets in for those in isolation for coronavirus [1] A 32-year-old librarian in Gumi-dong, Gyeonggi Province, who is expecting a baby in May, has not left her house for four days. Her daughter, 4, has been home all day since her day care center shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak. “I am pregnant so I am ve…
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진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Presidential office, ruling party to speed up economic aid for COVID-19 [1]An economic aid package and extra budget will be drawn up as quickly as possible to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, the presidential office, government and ruling Democratic Party of Korea agreed Tuesday. * economic aid package: 재정지…
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1. KLM apologizes after being accused of coronavirus racism 요약: 네덜란드 국적기 KLM, 인종차별 논란에 대해 사과 [1] The Netherlands’ flag carrier KLM Royal Dutch Airlines apologized Friday for banning South Koreans from using a restroom on a plane amid coronavirus concerns. *flag carrier: 전세기 *ban A from B: A가 B하는 것을 금지하다 [2] According to a Korean passenger onboard t…
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진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1.‘Parasite’ wins best picture at Oscars [1]Korean satirical-thriller “Parasite” won best picture at the Oscars on Sunday, making history in its home country and the international film scene. *make history: 역사를 만들다 *satirical: 풍자적인 [2]Director-producer Bong Joon-ho shared the honor with co-producer Kwak Sin-ae, CEO of film prod…
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. China envoy urges Seoul to follow WHO advice on virus response [1] New Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming on Tuesday called on Seoul to follow the World Health Organization’s recommendations on handling the new coronavirus, as Korea began barring entry of noncitizens who have visited China’s virus-hit Hubei…
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1. S. Korea to bring back citizens from Wuhan [1] South Korean nationals in Wuhan, China, will be flown back to the country on four chartered flights this week as part of Seoul’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. *charter flight: 전세기 *outbreak: 발생 [2] “About 700 Koreans in Wuhan have expressed hopes to return, and chartered planes will be sent …
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1. Seoul on alert after 1st confirmed case of coronavirus from China 기사요약: '우한 폐렴'이라고도 불리는 신종 코로나바이러스 감염 확진 환자가 국내에서도 처음 확인. [1] Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on Monday ordered health authorities to respond quickly to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus from China, after the first case was confirmed in South Korea. *order A to B: A에게 B하라고 명령하다 …
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1. [Feature] Weekend rallies in central Seoul a headache for residents 진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 기사요약: 매 주말 서울 도심에서 열리는 시위가 지역 주민들에게는 소음 등의 골칫거리를 제공 [1] Protesters chanting anti-government slogans and marching with loudspeakers in traffic lanes closed off for them have become a common sight on Saturdays in central Seoul in recent years. *loudspeaker: 확성…
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. 'Parasite’ wins Korea’s first Golden Globe 기사요약: 봉준호 감독 '기생충', 한국 영화 최초로 미국 골든글로브 외국어영화상 수상. 다음 달 아카데미 시상식도 기대. [1] Korean director Bong Joon-ho’s satirical drama “Parasite” marked another milestone for Korean cinema when it became the first Korean film to win a major US film award. *satirical: 풍자적인 *milestone: 기념비적인 […
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1. All eyes on Pyongyang as Kim opens key party meeting 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 가시요약: 김정은 조선노동당 전원회의 진행에 따라 이목이 집중되고 있다. [1] Kim has been urging Trump to roll out a new initiative after the Hanoi summit broke down in Feb. * roll out: (새로운…
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1. Forensic report falsified in Hwaseong murder case: prosecution 기사요약: 화성연쇄살인사건 당시 경찰의 증거조작 의혹에 대해 검찰이 직접 수사할 것이라고 밝혀. [1] A retrial should be held for a man who may have been wrongly convicted of the rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl in 1988, in light of new evidence and a series of flaws in the original investigation, the prosecution said Mo…
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진행자: 임현수, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Stalked by fans, Twice gets police protection 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 기사요약: JYP가 스토커 문제로 경찰에 트와이스 신분보호 요청 [1] JYP Entertainment on Monday said it has requested police protection for the K-pop girl group Twice…
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[팟캐스트] (330) 한반도 강타한 초미세먼지/빅히트, 방탄소년단과 불화설 일축 진행자: 윤민식, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Ultrafine dust chokes Korea, cold spell expected late Wednesday 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 기사요약: 한반도를 강타한 초미세먼지가 기승을 부림에 따라 올겨울 들어 첫 비상조치가 취해지고, 초미세먼지주의보가 유지되고 있다. […
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[팟캐스트] (329) 한·프 스타트업 맞손, 강다니엘, 활동 중단 선언 "우울증·공황장애 진단" 1. [Diplomatic circuit] [Meet the diplomat] Paris looks to Korea’s technology, startups for cooperation: French ambassador [1] In South Korea, France is known predominantly for its rich history, sophisticated culture and luxury brands. But take a deeper look into the history between the two cou…
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[팟캐스트] (328) 한아세안 특별정상회담 막 내려/ 카카오, 카뱅 최대주주 등극   진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer   1. Korea, ASEAN adopt joint vision for cooperation   기사요약: 부산에서 열린 한아세안 특별 정상회담에서 참가국들 자유무역을 약속했다.   [1] BUSAN – The ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit wrapped up Tuesday with the leaders agreeing to expand economic, political and social cooperation among the countries.   *wr…
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[팟캐스트] (327) 수능 응시인원 역대 최저 / 음주단속 연말까지 1. Koreans sit for national college entrance exam 기사요약: 응시자가 역대 최저였던 수능 스트레이트 기사. [1] Nearly half a million people sat for the annual state-administered college entrance exam Thursday, with the number of test-takers marking an all-time low. *nearly: 거의 *sit for an exam: 시험을 치르다 *administer: 주관하다 *test-takers: …
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베를린 장벽 붕괴 30주년 기념하는 독일 / 멤버들 군 제대 후 행보가 주목되는 빅뱅 진행자: 윤민식, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Berlin celebrates 30 years since fall of the Wall 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): [1] German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged the United States to be a “mutually…
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'홍콩시위 지지' 연세대 교내 현수막 무단 철거 반발, 한국국제교류재단 이근 이사장 인터뷰 진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1.[Newsmaker] Banners supporting Hong Kong protesters pulled down at Yonsei campus [1] Banners hung up at a university campus in Seoul by students to show support for the Hong Kong protests have been taken down twice in as many weeks. *Banner:배너 *show support: 지지를 보내다 *ta…
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Workplace gender discrimination hurts Korea’s fertility rate: OECD 기사요약: 직장 내 성차별이 출산율 저하에 기여한다는 OECD 리포트가 주목을 받았다. 이와 같은 발언을 한 OECD의 스테파노 스카페타는 한국이 출산율 하락 현상을 어떻게 극복하는지가 많은 나라에 교본이 될 것이라고 말했다. [1] Gender discrimination in the workplace is responsible for Korea’s low fertility rate, according to the Organization for Ec…
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진행자: 김다솔, Paul Kerry 1. Moon urges parliament to pass budget bill 기사요약: 문재인 대통령은 513조 5천억 원 규모의 내년도 예산안의 편성 방향과 집행정책 기조를 설명하기 위해 국회 시정연설을 했다. [1] President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday called for the National Assembly’s cooperation on next year’s budget, stressing the need to inject funds to promote innovation and peace, and to create a fairer society. I…
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진행자: 윤민식, Paul Kerry 1. Cho Kuk’s resignation dominates parliamentary audit of Justice Ministry 기사요약: 조국 법무부 장관의 사퇴에도 불구하고 그를 둘러싼 여야간의 정쟁은 계속되고 있다. 장관이 빠진 국정감사 기간에 야권은 그를 향한 비난 공세를 이어갔으며, 여당은 이를 "정치공세"로 규정했다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): [1] T…
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진행자: 김다솔, Paul Kerry 1. Cho Kuk lays out prosecution reform plan 기사 요약: 조국 법무부 장관이 취임 한달을 맞아 ‘검찰개혁 추진계획’을 발표했다. 특수부(특별수사부) 폐지와 형사·공판부 강화 등 검찰 권한 조정 방안과 별건 수사 금지, 수사 장기화 제한 등 인권 보호 방안이 두루 담겼다. [1] Embattled Justice Minister Cho Kuk laid out measures to reform the prosecution Tuesday, proposing to curb its power to direct probes and better protect hu…
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진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1. Q&A: SuperM answers big questions before its debut this week 기사요약: SM에서 데뷔하는 새로운 케이팝 그룹 SuperM [1] After weeks of teasing fans with numerous clips, photos and announcements, SuperM is finally stepping into the music scene later this week. *a number of: 몇몇의 *step into: (일을) 시작하다 [2] The group’s ultimate goal, according to its…
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Samsung, LG spar over picture quality of 8K TVs 기사요약: LG전자는 삼성전자의 2019년형 8K TV가 콘트라스트 모듈레이션 (선명도)에서 13퍼센트라는 낙제점을 받았다고 맹렬히 공격하고 있다. 국제기관이 정한 화질을 결정하는 요소로 8천개의 픽셀수 뿐만 최소 50퍼센트의 선명도를 충족해야하는데, 삼성이 TV의 시야각을 개선하기 위해 덧붙인 필름이 선명도를 기준 미달로 떨어뜨린게 아닌가 의혹을 제기하고 있다. [1] South Korean tech giants Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics…
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진행자: 손지형, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Prison term confirmed for ex-governor found guilty of rape 기사요약: 비서 성폭행 혐의로 기소된 안희정 전 도지사에 대한 형이 징역 3년 6개월로 확정됨. 성인지 감수성 개념이 판결 결과에 영향. [1] The top court on Monday confirmed the 3 12-year prison sentence for former South Chungcheong Province Gov. An Hee-jung for raping his female aide, in the country’s highest-profile …
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진행자: 임현수, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Opposition lawmaker under fire for sexist remark 기사요약: 야당인 자유한국당 정갑윤 의원의 ‘본인의 출세도 좋지만 국가 발전에도 기여해주시기 바랍니다’ 라는 성차별적 발언은 거센 비판을 받았다. [1] An opposition lawmaker came under fire Tuesday after he asked an unmarried female Fair Trade Commission chair nominee to “contribute to the country’s development” by giving birth. *come…
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진행자: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. South Korea pulls out of intel-sharing pact amid spat with Japan 기사요약: 한국, 일본과 지소미아(한일군사정보보호협정) 협정 종료. 안보협력환경에 중대한 변화 초래를 원인으로 꼽아. [1] South Korea decided to withdraw from the bilateral military intelligence-sharing pact with Japan on Thursday, amid escalating friction over trade and historical issues. *withdraw: 철회하다 *bilat…
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