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진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry 1. New Zealand ups pressure on Korea to cooperate in diplomat sexual assault case [1] New Zealand authorities have heightened pressure on South Korea to cooperate in its probe of a Korean diplomat who has been accused of sexual assault. *heighten pressure on: (감정·효과를) 고조시키다, 압박하다 *probe of: 조사하다, 캐묻다 [2] Winston Peters, New Zea…
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진행자: 간형우, Brolley Genster [팟캐스트] (363) 이번 주 또 폭우 예정 / ‘강철비2: 정상회담’ 개봉 진행자: 간형우, Brolley Genster 1. Another heavy downpour expected; authorities on alert [1] With heavy rainfall expected again this week, authorities are on high alert to prevent further damages during the monsoon season, especially down south. The Ministry of the Interior and Safety …
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진행자: 임현수, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Korea may start charging passengers arriving with COVID-19 [1] South Korean health officials said Tuesday they may start charging passengers arriving with COVID-19 for medical expenses, if the coronavirus influx continues to place a strain on the medical capacity. *influx: (사람 등이) 밀어닥침 *strain: 부담, 중압감 *capacity: 수용력 […
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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Is she real? Artificial humans move to the fore [1] If the names Miquela or Imma ring a bell, you have been keeping up with the growing demographic of digital humans. Miquela and Imma are Instagram influencers, respectively followed by 2.48 million and 200,000 users. They are computer-generated imageries, but have pret…
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진행: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. Korean child porn operator's US extradition denied 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 요약: 법원이 아동 성착취 영상물 거래 웹사이트를 운영한 손정우씨의 미국 송환을 불허. [1] A South Korean national who operated the world’s largest child pornography website will…
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진행: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1. ‘Legislate against discrimination,’ human rights body urges lawmakers [1] Korea’s state human rights watchdog on Tuesday urged the freshly elected parliament to pass the highly contested anti-discrimination act in what is its first public endorsement of the legislation in 14 years. *watchdog: 감시단체 *urge: 권고하다 *freshly: 새롭게 *h…
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진행: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Leafleting: decisive propaganda or empty provocation? [1] Even in the 21st century with all its technical wizardry and social media, old-fashioned propaganda leaflets seem to matter a great deal on Korean Peninsula, the world’s last remaining Cold War frontier. *wizardry: 마법 *social media: SNS *old-fashioned: 고전적인 *prop…
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[팟캐스트] (357) 북한, 남북 공동 연락사무소 폭파/ 노인생활시설 휠체어에서도 환경검체 확인 진행: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. North Korea demolishes liaison office, experts warn of further actions [1] North Korea on Tuesday demolished an inter-Korean liaison office in its territory near the border, following through on threats and leaving South Korea with little in the way of options. *dem…
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[팟캐스트] (356) 여름 마스크 출시 / 태안 밀입국 보트 오판 1. Korea rolls out face masks for summer heat 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): 요약: 한국 여름 마스크 출시 후 온라인 판매 시작. [1] A new type of face mask designed to be more breathable than the N95 or KF94 respirators while sh…
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[팟캐스트] (355) ‘흑인 사망’ 시위 지지하는 케이팝 가수와 팬들 / 법원 ‘"아이와 동반자살은 극단적 아동학대" 1. Donations, hashtags and fancams: K-pop world reacts to George Floyd protests [1] As protests continue following the death of George Floyd, a black man who died at the hands of police in the US, multiple K-pop stars and fandoms have joined in solidarity to speak up against police …
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진행자: 임정요, Paul Kerry 1. Recycling centers face desperate battle to survive [1] The global coronavirus pandemic is threatening the future of plastic recycling in South Korea, as major recycling centers are incurring mounting losses amid a collapse in global demand. *incur: (비용을) 물게되다 *mounting: 쌓이는 *collapse: 붕괴 [2] Many are being forced to cut cost…
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[팟캐스트] (353) 고3 등교 첫날 코로나 변수발생/ FC서울 '리얼돌 관객' 국제망신 진행자: 김보경, Paul Kerry 1. Physical reopening of high schools faces confusion in Incheon [1] Most high school seniors here returned to school on Wednesday, but some schools were forced to postpone reopening due to virus-related risk factors, related officials said. *returned to school: 개학 *forced to d…
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