The amazing thing about life is that nothing stays the same. Life is constantly changing and evolving. The Adjusting Lifestyle podcast is catered to Life. The Utley Brothers, Dr. Brian and Dr. Justin, of Utley Chiropractic will be discussing life as it pertains to health, chiropractic, finances, newsworthy topics and a number of other interesting topics.
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Greetings! Dr. Brian Utley of Utley Chiropractic returns to The Adjusting Lifestyle and shares his raw thoughts and emotions on the new normal, Covid-19.
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Opioid drug use is at a all time high. Largely to blame is prescription drugs that are highly addictive and now it is spiraling out of control. Dr. Brian Utley discusses this crisis and explains what you must know about these opioid drugs.
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Did you know Pregnancy and Chiropractic go together like infants and diapers? Listen to what happened during this chiropractic visit with Utley Chiropractic.
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It's great to see so many people working on their health and getting fit. Gym memberships and personal trainers are at a all time high. Due to this climb we are seeing more and more injuries from exercising coming into our offices. Why this spike? A main reason is due to an improper workout routine. Listen to this podcast to see what, how and why a…
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In this Adjusting Lifestyle Podcast, Dr. Utley discusses the importance of being able to identify a red flag. This is crucial because it can be the difference between life and death as well as good and poor health.
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When a lot of people think chiropractic, they think they will have to see a chiropractor for the rest of their lives. Is this true? Is it necessary? In this Adjusting Lifestyle podcast we will shed some light on the subject.
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The game is changing when it comes to children and sports. More dedication, practice, competition and games being played. Everyone is trying to get an advantage but it can be taking a toll on the child's body and possibly affecting their health as they age? Utley Chiropractic dives into the deep end of this topic and discusses the benefits and impo…
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The Utley Brothers, Dr. Brian and Dr. Justin of Utley Chiropractic welcomes you into the world of The Adjusting Lifestyle. We will be discussing what we are all about, chiropractic and living better.
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