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Faith Alive Family Church

We hope that by listening to these podcasts you will find instruction while also being encouraged and challenged to become the best man you can be! We are also on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube @fmoformenonly. Click this link to subscribe to our FOR MEN ONLY weekly newsletter:
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show series
In John chapter 4, Jesus talked to a Samaritan woman. Although we are inspired that Jesus, a Jew, befriended a Samaritan (Jews and Samaritans didn't associate at this time), this chapter focuses on Jesus' response to her after she questioned Him. "Jesus answered, “If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would a…
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In John 16:33, it says, "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” This is our reminder that we aren't alone in our battles. Attacks from the world, or the enemy, may come against us or wiggle their way into our lives, but God is here with us, an…
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Pastor Brent Rudoski continues the series, "Taking Care of the Invisible." Are you able to recognize false thoughts? How are we able to discern between what is right and wrong? Our mind gives us the ability to think, reason, imagine, and assume. To take care of the invisible means to take care of our minds, being aware of the endless thoughts we ab…
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How do you respond to offense or strife with others? It can be frustrating, but the proper response is to be the bigger person. How can we be the bigger person? To do this, we must first obey the Word of God. This means having a forgiving heart, being understanding, and humbling ourselves before the Lord. As men, we tend to walk away either angry o…
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Dr. David Pierce shares his experiences with preparing for the unexpected. This gives us a glimpse into why it's important to take responsibility in preparing for sudden emergencies that may come, whether it be financial, mental, or spiritual. We can call on God in times of need so, in preparation, we can meditate on His Word. This can help us in t…
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What force is destructive, causes strife, produces envy, arrogance, or uncertainty, and gives off a desire for validation? The answer is insecurity. In order to be the best version of ourselves, we cannot forget our self-worth. Our self-worth can break if we aren't careful what we think or how we try to satisfy the eyes around us. We are to stand s…
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We tend to shy away from the idea of being vulnerable or opening up about our struggles to the people in our lives. It may be difficult or uncomfortable because there is an associated stigma that says men can't allow themselves to show weakness. When we don't express our frustrations, we end up carrying a weight that's tossed to the back. This caus…
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There will be times in our life where we may struggle, but like King David, we can praise God and be thankful for everything He has done for us. David faced many battles, but during those times, he reminded himself of all the great things God had done for him. He remembered what God could still do for him through any hardship. Praising God gives us…
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Our number one priority, as the head of our household, is to make God the center of our lives for ourselves and those that live in our homes. But is there more beyond that? Of course! God desires to be close to ALL of us. We are not only called, but expected by God to share the gospel with our families, and others we may come across in our lives. W…
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Have you ever been proud of your success? Sometimes, we forget that pride can cause us to misuse the gifts God has given us. David and Uzziah were successful kings but they became very proud of their successes. Unfortunately, they both faced serious consequences later on in life. On the other hand, another successful king, named Hezekiah also took …
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We are all inspired by the story of when Elijah called down fire from Heaven and defeated the prophets of Baal. However, we often forget that Elijah felt defeated and alone even after such a tremendous success. As men, we want to have great success stories and live on those 'mountain top experiences,' but we must not forget that we find our greates…
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We all know that the devil will use different tactics to try and break us down, steal from us, and hinder our relationship with God. Knowing this, we must keep our eyes peeled to recognize when this happens and stand against it. Unfortunately, however, we tend to look for big attacks, while the enemy starts with small things that seem meaningless. …
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Being good at being a man requires a strength that only comes from the basis of conviction in your own heart as you work out your relationship with God. We can be good men and do the basic manly things, like lifting, and being full of strength in all that we do or say. But to be good at being a man, we are required to continue in that strength whil…
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Honour means: "To have the highest respect and value for." The question that needs asking is "Why do we struggle to give honour?" Often times we have grown up in homes or cultures that do not give honour when it is due. We must change the way we think! The Bible tells us to see others as better than ourselves. Although that's not something we typic…
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Do you find yourself easily hurt? Do you overcompensate? Do you feel the need to overachieve? Do you wonder if people like you or if you're good enough? Do you try to be noticed? These are all signs of insecurity, an issue that we all face to some degree. We must realize that God's enemies are working overtime to steal the identity that comes from …
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Most of us men have grown up in a culture where women do the talking, and men tend to stay silent. We avoid vulnerability in conversation and hide behind other topics like sports, hobbies, and ambitions. There is nothing wrong with those topics, but we use them to avoid being honest about issues we face. When we do this, we are hindered from spirit…
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In this day and age, our culture is trying to instill in men that maleness in itself is toxic. It wants men to believe they are no longer needed and that they are simply not good enough anymore. But, when we look at the Word of God, we find out very quickly that men are meant to be filled with confidence in who God has made them be. Confident men a…
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Have you ever held a grudge against someone? Does an alarm go off inside of you when you see someone or think about them? This is what happens when we have unforgiveness towards a person for a thing that they have done. We need to work to keep our hearts right towards people so that we can live freely. Take a listen to find out just how you can for…
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Shedding a tear is not what we consider the manly thing to do. There is a stigma that says men who have emotions are weak. But there is a difference between being emotional and showing emotion. When you are emotionally driven, something happens and you make decisions based on that. But when you are showing emotion you are having a response to somet…
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Although we all have different jobs, different lifestyles, etc. There is one thing we all have in common - responsibility. We must take on the mindset that everything we have has not been gained by us, but rather given to us by God. Our talents, our finances, our relationships, all belong to God and He has entrusted us to steward these great things…
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Have you ever felt like the world is closing in on you? Like there was nowhere else to turn? Like chaos is gripping your life? It's in the moments we must think of King David and all of the struggles he faced. Even though he had to run and hide to save his life, he knew that God was in control no matter what! If we will only take a step back and se…
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If you're struggling with pornography, know this: THERE IS HELP FOR YOU! You are not alone, many have faced this strong addiction, and many have been set free from it. If you are tired of giving into temptation and if you've had enough of the constant bombarding thoughts and feelings of guilt and shame, then now is the time to experience freedom!…
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It is a natural for every person to long for success. Success to a man might be: physical strength, a great job, money, a beautiful wife and kids, the fastest car, etc. Although there is nothing wrong with those things, God wants us to be successful in life. But, the way to true success is by becoming weak so that God can be our strength. He is the…
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Maybe someone has told you that you are too strong, too angry, too gentle, etc. Your natural disposition should not define you. It can be difficult for men to find the balance. Many tend to live on the harsh or rough side because being gentle seems unmanly. But we must realize that an emotionally stable man can be strong and still be a gentleman.…
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Being a man of extraordinary spirit comes at a cost, but it will cause you to grow in favor with both God and man. Daniel was a man who proved himself, time and time again, to be worthy of God's favor. It didn't matter what political leaders were reigning or the situations he was in, Daniel was a man that was always faithful, honorable, spiritually…
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How great to know that god has a plan for you! It does not matter what you've faced in life. It could be a recent struggle or one from years past, but God is able to look beneath the surface and empower you to overcome every sin and every hurt. You have been called to holiness! Watch now and learn how you can walk in the righteousness of God.…
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We know these are uncertain times. We can’t celebrate Christmas this year how we normally would. This is why we need to remember that God has given us the ability to have peace in our homes this holiday season. Instead of grumbling and complaining about our current situations, whether it be the new COVID regulations or any issues we face in life, w…
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Our initial impression of what it means to be a man is that men are physically big and strong. As young children, we create a definition of manhood from our role models. The entertainment culture also lends itself to how we perceive physical strength. God did create men to be physically strong, but we often tend to misuse our strength. We can be th…
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In a world where everything is at our fingertips, it is so easy for our time to be swallowed up by entertainment, food, events, social media, etc. What we spend our time on will determine our spiritual strength. If we truly want to be men of god, then we must make time to spend in prayer and the Word. Only then, can we become strong leaders and wor…
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If you find yourself becoming more and more angry (especially in this current time), don't worry, you are not alone! Men tend to default to lashing out in anger causing us to lose control as a result of hiding what is really going on inside of us. But we must not carry things on our own even though it is what we, as men want to do. Instead we shoul…
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You are called to lead! From the very beginning of time, God has placed in you the ability and calling to lead. There is a lot of fear and uncertainty about life and the future. Now more than ever, we men need to understand the incredible responsibility of leading our families, friends, and churches into the Kingdom of God.…
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