show episodes
Learn German with the only German learning podcast that spoon-feeds you vocabulary and grammar, all while you enjoy an exciting story that continues across all lessons. Later episodes each feature one short story for advanced learners! German Stories offers easy German language lessons, helping you whether you’re an absolute beginner, already at A1 or A2, or even more advanced. It’s perfect for building vocabulary, understanding grammar, and practicing listening skills at your own pace in sm ...
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News in Slow German

Linguistica 360

News in Slow German is a podcast for those who already possess a basic vocabulary and some knowledge of German grammar. Your hosts are native German speaker from Germany. In our program we discuss the world news, grammar, and expressions, and much more in simplified German at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence. Learn real German with us! In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exp ...
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Learn German with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Coffee Break German

Coffee Break Languages

Learn German in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native German speakers. 386357 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Uplevel Your German


Uplevel Your German is a weekly podcast and your go-to resource for learning and speaking German. Charlotte is a passionate German teacher and language expert with thousands of students around the world. In this podcast, she will share simplified audio lessons: Not only about German Grammar, but she'll also give you the best strategies for learning German, speaking German in everyday life with confidence, and mastering German pronunciation. Uplevel Your German will accompany you on your lang ...
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Germanische Heilkund (GHK) Made Easy teaches a new paradigm in which to understand disease and illness. Have you ever wondered why seemingly healthy people get cancer and why people who appear to do all the "wrong" things are still going strong at 85?Andi Locke Mears is a Certified Whole Health Educator and Holistic Health Practitioner who has been teaching and consulting with German New Medicine since 2009. Every episode explains a nugget of information about the 5 Biological Laws, the phys ...
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Travel with us to Germany and improve your German along the way. Find inspiration for your next trip, new recipes to try or learn more about the vast German culture, by listening to postcards from all over Germany. Subscribe to keep up to date with new episodes and find us online at for free transcriptions in both German and English.
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Your host, Alexander Beck, is a native German and English speaker who has taught German as a foreign language for over 23 years both in person and also online via Skype as a fully certified Microsoft Innovative Educator (Certified MIE / CMIE) and certified Microsoft Skype In The Classroom Expert. The Private German Lessons Podcast Series features real life, simple to understand, and relatively entertaining short stories that incorporate helpful loanwords, which make it easy to follow and lea ...
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This podcast is an effective and easy way to learn Spanish. The didactic and strategic content of this podcast was created by Vicky from the YouTube channel "Spanisch Mit Vicky". She has been a Spanish teacher for over 20 years. In her YouTube channel she specializes on teaching Spanish to German speaking students, and in this podcast she focuses on English speakers. Vicky has a Master Degree in Spanish Teaching as a Foreign Language from the University of Valencia, Spain, and a Business Bac ...
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The major concepts of the European History curriculum simplified so that you can excel. Robert Lynde has been teaching various courses of European History for over twenty years and he has helped thousands of students pass their AP Tests.
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Fast German


Welcome to the Speaksli Fast German podcasts. You can also watch fun and fast-paced Speaksli animated videos on our YouTube channel ( To keep up to date on new videos and podcasts, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Speaksli was formed by an American living in Switzerland who has created an entire language learning platform based on animated videos and easy-to-understand podcasts. She has experience working in Training and Development for Dell Europe, as w ...
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Everyone Is Moving To Berlin

Manuel Salmann & Jae Staten

If you’re looking to move to Berlin (or just moved here), then this podcast is for you. We're here to provide personal insight on everything you need to know in order to move to Germany's pulsating capital. Through each episode, we tackle topics that will help you make your journey to Berlin easy and enjoyable. Already living in Berlin? Then you might appreciate hearing the tips, advice and personal stories of others who've decided to call Berlin their new home. Find out more here: https://e ...
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In this podcast children will learn German in a fun way. My name is Frau Collett. I am an experienced German elementary school and online teacher and I am passionate about making life for your bilingual child as easy as possible. I believe that learning should be fun and that a language can be learned and practiced by listening. Podcasts can be a great way to do this. I hope you have fun!
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Herr Antrim

Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast, your go-to resource for learning German! Whether you're just starting your German learning journey or looking for a refresher, this podcast is designed to help you master the basics. Simply press play, listen, repeat and learn German! Hosted by Herr Antrim, a seasoned German language teacher with a passion for grammar and all things German learning, each episode of the Deutschlerner Podcast provides valuable insights, practical tips, and engaging content ...
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Beering Ain't Easy is the podcast for all beer lovers. We're not brewers, we're not beer professionals, and frankly we don't give a shit. We just want to talk about craft beer and BS with you. Open the fridge door, grab a cold one, pop the top, and drink with us!
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flowful meets… is a podcast that gives a platform to all those wonderful people, projects, organisations and enterprises out there that contribute in whatever way to better world. This can be about veganism, energy, consumption, permaculture or even community living or a zero waste lifestyle. The podcast talks about how easy it is to contribute to a change but doesn’t sugarcoat the challenges you have to face. On flowful meets… people share how to learn from mistakes and how they keep motivated.
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Servus! My name is Janell and this is our Deutscher Pod Jam. This podcast should serve as a connecting ground to showcase and play current and classic German Artists here in the United States. We are going to be pulling away from the stereotypes and stigmas one may think when picturing modern day Germany through sound and music. Through this podcast connecting German artists to the United States should help push towards a new wave of sound that could embrace and empower global Artists and th ...
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Swift History

Swift History

Welcome to the Swift History podcast with your host, Mason! In this podcast, you will learn about cool facts from all over the world, and throughout history! Explore the trenches of WWI, and the great failure that was the Emu War, this is a swift and easy way to learn some facts!
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show series
Wir beginnen den ersten Teil unseres Programms mit einer Diskussion über einige aktuelle Ereignisse. Unser erstes Thema ist der drohende Handelskrieg, der im Moment viele Menschen beschäftigt. Danach sprechen wir über die Energiepolitik in Europa, wo russisches Erdgas durch alternative Energiequellen ersetzt wurde. Die Situation in Europa bleibt je…
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Wie immer beginnen wir unser Programm mit einem Rückblick auf einige aktuelle Ereignisse. Unser erstes Thema sind die unmittelbar und langfristig zu erwartenden Herausforderungen für die Sicherheit in Europa, um die Bedrohung der EU durch Russland abzuwehren. Anschließend sprechen wir über die Pläne einer Koalition aus 38 Ländern, ein Sondertribuna…
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What does it take to get a wrongful conviction overturned? Quite a lot, according to investigative reporter Alison Flowers, who says proving innocence is much more difficult than proving guilt. She has investigated the cases of many wrongfully convicted individuals, including that of Chicagoan Robert Johnson. In our last episode, Invisible Institut…
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Send us a text Valentinstag steht vor der Tür! 💖 In dieser Folge von Uplevel Your German tauchen wir in die schönsten (und manchmal komplizierten) deutschen Begriffe rund um Liebe, Beziehungen und Familie ein. Lerne den Unterschied zwischen verliebt sein und sich verlieben, verstehe, warum mein Freund nicht dasselbe ist wie ein Freund von mir, und …
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Understand online comments & question words and pronouns in the accusative and dative: wem, wen, welcher, welchen, keinen, keinem, jemanden, jemandem, .... Working online has become a good income source for Paul. He reads some blog comments during the train ride to Sylt: Among other things, people write that at first Paul only took advantage of Lau…
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In this Season 2 episode we have chosen the country of Panama as a topic for our conversation. This episode is great for beginners and intermediate learners who want to improve their pronunciation and fluency. The link to all the scripts of Season 1 is below: If you are learning or enjoying your Spanish pra…
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Chicago is a city of food as much as it is a city of neighborhoods and cultural communities. Last episode, we talked about how Chicago may not have a concentrated Filipino enclave, in the way neighborhoods like Chinatown and Humboldt Park are cultural hubs. But the community comes together and supports each other nonetheless. And Filipino food in C…
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Send us a text Grammatik - PDF zum Download (0€) >>> In dieser Episode von Uplevel Your German dreht sich alles um das kleine, aber knifflige deutsche Wort „raten“. Wusstest du, dass es gleich zwei komplett unterschiedliche Bedeutungen hat? „Raten“ kann nämlich sowohl „to guess“ als auch „to advise“ bedeuten – und das sorgt oft für Verwirrung bei D…
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Wie immer beginnen wir unser Programm mit einem Rückblick auf einige aktuelle Ereignisse. Als Erstes werden wir über die Gedenkveranstaltung zum 80. Jahrestag der Befreiung von Auschwitz durch die Rote Armee sprechen. Mehr als 1,1 Millionen Menschen, vor allem Juden, wurden während des Holocausts im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz ermordet. Danach di…
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The Revolutions of 1848 can be a topic that not only frustrates students, but also frustrates teachers. In this two part series we look at the long term and short term causes of the Revolutions of 1848 and then look at how these causes compare between various countries in Europe. In this episode we specifically focus on the French Revolution of 184…
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It’s no secret that last year was the worst year in Chicago sports. Last episode we got into what that means for future fans. But 2024 wasn’t the absolute worst for every individual Chicago team. Sometimes a bad season isn’t defined by a long losing streak or a record number of losses. Sometimes it’s the internal turmoil and drama on the team. Toda…
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Send us a text In dieser Episode von Uplevel Your German geht es um die Bundestagswahl in Deutschland! Du erfährst, wie Wahlen in Deutschland funktionieren, warum es zwei Stimmen gibt und wie der Bundeskanzler gewählt wird. Dabei werfen wir einen Blick auf die spannende politische Situation und die vorgezogene Wahl im Jahr 2025. Du erhältst einen v…
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This video is a Must-Watch if you want to learn to switch off chronic health issues like a light switch, or shorten the healing phase from years or months to days, hours, and even seconds. Andi interviews Danny Carroll, author of "Terminal Diagnosis is a Misdiagnosis," an Amazon multiple Bestseller, recipient of the 2023 Global Book Awards in the c…
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John Kampfner, journalist, author, and long-time Berliner, joins Manuel to talk about how the city has evolved over the decades. They also dive into Germany’s current political challenges and what they mean for the future. Plus, John shares some hidden gems in Berlin that go beyond the usual guidebook recommendations. Show Notes John Kampfner's Web…
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Wie immer beginnen wir unser Programm mit einem Rückblick auf einige aktuelle Ereignisse. Es ist nicht überraschend, dass sich die meisten unserer Nachrichten diese Woche auf Donald Trump konzentrieren, denn am Montag wurde er zum zweiten Mal als Präsident vereidigt. Seine zweite Amtszeit wird höchstwahrscheinlich tiefgreifende Auswirkungen haben, …
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Send us a text Farben in deutschen Redewendungen – 15 Ausdrücke, die du kennen musst Blau, grün, rot … In dieser Episode lernst du wichtige deutschen Redewendungen! Farben spielen nicht nur in Kunst und Mode, sondern auch in der deutschen Sprache eine große Rolle. Dich erwarten 15 typische Ausdrücke, die du im Alltag in Deutschland oft hörst, wie „…
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Briefly describe a place, tourism vocabulary & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: unserem/-r/-n, eurem/-r/-n. All of a sudden Paul doesn't want to waste any more time. He quickly looks up information about the German island of Sylt, then rushes to get the train to there. Apparently, this is his understanding of „taking action“. On th…
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Wie immer beginnen wir unser Programm mit einem Rückblick auf einige aktuelle Ereignisse. Als Erstes diskutieren wir über Trumps Drohung, Grönland und den Panamakanal zu übernehmen und Kanada zum 51. Bundesstaat der USA zu machen. Anschließend sprechen wir über die enorme Menge an Lügen und Fehlinformationen, die im Zusammenhang mit den Waldbränden…
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Roadside attractions aren’t always the kitschy photo op we imagine them to be. Some have a complicated history that you can’t see from the side of the road. Last episode, we took a road trip to Southern Illinois to look into a metal, firebreathing dragon. Today, we’re looking at a different landmark in nearby Alton: the Piasa. Unlike the Kaskaskia …
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Send us a text 🎉 Geburtstag feiern auf Deutsch: Wörter, Sätze und Traditionen 🎂 In dieser Folge des Uplevel Your German Podcasts lernst du alles, was du über Geburtstage in Deutschland wissen musst! Wir erklären dir wichtige deutsche Wörter und Redewendungen rund um den Geburtstag, wie „Herzlichen Glückwunsch!“ und „Alles Gute nachträglich“. Erfahr…
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Quick Reference Guide

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