show episodes

My life, my music


Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. My Life, My Music offers conversations that allow time to understand how the guest has reached their goals and what is important to them. Along with 8 tracks of music chosen by the guest the programme takes a journey though many different personal philosophies with inspirational guests from all walks of life.
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Jr Shooting Podcast

Firearms Radio Network

This podcast is dedicated to developing the next generation of shooters, gun enthusiasts and second amendment defenders. We will spend as much time on recreational shooting as competition shooting.
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If you struggle to play your best golf, then this is the show for you. In The Go Low Show, Kiel Alderink and John Weir tackle 2 of the most important areas of golf. The mental game and how to practice to play your best. In this show you will learn lessons and techniques that you can not find anywhere else. Kiel and John are 2 of the best Mental and Performance Coaches in the sport today. Learn lessons that will make a serious impact in your golf game today.
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show series
Having met the Japanese delegation at the laying of the foundation for the Yaskawa factory extension and realising that Japan had a specila day event in Ljubljana coming I it was obviously a good time to invite Her Excellency to be a guest on the show.Her experiences in America as well as in the UK and now serving as Ambassador to Slovenia combine …
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Dr Emilija Stojmenova Duh is an engineer who has followed many roles, with a telecoms company, managing innovation networks, and is also an Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana. Currently she is the Slovenian Minister for Digital Transformation and takes this role very seriously seeing the move to a digital world will be key to effici…
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When I attended a church service some weeks ago in Grosuplje I was really surprised by both the warmth of the service and the numbers in the congregation. Of course, after the service I asked the Reverend Martin Golob to be a guest on My Life, My Music and quickly discovered what was behind his popularity.Coming from a farming background he is very…
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When I asked the President of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, to be a guest on My Life, My Music I didn’t consider it would result in an invitation to the Presidential Palace.Of course I was delighted with the positive response.The conversation was a wonderful, a relaxed experience filled with clear positive answers which brought me to realise what an…
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My guest on this show is a multi-talented musician having mastered the harp at music school, then studying vocal performance and now she is mastering some important roles in the Slovene National Opera. All this as well as writing, recording and releasing some amazing solo vocal tracks as well as duets with other artists. This year she has been chos…
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Just after Christmas I was in the audience of a Šank Rock concert, a band I had heard but never seen. This was great music with compositions from 40 years ago and material right up to date. Such great showmanship as well as musicianship made me determined to hear the whole story. This conversation is with the vocalist Matjaž Jelen and was recorded …
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Urška Klakočar Zupančič is an inspiring and fascinating person to have a conversation with. Her life has taken her to many places around the world and her journey from lawyer to politician and now to the presidency of the Slovene National Assembly, clearly she has a broad view of the workings of democracy.There are many other skills to mention from…
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Andrej Pompe was the founder of Panda with initial tracks being laid by himself using just his keyboard. Instruments were occasionally added and of course, vocals. It was only when more folk became involved and then a wish to do some live performances that a full band appeared. As of 2023 they have been active for more than three decades and this y…
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Her Excellency Ambassador Simona Leskovar is coming to the end of her 4 years serving in the UK at the Slovene Embassy in London. She has also served in Japan, Korea, the United Nations in New York and held many other posts in her career as a diplomat.The Slovene Embassy in London is almost exactly in the middle of a line between Buckingham Palace …
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Mel Hitchcocks has only been in her role as Principal of the British International School of Ljubljana for a few months but has already settled in and understands what she can bring to a school that already has a great reputation. Her previous experiences have taken her from the UK to Egypt, Mongolia and most recently Russia so she has a very broad…
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His Excellency, Ambassador Verboom has been here in Slovenia for 2 years and I was pleased when he accepted my invitation to join me in making this programme. He has served in various capacities from Argentina to Indonesia and of course in Europe. The conversation covers many areas but for me the most interesting was not simply his knowledge and ex…
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Her Excellency Jamie Lindler Harpootlian was officially sworn in as United States Ambassador to the Republic of Slovenia at the very end of 2021. Originally from California she moved to South Carolina and later worked as an attorney in both private practice and public service in the Eastern District of Louisiana. As you will discover her journey to…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano ponuja analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o nevarnih in škodljivih potezah Roberta Goloba, ki si za sodelavce izbira neoliberalne ekonomiste (Masten, Lahovnik), po sumljivem podrejanju policije se izmika odgovorom na vprašanja novinarjev glede poslovanja GEN-I …
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This show was recorded in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana where I met up with Klemen Slakonja.Klemen has some big viewing figures on YouTube and it’s not surprising because he is really talented both as an actor and as a musician, in fact he’s a genuine all-round entertainer with a series of caricature videos featuring many Slovene and international chara…
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Žan Serčič may have many years of musical performances but in the last 12 months he has become one of the most popular names on the Slovenian music scene. Performing his own compositions as well as songs by many other artists, his audiences are large and totally committed to having a great time. This conversation reveals just how he has become comf…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano ponuja analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o napačnem koraku predsednika vlade in ambiciji protizakonitega čiščenja po policiji, ki res spominja na janšizem in je dodobra načela Golobovo verodostojnost. Mu je ljudstvo res dalo legitimnost, da ravna isto kot Janš…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano ponuja analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o apatiji trenutnih lokalnih volitev in zmagoviti formuli: zakaj volivce prepričajo tisti ne preveč pametni in zakaj imajo samozavestni idioti, če sledimo knjigi Deana Burnetta z naslovom »The Idiot Brain«, na volitvah …
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When members of Apokalipsa and Bouržuazija got together in 2016 Bojan, Kris, Jure, Jan and Martin became Joker Out and over the last few years have swept their way across Slovenia with some serious audience numbers.Two albums appeared in just one year with the second album showing amazing maturity and some big viewing numbers on the social networks…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano ponuja analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o fizičnih izbruhih nasilja, napadih na Niko Kovač, Branka Grimsa in druge, ko se sovraštvo v besedah počasi, toda vseeno nevarno materializira, izvajalci pa zvito vpijejo, da so žrtve. Nato govoriva o tem, kako je vods…
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Leopold 1st has appeared to a wide Slovene music scene over the past 2 years. Whilst he has been playing for some years, Covid was one of the drivers that gave him the time to turn his many musical writings into top quality recordings. He gives great credit to his producer and there is no doubt there will be more great music in the future. As to wh…
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From an early age Krešimir Mišak has been writing, broadcasting on the Croatian Radio's educational programmes, and with a keen interest in science fiction he has fronted the program On the Edge of Science on Croatian Television for 20 years. He is also a guitarist and frontman of the rock band Hakuna Matata, so there’s plenty to talk about!…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano ponuja analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o meteorskem vzponu Anžeta Logarja, kandidatu brez barve, vonja in okusa, pa vendarle vodilnem na lestvicah javnega mnenja. Si ljudje za predsednika republike res želijo kopije vsebinsko votlega Boruta Pahorja? Nato gov…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano prinaša analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o aferi Smodej, ki jo poganja propagandni laboratorij strankarskih medijev in se je v žanru tabloidnosti prebila na RTV Slovenija v oddaji Tarča in Arena. Nato govoriva o mehanizmu psihopolitike diskreditacij politični…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano prinaša analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o fenomenu zbližanja novinarjev portala Necenzurirano z vladajočo stranko in tem, kaj pomeni zobanje češenj s politiki, zakaj je kazen božja, če te snubi in hvali predsednik vlade in zakaj Robert Golob ne razume vloge …
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Lidija Petkovič has been part of the Radio Si team for a long time which is reason enough to discover more about her life and likes. Over the past years she has also been to the Glastonbury festival in the UK and there have been many reports from her on Facebook. I thought it would be a great opportunity to discover her music likes and her experien…
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Today’s journalism rarely offers a chance to get behind the face of many people in our society. My Life, My Music offers conversations that allow time to understand how the guest has reached their goals and what is important to them. Along with 8 tracks of music chosen by the guest the programme takes a journey though many different personal philos…
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Visiting Slovenia to meet and engage with new business partners Jean-Philippe Schepens fascinated me with his very different approach to company structure even the title he gives to his partners, “Tribe” gives a very good indication of their equal value. He is inspiring on so many other levels, if you have concerns about artificial intelligence, se…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano prinaša analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o bizarnem intervjuju s predsednikom republike Borutom Pahorjem, ki vedno znova užene novinarje v kozji rog s svojim pahorjanstvom in populizmom. Nato o novih kandidatih za novega predsednika, predvsem razvpiti psihoan…
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This month VAL 202 celebrates 50 years of broadcasting. This much loved and respected radio station has a very loyal following and that’s not surprising as it offers music and conversation based around music and the artists that they feature. Music Producer Andrej Karoli invited me to their Ljubljana studios at RTV Ljubljana to talk about VAL202 as…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano prinaša analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjega časa: najprej o nenavadni vljudnosti, s katero so ministri nove vlade, vključno z Robertom Golobom, izpeljali svoje primopredaje. Državljani so presenečeni, celo pohvale o dobrem delu najbolj spornih ministrov so padle! Nato se s Ta…
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This week the show is with a musician who has recently made 3 recordings. Her own music is great with a voice that is deep and captivating as is her personality.So many experiences to discover from professional English translation to teaching in vocational colleges, a great love of animals and also being a radio host herself. As a result, this was …
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano z analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju: najprej o tem, ali je Robert Golob razočaral ob sestavljanju svoje vlade, ravnal nemodro in se predvsem prehitro odpovedal kriteriju strokovnosti, ki ga je obljubil. Nato se s Tadejem pogovarjava o logiki govoric okoli domnevne ljubezenske romanc…
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Recently my guest this week returned to Slovene television screens to act in the role of lawyer Borut Žalar. I thought it would be interesting to discuss the life of an actor, particularly one who is so well known. Rok Vihar started his acting when he was still at secondary school as one of a small group who started a school acting group in co-oper…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano prinaša tokrat le analizo parlamentarnih volitev, na katerih je kolosalno zmagala stranka Roberta Goloba. Staro prekletstvo, da se politika organizira in dobi svoj smisel šele kot upor proti škodljivi vladavini Janeza Janše, se je tokrat ponovilo. Anemična leva sredina ni znala ustavljati rušilnega pohoda skoz…
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What do you really know about fusion technology and how it really can solve the green issues by providing safe energy in quantities that means no dependency on fossil fuels? Whilst my guest is not a nuclear physicist she is directly involved in this technology as a material chemist developing the materials that we need to effectively collect the en…
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Novi podkast s Tadejem Štrokom in mano prinaša analizo treh izbranih tem v političnem in družbenem dogajanju zadnjih dveh tednov: najprej o tem, ali smemo Janšo res že kar odpisati kot možnega zmagovalca volitev, če pa njegovim avtokratskim prijateljem Orbanu in Vučiću gre tako dobro in močno zmagujeta? Zakaj ljudstvo vedno znova naseda avtokratski…
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Klemen Fajmut is an economist, is an experienced expert in real estate and in particular green spatial planning. But there is a very important part of his professional life as with Masters in anthropology he views Spatial planning and real estate from an anthropological perspective.He is also a traveller, and he likes to get close to the cultures o…
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Statler Gilifen left America with the idea of spending 3 months exploring Europe. Somehow this became 3 years when he found himself in Slovenia and fell in love. Of course, this was just the start and many years later as their children grew older the family moved back to his home, America where he still lives. I met him several times whilst he was …
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In this episode we have Ben Esposito . Ben is turning professional and just getting started. We discuss ways to handle stress on the golf course and using his Mental Golf Type to his advantage. ======================================================================================================Check out to get your Mental Go…
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It was in March 2013 that I first spoke on this show to Saša about her journey to become a much-respected pianist and music teacher. At that time she was about to leave Slovenia to join her husband in Edinburgh.This interview picks up the story and discovers she is now working at the 3rd most respected music school in the world, the Royal Conservat…
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In this episode, John and Kiel talk with Kris Showalter. Kris has a very interesting story about becoming a professional. He is now all in and learning his Mental Golf Type to help him be successful at the senior professional level! Tune in to hear his story and what he can get better with to reach the peak of his career. --- Send in a voice messag…
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In the episode, John and Kiel work with Martin Golobic. Martin plays in mid amateur events and is becoming very competitive. Martin originally took the Mental Golf Type assessment and tested incorrectly. He immediately felt like something was off trying to play in a way that goes against his nature hardwiring. Listen to what happened after he figur…
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In this episode John and Kiel work with Kendra Dalton. Kendra is on her journey to make the LPGA tour. She is in the beginning stages of implementing her Mental Golf Type training and having great success. Listen to what she is doing and some lessons that John and Kiel help her implement to take it to the next level! If you want to get your Mental …
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In this episode we have Dave Backman. Dave is having some trouble as he gets closer to the green. He wants to know how he can do it in practice so well, but on the course gets nervous over shots. This is a very common issue for amateur golfers. In this episode, we do a deep dive with Dave to show him why this happens and how to use his Mental Golf …
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In this episode we have Todd Casabella on the show to do a deep dive into his Mental Golf Type. Todd is also on his way to becoming a certified Mental Golf Type coach. He is already a very successful coach especially with junior players. We go deep into himself as a player, also some of his students. Todd is an ISFP ================================…
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In this episode we have Daniel Jermak. Daniel was a former college player and now a coach. He has an interesting background story that shaped him as a person. We do a deep dive into his Mental Golf Type to help him as a player and a coach. Daniel is an INTJ ============================================================================================…
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In this episode we have Bryce Barker who is a professional player. Bryce is making moves on the mini tours and striving to make the big show. We dive into his Mental Golf Type and game to give clear direction of how to keep advancing. Bryce has made great strides in a short time. He is late to the competitive game. Find out his secret to quick adva…
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