Healers From The Trap public
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Lively discussions on spiritual, metaphysical, paranormal and healing topics. Voted the #1 Best Soul Path Podcasts in 2023 by PlayerFM and Top 100 Spiritual Podcasts by Feedspot. The Sedona Soul Sisters are the most trusted spiritual advisors and healers in Sedona, Arizona. Christel Arcucci is the new owner after Rozlyn crossed over in mid-November of 2023. The Sedona Soul Sisters center is welcomes clients from all over the world. To learn more about them, visit https://SedonaSoulSisters.co ...
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Healers From The Trap

Healers From The Trap

We aim to break barriers while speaking our truth. We aim to mobilize as a community of healers of color for the benefit of all people and the land in which we walk our paths. Let's release the hashtag and live without our filters. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healers-from-the-trap/support
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A Kingdom conversation between Kingdom leaders, who are desiring to grow. From past experiences to practical tips to cheat codes in life, lean into the ‘cuts’ each week for Biblical principals and practical takeaways that you can apply to become the leader God created you to be. Watch the video episode each week on Youtube, search ’The Leader’s Cut’ Preston Morrison is the Senior Pastor of Pillar Church, located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Follow Preston on Instagram @prestonmorrison Follow Pres ...
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Welcome to the Healing Art of Being You, a podcast dedicated to walking with you towards becoming your most authentic self. Together we are learning to tune into our intuition and identify the root cause of pain, finding our footing and doing the work to heal so that we can finally fall in our love with the best versions of ourselves. Here we laugh freely, connect deeply, and break down walls to build each other up. You will hear from guests who have dove headfirst into their healing journey ...
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A Renaissance Man of the generation. Omar Ace Turner is a commentator, DJ, music producer, writer, and healer. Surrounding himself around some of the hottest New York Stand Up Comedians, DJ Ace uses humor to make complicated societal topics lite and easy to understand. When DJ Ace is not commentating on life he can be seen djaying at clubs and venues all around the globe. Omar Ace Turner Credits: **Amazon's Nore Davis You Guys Are Dope. **DJ at the 2018 New York Comedy Festival **2020 Host a ...
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show series
As children of God, we are all given assignments throughout our walk with Him. But some of them can be more difficult than others. So what do we do when God hands over a hard assignment? How do we navigate through it? Who do we bring into it? And how do we embrace His process, even through the difficult or 'not yet' seasons?…
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Healing the Mother Wound: Embracing the Divine Feminine Within This podcast episode focuses on healing the mother wound and accessing the divine feminine energy within oneself. It addresses different paths, including those with or without children and those who have never wanted children, aiming to restore balance between feminine and masculine for…
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Criticism is a vital aspect of personal and professional growth, but its impact is dependent on how we actually receive and give it. But to truly do it in a healthy way, we have to first be a healthy human. So how do we get there? What is required for us to be able to grow from criticism? And what does “healthy criticism” even look like?…
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Are you ready to awaken your inner energy and step into your full radiant power? Join me on a transformative journey through the seven main chakras or energy centers to unravel their mysteries, unlock their strengths, and work through their challenges. Understand, access, and harmonize the seven main chakras for spiritual awakening and vitality. Ho…
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Are you ready to release the wounded healer story that has held you back, and step into your true power as a healer who has not only witnessed suffering but has transmuted that experience into deep wisdom, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to your own healing and growth? This episode of the Sedona Soul Sisters show, hosted by Christel focuse…
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Following God can take us to new heights and places that we never expected to go. But to fully step into His destiny for our lives, we must first give Him permission to do what only He can do. But how do we do that? What does it look like? And what can happen when we fully submit to His plan?By Preston Morrison
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Embracing Challenges as Opportunities for Growth: The Sedona Soul Sister Show In this episode of the Sedona Soul Sister Show, Christel explores the concept of viewing life's challenges not merely as obstacles but as opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Christel discusses strategies for reframing personal power by askin…
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Living in a fast-paced world, a hurried and busy life has become normal. And there’s one thing for certain, the fast pace is the most stressed pace. But if we look at the other side of the coin — the slow pace is the most blessed pace. Jesus never ran anywhere. So why do we hurry? How do we adjust our pace? And what actually happens when we learn t…
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One of the primary things the Father sent the Son to do was to heal broken hearts. Then, the Son sent YOU on His behalf to carry it on...Think about that for a moment — You — are sent by the Son — to help heal hurting hearts — on His behalf. That’s quite the mission. But how do we do it? How do we not create hurt in others? How do we navigate our o…
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What does it truly mean to accept ourselves fully, flaws and all? How can we cultivate this depth of self-acceptance? This show is about the Intimacy of Self-Acceptance: Creating a Secure Relationship with Yourself This episode of the Sedona Soul Sisters Show, delves into the topic of self-acceptance, distinguishing it from self-love and exploring …
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We all carry parts of ourselves that we hide away, aspects that we deem too dark, too shameful, or too unacceptable to let into the light. But what if embracing those shadows was the key to becoming truly whole? Today, we're diving into the transformative work of shadow integration. This episode of the Sedona Soul Sisters Show, hosted by Christel f…
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When we're going through a difficult season, life can seem upside down. Thoughts enter our mind that in a previous season, we would have never even entertained. No matter how we end up there, to get out of it, we must shift our perspective to navigate the lies. But how do we recognize it? What are some practical steps to combat it? And how can we b…
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For many of us, it's easy to get caught up in the need for man's approval. Whoever it is, whether a boss, a pastor, a parent -- it can be a trap and a distraction for what God truly wants for our lives. So to be set free from it, we must first answer these questions. How does one know they struggle with fear of man? What are the dangers of it? Why …
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Would you like to access greater power from challenging emotions? How can you enjoy a full spectrum of emotions with curiosity, humor and play? Embracing the Spectrum: Emotional Resilience and Creative Exploration The episode emphasizes the importance of emotional resilience, proposing a healthier relationship with emotions by viewing them as energ…
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In this empowering episode of the Sedona Soul Sisters show, Christel Arcucci shares insightful guidance on releasing disempowering habits and thoughts to realign with joy, ease, and purpose in life. Christel introduces the concept of timeline jumping within the Akashic records to choose empowering paths over disempowerment trances exacerbated by so…
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We all want to grow -- but growth never comes easy. It can be hard, painful, and sometimes take us to unexpected places. But if we want to grow into the man or women that God has called us to be, we MUST understand the path it takes to be open for growth. How do we become aware of where we need to grow? How do we eliminate the pieces of our life th…
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The journey of co-creating with the universe to enjoy more and release stress in always available. This episode focuses on supporting spiritual practitioners to access intuition, unlock psychic gifts, and live purposefully. The discussion delves into the importance of recognizing and appreciating abundance in the universe, highlighting the struggle…
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Stress, we all deal with it from time to time. Whether it's a season, or what seems like a never-ending weight, it's never an easy burden to bear. But to best manage it, we must first answer four questions to change how we see it. How should we see stress? What causes it? What’s the best way to handle stress? And how do we minimize it?…
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The Power Your Purpose is the focus of this episode of the Sedona Soul Sisters show. Focus on living one's purpose while avoiding the pitfalls of the ego's influence. It emphasizes that living a purposeful life goes beyond the quest for importance or external achievements, highlighting that purpose is fundamentally a state of being rather than doin…
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We all know that life doesn't happen in a straight path. We all have highs. We all have lows. But the question is, how do we respond to those unexpected obstacles? And how do we use adversity to further build us into the person that God is calling us to be? This week, we sit down with Darleen Santore to discuss overcoming, resilience, and having th…
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Navigating Near-Death Experiences and Life Resets: Personal Insights This episode presents Christel Arcucci, a psychic guide and healer, sharing her story about her near-death experience (NDE) at six months old and the psychic awakening it triggered. Christel emphasizes the transformative potential of crises, likening them to NDEs and opportunities…
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Excess...we all experience seasons of it, whatever the reason may be. Whether it's something we reach for too consistently, too much in measure, or both -- it always leads down a dangerous path. But to get through it, we must first understand what exactly it is. Why does it happen? Where does it come from? And how do we handle it?…
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Cultivating Your Intuition and Psychic Gifts with Sedona Soul Sisters In this episode of Sedona Soul Sisters Show we focus on the spiritual awakening process and offers guidance for individuals on their spiritual journey and to cultivate your intuition and psychic practice, Navigate the path of transformation with different strategies to understand…
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When you're in a season of darkness, it can be heavy...blinding...overwhelming. But if we want to overcome it, we must first understand how we got there. Where does darkness come from? How does it enter? Why does the enemy love the dark? What does the darkness sound like? And once we understand it, we can then look at the roadmap of necessary steps…
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Welcome to the Sedona Soul Sister Show, your guide to psychic insights and intuitive wisdom. In this episode, Ivory LaNoue leads a transformative "Meet Your Angelic Guides" session, offering a powerful experience and insights into the connection with angelic beings. Addressing common concerns about angels and religious trauma, Ivory emphasizes thei…
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It happens all the time. Just when we think we have everything figured out and we know where we're going, something drops from out of nowhere and "seemingly" throws us for a loop. We call them curveballs -- a mini-season between two big seasons; a life transition you don’t see coming. But where do curveballs come from? How are curveballs good for u…
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I'm Christel Arcucci, your guide on a transformative journey to awaken intuition, embrace psychic gifts, and live a purposeful life. In this episode, we focus on establishing a self-healing protocol, especially valuable during health challenges or spiritual awakenings. Dive into the power of Reiki as a daily practice, exploring essential healing te…
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When you choose to follow Jesus, there’s no promise it will ever be easy. It can be hard. Painful. Excruciating. It’s an upside down Kingdom. And oftentimes, you know you’re getting it right when everybody thinks you must be doing it wrong. So how do we actually live like Jesus? What is the goal of every child of God? And what practical steps can w…
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Terri-Ann Russell is rejoining Sedona, soul sisters after some time away, she is the creator of the violet flame DNA activation, which is exactly what this episode is. We recorded her doing a DNA activation session for me. It was so beautiful and gentle deep work and such a beautiful healing space. The benefits of the Violet Flame session are DNA a…
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Join us as we explore 3 easy yet powerful breath work practices and meditation to awaken your psychic and spiritual gifts, live your purpose, and release old soul contracts. Christel shares insights on breath work and meditation, offering powerful techniques to support your journey. Discover the significance of soul contracts and how breath work an…
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It's impossible to pull off the call of God on your life all by yourself. But as a leader, what practical steps can you take to build something together with the people God has placed around you? How do you create a healthy environment for others to thrive? This week, we sit down with Todd Lane to discuss the elements of a heathy team.…
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Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Sedona Soul Sisters Show today I'm joined by my longtime friend and psychic medium Julia Novak Host: Christel Arcucci Guest: Julia Novak Background and Synchronicity: - Christel mentions her former healing center in the San Francisco Bay Area and the synchronicity of Julia visiting after she purchased …
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If you’re going to pull off the call of God on your life, there’s one thing for certain, you can’t do it alone. You’re going to have to bring people along with you. But whether you are building a family, a team, or a business — where do you start? How do you do it the right way? This week, we sit down with Tim Ross to unlock the cheat codes to buil…
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There are some rooms God is going to take you into which are going to seem like you absolutely positively do not belong there. There’s a feeling you may be prone to feel once you’re in the room…it’s called Imposter Syndrome. What is the evidence of it? Why do we experience it? What are the dangers of it? And how can you overcome it before it overta…
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Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Sedona Soul Sisters Show. We gather today to honor the memory of our beloved Roz and to share the news about the future of Sedona Soul Sisters. * Remembering Roz and Business Transition* In a bittersweet turn of events, we share the passing of our dear friend and co-founder, Roz. Her spirit was the hea…
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Where does preparation begin? Whether we're coming to the end of a season, in the middle of a transition, or stepping into something new -- knowing when and how to prepare for what is next is crucial to the success of what's to come. How can we change our perspective? Who can we invite in? And what are the steps we can take to put us in the best si…
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Season 2 | Episode 13 Amidst the seemingly endless to-do list that this season can bring, along with the holiday hustle also comes a time of togetherness, celebration, and community. Between Christmas parties, family get-togethers, and friendly festivities, you may feel your social battery draining at an exponential rate as we get ready for the hol…
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When you walk with God, things rarely happen the way you expect them to. Sometimes you stumble into something that you never saw coming, simply because of your proximity to Him. Preston sits down with Tim Ross to discuss what life looks like walking with God. What is His pace? And what happens when you say ‘yes’ to it?…
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Sometimes, for whatever the reason, we may have a tendency to "mail it in." But here's what we we have to remember...the level at which you do things matters. And it especially matters to God. This week, we break down how to steward well what is in our hands, with a spirit of excellence. How do we define excellence? What does it take? And how does …
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Season 2 | Episode 12 Today we’re sitting down with our friend Amber Legge for an emotionally-charged, raw and riveting story of her experience with childbirth and breastfeeding, and all the self-discovery that came along the way. Society’s expectations of mothers have evolved with a steady ebb and flow over the decades, and sometimes it can feel l…
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"But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private." This week, we sit down with our friend Michael Bethany to discuss what a life of intimacy with the God of the Universe looks like. How do we develop a healthy prayer life in the secret place? How do we establish the rhythms of divine intimacy? An…
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“Well done, good and faithful servant” are words that we all want to hear once our race is finished. But how do we live a life that’s worthy of that statement? What are the daily steps we can take? And what does it look like to live a faith-filled life, regardless of the season you are in? This week, Preston sits down for a conversation with Pastor…
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Season 2 | Episode 11 Today we’re discussing how our emotions are created, processed, and stored, and discovering how we can learn to release these tense feelings to reshape our narratives on the world around us. We learn how our gut sends crucial signals to the brain, shaping the stories we tell ourselves, often hindering our ability to process fe…
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Something wonderful is coming. Something supernatural. Something holy. Something God wants YOU to play a role in. But it can't happen until we first deal with our "trash" - the sin in our life which is holding us back. Why do we put repentance off? What happens when we put repentance off? And what’s the best way to deal with my trash?…
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