show episodes
Like a personal journal with topics on life, self-improvement, relationships, pet peeves, work, hobbies, daily quotes, articles & books, etc. And some things.. you're thinking it and I'm saying it!
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Brave Girls with Tracy Imm aims to empower you to be a better leader in the world. We share stories of people that have achieved great heights by overcoming adversity, rising to the challenge all while pursuing their passions. Have faith in yourself, take bold action and let your brilliance shine as only you can do!
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NatureScot presents podcasts that celebrate Scotland's nature and landscapes. In each episode you'll find numerous ways to connect with - and protect - our amazing natural world. We want to inspire everyone to join the fight against climate change and reverse nature loss. Immerse yourself and #MakeSpaceForNature in your life.
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Welcome to More Than a Merchant Mariner's Wife: Empowering women to reconnect with themselves and unite with each other. This is a place where women whose partners are at sea can find support, connection, and empowerment. I’ve lived this crazy life of a daughter or wife of Merchant Mariners my whole life and I'mm also a mom of 3 so if you’re looking for someone who understands the ins and outs of this lifestyle and the strength it takes to keep things afloat at home while your partner is at ...
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So Many Places to Go is podcast where “Planagers” (a.k.a. meeting and event planners / managers) can learn more about our favorite and future-favorite venues and destinations, in a a modern, fun, and easy to understand way. We are talking with hospitality partners of all kinds, and bringing you these vicarious conversations, through a planner-specific-lens. So Many Places to Go is hosted by Catie D., Amanda T. and the team at International Meeting Managers (IMM). Follow us and watch the epis ...
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INUNA – ’Nuissani´ katersortarfik. INUNA podcastiuvoq kalaallisut oqaasilik, taanna kalaallinut Danmarkimi najugaqartunut tusarnaagassatigut katersuuffiuvoq. Kalaallit Danmarkimi inuuneranni assigiinngiiaassuseq, aamma kinguaariiaat akornanni podcastini oqaluttuarineqarlunilu saqqummiunneqartassaaq.INUNA-p tusarnaartartut peqatigalugit, maanna pisut, inuit ataasiakkaat inuunerisa oqaluttuassartaat, kalaallillu akornanni ataatsimut immikkullu misigisartagaat sammisassavai.‘Nuissani’ katersort ...
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Indie Echo is a showcase of new independent music and the artists that create it. Hosted by Jordan Fritz, producer at Hi5 Music - an online production studio that brings your bedroom demos to life.
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Konti 129 Production present to you our spotify channel, Konti 129!! Featuring MrOnePiece and Mr J.S. Our podcast genre is horror, ghost stories with insert of humour. It is in Bilingual. Fact or Fiction, you all judge for yourself. We try our best to entertain you all with our sense of humour. Importantly, you are all entertained. In terms of our own experience or we will tell the ghost stories that are shared with us. Just wait for it! Enjoy !! Follow our facebook page for more content: ht ...
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show series
Namminersortutut inuuniuteqartuuneq / Livet som selvstændig erhvervsdrivende Kingullermik Maren Louise oqaloqatigigatsigu alliartornini pillugu oqaluttuarpoq. Meeraasimavoq angusaqarusussuseqarlunilu sapiissuseqarluartoq, aammali suli inuusuttuaraatilluni qanigisanik annernangaartumik misigisaqarsimasoq. Meeraanermi misigisimasani ullumikkut inuttu…
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It seems like yesterday I was waiting (not so) patiently for the arrival of my first baby, rocking him to sleep and reading him stories. 9 years later, I'm reflecting on the parent I was and the parent and person I've become both since having two more kids and growing and developing on my own. You know I had to sprinkle in some friendly off the cuf…
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Curious about how volunteering can change lives and communities? This episode reveals the incredible work of Volunteering Matters, as we celebrate 40 years of Volunteers' Week. Robert Henderson joins us to spotlight the Volunteering Matters Action Earth project, which has empowered over 100,000 volunteers through more than 3,100 environmental initi…
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If you've ever felt uncomfortable in situations where you wish you had more self defense skills or want to know how to keep yourself or your kids safe in general, this is the conversation for you! Today I speak with Alison Bosworth who is the founder of Strong is Beautiful, and an advocate for women's empowerment and personal safety. With a disting…
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In this episode, I dive into the humorous side of when you leave items in your partner's space and the frantic clean-up before they get home. Whether you leave bikes or forgotten broken toys in your husband's shop, I'll share laughs and relatable stories. We also celebrate those moments of personal pride and discuss the importance of showing your k…
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Happy Summer! We are bringing this raw and real conversation to you b/c we still haven't found a platform for recording that will allow me to have intros and outros and all that and this conversation was too good to keep until it was the "right time". It's summer and I'm flying solo with the kids till Mid July so here we go. Thank you for rolling a…
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Annaasaqarsimalluni peroriartorneq- Opvækst påvirket af stort tab Ukioq 2000 missaani meeraanikuusut immaqa tamarmik nipilersoqatigiit Nivissat Paamiuneersut atugaasa ilaat tusarnikuusimassavaat. Nipilersoqatigiit immikkuullarissumik nipillit Kalaallit Nunaanni nipilersortartununi nuannarineqarluartuupput. Taakkua ilagaat Maren Louise Poulsen Krist…
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Immikkoortumi uani soqutiginarluinnartumi Alfred Olsen oqaloqatigaarput. Alfred angutaavoq sapiitsoq misilittagartoorlu. Inuunermini nunatsinni sakkutuutut suliaqarnermini aqqusaarsimasani INUNA-p tusarnaartartuinut pissanganarluinnartumik oqaluasaarutigivai. INUNA-mi suleqatigiit marluk Alfred angerlarsimaffianut pulaaraat tusarnaarsinnaavat, atag…
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Hi all, I'm popping in to share what's ahead for the summer with the Podcast and how things have been going so far, officially 3 days into summer break without Dad home. If you're a loyal listener, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere....but the regular Wednesday drops might be changing :) Message me with anything you're struggling with this summer,…
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Visit Greenland - Kalaallit Nunaanni takornariaqarnerup siunissaa sammillugu / Visit Greenland - Om fremtidens turisme i Grønland Mittarfissuit sananeqartut sananeqartussallu siullersaat ukiormanna 2024-imi naammassaaq, Nuummi ammarneqartussaalluni. Ukiuni qaninnermi mittarfissuit allat marluk, Kalaallit Nunaata avannaani kujataanilu aamma ammartus…
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Qilaatersorneq sammivarput / Vi har fokus på den grønlandske trommesang Inngernerup silarsuaanut tikilluarit. Inngertartoq qilaatersortartorlu Nuka Alice, Aalborgimi kalaallit illuutaanni pikkorissarnerani peqataavugut. Pisoq taanna aallaavigalugu inngerneq qilaatersornerlu pillugit oqaloqatigiinneq uani tusarnaarsinnaavat. Velkommen til trommesang…
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Let's explore creativity from a different perspective with Keita Selina from Art by Keita. If you're anything like me, you lost your sense of creativity when you got caught up in adulthood or maybe you still are creative but it's tied to an outcome such as work or for a purpose of helping kids with a project or finishing a house renovation. How abo…
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Issittumi annaassiniartartut ilaat oqaloqatigaarput / Vi taler med en af de arktiske reddere Upernaakkut maajimi ukioq 2024, DR TV-ikkut aallakaatitassiaq “De Arktiske Reddere” aallakaatinneqaqqaarpoq. Isiginnaagassiami kalaallit annaassiniartartut arfineq pingasuusut sulinerani pissanganarluinnartumik malinnaavigineqarput. Isiginnaagassiap aallart…
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Inunami inunnik assigiinngitsorpassuarnik naapitaqartarpugut. Aallakaatisassiarpassuanilu paasinarsivoq inuit tamarmik soqutiginartunik oqaluttuassaateqartuaannartut. Tamatumuuna Gert Brask inuunermini pisimasorpassuit ilaat oqaluttuarivai. Inuunermik navianartorsiorneq, peroriartornini, taamanilu paarnaarussanik nunanit anisitaasunik angallasisara…
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Join us as we chat to Caitlyn Johnstone, a Nature Based Solutions Scientist from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), to explore how plants and ecosystems can transform our cities. Discover how integrating nature-based solutions can make monumental differences in tackling urban issues like flooding and heat. We hear about RBGE's Plants with P…
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**Releasing a day early because Emily has a time sensitive free workshop/experience happening on Thursday, June 6th you won't want to miss!** Today we welcome Emily Greenway, MPH, Founder of Reclamation Academy and host of the Podcast, Beyond Survival. She has her Masters in Public Health and is a certified life and mindfulness coach helping women …
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Air Greenlandimiit piujuartitsinermut attaveqaqatigiinnermullu pisortaasoq oqaloqatigaarput / Vi taler med Air Greenlands direktør for bæredygtighed og kommunikation 2024-imi mittarfissuaq qilanaarineqarsimalluni ammartussaavoq, tamannalu Nuummi mittarfissuarmik kusanartumik ammaanersiornermik kinguneqartussaavoq. Ilulissani Kujataanilu mittarfissu…
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Kalaallit Nunaanni isiginnaartitsineq pillugu ilisimatooq oqaloqatigaarput / Vi taler med en teaterforsker om teater i Grønland INUNA Podcastimut tikilluaqqigitsi, tamatumuune isiginnaartitsisarnerup silarsuaani oqaloqateqarnerput nangissavarput. Immikkoortoq una immikkoortup siuliata nanginneraa, tassanilu suleqatitta Nuummi suliaminut tiguartisim…
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In this episode, I explore practical and enjoyable ways for moms to maintain their wellness while keeping their kids entertained during the summer. We discuss various projects and activities that not only engage the children but also align with your personal interests and needs. From collaging and visition boarding that is stimulating for mom and f…
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Kalaallit Nunaanni isiginnaartitsineq pillugu ilisimatooq oqaloqatigaarput / Vi taler med en teater forsker om teater i Grønland INUNA podcast isiginnaartitsinermut suliaqarfimmi allaffeqarfeqarpoq immiussisarfeqarlunilu. Taamaammat pissusissamisoorpoq isiginnaartitsinerup silarsuaanut tunngasumik itisiliinerulluta immikkut sammisaqassalluta. Suleq…
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Immikkoortumi uani Arnannguaq social mediani Twennytut ilisimaneqarluartoq Hirtshalsimi angerlarsimaffianut pulaarlugu oqaloqatigineqarpoq. / I dette afsnit besøges Arnannguaq AKA Twenny i sociale medier, i hendes hjem i Hirtshals. Twennymmita inuttaa kinaava? Ilaqutariinneq inuusuttunnguatut qinerlugu inuunermi pingaartitat, Twennyp pilersinnerata…
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Edit Ever look at that sink full of dishes and think, no not tonight only to regret it the next day? Ever think, sure I can get some work done, it's only 8:30pm only to wake up at midnight and have to close down the house bleary eyed and half asleep? I've been there and am constantly fighting with my Ego to set my future self up for success. Take a…
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Danmarkimi najugaqareersimalluni Nuummut uterneq oqaloqatigaarput / Vi taler en en der er vendt tilbage til Nuuk efter at have boet i Danmark Immikkoortumi uani Danmarkimi najugaqareersimalluni Kalaallit Nunaannut uternermi misigisaq pillugu sammisaqassaagut. Nunamiit nunamut nuunnermi assigiinngissutsit ersarissut eqqartorneqarput. Kulturikkut, sy…
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Immikkortumi uani Gertrud Villadsen Nielsen Langelandimiittumi Rudkøbingimi najugalik Inunamit angerlarsimaffianut pulaarneqarpoq, inuunermini aqqusaarsimasani pillugit oqaluttuartussaammat inuttut kinaanera paasiniarlugu ilisaritinneqarpoq. Gertrud sulinermik nuannarisaqartuunini qallunaallu nunaannut nuunnerminut atatillugu suliffeqarniarneq inoo…
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First, apologies for the background noise at the end. I set my mic on a different setting and i will be setting it back for the next one. Also, I usually have my tabs closed so the ding is my email, not yours lol. Let's dig in, shall we? Today I'm giving a bit of a debrief on past Mother's Days and birthdays for myself in terms of how my expectatio…
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Qivittoq oqaluttuarisaanermi qanoq inissisimava? Qanoq kultooritsinnut ilaava? Ilumoortuua? INUNA podcastimiit immikkut ittumik sammisassaqarpugut. Tassa qivittoq sammerusukkatsigu. INUNA podcast qivittoq pillugu misissuerujuussamaarpoq. Misissuinermullu tassunga ilissi malinnaanissassinnut qaaqquatsigit. Immaqa nutaamik paasisaqassaagut? Hvilken p…
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Danmarkimi kalaallit peqatigiivisa kattuffianni siulittaasup oqaloqatiginera ingerlateqqipparput / Vi taler fortsat med formanden for de grønlandske foreninger i Danmark Immikkoortoq 107-imi Camilla Siezing oqaloqatiginerata nanginnera uani tusarnaarneqarsinnaavoq. Qaanaami meeraaginnarani aamma tassani ilinniarnerminut atatillugu misissuiartorluni…
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In this episode, join in as we delve into the transformative power of somatic healing in parenting with Emilie Delworth, also known as the Peaceful Mother. Discover what somatic healing is and how i can offer practical solutions for parents dealing with intense emotions and challenges. Emilie shares her unique journey into this work and highlights …
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Upernaaq manna suleqatigiiulluta ataatsimoornitsinni peqqissuseq eqqartorparput / Dette forår drøftede vi i teamet sundhed i forbindelse med vores workshop Immikkoortumi uani suleqatigiit aallakaatitassiortartut workshoppeqarnerput iluatsillugu peqqissuseq isummersorfigaarput eqqartueqatigiilluta. Eqqartukkagut soqutiginarluinnarput, ilaatigut timi…
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Danmarkimi kalaallit peqatigiivisa kattuffianni siulittaasoq oqaloqatigaarput / Vi taler med formanden for de grønlandske foreninger i Danmark Immikkoortumi uani immikkoortuni marluusuni siullermi Camilla Siezingi ilisaritissavarput. Camilla arnaavoq immikkuullarissoq Danmarkimi kalaallinut aaqqissuussinermi tikilluaqqusisuusartoq. Taamaaliortarpor…
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Today we are talking to Brittni Clarkson, who is the host of the Meant to Bloom Podcast, a Personal Growth Coach for Hot Mess Moms, author, content creator, and recently the founder of a monthly membership! After meeting her through an online membership we are both part of, I knew I had to bring her on to share her story and journey! Let's dive in …
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INUNA-mi aallakaatitassiortartut naapisimaarlutik sammerujoornerat / INUNA teamet holder komsammen Uani aallakaatitassiami INUNA-mi aallakaatitassiortut imminnut ilikkarnerorusullutik immiusserujuujutaa oqaloqatigiittut tusarnaarsinnaavasi. April 2024 aallartinnerani suleqatigiit aatsaavissuaq tamakkerlutik INUNA-p allaffeqarfiani Nordisk Teater La…
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Over the last three seasons, we've explored just how much Irish immigrants and their descendants have shaped Canada over the past 250 years, in so many ways. In this concluding episode to the podcast, Jane looks back at some of her favourite moments from the show, wonders why certain bloodthirsty tales are eternally popular, takes a stand on cancel…
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INUNA Podcast tamatumuuna Esbjergimiippoq, tassani Irene Olsen, nunatsinni ilinniakkani tunngavigalugu Danmarkimi atorfinissinnaasimanngitsoq oqaloqatigaarput / I denne episode er INUNA Podcast taget til Esbjerg, hvor Irene Olsen deler sine udfordringer ved ikke at kunne anvende sin grønlandske uddannelsesbaggrund i Danmark. Unnia kalaaleqattitta i…
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In this episode, we're diving deep into the rollercoaster ride of emotions that hit hard during the last stretch before your partner heads back to work. We'll get real about that nagging inner critic, the one that loves to chime in with doubts and worries just when you need confidence the most. But fear not! We've got some tricks up our sleeves to …
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Atlant-Spagat(i) meeqqanut kalaallinut, 1979-imi Hjemmestyreqalernissap tungaanut apeqqusernartumik angerlarsimaffiup avataanut inissinneqartarsimasunut tunngavoq. INUNA-mi suleqativut Arnajaraq aamma Mia martsip arfernani Københavnimi atuakkamik saqqummersitsineq peqataaffigaat. Immikkoortumi uani atuakkamik saqqummersitsineq sammissavarput. Immik…
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Uani immikkoortut marluusut aappaani Kalaallit Nunaanni suiaassutsip, kinaassutsip atoqatigeeriaatsillu eqqartorneqartarnerat oqaluttuarisaanikkut inissisimaneranut isummersuutit annissuunneqassapput. Immikkoortumi uani kingullermisullu oqaloqatigineqassallutik Uiloq Ingemann-Jeremiassen aamma Michael Bro. Nunatsinni suiaassuseq, kinaassuseq atoqat…
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Ah, Emily Murphy... where do we begin?! Maybe with the salient fact that this first female magistrate in the British Empire and driving force behind the Persons' Case of 1929 was also the grand-daughter of Ogle Gowan, the founder and Grand Master of the Orange Order in Canada. In terms of having an Irish pedigree, she definitely had one, though how…
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Join us for a conversation that goes beyond the usual self-care routine chat. Kristen Martin shares her journey from stress to resilience, emphasizing the importance of flexible self-care. Discover how prioritizing yourself can lead to adaptable wellness practices that benefit both you and your family. Tune in for empowering insights and practical …
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2LGTQIA+ Inuiaqatigiinni inuttut allaanerussuteqarneq pillugu oqariariartuutit naliginnaasutut ileraluttuinnarput. Akuerineqariartortutullu illutik. Siornatigut naliginnaanerusumik atoqatiginneriaaseq eqqartorneqartillugu arnaqatiminoortoq anguteqatiminoortorlu naliginnaasimapput atussallugit. Suiaassusermullu attuumassuteqartinneqartarlutik. Ullut…
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"Suna tamarmi qilaap ataani aalajangersagaareernikuuvoq", tassaapput qaniginerpaasanik marlunnik annaasaqarsimasup, Charlotte Nebel Pedersenip, uani oqaloqatigisatta oqariartuutaasa ilaat / "Alt i livet har sin egen tid" er nogle af de budskaber, som Charlotte Nebel Pedersen, vi taler med i denne episoder og som har mistet to af sine nærmeste, komm…
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Nellie McClung was a provocative woman, stirring up controversies and column inches in her own lifetime and in all the years since she died. Arguably Canada’s most famous first-wave feminist, her efforts guaranteed that Manitoba’s women won the provincial vote in 1916, a first in Canada. She was also one of The Famous Five, the group of activists w…
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In this episode, we discuss the importance of easing the guilt associated with being happy and pursuing personal activities when your spouse is away. We emphasize the significance of clear communication about availability and boundaries, allowing both partners to be fully present during their time together and to indulge in their own interests when…
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Immikkoortumi uani perorsagaanerup inuttut ilusilersuisarnera sammissavarput / I denne episode dykker vi ned i det fascinerende emne om, hvordan vores opdragelse former os som mennesker. Dora, Givemi najugalik, immikkoortumi uani kaffisorujuutaa eqqarsaatai misilittagaalu pillugit oqaloqatigissallugu peqatiserisimavarput. Angajoqqaaminiinnaanngitso…
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Jessie Kleemann eqqumiitsuliornermini timini atorlugulu puigunaatsumik takutitsisartuuvoq aammali tigussaasunik takutitassiortuusarluni / Jessie Kleemann er en grønlandsk verdensanerkendt kunstner, som har været aktiv i flere årtier Jessie 2023-2024-imi Statens Museum for Kunst-imi immikkut eqqumiitsuliaanik Danmarkimi katersugaasivinni siullerpaam…
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Considering everything she did in her life – as a teacher, an author, a political activist, an archivist, private secretary to the premier of Alberta, and a journalist – we should be much more familiar with the name of Katherine Hughes. Most people, however, are unaware of everything she achieved and helped to create in the first decades of the twe…
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Welcome back! In this insightful episode, join us as we delve into essential marriage reminders with the delightful Elizabeth "Buffy" Steen-Larsen from the B.S. Your Way Through Life Podcast. Together, we explore the art of staying chill, having fun, and letting go of the petty in marriage. Whether you're a newlywed or a seasoned couple, Buffy's wi…
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INUNA Podcast siulitta suleriaasaanik suliaqartumik oqaloqateqarpoq / I denne episode taler INUNA Podcast med en, der har et virke som vore forfædre Ukioq 2024-imi angakkoq sunaava? Suut suliarivai? Qanoq paasisassaava? Qanorlu aamma siulitsinnut atassuteqarpa ullumikkullu qanoq atorneqarsinnaava? Tamakku immikkoortumi uani oqaloqatigisassatta Avia…
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So far, we’ve talked about famous and infamous people in Irish Canadian history. But, what about those who weren’t so extraordinary? What was it like to be one of them? Today, we’re following one Irish family from Co. Limerick to Canada as they lived through times of war, eviction, violence, and change. Join us as we explore the history of the Dulm…
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Kristiaat Danmarkimut nuunnissaminut piareersarpoq / Kristian gør sig klar til at flytte til Danmark Immikkoortumi uani INUNA-mi suleqatitta Arnajaqqap, suleqatitaarput Kristiaat danmarkimut nuunnissaanut eqqartueqatigivaa. Immikkoortoq immikkoortuni pingasuusuni siulliuvoq. Kristiaap Danmarkimut nuunnissaminut eqqarsaatersuutini annippai, Arnajaqq…
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