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Un podcast per studenti di italiano amanti dell'Italia e curiosi di conoscerla più a fondo. Qui, usiamo la storia per imparare la lingua italiana in contesto, e usiamo l'italiano per parlare di luoghi e persone tra storia, curiosità e memoria. Esploriamo luoghi italiani più o meno famosi attraverso la loro storia e le loro curiosità. Parliamo di eventi storici attraverso la voce di chi li ha vissuti. Condividiamo storie e punti di vista. Livello intermedio - avanzato. SUPPORT THE PODCAST RIC ...
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Easy Stories in English

Ariel Goodbody, Polyglot English Teacher & Glassbox Media

Learning a language is hard, but Easy Stories in English makes it easy! Ariel Goodbody introduces each story, explaining difficult vocabulary and talking about their life. Thanks to their high energy and clear pronunciation, the stories are entertaining and simple to understand. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, there’s something for everyone. The stories cover a wide range of genres, such as fairy tales, myths and legends, drama, comedy, romance, horror, science f ...
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Do you want help understanding the lyrics and meaning of songs in English? With Explained in English you’ll discover great music and learn English at the same time. Here's how it works: choose a song and I’ll explain the lyrics, grammar, and meaning for you in simple English. It’s an easy way to improve your English vocabulary and comprehension while expanding your appreciation of great music. You'll soon think and interpret in English, learning and remembering more than you would with trans ...
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show series
Understand song meanings by listening to our audio explanations in easy English. The podcast format is designed for intermediate to advanced learners and will help you appreciate the music without translations. In this episode, I explain the classic song Imagine by John Lennon. Happy listening! For more song explanations visit our website at: https…
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A king meets a woman who grows pumpkins. She gives him water in a dirty old jug, and then she breaks it. The king thinks this is strange, but he likes the woman. So he gives her a challenge: if she can put a big pumpkin in a small jug, he will marry her. But she cannot break the jug or the pumpkin. Can she do it? Go to …
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Chi fa cultura nell'Italia unita a cavallo tra '800 e '900? In questo capitolo 1 dedicato alla letteratura italiana, andiamo a conoscere meglio Carlo Collodi, autore di Pinocchio, e Grazie Deledda, premio Nobel per la Letteratura. Ospite: Elia Bressanello. Per studiare il lessico più difficile e approfondire, vai sul sito: https://www.italiantimezo…
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Misty the Snake loves eating other people's pets. This does not make the people of the United Kingdom happy. So her owner takes her to Brazil, but really she wants to go home to Ghana... This episode is a rerun, BUT I add some new commentary and talk about my exciting new project, Story Builders. Story Builders will be an eight-week online language…
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Come si usano addirittura, mica, ormai, dunque e comunque in italiano? In questo episodio vediamo usi ed esempi. Segui il podcast con gli appunti e lascia un commento con i tuoi esempi qui: La lingua italiana non è mai stata così accessibile e vicina! Buon ascolto…
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In today's episode, I talk all about how I injured my leg at my sister's wedding, the race riots currently happening in the UK, not so nice, and end with some motivation for all of you. Very nice. Keep listening to learn English! Go to for the full transcript. Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo vo…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Tobias arrives at St Gummarus' School for Nasty Children. At first, he thinks his parents might have made a mistake, because all the kids here are bad…
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Come cambia la lingua italiana dopo l'Unità d'Italia? Ecco la parte 3/3 del nostro viaggio nella lingua italiana! Andiamo a fine '800 con il libro Cuore di Edmond De Amicis e poi facciamo un tutto nella poesia del '900 e nell'italiano di oggi. Nella conclusione, parliamo del nostro amore per l'italiano e della nostra esperienza come insegnanti di l…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. When Tobias's parents ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says, 'Evil.' There's just one problem: his parents are devoted Christians! As …
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Continuiamo il viaggio nella storia della lingua italiana! Ripartiamo dal '500 con Pietro Bembo e l'Accademia della Crusca, poi andiamo al '700 con Ugo Foscolo e infine, arriviamo all'800 con Alessandro Manzoni. Ci fermiamo appena prima dell'Unità d'Italia (guarda la parte 3/3 per fine 800 e 900)! Studia il lessico difficile:…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. A fisherman finds a golden fish. The golden fish says it can grant his wishes. But the fisherman doesn't wish for anything. However, when his wife get…
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La lingua italiana è un viaggio fantastico! In questa lezione con Cristian Tropea, insegnante di italiano e scrittore, andiamo alla scoperta della storia della lingua italiana. Una lezione in 3 parti. In questa parte 1 vediamo: Consigli per il tuo italiano Da dove arriva l'Italiano? I placidi Capuani (l'italiano nei tribunali del 960 d.C) I poeti s…
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Today's episode comes from the Into the Story podcast. Check it out if you like the idea of learning English with real-life stories - and I'm sure you do! Laurie Skreslet and a team of climbers face difficult conditions as they attempt to reach the summit of Mount Everest — will they make it? If you haven't already listened to Climbing Mount Everes…
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Impariamo insieme una espressione italiana molto comune per parlare di quando siamo molto felici e di ciò che ci da molto piacere: il brodo di giuggiole. In quest episodio vediamo: Cosa sono le giuggiole Come si usa questa espressione. Attenzione alla grammatica! Un po' di storia Cosa ci può mandare in brodo di giuggiole, con…
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Today's episode comes from the Into the Story podcast. Check it out if you like the idea of learning English with real-life stories - and I'm sure you do! When Laurie Skreslet attempted to climb Mount Everest in 1982, he faced dangerous avalanches, the closure of the only route up the mountain, and a life-changing moment. Level: Advanced Accent: Ca…
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In this episode, I talk about everything I've been up to for the past two months: visiting a friend, what I'm wearing, a romantic encounter in the supermarket, my try at stand-up comedy, the Royal Academy of Art, eating in the dark: there's just too much to summarise! Listen to it!! Go to for the full transcript. Get…
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Parliamo con Lidia, un'amante (non più studente) della lingua italiana, che ha raggiunto un livello avanzato in italiano anche grazie alla scrittura creativa. Nel podcast parliamo di: L'approccio di Lidia all’apprendimento della lingua italiana I primi passi con la scrittura creativa La scrittura: un amore tutto italiano Come può migliorare l'itali…
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Book a class with me! If you book a package of 10 classes, you can get 33% off: An old couple wish for a son and instead have a daughter with long, magical hair. They don't see the value in it, and sell her off to an old man who keeps her in a tower. Every day, he massages the oil from her hair and sells it. But the…
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Book a class with me! If you book a package of 10 classes, you can get 33% off: A cat and a mouse live together as friends, and what strange friends that makes! One day, the cat suggests they store some food for the winter, so they buy a pot of fat and hide it in a church. But while the mouse happily cleans the hous…
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Raccontare storie in italiano fa diventare il tuo italiano più forte, sotto tutti i punti di vista. Cosa significa raccontare una storia? Quali tecniche narrative si usano per raccontare una storia? Quali principali strutture grammaticali ci servono per raccontare? Quali sono i benefici per il tuo italiano? In questa lezione rispondiamo a queste do…
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Che emozione registrare questo episodio con Gianni Galli, il mio professore di storia e filosofia delle scuole superiori! Parliamo, infatti, di come si fa memoria storica in Italia e dell’importanza di ricordare il passato per vivere il nostro presente in modo consapevole, per far si che il nostro presente sia guidato dalle “lezioni” che la storia …
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Hector is a snail, so of course he's very slow. But he dreams of becoming fast. He decides to find a wizard and ask the wizard to swap his body with a…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. Żgugina lives on the coast of Malta with her son. When pirates attack, she rushes to the church to pray to St Demetrius. 'St Demetrius,' she says, 'if…
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Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf einlösen und loslegen. The wind carries a pea to a crack by a window. Inside the house, a boy is sick and dying. The pea wants to help the boy, and slowly it grows into a pl…
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Oggi parliamo con Antonella Valentini di Ascoli Piceno e della sua Accademia Italiana, un luogo dove potrai studiare e vivere l'italiano. Per avere il codice sconto del 10% scrivimi a oppure clicca qui e potrai mandare un messaggio pre-impostato, già pronto vedere il programma del corso di settembre a Ascoli Piceno lascia…
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Una pillola per il tuo italiano, perchè "tutto fa brodo"! Ascolta per scoprire l'origine e il significato di questa espressione italiana. Rispondi per praticare: Conoscevi questo modo di dire? Se sì, perchè? C'è un'espressione simile nella tue lingua? Scrivi una frase usando questa espressione ENTRA NEL GRUPPO TELEGRAM: Community Italian Time Zone …
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Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! In this episode of Easy Stories in English, host Ariel Goodbody discusses the concept of 'normal people problems' as opposed to more serious issues, drawing on his own exper…
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Impariamo la cultura italiana grazie a un fiore. Che significato ha il crisantemo in Italia? E nella tua cultura? Vuoi usare il podcast per studiare italiano? La trascrizione di questo episodio include appunti di grammatica e di vocabolario. Entra nella mailing list per ricervere la trascrizione: Lettere in Italiano…
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Today's story I wrote with Alastair Budge from the English Learning for Curious Minds podcast. In last week's episode, we brainstormed the story together, and today we present to you A Visitor from Chilly Bottom. A man who has lived in Antarctica all his life visits the UK for the first time. Technically, he is a British citizen, as he grew up on B…
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In this episode, I brainstorm a story with Alastair Budge. We start with the concept of someone from Antarctica moving to London and experiencing culture shock and peculiarities of life in the UK. We come up with cultural references and humorous situations involving misunderstandings about British culture. After this episode, Alastair went off and …
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Pensieri e letture per fare memoria e ricordare la parte giusta della storia, la parte che ha lottato per vivere in un Paese libero e democratico. Un grazie a mia nonna, staffetta partigiana, e a tutte le partigiane e i partigiani che hanno scelto di resistere in modo attivo, con ogni mezzo a disposizione. Persone normali, con tutti i loro pregi e …
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Watch the episode on YouTube: Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! In this episode of Easy Stories in English, Ariel Goodbody, the host, discusses a recent controversy involving a blasphemous phrase in a podcast episode titled 'The Holy Cat,' lea…
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Questo non è un semplice episodio, questa è una lezione di storia, di cultura, di lingua italiana che cambierà completamente la tua conoscenza di Firenze! La professoressa Elena Giannarelli, massima esperta di Firenze, ci porta in un viaggio nella storia ricca di curiosità e particolarità poco conosciute. Firenze capitale del Regno d'Italia, la sto…
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An old man lives in an old house. The house is so old that it has changed shape and many things are broken. Every day, the man must climb up a big hill to get to the kitchen. Lots of people tell him he needs to leave the house, but the old man refuses. But one day, the house makes sure he will never leave. Go to for t…
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Dinewan gets married to Bohra the kangaroo, and they go for a walk in the desert. But Dinewan soon gets bored. Bohra is a magic kangaroo, and his spirit can walk through the sky. Dinewan thinks it would be interesting to see Bohra's spirit... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes a…
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In this episode, I talk about the kinds of performance I've been doing recently - storytelling in a sauna, spinning a tale at the London Esperanto Club, improvising at an open mic night, moderating a talk-show discussion and singing in a church choir. I've been busy this past month! No wonder I've been a bit sick, but hopefully my croaky voice won'…
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Sam works in the stupidest department of his company: the 'Synergy Snakes'. What they're actually supposed to do, he has no idea, but he's managed to create a system where he doesn't have to talk to his co-workers and does as little work as possible. The only problem is, the company is looking to get rid of some people, and Sam's an easy target... …
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A cat hunts all the mice in the town, so it goes to the fields. But the mice in the fields are too fast. So the cat decides to start praying... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is appreciated! Level: Beginner. Genre: Philosoph…
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Impariamo insieme una espressione italiana molto comune per parlare di gusti: de gustibus non disputandum est, o più semplicemnte, de gustibus! Parliamo della sua origine del suo significato e facciamo qualche commento divertente anche sul cibo italiano. GRUPPO TELEGRAM GRATUITO - entra qui IMPARA CON ME 1:1…
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In this episode, I talk about my challenges finding stable friendship and love in London as a single in my 30s. I argue that technology has encouraged ghosting and 'no contact' culture, and because of this it's harder to form stable relationships and integrate into local communities. However, it's not all doom and gloom! I also talk about finding c…
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A woman's husband dies, and she visits his grave every week to pray. When she dies, she goes to the land of the dead, and is excited to finally see him again. But she can't find him... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at Your support is app…
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In questo episodio parliamo con Urmi Hossain di Italia e di cosa significa vivere lontani dal Paese che si ama e che si chiama "casa". Scopriamo la comunità italiana a Montreal, in Canada, e parliamo di lingue e anche un po' di razzismo e multiculturalità. Find out more about Urmi Hossain and her contents: Women's empowerment @ Language l…
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Get 20% off Gymglish! Go to and use the code DRAGON2024. Buddha is about to leave Earth, and he wants to say goodbye to the animals in a special way: he will have a race, and name the years after them in the order they win. Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + b…
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Uno spin-off, un dietro le quinte con Michelangelo, Quello di Arte, per conoscere il significato e le origini dell'espressione italiana "fare il giro di Peppe". Buon ascolto! Travel to Rome living exceptional experiences: Michelangelo: Giulia:…
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Apologies that this episode is a bit late. I've been fighting both catatonia and a cold. In this episode I talk about the history of the podcast, give an update about my life and discuss the genocide taking place in Palestine. Follow me on Instagram @arielgoodbody to get updates about Queer Stories For Queer Folks. The next date will be 23rd Februa…
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La storia e l'arte di uno dei monumenti più grandi e importanti di Roma. Ascolta il podcast e scopri tutte le curiosità su questo monumento colossale al centro di Roma: il Vittoriano o Altare della Patria. Perchè si chiama così? Perchè è così grande? Quali sono i suoi tesori nascosti? Chi è il milite ignoto al suo interno? "La storia non è cancella…
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Gemma finds a strange red book on her way home from school. She starts reading it, and it is a story about a boy called Nai. In the story, Nai also finds a red book, and when he starts to read it, the story is about Gemma... Go to for the full transcript. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at EasyStoriesI…
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In this conversational episode, I do a tarot reading. Tarot is a type of playing cards that can be used to read your future. The tarot is made up of the major arcana and the minor arcana. Get the transcript for this episode by joining Easy Stories in English Premium! Your support is appreciated! (after you join, go to this episode's description on …
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Grazie mille a te che mi segui su Italian Time Zone! Grazie alla tua passione e al tuo amore per la lingua italiana, questa scuola di italiano va avanti e continua a regalarti questo meraviglioso podcast di storia e cultura italiana e tanti contenuti per trovare la tua voce in italiano: workbook per praticare corsi online viaggi studio in Italia (a…
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Harold has terrible luck. Bus shelters collapse on him, he makes his dates vomit, and no matter how many good-luck charms he wears, his luck won't change. So he decides that this New Year's Eve, he's going to follow every tradition and superstition in the world, to see if he can change his luck around. Go to for the fu…
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