show episodes
Learn English With Me. In these podcasts you will improve your English by listening to how an American from Florida speaks. The goal is to teach you common English and not the Textbook Style English that nobody speaks. You will learn vocabulary, idioms, slang and much more.
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Coffee Break Spanish

Coffee Break Languages

Learn Spanish in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native Spanish speakers. Season 1 lessons are for absolute beginners, and the courses increase in difficulty as the seasons progress. 386357 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Coffee Break German

Coffee Break Languages

Learn German in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native German speakers. 386357 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Ao igual que o esquelete de Castelao, aquí contamos contos en lingua galega. Memorias doutros tempos. Contos de Galicia (ou de calquera nacionalidade traducidos ao galego) e tamén fragmentos de grandes obras. Cousas que se contan... escoita!
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Kingsley Lingua

Kingsley James

Semi-Professional Amateur Polyglot , devouring the world’s languages one word at a time on the web @kingsley_lingua on the gram Ní leor teanga amháin
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LINGUA FRANCA is a COMEDY and SATIRE EXTRAVAGANZA straight from the mind of John Kapelos. A Second City, Chicago Alum & John Hughes featured actor Kapelos combines his comic voice genius with music & production chops for a wild sonic comic funhouse ride.
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Coffee Break French

Coffee Break Languages

Learn French in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native French speakers. Season 1 lessons are for absolute beginners, and the courses increase in difficulty as the seasons progress. 386357 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Un podcast per studenti di italiano amanti dell'Italia e curiosi di conoscerla più a fondo. Usiamo la storia per imparare la lingua italiana in contesto, e usiamo l'italiano per parlare di luoghi e persone tra storia, curiosità e memoria. Esploriamo luoghi italiani più o meno famosi attraverso la loro storia e le loro curiosità. Parliamo di eventi storici attraverso la voce di chi li ha vissuti. Condividiamo storie e punti di vista. Livello intermedio - avanzato. Supporta il podcast: https:/ ...
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Coffee Break Chinese

Coffee Break Languages

Learn to speak Mandarin Chinese with teacher Crystal and learner Mark in regular lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we'll focus on the language you need to know to and before long you'll be making yourself understood with native Mandarin speakers. 386357 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Língua da Gente - Portuguese Podcast: Lessons

COERLL, University of Texas at Austin, Project Director: Orlando Kelm

In Brazil, the term língua da gente (literally 'language of the people') refers to the way that people actually talk in everyday speech. And that, in essence, is the object behind this series. We hope to provide practical lessons that demonstrate how people really speak, and we do this by presenting brief, slice-of-life dialogs, which focus on some daily situation, scenario, or task that we encounter every day.
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One Minute Mandarin

Radio Lingua Network

Join Mandarin teacher Lin Lin and presenter Mark as they teach you the basics of Mandarin Chinese. In this podcast you'll be learning just enough Mandarin to get by on a holiday or business trip to China - and to impress Mandarin speakers everywhere! Each lesson includes just over one minute of language-learning content, so there's no excuse not to learn! Remember - even a few phrases of a language can help you make friends and enjoy travel more.
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show series
Send us a text The podcast gives job interview tips for IT pros, focusing on how to answer common questions like "Tell me about yourself" and "What are your strengths?" It covers using the STAR method, showing your skills, and being prepared with questions for the interviewer. Plus, it offers advice on researching companies and improving your confi…
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Unha conversa sobre a conexión entre traballos e éxito. Eine Gesprächsrunde über die Beziehung zwischen Arbeit und Erfolg. Lingua: alemán Nivel: B2 Colaboradores: curso de alemán C1.1. – 2024-2025 Coordinación e edición: Roswitha Althoff Música: Behond inspiration, by Mike Kripak, Foto: Mohamed Hassan, Licencia: CC BY-NC-ND …
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Consigli per la tua pratica attiva della lingua italiana usando i podcast. Hai mai provato? Cosa ti piace fare con i podcast? Come li usi per migliorare il tuo italiano? Articolo citato nel podcast: Nuovo corso di lingua e cultura italiana per un ita…
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Segunda parte Unha zona remota de Centroeuropa e un extraño monolito cheo de runas. Lendas, misterios e unha viaxe que nos levará ata tempos ancestrais de cultos descoñecidos e bailes iniciáticos arredor das fogueiras. Unha historia breve de Robert E. Howard, o creador, entre outros de Conan, Solomon Kane ou Red Sonja, traducida ao galego por Pablo…
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Send us a text In this episode, we break down the IELTS exam with essential tips and strategies to help you achieve a high score. Whether you're aiming for university, a professional license, or migration, we cover everything from listening to speaking, reading to writing. Tune in for actionable advice on managing time, avoiding common mistakes, an…
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– Hey guten Morgen, wie geht es dir? (Martina Hefter) – Von Norden rollt ein Donner (Markus Thielemann) Dieser Literaturkreis möchte einige Bücher vorstellen, besprechen und empfehlen. Sprache: Deutsch Niveau: B2/C1 Beitragende: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Radio Linguas EOI Vigo 2024-2025 Edition: Roswitha Althoff Musik: Summer upbeat motivational, Pixabay…
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Ce podcast intitulé “Souvenirs d’enfance” nous invite à exposer des moments qui sont restés gravés dans notre mémoire pour une raison particulière. Il est construit en trois parties : la première partie concerne les souvenirs de voyages, la deuxième les vacances et les jeux, et la troisième l’école maternelle et les traditions. Il est certain que c…
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...o forse no! Studiare una lingua straniera può essere utile in tanti modi e sicuramente arricchisce la tua vita. Tu perché studi la lingua italiana? In che modo è utile alla tua vita? Lascia un commentoqui: CORSO di lingua e cultura italiana per usare l'italiano in modo più …
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Send us a text In this episode, we dive into global events like the Los Angeles wildfires, the TikTok ban, and China’s diplomatic visits to Africa. Learn useful vocabulary, idioms like "spreads like wildfire," and tips to improve your English through news. Stay curious, keep learning, and join the conversation! 📚 Take your English skills to the nex…
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Il lunfardo, il colorito gergo popolare di Buenos Aires, riflette l'anima multiculturale del Rio de la Plata. Nato dall'incontro di immigrati italiani e altre culture, arricchisce la lingua con parole come 'laburar', 'pibe' e 'mina'. Scopri come questo linguaggio unico ha influenzato la società argentina e il tango, evolvendosi con le nuove generaz…
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Send us a text In this episode of Lingua Juice, we tackle common English mistakes and how to fix them. Improve your fluency with practical tips, examples, and interactive practice. Join us and take your English to the next level! 📚 Take your English skills to the next level! Basic: $5/month for essential tools. Plus: $10/month for in-depth lessons.…
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In this new episode of Tui’s Christmas Special, Tui’s Radio Club students perform a fragment of a story by Louise May Alcott and tell us in passing what Christmas was like during their childhood. Language: English Level: B2-C1 Voices: Marta Iglesias, Belén Villacieros and Elena Espinosa Music credits: All themes with CC Licence “Attribution”. “We T…
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Send us a text In this episode, discover how to build confidence when speaking English. Learn why confidence matters, how to embrace mistakes, and practical tips to improve your conversation skills. Explore fun idioms like "break the ice" and "step out of your comfort zone" to sound more fluent. 📚 Take your English skills to the next level! Basic: …
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Quali sono le tue due parole chiave per il 2024 e il 2025? Riflettere in italiano ti aiuterà a fare una piccola pratica di inizio anno :) Lascia un tuo commento sotto il video di YouTube qui: Buon anno e grazie! Grazie mille di essere qui! Buon 2025!! Giulia Vuoi studiare con me? scrivi a: giulia@italia…
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Pandoro o Panettone? Questo è il problema! Tra gli italiani il dibattito è sempre aperto, ma quando nascono questi dolci come li conosciamo noi oggi? In questo episodio andiamo alla scoperta del Panettone tra storia, leggende e tradizioni regionali. Dal panettone milanese con uvette e canditi di Motta a quello genovese con i pinoli! Prendi carta e …
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Send us a text Let’s wrap up the year together! In this episode, we’re diving into holiday traditions, reflecting on accomplishments, and setting fun, achievable goals for the new year. Grab your favorite holiday drink, and let’s celebrate the season in style! Want to take your English skills to the next level? Check out the pricing plans: Basic: $…
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Gravación da emisión en directo do evento inaugural da nova biblioteca da EOI: Día Mundial da Poesía 2023 na Biblioteca da EOI, 18 de abril de 2023. Presentación: Marina López Beiras. Coa participación de: Cinta adhesiva (Silvia Penas e Jesús Andrés Tejada), María José Martínez Ruibal co seu alumnado de inglés, María Alonso, Marola Padín co seu alu…
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Pandoro o Panettone? Questo è il problema!Tra gli italiani il dibattito è sempre aperto, ma quando nascono questi dolci come li conosciamo noi oggi? In questo episodio andiamo alla scoperta della storia del Pandoro! Guarda le immagini e lascia un commento: Pasticceria Giotto…
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In this programme we ask our guests what they would do if they were appointed Prime Ministers for a Day, and what actions they would take to make a positive contribution to society. Language: English Level: B1-C1 Voices: Marta Iglesias, Belén Villacieros and Elena Espinosa Music credits: All themes with CC Licence “Attribution”. “Spirit of Fire” an…
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Un podcast per te che stai imparando la lingua italiana. Rispondo alla domanda dei miei studenti: come faccio a imparare nuove parole in italiano? Nel podcast ti do il mio consiglio per memorizzare e usare nuovo lessico e ti parlo del mio nuovo Corso Indipendenza, un corso che ti aiuterà a diventare più fluente in italiano. Clicca qui per leggere t…
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Lingua: Castellano Nivel: B1 Colaboradores: Iria Romero e Roswitha Althoff Realización e edición: Roswitha Althoff e Iria Romero Música: Emotional-piano-music-256262 de Mikhail Smusev de Licencia: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA En esta ocasión, tuvimos la oportunidad de entrevistar a una compañera del departamento de alemán, quien comparte c…
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Deutsch ist gar nicht so kompliziert. Auch Deutschlernende mit A1 können schon komplizierte Wörter aussprechen. Hier einige Beispiele: O alemán non é tan difícil. Tamén estudantes de A1, xa poden pronunciar palabras difíciles. Aquí temos uns exemplos: Idioma: alemán Nivel: a partir de A1 Colaboradores: Un curso de A1 na central da EOI VIGO 24-25 e …
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An adaptation of the classic story by Oscar Wilde, produced by the members of the Speaking and Radio Workshop of Tui. Language: Inglés Level: C1-C2 Voice actors: Zaida Diz, Marta Iglesias, Irea Vila, Belén Villacieros and Elena Espinosa. Adaptation, production and editing: Elena Espinosa Music: All themes have CC Licence BY: “Little Nicholas” by Es…
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Qual era la situazione delle donne in Italia a cavallo tra ‘800 e ‘900? Che influenza ha avuto la Prima Guerra Mondiale sul ruole delle donne nella società italiana? Per approfondire e lasciare un commento leggi qui: Ricevi le mie lettere dal mondo, in …
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