show episodes

Gedolei Torah

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Delivered in the yeshiva every Motzei Shabbos Mevarchim, these shiurim introduce us to Gedolim throughout history in way you have never heard before.Always based on primary material, Rav Aaron discusses each Gadol, his era, his accomplishments, his legacy and the impact he has on us to today.This shiur is ongoing so be sure to subscribe for all the latest shiurim in this series.
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Featured Shiurim

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

This podcast will post all the shiurim of R’ Aaron Lopiansky that are not part of a regular series. This includes pre-Yom Tov shiurim, interviews, Q&As, guest speeches and more.The shiurim will be released sporadically, as they are given, so be sure to subscribe to get all the latest ones.
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Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

In this series, R’ Aaron learns through the sefer Likutei Amarim/Tanya.This shiur is ongoing so be sure to subscribe to get the latest shiur as it is available.For more shiurim or to participate in this shiur live over Zoom, visit:
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Moreh Nevuchim

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

The Rambam’s Moreh Nevuchim is famously difficult to learn and understand. Now you can listen in as Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky goes through the sefer word by word, learning it, explaining it, and making it relevant to us today.This shiur is ongoing and given weekly, so be sure to subscribe to get the latest shiurim as soon as they are available.
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Yesodei HaTorah

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

In this series, R’ Aaron Lopiansky learns through the fundamental Rishonim on the Parsha, collected in his essential Sefer ” Yesodei HaTorah” (for sale at week, R’ Aaron picks up from where he left off on that parsha the year before. He learns through this important Rishonim, elaborating on them, and teaching us how we can learn from them.
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Perek Chelek

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

In this series given Thursday afternoons, R’ Aaron learns the famous Perek Chelek, the last perek in Meseches Sanhedrin. Following the classic sefer Ein Yaakov together with the commentary of the Maharal, R’ Aaron brings these aggados alive, showing the depth behind the words of Chazal, and of course, shows how these often esoteric gemoros give meaning and direction for our daily lives.
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Gevuros Hashem

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

In this series, given Sunday mornings, R’ Aaron learns the Maharal’s sefer Gevuros Hashem. The sefer covers the geulah from Mitzrayim and the Yom Tov of Pesach. The sefer goes through the creation of Klal Yisroel and is one of the most fundamental of the Maharal’s sefroim. Although R’ Aaron has learned through different parts of the sefer throughout the years, this is the first time he will be learning the sefer from beginning to end.
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Da Mah Shetashiv

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

In this 42 part series, R’ Aaron Lopiansky presents a systematic approach to the fundamentals of Judaism.This series covers everything you need to “know what to answer” both to yourself and to others – from the basics of Emunah to the tradition of the Oral Law, and from the challenges of science to Zionism and the modern Jewish community.
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Even Shleima (Gra)

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

The Sefer Even Shleima is famously difficult to learn. Based on the teachings of the Vilna Gaon, the sefer is very concise and a collection of the Gra’s commentary from many other places.In this new series, R’ Aaron goes through Even Shleima focusing on the words of the Gra from where the sefer is based.This new series is given over Zoom to alumni of Machon Yaakov. It started as a zchus for a refuah sheleima forChizkiyahu Mattisyahu Yered ben Miriam, but with the unfortunate passing of R’ Ma ...
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Keep your connection with the Bais Medrash of YGW - Tiferes Gedaliah with shiurim in Hashkafah, Halachah, Mussar, Machshavah, and Parsha given by the Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Ahron Lopiansky, shlita, and the Rosh Kollel Rav Eliyahu Reingold, shlita. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
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Videos of these shiurim are available at . This podcast consists of recordings of our in-person events (yemei iyun), which pay special attention to contemporary religious and social issues. Our speakers include Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Mayer Twersky, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, and Rabbi Michael Rosensweig.
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show series
#Israel Trip 2025 02:14 Chareidim serving in the army 09:39 Are Israeli Wars a Milchemes Mitzva 18:54 Ben Torah for Life 25:32 Getting a Cheshek for Learning Torah 28:02 Connecting to Tefillah 31:50 Attending a Secular College 37:23 Interacting with Jews with Alternative Lifestyles and Values 41:05 Sports 48:24 Platonic Relationships 53:25 Discussi…
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#Israel Trip 2025 25:53 Growing Standard of Living 34:03 Sacrificing your own avodah for the Klal 39:32 Should yeshiva bochrim learn more halacha in preparation for going to work 43:49 The Challenges on Learning Science 47:25 Going to the Army 50:39 Being connected to the tzaros of Klal Yisroel 54:53 Focus on Growing…
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#Israel Trip 2025 03:25 Vaping and Psychedelics 12:31 The Mitzvah to know Hashem 16:39 The extent of Kibbud Av V’Eim 20:35 Non-Religious relatives 23:42 Modern Orthodox 30:42 Getting married if you are not ready to have children 32:10 The “yeshivish” vs. the “Satmar” view on the State of Israel 36:18 Cults 42:21 Leisure and Bitul Torah 47:44 What a…
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#Israel Trip 2025 13:37 Downtime 16:31 Incentives to get up for Shachris 20:21 “Ben Yeshiva” 21:53 Staying Inspired 24:15 Doing what’s right even when you don’t feel like it 27:38 Smoking, Drinking, and Smartphones 29:53 WhatsApp 31:56 Age for dating and marriage 35:38 Will dating earlier make people more mature 37:54 “Babying” your kids 41:04 Beco…
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#Israel Trip 2025 14:47 Balancing Torah and Chesed 17:38 Was Shimon strong? 18:48 Technology – causing people to become passive 22:45 Sechel 25:28 College 29:08 Giving rebuke 31:45 Keeping Inspiration 33:27 Focusing and balance in Avodas Hashem 36:12 Living in a place where everyone is different 38:33 Where should a person make an impact 40:24 Mist…
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#Israel Trip 5785 01:33 Davening in the Yeshiva Minyon 04:25 Yeridas HaDoros 08:02 Interacting with the opposite gender 13:25 Can one know Shas without a good memory 17:21 Reading books of secular subjects and culture 20:21 Smart Phones and Technology 24:55 Becoming a Ben Torah for Life 29:00 Loving Self-hating Jews 32:59 Pursuing a life in chinuch…
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#Israel Trip 2025 #Vayechi 13:32 Chareidim’s Commitment to the broader Klal Yisroel 27:11 Kibbush Eretz Yisroel 34:11 Making Aliyah 36:41 The sefer “Ben Yeshiva” 38:48 Machshava 44:15 Subjects that one is enthusiastic about 47:17 Gedolim Biographies 52:41 Family obligations when learning in Yeshiva 55:20 Explaining why tragedies happen 57:18 The de…
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#Israel Trip 2025 21:13 Propagating our own values 22:29 Western Values that should be debated 25:54 Enlightenment Values 33:04 What comes after Daf Yomi 36:52 Jewish Apologetics 39:32 Relating to Non Jewish Values 47:18 Career in Chinuch 51:47 Torah Values and Halacha 57:58 Approach to ChinuchBy Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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#Israel Trip 2025 00:14 Exposure to the outside world vs. sheltered in yeshiva 02:35 How to keep enthusiasm for Torah 06:00 Animus towards someone from an enemy country 10:30 Factors in choosing a program after your gap year 11:40 When is it time to leave yeshiva? 12:44 How can a baal teshuva raise children with a geshmak in Yiddishkeit 15:21 How t…
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קבלת פני השכינה בשעת קידוש הלבנה רבנו בחיי (pg. 345) טעם כלל הקרבנות וקרבן פסח בפרט, לעקור דעת העובדים לבהמה מורה הנבוכים ג, מו (pg. 346) [12:58] שחיטת טלה בחדש ניסן, מורה כי יציאת מצרים לא היתה בכח המזל רמב”ן (pg. 347) [24:20] טעמי דיני קרבן פסח מורה הנבוכים ג, מו (pg. 347) [25:07]By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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דחית דברי ראב”ע, כי בחלק מהמכות נכללו גם ישראל שו”ת רדב”ז ב, תתיג (pg. 333) מהות הכישוף אברבנאל (pg. 333) [03:40] הכישוף מוגבל בשמן, ובביטולו מיד שב הטבע לאיתנו ספורנו (pg. 335) [19:46] אין שינוי בטבע העולם, אלא לזמן קצוב ספורנו (pg. 336) [24:19]By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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Video available here #IsraelTrip 2025 04:26 What is the biggest Yetzer Hara of the Generation? 09:47 Should a Baal Teshuva Prioritize Kiruv? 10:27 Chareidim in the Army 18:12 Family Members with Alternate Lifestyles 20:09 How Should we be a “Light Unto the Nations” 24:48 Awareness of Hashem through Tefillah 26:31 Extra-curricular Activities for kid…
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Q&A with R’ Eliyahu Reingold at YGW alumni event in Silver Spring, MD 12/22/24 00:13 What is one thing a parent focus on? 13:25 What is one thing a husband focus on? 25:04 Technology in our home 31:31 Balancing Learning, Working, and Parenting 44:15 Struggles in Emunah for one no longer in yeshiva 59:51… Continue reading Q&A 5785 – YGW Alumni, Silv…
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