show episodes

1 podcast

Podcast by Platforma

Fashion, seriously ⚡ is a podcast that addresses the topic of sustainability in the fashion and textile industry. Authors and hosts are Marija Radakovic and Dunja Jovanovic, environmental communicators. As the fashion industry is among the world's biggest polluters, through a series of radio shows and talks with relevant guests from the fashion, political, and eco scene, we examine the ways this industry changes the modern world.
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show series
Pitate se šta da radite sa odećom ili drugim tekstilom koji više ne nosite? Želite da reciklirate, ali ne znate kako ili gde? Pre nego što pronađete kontejner za reciklažu, predlažemo da isprobate 3 P (i jedno R) sPore mode: prepravku, popravku, prenamenu & redizajn odeće. Gošće: Ana Trošić Trajković je višestruko nagrađivana domaća dizajnerka, koj…
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Sa gostom Predragom Ratićem, direktorom centra za reciklažu tekstila Texeco odgovaramo na pitanja: • Da li sav tekstil koji odložimo u kontejnere za reciklažu zaista bude recikliran? • Koje vrste odeće i obuće mogu da se recikliraju, a koje ne? • Koji proizvodi nastaju reciklažom tekstila? • Da li je reciklirani poliester održiv proizvod? • Da li s…
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Gošća: Újházi Adrienn, umetnica koja se bavi istraživanjem biomaterijala Opis epizode: Proizvodnja tekstila je uzrok prekomernog krčenja šuma, gubitka biodiverziteta i gomilanja sporo razgradivog otpada, dok su farme krzna, pored etičkih problema, postale i pretnja po ljudsko zdravlje – predstavljaju plodno tle za širenje zoonotskih bolesti poput C…
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Naša prva epizoda snimljena uživo pred publikom. 💚Hvala svima koji su 24.09. bili sa nama i učestvovali u snimanju! Održivost je tema o kojoj se sve više priča, ali u isto vreme, čini se - sve manje zna. Ova epizoda podkasta zamišljena je kao retrospektiva rada platforme, te je posvećena priči o generalnim ekološko/etičkim pitanjima i izazovim…
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U novoj epizodi pričamo koliko je ustvari toksična odeća koju nosimo i koje se sve štetne hemikalije koriste u tekstilnoj proizvodnji. Gošća je dr Jelena Milić - viši naučni saradnik na Institutu za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju Univerziteta u Beogradu i saradnik organizacije Alternativa za bezbednije hemikalije (ALHem). Pričamo o hemikalijama …
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Fenomen hiperkonzumerizma direktno je vezan za razvoj marketinga jer kampanje u ogromnoj meri utiču na naše kupovne navike i na to šta i koliko kupujemo. Sa porastom ekološke svesti, danas je veliki izazov prepoznati i izboriti se sa sve agresivnijim i sofisticiranijim marketingom i rastućim trendom greenwashing kampanja. U ovoj epizodi podcasta pr…
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Kada se priča o održivosti najčešće se fokus stavlja samo na ekološki aspekt ovog sistema. Ali, podjednako važna tema jesu radna prava i uslovi rada. U ovoj epizodi podkasta radnici u domaćim tekstilnim fabrikama pričaju u kakvim uslovima rade, sa kojim problemima se suočavaju, na koji način se bore i kako su uspeli da se izbore za bolje radne uslo…
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U ovoj epizodi Ffm podcasta pričamo o šopingu, kupovnim navikama i kako ih promeniti. Praznična sezona je dobro vreme da preispitamo svoje šoping navike i razmislimo o uticaju marketinga i društva u kom živimo na to kako, zašto i koliko kupujemo. Gošće: ✨Đurđa Timotijević - psihološkinja i psihoterapeutkinja, autorka emisije U raljama osećanja ✨ Mi…
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Na početku nove sezone podcasta pričamo o Ekološkom aktivizmu, a u novoj epizodi gostuju: ✨Svetlana Bojković - glumica ✨Vladimir Djurdjević - klimatolog, profesor na Fizičkom fakultetu i jedan od osnivača GreenArt inkubatora ✨Iva Marković - Pravo na vodu U ovoj epizodi razgovaramo o održivosti u malo širem kontekstu - Gde smo mi kao društvo kada je…
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Today we are joined by Zainab Kwaw-Swanzy, a millennial finance specialist at Barclays. Zainab is responsible for creating innovative features for the Barclays app and is a prominent voice for the millennial finance sector within the business. She’s also co-Chair of the Barclays Black Professionals Forum (BPF) and winner of the Black British Busine…
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On this episode we were joined by Ken & Mary, the creators of The Humble Penny. A business started in 2017 that has skyrocketed to over 50,000 subscribers and counting. Disu and Bola ask about how they keep consistent in making quality content. Ken gets into his role as CFO prior to becoming a full time entrepreneur. Last but not least Ken and Mary…
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Da li ste ikada gledali kako neko baca plastičnu bocu i zamišljali kako ona zauvek ostaje na deponiji? Ili čak razmišljali o tome da nemate decu jer ne znate u kom stanju će planeta biti za 50ak godina? Od društvenih mreža, koje nas nas iz posta u post upoznaju sa raznim eko-katastrofama, do kataklizmičnih dnevnih naslova globalnih ili lokalnih ve…
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Nego, Bola & Disu discuss the cost of socialising now we’ve been outside for over a month. We talk about our spending now vs pre pandemic and what we’re doing to make sure our finances don’t take anymore serious hits as a result. We get into the costs of running a charity and whether they should have cash reserves in case anything happens. TL3D als…
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Ova epizoda je posvećena online aktivizmu i u njoj odgovaramo na pitanja: Da li ova vrsta delovanja može doneti konkretnu promenu? Koja je razlika između aktivizma i "kliktivizma" na društvenim mrežama? Koliko je hrabrosti potrebno da iznošenje nekog stava, a koliko strpljenja nositi se sa negativnim komentarima od publike? Za sve koji žele d…
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Given the events of last year, graduates are struggling to find jobs irrespective of their degrees and grades. Disu, Nego and Bola talk about their experience when they left university and the advice they’d give to their younger selves. We go on to discuss whether arduous applications and long winded interview processes are worth the hassle. Is wor…
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On this weeks episode, The Last 3 Digits begin discussing how many billionaires there are in the world as well as how many came from Africa. With most billionaires wealth being held in the companies they own, we talk about delayed gratification and the type of salary we would pay ourselves if we owned a company that had a valuation that was over £1…
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This week we explore the costs of being a man vs being a woman. Disu and Nego discuss how the costs of haircuts have risen since the early 2000s. They also talk about the costs of their hobbies, keeping up with fitness and what they’re happy to cover financially for their partner without expectations playing a part. Bola goes into the costs of hair…
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The first bank holiday weekend hit when the sun was shining and outside was open. This resulted in individual’s expenditure hitting an all time high after months of staying indoors physically and financially. We asked our audience how much they spent on the weekend and we heard ranges from £50-£4K. People questioned if costs had gone up and inflati…
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Ove nedelje pričamo o radnim pravima sa gostima: ✳️Mariom Reljanovićem - doktorom pravnih nauka i naučnim saradnikom na Institutu za uporedno pravo ✳️Bojanom Tamindžijom - nacionalnom koordinatorkom međunarodne organizacije @cleanclothescampaign ➡️ Razgovaramo o tome koliko smo svi mi upoznati sa našim pravima, da li smo normalizovali siromaštvo i …
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We sit down with the young media entrepreneur Fassah Speaks to discuss if we’re losing our culture in the diaspora? Whether language, finances and everything culture what can be done to keep our heritages going? Is there a cultural reason as to why we don’t do well in the property market? In another informative, yet funny episode #TL3D break down t…
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Globalizacija medija otvorila je put štampanim, telvizijskim i online modnim reklamama da koriste slike žena i muškaraca za prodaju raznih proizvoda celom svetu. Mediji i društvene mreže nas neprestano bombarduju zapadnjačkim idealima „lepih ljudi“ ili „savršenog tela“ – a mnoga istraživanja pokazala su da upravo ovakvi prikazi utiču na to da se na…
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Every week we see debates around self employed work vs 9-5. This week on #TL3D we explored both. The pros and cons of being self employed and 9-5. What are the perception vs the realities. From health insurance to pensions, holidays and so much more. We’d also love to hear from you, so leave a comment telling us if you’re 9-5 or self employed. What…
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This week #TL3D explore the numbers and decisions behind the proposed Super League that threatened FIFA, UEFA and apparently football as a whole. With so many big numbers in this lucrative proposal, is it worth the risk? Would it ruin football we know it? And is there really 4 billion in football for 20 teams? We also discuss the future of jobs, go…
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Today we define the difference between each generation according to when they were born. We take a look at the characteristics that make each generation resilient such as baby boomers being resourceful or millennials being tech-savvy and Gen Z having more savings than you may expect. Baby boomers may have started off on the typewriter but it hasn’t…
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This week we go into detail about the census, mortgages and living in London in 2021. With commute towns on the rise and more people moving out of London. Are cities like Kent, Manchester and Bristol better options to live in? We discuss the different types of mortgages on the market at the moment. We also go into the census 2021. Dave was attacked…
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This week we’re joined by Financial Advisor Emmanuel Asuquo! The youngest financial advisor in Britain at one point. Known for his TV appearances on channel 4, the BBC and more, Emmanuel sits down with us to discuss his illustrious career as a financial advisor and drops gems on top of gems on the ins and outs of being a financial advisor. Some of …
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Srbija na deponije baca 60 miliona tona smeća godišnje, što je 95 odsto ukupnog otpada, saopštio je Republički zavod za statistiku. U ovoj epizodi se bavimo tim problemom, a fokus stavljamo tekstil koji bacamo - bilo da smo građani ili modni brendovi koji proizvode viškove. Kako tekstilnim otpadom upravlja država, kako modni brendovi i dizajneri, a…
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The Budget 2021 & How to be a content creator Ft Estare This week we sat down with well-renowned digital content creator Estare to discuss everything digital content creation and the 2021 budget. Disunomics took us through the 2021 budget, set out by Rishi Sunak. How will it impact young people? Will our tax increase? Find out on today’s episode. A…
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This week the gang sit down with wedding host and contractor David Kumi to discuss the recent news around releasing the country from Lockdown. Does Boris’s plan mean we’ll be leaving lockdown for good? Is June 21st the official date? Find out on TL3D. Also, Matt Hancock has been distributing contracts to his friends with no experience? We break dow…
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Model po kom modna industrija danas radi je brz i linearan. Šta to znači? - Da se odeća proizvede od novih sirovina, proda, nosi i baci u đubre. I to što je brže moguće, kako bi mogla da se kupi nova. Upravo znog ovakvog poslovanja modna industrija je destruktivna po planetu – na drugom je mestu po korišćenju zemljišta, četvrtom po korišćenju vode,…
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This week’s episode marks our official ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Tune in as we’re joined by host and presenter Qoy, who takes us through dating life, romance and all things Valentine’s! We also discuss how to get paid as a creative, how to manoeuvre as a lady in the negations and everything money and in between! #TL3D Check out Qoy: YouTube: https://ww…
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Koji sve sertifikati i standardi kvaliteta za tekstilne proizvode postoje na našem tržištu i šta svaki od njih znači? Kako kupci mogu da prepoznaju kvalitetan i fer izrađen proizvod & kako dizajneri/brendovi mogu sertifikovati komade odeće koje izrađuju? Da li se određeni sertifikati mogu upotrebljavati za greenwashing? Ogovore na ova pitanja daju …
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VAMP UK Ft. VAMP UK Christina and Ruby came through to discuss everything VAMP! The first and biggest PR and Influencer agency for diverse audiences from the UK! They’ve worked with Oprah Winfrey, Disney, Universal and many many more! Step into the minds of the agency behind such talents as Nella Rose, Mariam Musa and many more. What’s it like bein…
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U ovoj epizodi podkasta ćete saznati šta sve domaći modni preduzetnici i dizajneri rade kako bi njihovi brendovi poslovali u skladu sa ekološkim i etičkim principima. Pitali smo goste i koje su prepreke, a koji podstreci za održivo poslovanje kod nas i kakvi su uslovi rada u okviru domaće tekstilne industrije. Gosti: Miloš Ivković – generalni direk…
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This week we were joined by Selina Flavius, author of Black Girl Finance. We discuss financial lessons and losses. Why do we find it difficult to speak to family about our finances? Do we speak about life insurance enough? Any more We also spoke about the current sham of a situation involving the governments lack of support for your children. Bitco…
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Prodaja polovne garderobe postaje popularna i sve je više zainteresovanih koji žele se priključe tom trendu. Kako da pokrenete prodaju polovne garderobe? Da li je bolje imati radnju ili prodajni profil na društvenim mrežama? Kako da se registrujete? Kako da se reklamirate? Ovo su neka od pitanja na koje smo odgovorili u okviru nove epizode pod…
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**Trigger Warning** On this episode, we are joined by special guest Shamila, she is currently a probation officer and also a director on the side. We start the podcast by discussing what it’s like working with sex offenders, murderers and rapists. We also venture into the conversation of if we believe in generational curses. Nego gives insight into…
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U ovoj epizodi prenosimo panel koji smo organizovale u skopu festivala Green Fest, a pod nazovom Da li naša odeća uništava Planetu? Panel je premijerno emitovan 28.10.2020. U video formatu može se gledati OVDE. Naša ideja bila je da ovim panelom u priču o zagađenju tekstilnim otpadom, toksičnoj vezi između brze mode, ekologije i radnih prava, uvede…
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On this podcast we are joined by Therapist & Mental Health Speaker @Shomicita. We got into why she became a therapist, the different levels of therapy and when she qualified. Do men and women react differently to heartbreak? Nego and Disu share their differences in how they deal with emotions. Furthermore, what does Nego & Disu think about therapy?…
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In this episode, we're answering the questions you sent us via - How to RESPONSIBLY buy second hand and vintage? - Is @stellamccartney really #sustainable? - What local sustainable brands are affordable for students? - Are there any ecology related laws (anywhere in the world) that regulate the fashion industry ? - About h…
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We were joined by Temi Alchemy (@temialchemy), Fred Santana (@fredsantana) and VP (@vpinthecut) These three are the mastermind behind the 90s baby show (SUBSCRIBE!!! which has now become a network. In a time where we aren’t always given opportunities, the 90s baby show has made it possible f…
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This week we are joined by the great Bejay Mulenga to discuss his journey as an entrepreneur and how he is managing in this coronavirus environment. We also discussed the covid vaccine developments as well as the US elections. Hosts: Bola Sol: Nego True:…
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We were blessed to talk with the founder of Las Olas who also calls himself the rum papi (we’re kidding). TL3D ask about everything Las Olas related from how it started, how the name came about to the costs and the mistakes that made the business what it is today. Make sure you sign up and stay informed. Hosts: Bola Sol:…
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While some people celebrated Nigerian Independence Day from the comfort of Britain or America, people in Nigeria were not as keen due to their reality in Lagos. Based on what happened on the 20th of October 2020 can we blame them? This episode is dedicated to the heroes on the front line in Nigeria who are continuing to fight the good fight even in…
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We start the pod talking about what this Tier 3 Lockdown means. Plus, with the furlough scheme coming to an end on October 31st, TL3D discuss all the redundancies happening and how some of our favourite restaurants are taking a hit. How do we dismantle patriarchy? Disu and Nego have a very interesting discussion about assumptions and stereotypes wh…
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Bola talks about the regrets of not trademarking her merchandise slogan earlier on. Is there a popular slogan you use? Think about how you want to build and know that it is worth registering under the government website. The business world is slowly turning colder, make sure you protect what is yours. With stamp duty on holiday, the word on the str…
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With new announcements dropping every week from the government, we’ve got to stay on guard about new social distancing regulations. Plus, with #EatOutToHelpOut being left in the dust, what does that mean for both our pockets and the economy’s? Although the US is apparently calling their recession a “shecession” we had to use this pod to big up so m…
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Leks & Tay who just like Disu went to the University of Birmingham. They speak about working at one of the big four, KPMG and the benefits of international travel for your career. What’s it like to be married when you’re both ballers? Leks breaks down his lit wedding, how they pattern investments and the future of Capital Moments. Don’t let Instagr…
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