show episodes

Penance RPG

Penance RPG

Penance RPG is a homebrew style of RPG podcast created out of the belief that actual play storytelling should allow for not only free player choice for any and every decision but equal consequences to these decisions. We believe this allows for an organic style of storytelling rarely seen anywhere else whilst still retaining a deep love for fantastical tales of castles and characters. As all bard’s tales should, we work to not only tell our own tales of heroism and heretics, but also blend o ...
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Truth Unites

Gavin Ortlund

Truth Unites promotes gospel assurance through theological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as President of Truth Unites and Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Church. Support:
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Embark on a captivating journey through time with The Sermon Project’s Medieval Preachers Podcast. Immerse yourself in sermons from the 4th to the 15th century, featuring powerful orators from Augustine and Aelfric to Wulfstan and Wyclif. We’ve revitalized the language to modern English, offering scripture introductions where relevant. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised (or shocked) as timeless issues are unveiled in a contemporary light. Join us as we breathe new life into the old!
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We Fix Games

Glitterfox Media

Laura and Jerrica are here to love on games, talk about what made them great, and ponder what they’re missing. Most of the focus is on the storytelling parts, but nothing is off limits. Expect a lot of laughing and cussing. We love creating community! Hop into our discord whenever you’re ready. You can find it linked in the episode descriptions, or on our website
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Ainkaran, popularly known as Ganesha, is a very popular God among all age groups. This podcast uses Ainkaran as a Narrator for telling Folklores and Fables from all parts of the world . These have been passed on from generation to generation through word of mouth. Hence,these are called”கர்ணபரம்பரை கதைகள்” Email your comments to: [email protected]
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The Heat Source

Hot Sauce Reviews by Mike & Matt

Mike & Matt are willing to take the heat (and potential pain) for you through their podcast The Heat Source. They will taste, review, and learn about the world of hot sauce one bottle at a time, from small-batch to commercial brands. If you like it spicy, tune in to discover new flavors and brands, learn some fun facts, and generally dive into the ever growing community of hot sauce and pepper fandom. Let's Heat Up!
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The long-running program "What Catholics Believe" is now in podcast format! Listen to the priests of the Traditional Roman Catholic Society and Congregation of St. Pius V teach and discuss the disasters of Vatican Council II, the errors of the Novus Ordo, and the traditional teachings of the Catholic faith. Fortify your Catholic faith with the truth. You can also find these episodes on our YouTube Channel. Check out our account on SoundCloud, where we have our episodes grouped into playlists ...
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13 Days of Halloween

iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild

Season Four: Penance Without warning, Sayuri has been locked up in the Pendleton Rehabilitation Center, and no one is willing or able to tell her why. Actually, getting any information from her fellow inmates or the labyrinthine bureaucracy that runs the facility seems impossible. But is the Pendleton really a prison, or something else? Starring Natalie Morales. New episodes air daily from October 19th through Halloween.
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Deck of Many Aces

Eleanor Webster

An actual-play DND podcast made by actual asexuals and aromantics! Follow our four heroes as they adventure through a fantasy world on the cusp of a technological revolution, augmented by magic. Each character's fate is tied to one of the 22 cards in the “Deck of Many Things”, a DND magical object based on a tarot deck. Support us by joining our Patreon: Get bonus content on Patreon Support this show Hosted ...
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North to South

Magnus Albion Productions Limited

Journalist Sile Mcgowen investigates the classified case of Dorothy O'Della, a nun kidnapped by fugitive IRA bomb maker Johnny Boyle as a means of getting himself to a safe house in Southern Ireland. Sile is unwillingly teamed with Sergeant Patrick Gilroy of the Dublin Garda. Together, Sile and Patrick try to piece together Dorothy and Johnny’s story in hopes of discovering why the police records office attempted to erase their names from history. However, as they delve deeper the case becom ...
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This is the course listening for Aquinas 101 - Course 6: Christ and the Sacraments--the sixth of six courses that together make up the Aquinas 101 Course. Each podcast episode accompanies a course video and course reading. If you haven't enrolled already to receive semiweekly emails with all the materials, be sure to do so at Because it matters what you think!
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Planet Radiant is a serialized fiction podcast about memory, sin, and redemption. It's about transitioning and making art in the wake of global catastrophes. It's about rescuing the past from a lost future. Planet Radiant is a text-based adventure game that doesn't exist. Proudly QTPOC-created and produced.
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show series
Joel 2:12-18 CCC1430 Interior Penance We need a conversion of Heart first. Psalm 51:3-6,12-14 &17 CCC298,431 sin is always an offence against God. 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 CCC259,1424,1442,602,1041 Be Reconciled to God. Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 read vs 7-15 the Lords prayer is the best teacher and they left it out, its like a crime against humanity WE Mu…
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As Lent begins, it’s time for brutal honesty. Inspired by the searing words of Girolamo Savonarola (1452-98) and Jesus’ urgent call—"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near" (Matthew 4:17)—this message exposes the emptiness of wealth, the hypocrisy of religious pretense, and the danger of delaying repentance. This is not a comforting sermon…
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Conflicting orders require some juggling by our novices, and strange noises abound! This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on Sunday 2.30pm UK at or catch up on YouTube Horror, co-op & puzzle games are played most days with more co-op games weekly. Check out our episode sponsor Newsly! Get a free 1…
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In this episode of *Fatima Today*, hosts Barb Ernst and Katie Moran discuss the season of Lent and the powerful example of penance set by the Fatima children, especially St. Jacinta's extraordinary embrace of sacrifice. Katie also shares insights into the Eastern Catholic Lenten traditions, which begin on March 3 and include fasting from meat, dair…
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Pray for Francis' conversion, repentance. Immorality of IVF. Feral federal judges! Promoting patience and charity at home and at work. Catechism of Trent: "delayed ensoulment"? Marital abstinence before Communion? Official or personal penance during Lent? St. John 18:37 - "Give testimony to the truth". Did Mary need a Savior? Protesting Mary!This e…
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Gavin Ortlund offers a critical appraisal of the Roman Catholic sacrament of penance or confession, from a Protestant perspective. See my video on assurance of salvation: Truth Unites exists to promote gospel assurance throughtheological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) isPresi…
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This blogcast explores “Preparing for Lent” written and read by Sarah Harrigan. In this blog post, Sarah shares some of her practices for Lent and how they help draw her closer to Christ. While these can sometimes seem similar to giving something up (i.e. only getting takeout once a week), I challenge you to reframe your thought process regarding t…
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Gavin Ortlund argues that the earliest Christians worshiped Jesus as God, contrary to some scholarly claims that a high Christology slowly evolved.Check out Carl Rasmussen's Essential Atlas of the Bible: Unites ( exists to promote gospel assu…
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Gavin Ortlund lays out the case for Christians seeking the "third way" amidst the bifurcations of the modern world. Ed Feser's article: Watkin's YouTube channel: Watkin's article: https://au.thegospelcoalit…
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The Annual Spacetime Conference is underway! What mysteries will it hold for the party? Toz receives a gift. Raina reminisces on an invented friend. Delphi goes sightseeing. Morgan plans an impromptu presentation. Music by Chloe Elliott: A New World Dawns (Main Theme) The Heath's Reveille (Tohsya's Theme) A Temporary Setback (Morgan's Theme) Spectr…
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Sirach 27:4-7 No Catechism teaching but read this great wisdom book of Holy Scripture, Understand that all the wisdom book were removed by Luther & Co. Psalm 92: 2-3,13-16 No CCC teaching but plenty of Edits by the smart people. Read the Edits Psalms editing words like SIN, Wicked enemies, senseless person. 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 CCC 602 God by sen…
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Gavin Ortlund responds to a video at Capturing Christianity about Jerome's view of the canon.Truth Unites ( exists to promote gospel assurance through theological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is President of Truth Unites and Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Nashville.SUPPORT:Tax Deductible Suppo…
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This week we're joined by special guest, Mother Iliana. Mother Natalia and Mother Iliana talk about a mistake that was made which impacted their relationship. They give background on all the other things going on in their individual lives before the mistake was made, and how those things made the mistake seem much bigger and smaller. They talk abou…
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In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. reflects on the “The True Shape of Christian Hope” section of Spe Salvi by Pope Benedict XVI. 32. A first essential setting for learning hope is prayer. When no one listens to me any more, God still listens to me. When I can no longer talk to anyone or cal…
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This week we bring you another extended collection of tangents, questions and bizarre situations from the cutting room floor of Penance RPG episodes from some point in the past year or few. Featuring rambles on: traffic, bananas, drinking games, animatronic tails, chainsaw man plots, distracting things in manga, Scottish terms, getting old, picklin…
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இது ஒரு அயர்லாந்து நாட்டுக் கதை. இரண்டு பிறவி கூனர்கள்,தனித்தனியாக காட்டில் வன தேவதைகளை சந்திக்கிறார்கள். ஒருவருக்கு கூனல் குணமாகிறது. மற்றவருக்கு கூனல் அதிகமாகிறது. எப்படி? எதனால்? கதையை கேளுங்கள்...
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Gavin Ortlund responds to the charge that Protestants removed books from the Bible, and have no historical precedent for their view of the canon. See the original video from Lila Rose: Unites ( exists to promote gospel assurance through theological depth. Gavin Ortlund (P…
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1 Samuel 2,7-9, 13-13,22-23 most of the editing is ok sad that we are in such a hurry. no catechism teaching on this scripture, just the common sense that revenge is wrong. We will also see this in the other readings. Good reflection. Psalm 103:1-13 CCC304 And so we see that the Holy Spirit, the principal author of Sacred Scripture. Cont. 1 Corinth…
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Barb Ernster and Katie Moran discuss the holy lives and sacrifices of Sts. Jacinta and Francisco, their devotion to the Hidden Jesus, and their desire to bring comfort to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary through suffering. They also explore the importance of First Saturday and First Friday devotions in receiving God’s graces.…
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Showing affection in courtship? Family members attending birth? Our Lady of Good Health: a Catholic devotion? Why two feasts of Saint Peter's Chair? Ecclesiastes 9, 5: "the dead know nothing"? Pray for Francis' conversion and repentance! Stuck in the New Order? Lawfare vs Trump: Trolls to Ring Wraiths! Pray America follows Christ! Comments: Fr Jenk…
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Text us a question or comment and you might get it read on a future episode! This week we got to try two classic sauces with a twist. Easy Green is a Salsa Verde that ramps up the heat and adds some fresh pineapple while Hot House is a Hot Ones exclusive that gives you insane heat along with great dill and cilantro. WE talk sauces, nostalgia, walls…
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This week Fr. Michael reflects on a sentence in a prayer that the priest prays during Divine Liturgy, " the greatness of your mercy you have brought all things out of nonexistence into being..." Fr. Michael talks about what it means for God to be mercy, to give mercy, and why God brought us into being in the first place. He reads some reflecti…
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Joining us to close out our Creepy Tale adventures is the lovely More Than A Mia! Mia has suffered alongside Laura as they both try to figure out one important question: why do they want to play games they don't even know if they like? It's a question we can't (or won't, you decide) answer, but what we CAN do, is fix this game right up, and make it…
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This blogcast explores “St. Anthony, Pray for Us” written and read by Krissy Pierno. In this blog post, Krissy shares some of the history of St. Anthony, how he became the patron of lost things and how to incorporate devotion to him in everyday life. St. Anthony of Padua has been characterized as a humble and positive man, a man of incredible penan…
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After a tense run in with the boss, our heroes finish up their business in Gairmarus before heading to the Annual Spacetime Conference in Brore. Except everything doesn't quite go as planned... Toz takes a step towards invincibility. Raina calls a doctor (but calls a wizard first). Delphi explores an old safe space. Morgan is no help whatsoever. Mu…
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How accurately has the book of Isaiah been copied over the centuries? Gavin Ortlund responds to Alex O'Connor, arguing that the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was a remarkable confirmation of the prior Masoretic Text. See Sean McDowell's discussion with Anthony Ferguson: Wes Huff's discussion w…
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Is it truly Dragonmeet if we havent found a oneshot, not looked at it at all before recording starts and then it all descends into a fever dream? In 2023 we tried "Attorneys at Jaw" and other homebrew ideas... Hopefully you enjoy! "Attorneys at Jaw" can be found at: Learn more at Support u…
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Gavin Ortlund explores the alleged Marian apparitions in Zeitoun, Egypt, from 1968-1971. Do these provide evidence for Christianity, or at least which church to join? See Jared Wilson's Lest We Drift: Cameron Bertuzzi's first video:…
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Jeremiah 17:5-8 Catechism Catholic Church teaching CCC150 To believe in God alone....God is God or you are god choose or maybe you already have. Psalm 1: 1-3, 4&6 Vs 5 edited out by rome the wicked will not stand, self condemning. Please stop editing the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20 13-15 edited out more self condemning liberalism. CCC991…
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On the 20th anniversary of Sister Lucia’s passing, hosts Barb Ernster and Katie Moran reflect on her life, her memories of St. Jacinta, and her deep love for the Holy Eucharist—the Hidden Jesus. They discuss Lucia’s perseverance, her mission to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart, and the sacrifices she embraced after the apparitions. The episo…
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Viewers' comments: Bp Williamson, battle over the Holy See, SSPX confusion, "Sacramentalism?", isolated in New Zealand, Sunday obligation online? Confirming babies? OT living 900 years? Bible Books of Wisdom? Imperial Presidency: executive orders? The post-Francis NO church? Jesus Christ alone is Savior!This episode was recorded on 2/11/2025.Our Li…
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This week Mother Natalia reflects on her recent poustinia, where the Lord placed the idea of rest on her heart. She talks about the ways she can rest in her monastic life allowing God to take charge in her life. She talks about how we are all called to rest, despite labor also being important to the rest of our lives. Mother Natalia also talks abou…
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Its the return of Dark Tide!! Rejoin our intrepid Grey Wardens as they struggle to survive and fight back Dark Spawn in this alternate timeline! This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on Sunday 2.30pm UK at or catch up on YouTube Horror, co-op & puzzle games are played most days with more co-op gam…
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நார்ஸ் புராணம் தொடர்கிறது... இந்த கதை,217ம் கதையின் தொடர்ச்சி. கொடிய அரக்கன்,தியாஸ் தீயில் விழுந்து மரணம் அடைந்தான் என்பதை தெரிந்து கொண்டோம். அவன் மரணத்தை மகிழ்ச்சியோடு கொணடாடி கொண்டிருந்த , நார்ஸ் கடவுள்களுக்கு ஒரு அதிர்ச்சி. தியாசின் மகள்,ஸ்காடி,பழி வாங்க, ஆஸ்கார்டுக்கு வந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறாள் என்ற செயதி- அதன் விளைவு என்ன? கதையை கேளுங்கள்....…
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Text us a question or comment and you might get it read on a future episode! We are back with a new sauce brand from Long Island, the aptly named "Long Island Pepper Co". Locally sourced ingredients and a long history of growing peppers that finally said "What if". We talk about the brand, blueberries, long island beverages, and weigh in on the upc…
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God is Truth and Love, Use your Mind and your Heart to live a good/God Life Isaiah 6:1-8 2b edited out by the dummies in rome.CCC1137,1138,2809,208,2584,332 Angels to Fly. We are of unclean lips we must reconcile with God and our Families and world. Psalm 138:1-8 vs6 removed by DIR Catechism read 214 God Is Truth and Love. Vs6 God Knows the haughty…
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In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. reflects on the “Appeals for Hope” section of the Bull of Indiction for the Jubilee Year by Pope Francis. 16. Echoing the age-old message of the prophets, the Jubilee reminds us that the goods of the earth are not destined for a privileged few, but for eve…
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Gavin Ortlund offers a critical appraisal of a Lutheran Christology from a Reformed perspective. Truth Unites exists to promote gospel assurance throughtheological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) isPresident of Truth Unites and Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Nashville. SUPPORT: Tax Deductible Support: https://truthunite…
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This week Mother Natalia talks about ruptured relationships and the hurt that comes in that rupture. She talks about offering up relationships to the Lord, recognizing that healing in the relationship may not come in this life, and the desire to have union with everyone in heaven. She links this to Saints Stephen and Paul, who did not have a great …
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Another question about SSPX. Meaning of Psalm 36.30, Introit of Mass for Confessor: "Mouth shall meditate"? Francis' Synodal Church: Tower of Babel and Whore of Babylon? Francis blasts Trump deportations as "disgrace". Dangers of executive orders? Dysfunctional state of America: tyranny? Only true faith in Christ can save America.This episode was r…
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A peaceful adventure into the lush, cutesy forest is just what we need after so much Creepiness. Just a nice little mouse, going on adventures, learning lessons…oh, is that a cat? Jerrica plays Postmouse! If you like what you hear, please share with a friend and rate us on your podcast app <3 Join our discord! We play games on Twitch! Follow Glitte…
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This blogcast explores “Learning Lessons of Prayer and Penance from Our Lady of Lourdes” written by Dana Edwards Szigeti and read by Fatima Monterrubio Cruess. In this blog post, Dana shares some of her insights she learned by attending a virtual pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes, France and how our Lady calls us to prayer and penance. Prayer is tr…
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Gavin Ortlund interviews Ross Douthat on his new book, Believe: Why Everyone Should be ReligiousCheck out Ross's book: Truth Unites exists to promote gospel assurance throughtheological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) isPresident of Truth Unites and …
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The moral argument for God's existence has become less popular in some circles. Here Gavin Ortlund shares two reasons why Christians should hesitate before abandoning this argument, and three strategies for how to rehabilitate this argument. Truth Unites exists to promote gospel assurance through theological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theolo…
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Gavin Ortlund comments on J.D. Vance's remarks about ordo amoris, the ordering of love.See my book The Art of Disagreeing: Truth Unites exists to promote gospel assurance throughtheological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) isPresident …
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