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Did Jesus rise from the dead? We're Summerville Baptist Pinewood and we believe nothing compares to changed lives. Learn more about us here: We meet inside Pinewood Preparatory School at 1114 Orangeburg Road in Summerville, SC 29483. Sunday Services at 9am & 10:30am. Contemporary-style with Children's Chu…
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You don’t have to go to hell, because God sent Jesus to make a way for you to go to heaven. We're Summerville Baptist Pinewood and we believe nothing compares to changed lives. Learn more about us here: We meet inside Pinewood Preparatory School at 1114 Orangeburg Road in Summerville, SC 29483. Sunday Ser…
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*Please excuse our audio quality this week. We had some tech problems but have tried to make the best of the audio we had in this upload.* Sexuality is God's idea, and God-designed - it can be a source of great good, or of great pain. We're Summerville Baptist Pinewood and we believe nothing compares to changed lives. Learn more about us here: http…
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Technology is NOT a moral neutral. We're Summerville Baptist Pinewood and we believe nothing compares to changed lives. Learn more about us here: We meet inside Pinewood Preparatory School at 1114 Orangeburg Road in Summerville, SC 29483. Sunday Services at 9am & 10:30am. Contemporary-style with Children'…
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Every human being bears the image of God - we should treat people accordingly. We're Summerville Baptist Pinewood and we believe nothing compares to changed lives. Learn more about us here: We meet inside Pinewood Preparatory School at 1114 Orangeburg Road in Summerville, SC 29483. Sunday Services at 9am …
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Embark on a journey with us through this episode where we grapple with the daring question: Can Jesus Christ genuinely be the singular path to God, or is there a place at the finish line for all faiths? With the historical accuracy of the New Testament guiding us, we delve into the heart of Jesus' teachings to understand the Christian conviction th…
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Who says money talk can't be a divine dialogue? Strap in as we navigate the tricky tides of financial stewardship, guided by the timeless wisdom of Proverbs and the profound teachings of Jesus. We open up with a light-hearted confession about the trials of shopping with the kiddos, which surprisingly segues into a deeper conversation about the true…
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Easter was a remarkable time for us, and this episode springs from a place of celebration and introspection. Over 2,300 souls joined us for a powerful weekend of reflection, worship, and life-changing testimonies. We're diving headfirst into "The Narrow Way," a series inspired by Matthew's gospel, and together, we're gearing up to courageously face…
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I found myself enveloped by the quiet stillness of the early morning, contemplating the meaning of hope—a sentiment that feels even more palpable as we approach the story of Jesus' resurrection. Today's episode unfolds the transformative journey from the darkness of the crucifixion to the dawn of Easter Sunday, examining the beacon of hope that the…
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Journey with us as we culminate our exploration of seven life-altering habits that pave the path to a truly fulfilling life with Jesus. Our final conversation isn't just a recap; it's an invitation to understand and embody the actions that lead to a vibrant connection with our Saviour. As we sift through the elements of spiritual discipline, from s…
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Ever felt like you're running on empty, shackled to the grind without a moment to breathe? That's where I was, feeling the weight of the world until I rediscovered the ancient practice of Sabbath rest. Today, we're taking a closer look at this life-giving ritual that transcends mere obligation and unfolds as a divine invitation to pause and repleni…
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Have you ever considered the true depth of service and its impact on spiritual growth? The journey of faith is often seen as a personal expedition, but it's the acts of serving that can transform us in ways we never anticipated. I open up about the moments when personal habits, like enjoying a hearty breakfast, clash with spiritual disciplines such…
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As we unravel the heartwarming journey of AJ, a young man with hearing impairment, our church community's tapestry becomes rich with lessons of love and acceptance. This episode delves into the profound impact that embracing each individual, challenges and all, has on the spiritual vitality of our fellowship. We're inspired by AJ's bravery and the …
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Are you ready to uncover the transformative power of prayer and fasting as we prepare for Easter? Join us on a spiritual journey that promises to deepen your faith and draw you closer to the heart of God. In this heartfelt episode, I share personal anecdotes and scriptural wisdom on how these practices can not only prepare us for Easter but also en…
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Embark on a journey of deep spiritual enrichment with guidance from Donald Whitney, as we explore the transformative power of discipline with purpose in our Christian faith. Imagine the sweetness of a life lived abundantly in God's presence, emanating from practices rooted in intention rather than obligation. Our discussion travels through 2 Timoth…
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Embark on a transformative expedition with us as I recount an impromptu adventure with my kids, seeking out tables, that morphed into a profound teaching moment about the importance of guidance in our spiritual sojourns. This tale paves the way for our deep dive into the Seven Transformational Habits series, where together we turn the pages of our …
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Ever wondered how a simple act like sharing a meal can bind hearts together in faith? Join us as we reveal the deep connections woven through the Lord's Supper, where every crumb of bread and sip of wine strengthens the unity among believers. We'll take you on a reflective journey, highlighting the Apostle Paul's teachings, and how this sacred prac…
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Have you ever pondered the age-old question of humanity's penchant for self-destruction and short-sightedness? Our latest episode peels back the layers of sin from a biblical perspective, uncovering how the initial defiance of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden casts a long shadow over our daily existence. We're not here to simply recount the tales…
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Have you ever wondered how a moment of clarity on a serene beach could redefine the trajectory of your life? Lin-Manuel Miranda experienced just that, leading to the birth of the hit musical "Hamilton." Similarly, the church is called to embrace pivotal revelations, as we discuss the profound mission and methods of sharing Jesus’s timeless message.…
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Embarking on a transformative journey through the wilderness of our own lives, we delve into the essence of purpose with a tale of redemption at its heart. Mike's astonishing metamorphosis, spurred by a boundless grace, serves as a testament to the power of change that awaits each of us. In our latest episode, we don't just recount his story; we ex…
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When life throws you a curveball, joy might just be waiting on the other side. That's a truth we explore in a heartening episode that starts with my own story of celebration—my son's baptism and the buzz of excitement from our Kidz Men team. We weave through tales of merriment and the unforeseen, from the unanticipated arrival of joy for the shephe…
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Ever wondered why Christmas magnifies what's already present in our lives? Prepare to take a deep dive into the beauty and power of God's love, a force so profound it can transform joy and drama alike. We share timeless wisdom from our grandfather and reflect on our personal journey towards understanding the impact of God's love in our lives, a jou…
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Unearth the rich tapestry of hope intertwined with faith in our enlightening conversation at Pinewood. Our voyage into the realm of belief is invigorated by the astounding contributions of three CSU professors, who serve as inspiring reminders that in our unique ways, we are all missionaries. We toss around the fascinating dynamics between faith an…
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You know the feeling - adversity strikes and suddenly you're at the center of your own universe. That's what happened to me during Thanksgiving week when I fell ill, and it started a chain of reflections on our inherent selfishness when faced with challenging situations. So, let's talk about it and uncover how this mindset can shake our faith, push…
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Join us as we invite you to dive into the nuances of the Beatitudes, understand the power of unity, and discuss the role of the church in providing a sense of belonging. We're sharing our personal college experiences to illustrate our motto, "the greater our unity, the greater our impact," and its significance in our lives. We're also going beyond …
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Imagine being abandoned, betrayed, and your relationships falling apart. Now envision a world where, no matter the magnitude of our own deeds, we are perpetually embraced by a Father whose love never falters. That's the promise we explore in this episode, as we take a deep dive into the parable of the Prodigal Son, probing its teachings on abandonm…
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Do you ever wonder how to find lasting joy amidst life's storms? Prepare for a profound exploration of joy in adversity as we journey through illuminating chapters of the Bible, including Nehemiah 8, Proverbs 24 and the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. We aren't talking about a superficial happiness but a deep-rooted joy that fuels our resilience and stren…
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Can you step into the shoes of Paul, journeying through Athens, provoked by a city consumed by idols? This episode takes you on that journey; exploring Paul's teachings during his solitary adventure as he shares the gospel with Jews, devout individuals, and diverse philosophers. Together, we unearth the lessons from his discussions about the unknow…
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What if you could fully grasp the profound purpose of our gatherings as the church? What if you unlocked a deeper understanding of your mission and God’s desire for you within his body, the church? Today's episode is an exploration of the Christian faith, delving into the purpose, foundation, and practices of the church as drawn from the Book of Ac…
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Are you wired to seek a divine connection? We can't ignore our innate yearning for a connection with God, and we'll explore just that in this riveting conversation. Using the advancements in artificial intelligence as a backdrop, we'll discuss how an AI-powered app, "Text with Jesus", is fostering this divine connection. Our journey also leads us t…
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Ever felt overwhelmed by life's big moments? Remember the first time you held your newborn or when you stood in front of a crowd to deliver a speech? The fear, the pressure, the excitement - it's a whirlwind of emotions. Today, we'll share some of my personal experiences and how leaning into the Lord during these moments made all the difference. Jo…
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What if your personal journey was a mountain hike, with peaks of faith and valleys of doubts? Join me, Bert Fersner, as I share my relationship with mountains and how it intertwined with my faith journey. In particular, I’ll unravel my connection with Hogback Mountain and how it shaped my family's history. I’ll also talk about my experiences with h…
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Ever found yourself drawn to the resilience of a creature as small as an African dwarf frog? Then you're due for a journey of discovering hope in the most unlikely places as we welcome Zach and Marley Hart, who come highly recommended for the position of youth pastor at our campus. Through their story and the unusual tale of African dwarf frogs, we…
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Remember the euphoric feeling we experienced during our first youth retreat conference? How the mountain air seemed to hold a sacred whisper, a divine presence? We're taking you back to those transformative moments as we explore the concept of God meeting His people on mountains. Drawing wisdom from Isaiah 2:3, we'll accompany the men of the Old Te…
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Have you ever pondered on the transformative power of chasing revival and the divine favor it extends? Ever wondered what it takes to step out in faith, much like Nehemiah did when faced with adversities, and pursue God's divine plan? Join us on an inspiring journey as we explore these questions and more. We start off, drawing upon the powerful nar…
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Be prepared to redefine your understanding of blessings as we explore the life of Ezra, a biblical figure who experienced God's favor in profound ways. We delve into the authentic significance of being blessed, moving beyond its pop-culture hashtag interpretation to uncover its spiritual depth. Discover what it means to live under God's good hand a…
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Can you imagine the stories that ordinary names in the Bible might tell? Today, we invite you to delve into the transformative power of the Gospel through the lens of the individuals mentioned in Colossians 4:7-18. Join us as we discuss God's faithfulness, sparking a renewed appreciation for His extraordinary work in ordinary lives. Our conversatio…
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Have you ever pondered the concept of impact? How we can, like the creator of the iPhone or even a soda brand, leave a lasting print on the world? Journey with us as we investigate the true meaning of impact through the lens of our Christian faith. Together, we'll discuss the incredible work of our children's ministry, share our excitement for expa…
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Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be transformed by the power of Christ? Does it merely mean professing our faith, or is there more to it? Our latest episode uncovers this intriguing mystery as we dissect Paul's inspiring letter to the Colossians. We delve into the heart of Colossians 3:12-17, exploring the core message that, because of…
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Ever felt stuck in your past mistakes, feeling like there's no way forward? It's time to break free. Today, we're taking a journey through the Book of Colossians, a powerful letter from Paul, urging us to leave the past behind and embrace the transformative grace of Jesus Christ. We'll be tackling the concept of divine grace and how it empowers us …
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Ready to shift the way you view faith and salvation? This episode is a transformative journey through the relationship between grace and law, digging deep into how our faith in Christ redefines our identity, worth, and purpose. We move away from the narrative of accomplishments and focus on the life-giving, resurrected Son of God. We unravel the po…
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Do you want to know how to physically express the love of Jesus in practical ways? Join us, as we explore how the church can extend its hands to the needy, especially with our Healing Hands Clinic. We discuss updates on this project that beautifully articulates Jesus’s love, and the ongoing renovations and potential location changes within our camp…
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From Guest Pastor Brian Burton: The raw emotions of my time in the army and the sacrifices made by brave individuals for our freedoms surge to the forefront as we approach Independence Day. Recalling a comrade's struggle trying to find a safe haven for a family persecuted for their faith, we're reminded of the significant cost of following Jesus in…
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Are you ready to experience an uplifting and transformative journey through the powerful message of Colossians, chapter 1? Join me as we delve into valuable insights and guidance for living a Christ-centered life. In this special episode, I welcome all our first-time listeners and cherished members of our podcast community. Together, we will open o…
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What if you could experience true discipleship and uncover the powerful truth of Jesus through the words of the book of Colossians? Join us on this incredible journey as we learn, believe, and act upon Jesus' teachings, allowing His life-changing power to transform us into true followers of Christ. In today's episode, we'll discover how prayer not …
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Who is Jesus, and how can understanding His identity and character deepen our trust in Him? In this thought-provoking episode, we tackle this essential question and uncover the profound implications of Jesus being the eternal, uncreated God made flesh. Prepare to have your faith invigorated as we explore the complex concept of the Trinity and the d…
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Can you handle the truth? As the search for truth becomes increasingly difficult in today's world, we tackle this controversial topic head-on, examining how social media, including Elon Musk's recent purchase of Twitter, impacts our ability to discern the truth. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation that explores the ever-changing definition…
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Have you ever felt your blood boil as a child's tantrum spirals out of control or been witness to the unchecked anger that permeates everyday life, from long lines at the DMV to hostile customer service encounters? In today's episode, we examine the roots of anger and how unchecked rage can damage our relationships. Join us as we discuss the valuab…
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Do you ever feel like the weight of the world is bearing down on you? Anxiety and depression can feel inescapable, but in this sermon, we discuss how God's word can shine a light into the darkness and provide hope for those struggling with mental health challenges. Although I am not an expert on this subject, I have done extensive research and cons…
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