I think this is a fun ep about looking for a new house, being older, and more ramble jamble. Harley Poe and Amon Amarth are the jams that we jammed.By Cody Garnett
This episode is all about awkward encounters. It’s fun for sure. I play a song by awakebutstillinbed and Billie Eillish. Sorry for saying Pocket P*$$y so much.By Cody Garnett
As My Chemical Romance never said ‘I AM OOOKAY’. Thanks for caring. Thanks for downloading. This is a very Butch Walker heavy episode. Enjoy.By Cody Garnett
Kind of a jam packed episode while I drive home from Lawrence Kansas. Shouts out to Andy Kap ( @1138reference on IG) for being an amazing artist.By Cody Garnett