show episodes
The TST Travel podcast is a podcast where I will tell the story of a world trip that will start in the USA then venture to Central and South America, as well as the UK, Europe, Africa and Asia. The podcast features stories from the places we go and the people we meet along the way!
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A Lista Negra é o espazo de Eduardo Herrero reservado ao blues en Radio Galega Música e Radio Galega Podcast. O blues é a máis negra de todas as músicas. Nel mestúranse os cantos de traballo afroamericanos, a propia tradición do continente de orixe dos que chegaron a América como escravos e compoñentes do gospel, a música espiritual que xermolou nos Estados Unidos. Cada programa da Lista Negra está dedicado a un dos grandes deste xénero, desde Howlin’ Wolf a John Lee Hooker, desde Robert Joh ...
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House of Words Podcast

Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden

House of Words is a bi-weekly podcast about Writers, Authors and the Written Word. Each episode brings you behind the scenes of your favorite novels, screenplays, lyrics or stand-up routines and the people who created them.
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show series
Join us as we fare into the ocean to explore Herman Melville's literary classic, Moby-Dick. Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the la…
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We dive back into the beat generation with Allen Ginsberg and an in-depth look at this ground-breaking poem Howl! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram a…
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We are back with a new episode, and this time we dive into the rugged and hard life of musician extraordinaire Huddie "Lead Belly" Ledbetter Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Hard…
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Join us as we look into what made J. D. Salinger write his novel The Catcher in the Rye. Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the lates…
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Join us as we dive into a world of doubt, self-reflection and introspection with Charlie Kaufman's journey to create Being John Malkovich! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden…
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Lorraine Hansberry might not be a familiar name to most, but what she did for the world of writing is undeniable and important! Check it, love it share it! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and J…
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Burn with us as we dive into Ray Bradbury's most honored novel - Fahrenheit 451! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest update…
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Join us as we explore David Foster Wallace's most famous novel! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest updates and more! And d…
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Join us as we explore Joanne Rowling's long and difficult road to the success of Harry Potter. Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the…
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Join us as we explore some of the writers that made The Harlem Renaissance! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest updates and…
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Join us as we explore the life of W.E.B. Du Bois and the groundbreaking African American magazine The Crisis, and touch upon The Harlem Renaissance. Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Ne…
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We kick off 2024 with an episode unlike any of our previous ones; going into the routines and structures and manias of various writers. Hope you join us for yet another year of literary geek-dom! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: C…
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We get in the christmas mood with a deep dive into A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens! Have a merry one! A short vacation lies ahead, but you'll hear from us next year! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M…
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Gary D. Davis pasou á historia co alcume do Reverendo. Non en van, está considerado un dos puntais do gospel blues e un dos artistas que mellor aproveitaron o revival tradicionalista de comezos dos anos 60. Davis tiña todo o necesario: boa voz, boa técnica coa guitarra e unha soberbia actitude interpretativa. No episodio de hoxe a dose galega de bl…
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A historia do blues non sería a mesma sen Eric Patrick Clapton. Curtido en bandas como os Yardbirds ou os Bluesbreakers de John Mayall antes de formar os míticos Cream para despois triunfar tamén como solista, Clapton segue en activo aos seus case 80 anos. É un dos grandes nomes da historia do rock británico, pero a diferenza doutros compatriotas d…
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Blind Lemon Jefferson é unha das figuras máis relevantes da Historia do blues. Foi o primeiro intérprete masculino do xénero que acadou o éxito comercial masivo, nunha época, a década dos anos 20 do século pasado, en que as que máis discos vendían eran mulleres como Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey ou Ida Cox. A diferencia delas, Jefferson compuxo boa parte…
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Slim Harpo é seguramente o maior expoñente do que deu chamarse swamp blues ou blues do pantano, o que agromou nalgunhas das zonas máis inhóspitas de Louisiana. Devoto de Jimmy Reed e da súa economía de medios en busca dunha maior efectividade, Harpo soubo incorporar elementos do zydeco ou do cajun entre outros estilos. A súa é unha proposta repousa…
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Lead Belly foi un tipo duro que pasou moitos anos no cárcere antes de ser descuberto como artista. Pero non é menos certo que era tamén un cantante e guitarrista talentoso, que sabía de memoria centos de cancións. Lead Belly pode considerarse un bluesman metido a folksinger ou á inversa. El é o protagonista nunha nova entrega da Lista Negra en que …
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A Lista Negra chega ao medio cento de programas. 50 horas, 3.000 minutos dedicados ao blues. E para celebralo repasamos a intensa traxectoria dun dos mellores guitarristas de todos os tempos, o irrepetible Stevie Ray Vaughan. Responsable do rexurdimento do Texas blues, Stevie viviu ao límite, morreu novo e deixou un oco que ninguén poderá encher xa…
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William Mae 'Big Mama' Thornton acadou un éxito masivo con Hound Dog antes de que Elvis borrase calquera pegada previa coa súa propia versión do tema escrito polo binomio Leiber/Stoller. Cantante, compositoria e harmonicista á que a sorte lle foi sempre bastante esquiva, Thornton escribiu Ball & Chain, peza coa que Janis Joplin tamén triunfou. Nest…
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Washboard Sam foi un dos bluesmen máis populares de Chicago nos anos inmediatamente posteriores á Segunda Guerra Mundial. Protegido de Big Bill Broonzy, con quen estaba emparentado, Sam triunfou como vocalista e grazas tamén a que cantaba mentres tocaba a táboa de lavar, un instrumento de percusión de reminiscencias africanas, que o blues soubo inc…
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The Rolling Stones son a banda máis grande da historia do rock and roll. Con máis de 60 anos de carreira ás costas e un elepé quentiño do forno no mercado, os Stones sempre reivindicaron a súa ascendencia no blues. E ese é o sustrato que repasamos neste episodio, a conexión de Jagger, Richards e compañía coa música máis honesta que existe. E para r…
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Blind Willie Johnson considerábase un predicador antes que un músico ou un artista. Non é casualidade que este guitarrista extraordinario quizais sexa o maior referente do gospel blues, o subxénero que emparenta a música que nos ocupa coa que se inspira nas Sagradas Escrituras. John son é o progonista dunha nova entrega da Lista Negra en que tamén …
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John Mayall está considerado o gran impulsor do blues rock británico desde mediados dos anos 60 do século pasado ata a actualidade, xa que segue activo aos seus case 90 anos. Á fronte dos Bluesbreakers, a súa banda, Mayall foi o mentor de guitarristas excepcionais como Eric Clapton, Peter Green, fundador de Fleetwood Mac, ou o ex Rolling Stone Mick…
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We get into the California heat exploring the life of John Steinbeck and his novelette Of Mice and Men Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook…
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Join us as we explore the luxurious and wild times of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Make sure to leave a review :) Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest updates and…
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Join us as we dive into the spiritual world of Isabel Allende and the story of how her debut novel came to be! Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest update…
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For this Halloween season we decided to tackle one of the modern greats, none other than Guillermo del Toro! Enjoy, and thank you for your support through 70 episodes! Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden …
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Giving a great salute to our episode 69 we get nasty and dirty and, well, filthy with Marquis de Sade's most infamous novel: The 120 Days of Sodom! Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagr…
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Blind Willie McTell foi dos mellores representantes do Piedmont blues. Un mestre da guitarra de 12 cordas, dotado cunha voz fabulosa, que tivo un impacto enorme nos bluesmen da segunda metade do século XX, malia que non acadou nunca o éxito comercial. En palabras de Bob Dylan, "ninguén é quen de cantar o blues como Blimnd Willie McTell"... No progr…
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Joseph Vernon Turner Jr. pasou á historia co seu nome artístico, Big Joe Turner. Curtido nos garitos de Kansas City desde os anos 20 do século pasado, Turner destacou como intérprete de boogie-woogie e jump blues na época da lei seca, antes de se converter nun dos pioneiros do rock and roll. A Lista Negra estrea a súa segunda temporada da man de Bi…
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Charles Brown foi un cantante e pianista de estilo pulcro, elegante, sosegado, que acadou un éxito considerable trala Segunda Guerra Mundial e, tras un prolongado retiro, gozou dunha última etapa de recoñecemento catro décadas máis tarde. A súa foi sempre unha aposta polo blues refinado, nas antípodas dos rudos bluesmen que emigraron a Chicago desd…
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Hudson Woodbridge, alias Tampa Red, foi un dos pioneiros do blues de Chicago e un mestre do slide do que aprenderon outras figuras posteriores como Big Bill Broonzy ou Elmore James entre outros. Tampa Red coñeceu o éxito e o esquecemento máis absoluto. Neste episodio tamén escoitaremos blues galego da man do harmonicista compostelán Marcos Coll.…
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Samuel Maghett, alias Magic Sam é un guitarrista esencial na historia do blues. Malia que morreu moi novo, con só 32 anos, e que a súa carreira profesional apenas durou unha década, o alcumado Rei do Trémolo deixou unha pegada imborrable e asinou algúns elepés que deben formar parte de calquera antoloxía do xénero. Sam foi un músico efervescente, a…
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Referente cultural absoluto do último século, premio Nobel de Litertura, estandarte da contracultura, Óscar á mellor canción, revolución nun só home e artista alérxico ás etiquetas, Robert Allen Zimmerman tamén é un dos bluesmen brancos máis lonxevos e senlleiros. De feito, leva tocando o xénero que nos ocupa desde o inicio da súa carreira ata o dí…
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We continue to explore the universe, as well as the world of sci-fi, this time digging into the life and times of Douglas Adams and his novel pivotal novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Make sure to leave a review :) Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Cr…
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We're back with none other than the science fiction queen, Ursula K. Le Guin! Make sure to leave a review :) Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest updates …
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On episode 66 we divide the number by 3 and get deep into the fascinating story of Joseph Heller's Catch 22! We'll be taking a month-long vacation following this episode and will be back in September! Keep reading! Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, …
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We continue to delve into the literary process of authors! This time it's A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess! Check us out and spread the Word/the Love/the Literature! If you love literature, we are your friend! We are your HOUSE! Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Mus…
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Join us as we explore one of the most controversial books by one of the greatest revolutionary writers and entertainers of all time, none other than Abbie Hoffman! Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Foll…
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Join us as we take a look into the the near future (or the present?) with Aldous Huxley's Brave New World! Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest updates an…
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What can we learn about the nature of translation by reading a warning message in hundreds of different languages? In this episode, Keith Kahn-Harris discusses his latest book, The Babel Message, in which the mundane, multilingual warning message found inside Kinder Surprise Eggs ignites profound observations about the nature of language and the wr…
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Here we go with a 3-part on some of the most important revolutionary writers, starting with none other than James Baldwin! Keep turning those pages! Warning: May Contain Spoilers Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Ne…
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We complete our horror triad of the summer with none other than the master of horror Stephen King and his novel It. Created by: Cristo M. Sanchez Written by: Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Hosted by: Jason Nemor Harden Music by: Creature 9, Wood, Cristo M. Sanchez and Jason Nemor Harden Follow us on instagram and facebook for the latest u…
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