Anecdotal Anatomy - Science & Stories, is a series of casual conversations about what it is to live in a body. Expect storytelling & science as well as practices designed to deepen the mind-body connection.
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Once upon a time, in bucolic Bucks County, PA, two yoga educators put their hearts and minds together to tell the epic tales our bodies tell. Their mission was simple, to reveal the stories our bodies hold and tell in service of linking the individual to the collective. It began with the idea of teaching anatomy by attributing character traits and …
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You know you’ve changed when what once made you mad now makes you laugh. (Tony Gaskins) That sounds like wisdom. Perspective often yields to wisdom which is why we assume it comes with age. In this, our penultimate episode, we revisit Vijnanamayakosha - the wisdom sheath, which includes intellect and intuition. While this is not a new topic for dis…
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This episode looks at play through the lens of Manomayakosha, the mental/emotional sheath (see Koshas, Season 1). Slipping into a playful mindset is beneficial in many ways. Enhances creativity Reduces stress Improves problem-solving skills Increases resilience Strengthens social bonds Boosts self-confidence Elevates mood Enhances cognitive functio…
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Here we are at episode 85, only three more to follow before we wrap up these conversations. We are sad to announce that the CAMP experience we lovingly curated was ultimately canceled (so please do not see this as an invitation to come to CAMP this summer, rather an invitation to see the magic in your life and add a dash of play to your daily doing…
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On today's episode, we announced that our final podcast will be E88. We still have a few more things to discuss in our weekly casual conversation, but we also feel it coming to its natural conclusion. Anecdotal Anatomy (the podcast) will be now be Anecdotal Anatomy in Action (seasonal signature programs - mostly live, some virtual). Our next progra…
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Transformation through Creativity and Community
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53:13This week, Theresa & Sherry explore the transformational journey that happens when we connect through creativity, community and communication. This journey is different for each traveler. Focusing on their on live programs and events, this episode is the first in the acronym breakdown of CAMP, an immersive adult camp coming up in August. The C in C…
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This episode on acknowledging and honoring our teachers was poetically recorded on Guru Purinima (a Hindu, Buddhist celebration of teachers - it honors the day the first guru was born - click link for more information). This personal episode has the hosts reaching back for memories of primary and secondary teachers, as well as their own identificat…
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Aging is a gift, unique to each person's unfolding. This week, we talk about aging in an empowering way and without judgement. We talk about cultivating vitality rather than chasing youth. Vitality feels like youth in the body's ability to be agile and strong, while operating from the aggregated wisdom of each era. The key moments in this episode a…
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Bippity Boppity Boo - The Art of Magic & Play
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52:10Join Anecdotal Anatomy for an episode that explores the art of magic and play. Discover the power of imagination, the benefits of a playful mindset, and the secrets of real magic, while ditching any notion of “magical thinking,” in service of something deeper. The Importance of Play Play doesn't just signify frolicking about without any tasks at ha…
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This episode is the second in our two-part series on slowing down. Last week we talked about the ART of slowing down, today is more about the ANATOMY of slowing down (parasympathetic nervous system and vagus nerve). We have dedicated this month to slowing down, including these two episodes, a free 90-minute DYE (Discover Your Excellence: The Art of…
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This is a conversations we should revisit periodically, especially since we can get caught up the "race" before noticing we are rushing. This episode is all about the importance, benefit, and practice of slowing down. The hosts are so passionate about this topic, they are offering two events that are all about finding that sweet spot between doing …
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Shit we Say and Hear in a Yoga Class
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1:07:58This episode was inspired by the language of Yoga in the West. Words matter! We hoped it would bring up the humor we share on the mat. Since spontaneity is the cornerstone of casual conversations, we often find ourselves traveling in unexpected directions. FYI: We will be hosting a FREE 90-minute DYE - Discover Your Excellence on the Art of Slowing…
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In this episode, Theresa & Sherry have a casual conversation that dives into the heart of their mission, which is to connect the individual to the collective through our shared stories. It's not so much "connecting" as it is "reminding" people of our natural state of interdependence. Following is the time-stamped synopsis of the show so you can ref…
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Something new for the show notes. Here is a timecode breakdown of the discussion, so if you find a note of interest, you can return fairly easily: Timestamped summary of this episode: 00:00:00 - Introduction The hosts introduce the podcast and its mission to explore the stories that the body holds and tells. They discuss the importance of connectin…
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The Art of Plan B: Learning to Surrender and Go with the Flow In other words, The Rare Occurrence of the Expected! This episode unlocks the power of Plan B. When you look at it, Plan B is about creative solutions and problem solving, sometimes on the spot. It requires cultivation and willingness to surrender to things as they are. Globally, we all …
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Unlocking Life's Cycles: From Tadasana to Sivasana
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51:35In this podcast, we've cycled through myriad models and maps in the spirit of self-inquiry, all in service of seeing the threads of connection. In this episode, we explore the life that's lived between Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and Sivasana (Corpse Pose), as a reflection of the work we do on the mat and the life we live off the mat. We touch on the …
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In this episode, we explore the concepts of Yin and Yang energies and practices. Essentially, they are complementary, opposing forces that exist in all aspects of life, including the human body, nature, and the universe. Understanding these energies and practices can help us achieve balance and harmony in our lives. The conversation flows much like…
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This episode explores the Koshas through various practices and possible outcomes. Listeners journey into the layers of being, through the lens of practice, to better understand and connect more fully with self. Motivations for practice are different for each person. What called you to practice? What is your dominant layer (it will change regularly)…
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This final kosha in our Kosha Countdown to Earth Day conversation is so subtle, experience rather than words bring most powerful for understanding. Included among the words that illuminate the concept of bliss are unity, cosmic consciousness, non-duality, santosha (contentment), joy, and acceptance of things as they are. Practices can lead us towar…
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Kosha Countdown to Earth Day! (Vijnanamayakosha) The highest form of wisdom is kindness (Source: The Talmud) What is it about wisdom that can be so elusive? What is wisdom, where does come from, and do we all have access to this well? Perhaps wisdom lives in the changing seasons, hydrating rains and regenerating earth. Perhaps it lies dormant withi…
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In the five episode series, Kosha Countdown to Earth Day, today is Manomayakosha, the thinking, feeling, sensing, earth body. It’s poetic that both hosts arrived, ready to record, after not having enough sleep and feeling a bit off in the mind. Since these are casual conversations and perfection is not the aspiration, they showed up as they were, p…
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Kosha Countdown to Earth Day continues with a look at our relationship to the Earth through the lens of Pranamayakosha (the vital energy body). This conversation invites the living soil of Annamayakosha (Earth Body) into the realm of its energetic neighbor. In Yoga, Prana (life-force or vitality) rides the breath and is strengthened, expressed, and…
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The next five episodes comprise the Anecdotal Anatomy's Kosha Countdown to Earth Day! Like the seasons in an eternal cycle of creation, preservation, destruction and pause, this is a returning to Anecdotal Anatomy’s roots, just in time for Spring & Earth Day! These conversations contain the seed of Season One, when the Koshas (layers of our being) …
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Fresh from the Podcast Movement Evolutions conference in Las Vegas, Theresa & Sherry share a bit of what they gleaned and observed, during this episode. The hosts agree that while it did not deliver in terms of expectations, it absolutely provided the necessary landscape for clarity. Instead of panels of successful podcasters eager to share their i…
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We’re in Las Vegas at a podcast convention and are dropping in to say hello in lieu of an episode. We appreciate you so much and are excited to continue this podcasting journey with new content and a fresh outlook, when we return. See you next time!By Theresa Tobin Macy & Sherry Sadoff Hanck
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This is an unusual episode as it started with an announcement and casually moved into a discussion on the Seat of the Teacher. The announcement was that the hosts of Anecdotal Anatomy are heading to Las Vegas for a Podcast Convention and will be taking a week or two off from dropping full episodes. They are planning to do “lives” on social media, a…
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Samyama includes Dharana (single focus concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (bliss, dissolution of duality) This episode joins the final three limbs of yoga into one conversation. The hosts use source material and personal experiences to clarify and illuminate these subtle, yet profound, practices. Following are top 10 lists generated b…
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Withdrawal of the Senses. Returning to Yoga-8, the limbs of practice, E61 is all about Pratyahara (the fifth limb) withdrawal of the senses. Even after decades of study, practice, and teaching, there are aspects of Yoga that are a constant curiosity, Pratyahara is one of them. Sherry & Theresa decided to go on a field trip before tackling this noti…
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Discover Your Excellence - The Power of Personal Practice Click above to sign up for FREE VIRTUAL program coming up 2/26/23 from 11am to 12:30pm EST [This episode can also be viewed at Anecdotal Anatomy on YouTube] Theresa & Sherry take listeners (and viewers) on a walk through Five Mile Woods, a local natural sanctuary, complete with diverse flora…
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The channels referred to in the title are energetic channels of the body, some represented by gross anatomy landmarks and others categorized by subtle body anatomy. This episode may be the science-y one yet, as the hosts overlay a template of cranialsacral anatomy over the subtle anatomy of the chakras and three main nadis (Sushumna, Ida, & Pingala…
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Be the Change! Here is Mahatma Gandhi's actual quote: "We but mirror the wold. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine …
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2.Yogas Citta Vrtti Nirodhah Second Yoga Sutra as written in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, written by Sri Swami Satchidananda "The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga." Yogas = Yoga Chitta = of the mind-stuff Vritti = modifications Nirodhah = restraint Click the link above for more on this publication of the Yoga Sutras. Differ…
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This episode is a companion to the Winter Wander in Wonder Walks. It is an invitation to more BEing & less DOing. It is a reminder that we are a part of the natural world and not apart from it. It is a call to action to notice what you notice and move on. This is a very casual conversation. Being in nature is a clear reflection and can offer the su…
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This episode pauses in the middle of the limbs to assess them through the lens of patience. Taking time, not always hurrying onto the next thing, allows us to widen our view and see how everything relates. Practice and results of practice can sometimes feel like the same thing. Practice patience, for example. We can practice patience by changing ou…
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This episode focuses on the fourth limb of Yoga which is Pranayama (breath control). In Yoga, breath work is designed to maximize the life-force in the body through various breathing techniques. These techniques are said to help reduce anxiety, balance emotions, clarify the mind, create the causes & conditions to open to gratitude and more peaceful…
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The third limb of Yoga is Asana, sometimes defined as “seat” and often as “posture,” is what people typically think of as Yoga. It is the collection of evolved shapes designed to prepare the body for deeper pranayama practice (breath work), to sit in meditation with more ease in the body, as well as being a sharp tool for self-study. It’s also fun!…
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Year One - a look back - The 1st Birthday Episode
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1:08:45Happy Birthday to Anecdotal Anatomy who just complete a full year of podcasting! This humble conversation started, in part, as a means to dive deeper into understanding our anatomy, functionally and academically. It turned into a bigger conversation about the stories the body holds & tells. Aspects of the original intention have been sprinkled in t…
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Moving from the restraints of the Yamas (E50) to the Observances of the Niyamas (E51), the hosts steer the conversation to the second set of Yoga’s ethical offerings. From discussions about cleanliness and digestion of the worlds around them to golden shadows and the presence of creation in all things, this conversation touches on the myriad experi…
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In this episode, the hosts discuss the first limb of Yoga, the Yamas. The Yamas (restraints) are part of Yoga's ethical code, which underscores the importance of being in alignment on all levels of engagement. Next episode, they will expand into the second limb, The Niyamas (observances). They break it down into the five parts and offer anecdotes &…
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This episode drops on Thanksgiving, so it made sense for the hosts to ruminate on gratitude. Theresa reframed the question from what are you grateful for, to what feels like a gift right now? Sometimes just saying or asking something in a different way can lead our minds to otherwise unseen spaces and new clarity. The hosts share some of the highli…
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This new season is all about the 8 limbs of Yoga. Sherry & Theresa, both longtime practitioners & teachers, take listeners on a journey beyond asana (physical poses), but not excluding it. There will be episodes that are designed around specific limbs and others that will reveal how yoga shows up in our lives off the mat in very real and daily ways…
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In this final episode of Season 4, Theresa & Sherry dive into the elements & senses as tools for transformation & making sense of the world. They touch on Ayurveda (Science of Wellness - sister science to Yoga) where the elements are foundational to understanding our own constitutions (a/k/a Doshas*). While everything is made up of the elements, it…
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This episode touches on the language & tone we often experience (and sometimes contribute to) in the Yoga world. Theresa & Sherry talk a lot about what it is to “hold space” and how important it is to be able to feel and express the full range of emotions. Even when we do, there can be a residual that seeps into the body, held by its fibers and oth…
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Today is a circular conversation that starts with what lives in our blind spots & how our shadows are sometimes connected. When we’re willing to see the world as our mirror, and things as they are, we get to grow. Taking the mirror metaphor a step further, “Things in mirror are closer than they appear” is often etched into a car’s side mirrors. We …
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Last episode was about Theresa’s experience in a mindful outdoor leadership training at Kripalu. In a few weeks, Anecdotal Anatomy in Action is hosting a retreat (3 days in November). Couched in the middle is the question of Retreat; what value is there in withdrawing from the daily doings to move into the bareness of being? Priorities get revealed…
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On today's episode, Theresa is a guest on her own show! Following nine days in the forest at Kripalu in the Berkshire Mountains, Theresa recounts her adventure. She participated in a mindfulness outdoor leadership training which had participants outside approximately eight hours a day. Sherry asks many questions including how the training program r…
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A continuation, of sorts, from last episode discussing divine feminine energy. This episode has a larger focus on shifting energies, finding balance (divine feminine & divine masculine), while identifying light & dark energies. Last week the wise woman of autumn & superhero archetypes arose from the chat, this week fairytale witch was added to the …
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On this road to the Divine Feminine, Theresa & Sherry take many turns. They share stories & opinions, while quoting articles and asking questions, all in service of understanding a little bit better. The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone are the three major stages of the Divine Feminine. In this episode, the hosts touch on the qualities of each sta…
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Practice, Practice, Practice – and ask a few questions
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1:08:13Even the most spiritual seekers experience times of aridity in their quest for the Divine. These dry times are potent with inquiry, curiosity and possibility and inform something of the value of emptiness. While some may experience the breath as a spiritual guide, others may see it as a practical way to come into rest & restore (activating the para…
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Shit Grows Flowers - Our Road of Trials “When people put you down enough you start to believe it. The bad stuff is always easier to believe, you ever notice that?” Line from Pretty Woman Theresa & Sherry talk a good deal about finding balance, not negating one experience or energy for another, rather finding ways for synthesis, cooperation and reso…
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