show episodes
Motorcycle podcast the is for the everyday rider. Discussing everything motorcycle related from , what you ride , gear used and where you ride. I'll try to upload podcast weekly. Follow us on instagram. Don't be afraid to reach out to me at
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Donostia Kulturako ekintzen podcastak. Podcasts de iniciativas de Donostia Kultura. Donostia Kultura udal erakundea. Kultur jarduerak eta zerbitzuak. / Donostia Kultura, entidad municipal de San Sebastián. Actividades y servicios culturales.
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Ghosts and Garnets

Whitney Rivera and Camden Schacher

Hosted by lifelong friends Whitney Rivera and Camden Schacher, Ghosts and Garnets is a true crime podcast that blends well researched storytelling with humor and a touch of absurdity. This laugh-out-loud show promises listeners a unique and entertaining perspective on true crime. Their goal is to keep listeners engaged, educated, and, most importantly, laughing, while also raising awareness about these real-life cases. Every week, Whitney and Camden take you on a deep dive into a mix of well ...
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Baseball Chatter is a weekly baseball podcast that brings you in depth analysis of players, games, and news around Major League Baseball. Hosted by Billy Lopez, Jacob Tafolla, and Lennon Lopez.
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Topic covering how to start and thrive as a loan officer including secrets to operate like a pro, common hacks, strategies that help execute to a daily plan resulting in massive increased in your income. To schedule a FREE 1 one 1 coaching call with David Delgado visit us at or call us or text toll free (866) 587-6927
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Meet the BlueGreeners

BlueGreen Water Technologies LTD

Your Company Is Only as Extraordinary as the People in It. In the 'Meet the BlueGreeners' podcast, you will get to know the people behind BlueGreen water technologies, a Global Watertech company. Read more about us at
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Inside the Military Mind

KPPF Podcast Network

Presented by the Family Care Center, an comprehensive outpatient behavioral health clinic specializing in meeting the needs of service members, veterans and their families in the Pikes Peak Region, Inside the Military Mind is Tailored to meet the mental health and wellness needs of those who served and those who care for them. Skip the stigma and tune in to learn more about mental health and wellness topics as well as resources for the military affiliated population in the Pikes Peak Region.
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show series
The story we have for you this week is wild. Stolen casino winnings, fake affairs, socket wrenches and brass knuckles. This is the story of the abduction of Chelsi Urias and the absolutely drug addled buffoons who kidnapped, tortured and left her for dead in Wolverine Canyon. Music: Frosty Forest by Shane Ivers - Supp…
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[ES] Julen Madina, como corredor, forma parte de la historia del encierro de Pamplona. Corredor de leyenda, ha dejado una gran huella en la historia de los encierros durante más de 40 años con grandísimas carreras. Emmanuel de Marichalar, autor del libro, hablará sobre las vivencias de Julen Madina y comentará la importante huella que dejó en Pampl…
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[ES] Conferencia de los profesores universitarios Lydia Vázquez y Juan Manuel Ibeas Altamira sobre la escritora Olympe de Gouges, dentro del ciclo Literaturas perseguidas. Olympe de Gouges (1748- 1793), nacida Marie Gouze en Montauban (Francia), escritora, activista política y conocida por su contribución al movimiento feminista y por su compromiso…
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[ES] La vergüenza es una emoción que nos bloquea y empequeñece. Nos sentimos invalidados y nos oscurece ante la mirada social. La timidez, la culpa y la vergüenza nos conducen a sentirnos muy pobres al compararnos con los demás. El objetivo de la conferencia será modular nuestra mirada al respecto. 2024/05/24 LUGARITZ K.E.- ES [EUS] Lotsa blokeatze…
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One spoiled teenage bride, multiple false accusations and systematic racism led to not one famous trial, but two. The first for rape and the second for murder. This is the story of Thalia Massie and those unfortunate enough to land in her path of destruction. Music: Frosty Forest by Shane Ivers - Support the Show.…
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[ES] Conferencia de los profesores universitarios Lydia Vázquez y Juan Manuel Ibeas Altamira sobre el poeta Théophile De Viau, dentro del ciclo Literaturas perseguidas. Théophile De Viau (1590-1626), destacado poeta francés del siglo XVII, inició su camino académico en la academia protestante de Saumur y luego continuó su formación en la Universida…
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[ES] ¿Es posible que los traumas se transmitan de una generación a otra? ¿Acaso nos afectan las vivencias de nuestros antepasados aunque ni siquiera sepamos de ellas? La madre de Maddi fue torturada en comisaría durante la dictadura franquista. Después de preguntarse cómo le ha podido afectar lo sucedido a su madre, decide hacer un documental que r…
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[ES] El ciclo Literaturas perseguidas ha comenzado con una conferencia sobre la escritora Sofía Parnok ofrecida por el profesor universitario Jesús García Gabaldón. Sofía Parnok (1885-1933), escritora lesbiana conocida como la Safo rusa, publicó varios volúmenes de poesía, críticas literarias y libretos de ópera. No logró ser muy conocida por causa…
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[EUS] Emakume zientzialarien argitan solasaldi-zikloaren barruan kokatzen da, emakume zientzialari euskaldunak ezagutzera ematea duena helburu. Aitziber Sarobe biologian doktore da eta ekologian espezializatuta dago. Irakaslea da HUHEZIn, eta militantzian Arkamurka Zarauzko natura-taldeko kidea, baita Naturkon Gipuzkoako talde ekologistarena ere. U…
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Ipuin, eleberri, entsegu eta antzezlanen egile, Maxim Ósipov gaur egun nazioartean proiekziorik handiena duen errusiar idazleetako bat da. Aurtengo lehen Literaktum Topaketan, Irati Goikoetxea idazlearekin arituko da gaztelaniaz kaleratu duen Kilómetro 101 bere azken lanaz eta literatur ibilbideaz solasean. 2024/04/10 OKENDO K.E.. - EUS/ENG [ES] Au…
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[ES] El libro-disco Impromptu es un fascinante encuentro entre dos lenguajes poéticos: la pintura y la música. Las sugerentes pinturas de Juan Manuel Uría y la inspirada música de Ángel Unzu, 60 pinturas a tinta y 21 temas musicales improvisados con el guzheng, junto con una serie de "pentagramas intervenidos" y algunas notaciones musicales manuscr…
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[EUS] Mari Luz Estebanek poema-bilduma guztietan harreman-sareetan arakatu du, gutasunak zein nitasunak gorpuztean elkarrekiko harremanek, afektuek eta pentsamenduek zer-nolako eragina duten poetikoki adieraziz. Lehen poema bilduman, Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen, amaren genealogiak arakatzearekin batera, senidetasun-zein afektu-sareek sor…
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On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, in a Kootenai county courthouse, former ISP trooper Daniel Howard was found guilty of second-degree murder and domestic battery in the death of his wife, Kendy Wilkins. Nearly 3 years after Kendy's death, her family felt like finally they had answers. Because when Kendy was found dead on February 21, 2021- all they had w…
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The story we have for you this is about the life and death of a man who was both a victim and a villain and a very good example of how the choices of a parent can well and truly fuck up a kid to the point of madness. It also has Carnies. Music: Frosty Forest by Shane Ivers - Support the Show.…
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[EUS] Hitzaldiaren jatorrizko izenburua: Aurrerapenak alzheimerraren diagnostikoan eta tratamenduan. Emakume zientzialarien argitan solasaldi-zikloaren barruan kokatzen da emakume zientzialari euskaldunak ezagutzera ematea duena helburu. Miren Altuna neurologoak garuneko gaixotasun degeneratiboak ikertzen ditu, bereziki, alzheimerra. Azkenaldian, i…
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The story we have for you this week is about an absolute shit bird named Richard Leavitt, who was not only a rapist and a murderer, but also was so potently deviant that he left the world with a couple of living reminders of his evil. This is the story of the murder of Danette Elg. Music: Frosty Forest Support the Show.…
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[ES] Así presenta la editorial Libros del K.O. el libro Eso que llamabas paraíso:"Ricardo Casas y Francisco Uzcanga se conocieron en 1978, cuando eran compañeros en un colegio de Donostia. Como todos los escolares, compartieron clases, recreos, actividades extraescolares y proyectos de futuro. Pero estos proyectos no tardaron en verse truncados a c…
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The story we have for you this week is a shocking and gruesome crime that thrust the state of Connecticut into the national headlines and ultimately became the inspiration of the award-winning 1997 movie, Fargo. We are telling you about the murder of Helle Crafts. Music: Frosty Forest by Shane Ivers - Support the Show…
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[ES] Enviudar es una experiencia vital dolorosa que impacta en nuestro bienestar y en nuestra identidad como mujeres y hombres. Es un acontecimiento que se da con una alta incidencia en la etapa vital de la vejez, que genera dolor, situaciones de soledad, cambios en la manera de vivir... y a pesar de ello apenas le prestamos atención. Dedicaremos e…
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The story we have for you today, from the outside, is a little different than others we tell you. Its easy to focus on cultural differences, but when you strip this particular crime down it’s really very simple. This is like all the other stories we tell you. It’s about anger, greed and murder. This is the story of the murder of Angie Abdullah. Mus…
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[ES] Patxi Izaguirre hablará sobre el sentimiento de culpa que sufren las personas con dolor psicológico y la incomprensión impotente de su entorno estigmatizado por la enfermedad mental. [EUS] Min psikologikoa duten pertsonek jasaten duten erru-sentimenduaz eta gaixotasun mentalak estigmatizatutako ingurunea ezin ulertuaz hitz egingo du Patxi Izag…
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The story we have for you this week shows the horrendous outcome when a violent criminal is put in the Witness Protection Program and the Fed's decide it’s too risky to tell anyone, including local law enforcement that there is a convicted murderer residing in their jurisdiction. This is the story of Jim Red Dog. Support the Show.…
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[ES] El propósito vital se refiere a aquello que le da sentido y significado a nuestra existencia. Es la razón para levantarnos cada mañana y la que nos motiva a seguir adelante a pesar de las dificultades. Tener un propósito nos ayuda a enfocar los esfuerzos, evaluar mejor nuestras decisiones, sentirnos más motivadas/os y satisfechas/os y da senti…
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The story we are telling you this week is a good example of how even when you do all the right things, tell all the right people and stay vigilante, you have no real control over anything. When a beautiful young woman began a relationship with her mentally ill psychology professor, she had no idea how quickly and brutally it would end. Today we are…
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The podcast starts with a discussion about the Padres' roster development, including recent acquisitions and potential trades. The conversation then shifts to the Dodgers' offseason moves and their chances of winning the World Series. Hoppy and Hobbs also delve into the limitations of American baseball culture in developing two-way players like Sho…
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[EUS] Bigarren saria Ruben Martinez Rosasentzat izan da, Arbizu Enea izeneko lanagatik. Epaimahaiak azpimarratu du lan originala eta umoretsua dela, soinu-efektuak oso ongi erabiltzen dituena eta entzulea irratsaioan kontatzen den istorioan murgiltzeko gaitasuna duen pieza entretenigarria. [ES] El segundo premio es para Ruben Martinez Rosas, por su…
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[EUS] Deialdira aurkeztutako lanen artean, epaimahaiak erabaki du pieza irabazlea Kirikoketa dela. Epaimahaiak aho batez erabaki du aurten lehiaketara aurkeztutako lan guztietatik onena dela eta horrela baloratu du: “Pieza laburra eta erakargarria da, soinu-geruza ugari dituena eta efektuak oso modu eraginkorrean erabiltzen dituena. Hizkuntza abera…
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The story we have for you today is creepy at it’s finest. The dark tale of the Denver Spider Man is quite different than that of the crime-stopping, live-saving Marvel super hero we all know and love. Instead, this 'Spider Man' secretly hid inside his victim’s house before and after committing a murder. No fucking thank you. Let’s go to Colorado. M…
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[EUS] Emakume zientzialarien argitan solasaldi-zikloak emakume zientzialariak ezagutzera ematea du helburu. Azkenaldian, muturreko fenomeno meteorologiko ugari ikusten dira gure inguruan: uholdeak, lehorteak, galerak... Horrekin batera, aldaketa garbiak ikusi dira gure ingurunean: Pirinioetako glaziarrak desagertzen ari dira, animalia migratzaileek…
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