Join the millions who listen to the lively messages of Chuck Swindoll, a down-to-earth pastor who communicates God’s truth in understandable and practical terms—with a good dose of humor thrown in. Chuck’s messages help you apply the Bible to your own life.
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Pastor Chuck Swindoll pastors at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX. His sermons are available here in their entirety. Watch the live service, with Chuck preaching, at 10:40 a.m. Central time each Sunday. To support this ministry financially, visit:
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In his down-to-earth and often humorous style, pastor Chuck Swindoll sheds practical light on the Bible to help you understand and apply God's Word in your everyday life.
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Pastor Chuck Swindoll pastors at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX. His sermons are available here in their entirety. Watch the live service, with Chuck preaching, at 10:40 a.m. Central time each Sunday. To support this ministry financially, visit:
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These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
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Enjoy Insights, Chuck Swindoll’s daily one-minute audio devotional. These engaging bite-sized nuggets of wisdom and humour range from doctrinal issues to relationship tips.
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Welcome to Wildwood! The folks here live just like you and me. They love fun and adventure, enjoy their work and family, and try to learn each day what it means to be like Christ. Share a laugh with C.J., Ned, Staci, and all their friends in The Club. Sit down and hear Captain Gus tell you a story from his days sailing the high seas. Visit Paw Paw Chuck at his fix-it shop. You might even run into Hugh McClaw and his cronies, Mange and Molty. Whether you're six or 60, when you listen to Paws ...
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Life can be unexpected, messy, and painful. At some point in your life you will need care on some level, and you will be called to provide care for others who are suffering mentally, spiritually, or physically. Colleen Swindoll-Thompson, daughter of well-loved Pastor Chuck Swindoll and director of Insight for Living’s Reframing Ministries, has an unwavering passion to encourage and equip caregivers and their families with truths and tools that help them live well, regardless of life’s ever-c ...
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Into the River with Ashley Jo
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Check your certainties about reality at the door and enter into a complex web of what ifs and wonders. My guests and I question beliefs, value awe over answers, and seek to communicate the beauty of the universes that we each uniquely perceive. Regular intersecting topics may include: philosophy, religion, ethics, moral values, sex & sexuality, intimacy & relationships, mental & emotional health, addiction & recovery, quantum physics, psychedelics, the law of attraction/manifestation, etc., ...
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Watch Chuck Swindoll from Chuck Swindoll SermonsTo support this ministry financially, visit: Chuck Swindoll
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Mystery and Majesty: God with UsBy Insight For Living
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Mystery and Majesty: God with UsBy Insight For Living
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Philippians 2:5-8, 2 Corinthians 9:15 / December 25-27, 2024 When a baby comes into our lives as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, or sisters, we rejoice in the magnificence of God’s gift of life. But how much more did the family rejoice in wonderment when the child was Emmanuel, God with us? When God took on human flesh at the birth …
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By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Esther 4:16 Do you need to take a stand against something or someone? Are you fearful of what may happen? Take a page from Esther’s story and ask the Lord for courage. He will give you the strength you need.By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Mystery and Majesty: God with UsBy Insight For Living
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By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Philippians 2:5-8, 2 Corinthians 9:15 / December 25-27, 2024 When a baby comes into our lives as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, or sisters, we rejoice in the magnificence of God’s gift of life. But how much more did the family rejoice in wonderment when the child was Emmanuel, God with us? When God took on human flesh at the birth …
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Hebrews 13:2 God uses angels as messengers to interact with us—often for our protection. And you never know when you might encounter one.By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Mystery and Majesty: God with UsBy Insight For Living
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John 10:10 On the way to perform their Christmas pageant in Modesty, The Club, Paw Paw Chuck, and Miss Harbor run into an unexpected delay. Forced to seek shelter in a hillside home, the group help a man and his son find healing, restoration, and a reason to have the Christmas spirit.By Insight for Living Canada
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Galatians 4:4-5 God has been at work in human history. Over the passing of time He arranged a set of events that would lead ultimately to the beginning and to the continuation of humanity for as long as He chooses.By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Matthew 1:18-25 / December 20-24, 2024 Sometimes cast aside as a minor player in the retelling of the Christmas story, Joseph’s story mirrored that of his wife in many ways. He sat with her marvelling at this baby. He wondered about the baby’s origin. And yet, Joseph was forced to make a choice that not even Mary had to make. Where Mary carried the…
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Mystery and Majesty: God with UsBy Insight For Living
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Matthew 1:18-25 / December 20-24, 2024 Sometimes cast aside as a minor player in the retelling of the Christmas story, Joseph’s story mirrored that of his wife in many ways. He sat with her marvelling at this baby. He wondered about the baby’s origin. And yet, Joseph was forced to make a choice that not even Mary had to make. Where Mary carried the…
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By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Matthew 1:18-21 Everyone in Nazareth would have known Jesus’ mother, Mary, was pregnant before she and Joseph were married. While everyone knew about the scandal, no one understood Mary’s conception was miraculous and one day her baby would save the world.By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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In the final message in his series Looking in All the Right Directions, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reminds us of what awaits all those who, like Paul, remain faithful to God up to the very end.To support this ministry financially, visit: Chuck Swindoll
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Mystery and Majesty: God with UsBy Insight For Living
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Psalms 139:3 In the midst of a bad day remember these three things. First, you’re not alone. Second, you’re not without protection. Third, you’re not without hope. God is with you.By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Matthew 1:18-25 / December 20-24, 2024 Sometimes cast aside as a minor player in the retelling of the Christmas story, Joseph’s story mirrored that of his wife in many ways. He sat with her marvelling at this baby. He wondered about the baby’s origin. And yet, Joseph was forced to make a choice that not even Mary had to make. Where Mary carried the…
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By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Grumblings against a Godly Leader, Part 3
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Moses: A Man of Selfless DedicationBy Insight For Living
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Numbers 10-14 / December 17-19, 2024 From Numbers 10–14, Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines Moses’ plight as leader of a difficult group. Not even Moses’ own siblings, Miriam and Aaron, were faithful supporters. From the Series: Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication read moreBy Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Matthew 11:28-30 When circumstances are overwhelming you have a choice. You can focus on your problems, or on God. When you focus on God you shift the burden from your shoulders to His, making room for the peace only He can provide.By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Grumblings against a Godly Leader, Part 2
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Moses: A Man of Selfless DedicationBy Insight For Living
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Numbers 10-14 / December 17-19, 2024 From Numbers 10–14, Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines Moses’ plight as leader of a difficult group. Not even Moses’ own siblings, Miriam and Aaron, were faithful supporters. From the Series: Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication read moreBy Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Psalms 92:12-15 Just because your skin wrinkles doesn’t mean our walk with God has to shrivel! Here are three attitudes we have about aging, which distract us from celebrating all God has done for us.By Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada
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Psalm 116:12-14 During the school gift exchange Miss Harbor challenges her class not just to appreciate the gift, but spend time being thankful for the giver. Through her challenge, The Club discovers the depth of God's love.By Insight for Living Canada
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Grumblings against a Godly Leader, Part 1
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Moses: A Man of Selfless DedicationBy Insight For Living
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