Patuleia Cast A voz do povo é isso aí.
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Vou falar sobre qualquer coisa que me der na telha. Isso será tipo um diário.
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POLICIAL DISFAÇADO! Casal gay falando sobre suas perspectivas de vida e vivências dissertando pautas urgentes e tudo isso misturado com a cultura pop (ou com certeza não) rs
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Isso é um trabalho de escola
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Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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A linguagem é uma Habilidade, não um conhecimento. Por isso para falar bem e alcançar a fluência é preciso muito, mas muito treinamento, prática e repetição. Conheça Just Talking English
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Um ninguém tentando falar a todos sobre um alguém.
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Meninas da Firma é um canal, um grupo, uma rede, um ponto de apoio para mulheres empreendedoras falarem tudo que pintar por aí. Compartilhamos experiências e acreditamos que isso nos move a aprender mais. Que isso nos conecta. Esse projeto é realizado por 3 mulheres: Gabriela Brasil {@gabrielabrasil} - referência em organização digital, mora na Califórnia e estuda diferentes assuntos, como astrologia e minimalismo. Renata Guimarães {@rezocaguimaraes} - advogada e empreendedora multipotencial ...
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No 3º Podcast do Blog Esporte Fino, Fabio Chiorino, Bruno Winckler e Luis Augusto Lima falam sobre a superexposição de Neymar no futebol brasileiro e o quanto isso pode impactar a sua carreira. Música de abertura: Tietê River Blues (Faiska) Música de encerramento: O Bom (Eduardo Araújo)
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Guidance from Above é um Podcast focado em compartilhar histórias, debater ideias, questionar e solucionar ... Tudo isso enquanto a gente se diverte e compartilha um tempo de qualidade proseando. Guidance from Above is a podcast focused on sharing stories, debating ideas, questioning and solving ... all that while we have fun and have a good time. Support this podcast:
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A podcast for all Benfica fans in English and Portuguese. The conversation has no limites, but the goal is to always respect everyone else’s views and opinions. In defeat or victory, we will always be Benfica! If you are interested in joining the conversation, you can contact us at: Support this podcast:
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Programa "Convivência Corporativa" Com Juliana Polloni pela Rádio Cloud Coaching
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O podcast do SENAI São Paulo que veio para descomplicar a tecnologia, inovação e educação.
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Vital Kompass is a project that explores and relates different fundamental topics in life, navigating through a variety of subjects with respect and curiosity. It invites you to explore our minds, hearts and souls in an open gentle manner, thinking creatively, sharing experiences, questioning together. It encourages awareness, search for meaning and ethics in the journey of life.
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The teachers of the Yes Portuguese Course are Adrieli Laviola and Ludmila Lage. They are both brazilians, from the State of Minas Gerais. They did a phd in Linguistics at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and they teach Portuguese for more than 10 years now. The most important thing about them, though, is that they are both passionate in teaching, in helping people to learn and in talking about Brazilian culture.
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No terceiro episódio do diário de bordo, você confere os relatos e depoimentos inéditos da Maju durante a viagem.
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Trump's Victory, US Elections and the Death of Liberalism - Dr. Shahram Azhar - #TPE 398 - The Pakistan Experience
Dr. Shahram Azhar comes back on TPE to discuss Donald Trump's Victory, The Democratic Party's abandonment of the Working Class, The Death of Liberalism and Capitalism.The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon:https://www.patreon…
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"Man ist es seinen Lesern schuldig, in jedem Buch etwas Neues zu versuchen." | Franz-Maria Sonner, Schriftsteller - hr2 Doppelkopf
Franz-Maria Sonner schreibt Hörspiele und Romane und unter dem Pseudonym Max Bronski ist er Autor von Krimis. Jetzt hat Sonner ein Porträt über den Mann geschrieben, der die Mendelschen Regeln erfand, Gregor Mendel.
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Bianca Bachmann ist die Frontfrau der Couplet-AG und seit der ersten Sendung bei den "BR Brettl-Spitzen" dabei. Jetzt bringt sie ihr zweites Solo-Programm "Triebe" auf die Bühne. Sie ist bei Johannes Hitzelberger zu Gast.
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#145 Angela Ford - Meet the Army Psychic Who Tracked Spies, Hostages and Fugitives - Shawn Ryan Show
Angela Ford worked as a remote viewer in the CIA’s Project Stargate, a Cold War-era program focused on extrasensory perception (ESP) to gather intelligence on distant locations or individuals. She was among the select few trained in "remote viewing," a form of controlled clairvoyance, and applied this skill to support government intelligence effort…
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Vidas W
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In this episode, we delve into Tim Ballard’s connection to QAnon conspiracy theories and the role the Sound of Freedom movie played in reinforcing these narratives. We explore how the film’s themes of child trafficking and heroic rescues mirrored common QAnon stereotypes, fueling its popularity among conspiracy believers.…
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Distractible: America's #1 trusted news source brings you all of the exclusive and unbiased coverage you need for the 2024 presidential election. Pig orgasms. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Morel Mushrooms, River Music And A Pumpkin Drop, Inside Appalachia - Podcast - Inside Appalachia Story Archives - West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Morel mushrooms are a forager’s delight, but don’t shortcut cleaning them. As flood relief continues from Hurricane Helene — a musician raises money with a song inspired by West Virginia’s 2016 floods. And, not every pumpkin gets to be a jack-o-lantern. Some are used in science experiments instead. In This Episode More About Morels Raising Flood Re…
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For many years, writer Jennifer Romolini prided herself on her work ethic. She climbed to the top of every corporate ladder and worked 60 hours or more every week. But after an unexpected health crisis, Jennifer realized her ambition had turned toxic. Maya and Jennifer discuss the perils of aiming for a one-size-fits-all version of success and the …
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Cada faro es único en el mundo porque cada uno de ellos tiene un código de señalización luminosa que lo identifica. Siguiendo su estela, El Faro de la Ser es un programa único porque gira sobre un tema distinto cada noche enriquecido con las opiniones, historias, anécdotas o reflexiones que aportan los oyentes…
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Een op de drie ouders maakt zich zorgen over zijn of haar kinderen, en de meerderheid van deze groep kan daarmee niet terecht bij vrienden of familie. De Oudertelefoon springt in dat gat en hoopt zo te voorkomen dat zorgen veranderen in problemen.Opname, montage & mixage: Tom RuijgMaak ook onafhankelijke journalistiek mogelijk:…
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[SPÉCIAL LÉGENDES URBAINES] Le monstre du Loch Ness, l’une des légendes les plus controversées - Les Fabuleux Destins
Une vision effrayante Dans l’après-midi du 14 avril 1933, un couple écossais se tient debout sur la grève du Loch Ness. Le lac s’étale devant eux dans son immensité splendide et inquiétante. « J’ai vu quelque chose bouger, John… au milieu du lac… ». John MacKay est sceptique. Mais le visage de son épouse ne ment pas : ses yeux sont braqués sur l’ea…
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[GRAND FORMAT - LES FABULEUX DESTINS] L'assassinat de John F. Kennedy, l'un des plus grands complots politiques - A la folie, pas du tout
Si vous aimez les histoires dans lesquelles nous vous plongeons chaque semaine dans "A la folie, pas du tout", vous allez aimer "Les Fabuleux Destins". Des récits sur les destins les plus incroyables ou encore les plus sombres... Mais toujours vrais ! Des conquêtes de Napoléon, aux escroqueries de Rudy Kurniawan, au trafic de Shiny Flakes ou encore…
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De l'auberge à l'armonica L’idée de l’armonica de verre est née… dans une auberge ! Nous sommes en 1760. Benjamin Franklin, le célèbre inventeur et homme politique américain, séjourne alors en Angleterre. Retenu par des affaires traînantes, il a le temps de s'adonner aux sciences expérimentales. Inspiré par un musicien qu’il a vu jouer sur des verr…
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A redécouvrir : Frida Kahlo et Diego Rivera, une passion haute en couleurs - A la folie, pas du tout
(Re)découvrez une saison phare de A la folie, pas du tout. En 4 épisodes, on vous dévoilera la face cachée de l’un des couples d’artistes peintres les plus iconiques du XXe siècle : Frida Kahlo et Diego Rivera. Une histoire d’amour tumultueuse où l’art cimente la passion et répare les douleurs. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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In 1998 Finnish journalist Johanna Aatsalo uncovered a huge news story: a member of the much-revered Finnish cross-country ski team had taken banned substances. After six months' intense investigation Johanna published her findings, and within just a few hours the backlash began. Johanna even received death threats. Because she wouldn't reveal her …
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Screenwriter, Mithila Gupta thought her life would mimic her beloved Bollywood films — full of swooning and drama. But something was stuck, and she was an adult before she could embrace her vibrant Indian heritage. Screenwriter, Mithila Gupta grew up obsessing over Bollywood heart-throbs, thinking she would meet her own prince in a movie perfect me…
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Laura feels she was mutilated by ideological doctors. Follow her on X: Support Heretics: Andrew on X: Insta: Heretics YouTube channel: Learn more about your ad choices. Vis…
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I det här avsnittet möter vi Sofia och Melina som berättar om en gynekolog som arbetade på deras klinik. Gentemot sin personal och sina patienter betedde han sig på många sätt gränslöst, nedvärderande och utövade härskartekniker. En eftermiddag blir Sofia våldtagen av honom på arbetsplatsen. Trots anmälan tystas det hela ner och gynekologen fortsät…
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Keiko was a hugely beloved adventure park attraction. He was also captured in the wild and taken away from his mother when he was just a calf. When Hollywood learned about him, a colossal effort began to un-tame him and send him back to the ocean. Visit to sign up for our premium subscription. Prologue: Ira introdu…
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No podcast do Fantástico, Renata Capucci e Maria Scodeler recebem a juíza da Vara da Infância e da Juventude Do Rio De Janeiro, Vanessa Cavaliere, que alerta também sobre os riscos dos jogos online e das redes sociais sem monitoramento dos pais.
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In this episode,Beni shares PART 2 of his story of surviving the war in Congo, coming to Kenya, chasing his dreams and becoming Lupita Nyong'o's personal chef! Connect with Beni here: Follow his restaurant here: Follow his private dining platform here: https://www.instag…
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Treffen sich zwei Freunde. Sagt der eine: Du kannst dir nicht vorstellen, was mir gestern passiert ist. Ich brauchte einen neuen Reisepass, bin dann zum Bezirksamt und ... hörst Du mir eigentlich noch zu? Nein. Niemand hört jemandem zu, der sich wütend und erschöpft über Behörden-und-Beamten-Wahnsinn ereifert. Langweilig. Wissen wir, selbst schon 1…
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Als sportcoach begeleidt hij zowel amateurs als professionele sporters. Als ondernemer runt hij een revalidatieweide voor kinderen met een beperking. Met het kinderboek ‘Toontje’ wil hij hen stimuleren om niet bij de pakken te blijven zitten. Samen met vrienden richtte hij ‘To Walk Again' op, de foundation die inzet op inclusiviteit en de kracht va…
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Ever wonder what it's like to be raised by IBOs? To have every memory and influence rooted in Amway? In Part 1 of my chat with The AntiMLM Kid, we dive into what those early years looked like, how her parents met and how she was groomed into becoming an IBO herself. It wasn't until she met her now husband that she began to open her eyes to the hars…
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We returned to Limavady for Hallowe’en & had a wonderful evening. Here are three of the stories from that event: Mike Carlisle has instructions for dying; Gloria O’Connor goes commando in 5-star luxury & Julie Kipp asks for a haunting. Paul is your host.
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Franziska Mehmann aus Spreitenbach (AG) hat sich nicht nur in das Land, sondern auch in ihren australischen Mann verliebt. Die Familie lebt seit drei Jahren in Cairns im Bundesstaat Queensland: «Das tropische Klima ist fantastisch hier!»Franziska Mehmann ist seit ihrer Jugend fasziniert von Australien. Als junge Frau bereiste sie den vielseitigen K…
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Persönliche Geschichten in ihren Liedern - Stefanie Heinzmann gehört seit über 15 Jahren zu den Musikgrössen der Schweiz.Das Wetter analysiert - fast ein Vierteljahrhundert referierte Mario Slongo auf Radio DRS 1 über das Wetter.Als 18-jährige Frau wurde Stefanie Heinzmann auf die Musikbühne katapultiert. Nach dem Sieg an einer deutschen Castingsen…
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[SPÉCIAL LÉGENDES URBAINES] La Dame Blanche, une légende urbaine plus vraie qu’on ne le pense - Les Fabuleux Destins
Une légende ancienne Bien avant que la Dame Blanche ne devienne la mystérieuse auto-stoppeuse dont nous avons tous entendu parler, son nom a été donné à plusieurs créatures surnaturelles : des fées, des sorcières, des fantômes. Dans la légende arthurienne, elles apparaissaient dans les forêts pour faire fuir les passants. Plus tard, on raconte que …
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[LOVE STORY] Elizabeth Taylor et Richard Burton : une histoire de passion, de scandale et de séparation - Les Fabuleux Destins
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Une relation née dans le désordre De leur rencontre sur un tournage hors-norme à leur relation tumultueuse, l'histoire d'Elisabeth Taylor et de Richard Burton fut caractérisée par la démesure... En 10 ans ans de vie com…
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[SPÉCIAL LÉGENDES URBAINES] L'affaire du pain maudit, ou quand tout un village vire à la folie - Les Fabuleux Destins
La fête est finie... Nous sommes le 15 août 1951. Alors que l’été est loin d'être radieux à Pont-Saint-Esprit, un petit village de 4 000 âmes dans le sud-est de la France, la Fête de l'Assomption est accueillie avec enthousiasme. Les mères de famille font les dernières courses pour préparer les festivités : chez le boucher, à l’épicerie, à la boula…
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[SHORT STORY] Eros et Psyché, une histoire de beauté, de mystère et de reconquête - A la folie, pas du tout
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Il y a quelque chose de fascinant dans les récits mythologiques qui ont traversé les siècles et qui ont façonné nos imaginaires... Dans cet épisode, nous nous intéressons à l'histoire d'amour qui lia Eros et Psyché. La …
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Hear part 1 of our Most Mortified Tournament of Teen Angst finale. Segment 1: the diary of Chanel Ruth. Segment 2: A conversation with 3 members of the Mortified Chicago team that covers such topics as: creative ways for closeted young lesbians to use the Josie and the Pussycats soundtrack, kids who fear they'll go to hell for watching an Al Pacino…
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Como ter sabedoria para domar a língua | Série de sermões em Tiago #6
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Sermão pregado dia 17 de Novembro de 2024 pelo Pastor Jack na Igreja Vintage.igrejavintage.comVisite nosso Site!Contribua!Siga-nos em nossas plataformas!Descubra novos conteúdos!By Pastor Jack
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We raised ALL the money for Forrest's new old truck and we are so GRATEFUL!!!
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Hans Rosenfeldt med en klocka och en pratglad panel. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Programledare: Hans Rosenfeldt I panelen: Pia Johansson, Fredrik Lindström, Hanna Dorsin (Debutant!), David Batra Musik: Erland von Heijne Tekniker: Emilia Martin, Mariette Parling Producent: Mette Göthberg Inspelat i Lilla studion på Kulturhuset i St…
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Isabel Lucas (parte 2): “A generosidade das pessoas adviria se todos percebêssemos o que está a acontecer com o clima no planeta” - A Beleza das Pequenas Coisas
Ouça aqui a segunda parte da conversa com a jornalista e crítica literária Isabel Lucas, que fala da voragem da sociedade de consumo que consome a capacidade de escuta, de leitura, de reflexão e de olhar para os outros. Isabel é também crítica sobre a forma de gerir e pensar o jornalismo, lança novas questões e revela uma grande inquietação sobre o…
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– I can’t remember who suggested that we go skinny dipping that night. I imagined a veritable walk of shame back to Lily’s house. Jena Reger lives in Durham, North Carolina, where she is a graduate student at Duke University. She belongs to a local writing group and has been working on a variety of projects for the past few years--from flash fictio…
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Anything Goes with James English Ep/ Chris Ryan SAS Soldier - The Longest Escape - Chris Ryan Tells His Story. You can contact James English on his social media platforms ⬇️⬇️
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När Douglas är 33 år frågar en av hans pappas anställda om han mött sina riktiga föräldrar. Douglas förstår ingenting. Det är så han får reda på att han är adopterad. Upptäckten skakar om hans liv. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Har du avslöjat en familjehemlighet som förändrat ditt liv? Hör då av dig till programmet och Gunilla Nord…
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L’affaire Spotlight, enquête sur la pédophilie dans l'Église catholique : une vérité aux résonances mondiales (4/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Bienvenue dans les Fabuleux Destin, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, redécouvrez la sordide affaire des scandales sexuels du clergé de Boston. Au début de l'année 2002, le Boston Globe révèle une série de poursuites pénales à l'encontre de cinq prêtres catholiques, mettant en lumière la question des abus …
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[SHORT STORY] Ulysse et Pénélope, une histoire de fidélité, d’espérance et de larmes - A la folie, pas du tout
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Dans cet épisode, nous nous intéressons à un couple de la mythologie : Ulysse et Pénélope. Il y a quelque chose de fascinant dans ces récits qui ont traversé les siècles et qui ont façonné nos imaginaires... Une histoir…
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De Nachtzuster biedt hulp en verzachting bij vragen en zoektochten, met respect voor de luisteraar en zijn of haar ervaring en kennis.
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Stories We Don’t Tell is celebrating our 10 year anniversary and to mark this, we have put together a special 10 part series. We picked ten people who have told stories with us, one person from each year, and interviewed them. We really do attract some incredibly interesting people and these interviews do not disappoint. We went in wanting to know …
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In a conversation with Stella O'Malley, founder and director of Genspect, Andrew Gold @andrewgoldheretics explores why people—even very intelligent ones—are drawn to cult-like beliefs. He shares stories from his investigative work, including his study of exorcisms in Argentina, and connects these experiences to how modern groups can sometimes take …
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No programa desta semana, Luís Pedro Nunes recorda a mais recente onda de partidas sobre o 'ar premium', dos pneus dos automóveis, que viralizou, para deixar alguns comentários acerca do assunto: "O termo da sororidade é giro, mas a sensação que tenho é que as mulheres são pouco solidárias umas com as outras, mas é só uma hipótese. Não consigo ente…
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