show episodes
Welcome to Inspire Mandarin, it's Joyce from Taiwan! Here you will hear authentic Taiwanese Mandarin! This is a relaxing language podcast for intermediate to advanced Chinese learners! Enjoy and stay tuned! Follow me on Instagram: @inspire.mandarin YouTube Channel: Inspire Mandarin Visit my website:
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Singapore-based Jeremy Wagstaff catches up with friends around the world to talk about life during the Coronavirus Pandemic. The podcast focuses on lives behind the headlines, exploring how people from Afghanistan to Ottawa cope with quarantines, isolation, collapsing businesses, separated families, near escapes, mental challenges related to solitude, stress, grief and other issues. Jeremy hears his friends' experiences, and will revisit them over the weeks and months to come, as some countr ...
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show series
In this episode, we will talk about different definitions one has to his/her job. --------------------------------- Words for today: 滿足 satisfy 症候群 syndrome 層次 level 職業 occupation 事業 career 志業 calling 熱情 enthusiasm 透過 through 升遷 promotion 權力 power 貢獻 contribute 特定 specific 神父 Priest 消防員 firefighters 使命感 sense of calling 歸屬感 sense of belonging 樂趣 pl…
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In this episode, I interviewed Jason, a Taiwanese student who studies in Kaohsiung City. Hear what are the must-knows, and visit places in Kaohsiung! --------------------------------- Words for today: 高雄 Kaohsiung 研究所 graduate School 念書 study 天氣 weather 飲食 diet 偏甜 sweeter 調味料 seasoning 地區 region 知名景點 well-known attractions 高鐵 high-speed rail 造景 lan…
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In this episode, we’re going to look into a piece of interesting news talking about how people reacted when the raw material shipment for bubble tea shops in the US got stuck in port. --------------------------------- Words for today: 珍珠 pearl 缺貨 out of stock 飲料店 beverage shop 崩潰 mental breakdown 製作 make 卡住了 stuck 港口 port 海關 customs 麻煩 troublesome …
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In this episode, we will look into a piece of interesting news about what features loyal customers of iPhone would like to see in the future new model. ------------------------------------------------ Words for today: 忠實的 loyal 粉絲 fans 果粉 Apple fans 許願清單 wish list 預測 prediction 特色 feature 瀏海 bangs 額頭 forehead 百分之十五 15% 縮小 minify 解鎖 unlock 疫情 epidem…
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In this episode, we are going to see how big the Star Wars Day activity is in Taipei 101, may the “fourth” be with you! ------------------------------------------------ Words for today: 經典 classic 新聞 news 星戰日 Star Wars Day 願原力與你同在 May the force be with you 星際大戰 Star Wars 影迷 movie fan 戲服 costume 粉絲 fans 活動 activity 網路上 on the internet 手扶梯 escalator …
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In this episode, I used an interesting situational question, that is what would you buy as a Mother's Day gift for your mom? And I talked about different considerations that might come up... Enjoy!這是個好禮物嗎? Is this a good present?Words for today:節日 festival母親節 Mother's Day智慧型手錶 smartwatch訊息 message不一定 It depends.高科技 high tech適合 suitable for功能 functi…
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In this episode, I invited Ling again to talk about night markets in Taiwan, mhmm, a lot of yum food we love and must-try snacks all in here! 台灣夜市有什麼? 1. 你喜歡逛夜市嗎? 多久去一次? 2. 夜市賣什麼? 攤位類別 商品價格 3. 你喜歡吃的夜市小吃是什麼? 4. 台灣的知名觀光夜市 5. 去過還想去的夜市有哪些? ------------------------------------------------ Words for today: 逛夜市 visit the night market 附近 nearby 小型的 small 攤…
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Words for today 連假 Consecutive holidays 連續假期 清明節 Tomb Sweeping Day 掃墓 sweep tombs 打掃墳墓 忙碌 busy 遊玩 play 潤餅捲 Spring rolls 春捲 薄薄的 thin 口味 taste 高麗菜 cabbage 豆芽菜 bean sprouts 香腸 sausage 花生粉 peanut powder 糖粉 powdered sugar 準備 prepare 食材 ingredients 現成的 pre-made 麻煩 trouble 習慣 habit 店家 store 菜市場 traditional market 攤販 vendor 生意 business 交通 traffic 客運 coach …
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Interview questions for 台灣人喜歡喝手搖飲料嗎? 1. 你常喝手搖飲料嗎? 多常? 2. 你最常喝什麼? 不喝什麼? 3. 你都喝怎樣的甜度冰塊? 4. 你推薦的飲料店有哪些? 5. 來台灣一定要喝的手搖飲料是什麼? ------------------------------------------------ Words for today 手搖飲料 hand-made beverages 網紅 Internet celebrity 苦澀 bitter 特性 characteristic 客製化 customized 甜度冰塊 sweetness and ice 無糖微冰 sugar-free & a little ice(30%) 珍珠奶茶 pearl milk…
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Words for today 工作證 work permit 居留證 resident permit 就業金卡 Employment Gold Card 固定的工作 fixed job 雇主 employer 幾乎 almost 線上購物 online shopping 輸入 enter 身分證字號 ID number 反應 reaction 很紅 so popular 粉絲 fans 慶祝 celebrate 符合資格 eligible 申請 apply 增進觀光 to promote tourism 資源 resources 參考 reference 當地人 locals ------------------------------------------------ Taiwan G…
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Words for today 肌肉痠痛 muscle ache 緩解痠痛 relieve soreness 冰敷 cold compress 熱敷 warm compress 運動醫學科醫師 Sports Medicine Physician 時間不宜太長 Time should not be too long 一次以十分鐘為限 Up to ten minutes at a time 受傷 injured 急性發炎 acute inflammation ------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Instagram: @inspiremandarin Want to support me? Buy me a c…
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Have you seen the movie “Soul” yet? (靈魂急轉彎) This episode will be the first try for you to understand interesting facts or online news in Chinese! Words for today 靈魂 soul 急轉彎 sharp turn 主旨 subject 旅程 journey 尋找 look for 反思 reflection 好評 favorable comment 分享 share 程式 program 特徵 feature 身體部位 body parts 選項 options 兇 aggressive; short-tempered; mean; cr…
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Merry Christmas! In this warm, beautiful holiday, what would you see if you’re in Taiwan? ※Chinese songs playlist that has "Christmas" in the lyrics: Words for today 聖誕節 Christmas 溫馨 warm-hearted 意義上 In the sense of 裝飾 decoration 店員 clerk 服務生 server 商業化 commercialize 燈飾 illuminatio…
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Do you go to concerts? What do you usually expect from them? Here I’d like to share a story I found touching and inspiring. Words for today 音樂會 concert "辦"音樂會 to "hold" a concert 鋼琴 piano 音樂家 musician 背景 background 貝多芬 Beethoven 曲子 song 古典音樂 classical music 年紀 age 時期 period 感動 moving 自我介紹 self-introduction 從小到大 ever since I was little, ... 台上 on th…
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Beer is a good drink for casual time, do you drink much beer? Words for today 代表 represent; representative 飲料 beverages 配啤酒 with beer(e.g. eat dinner with beer) 一般的 general 總之 anyway 飲食 food and drink 文化 culture 平常 ordinary 珍珠奶茶 pearl milk tea 藉由 by means of 相反 in contrast 功能 function 社交 socialize 文化差異 cultural differences -------------------------…
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Do you know about “Double 11th”? I know Double 10th is a big day in Taiwan, but what about 11/11? Words for today 雙十一節 Double 11th 黑色星期五 Black Friday 購物 shopping 最早的時候 The earliest time 光棍 bachelor, unmarried man 行銷 marketing 機會 opportunity 目標客戶 target customers 專注 focus 單身 single 數據 data 折扣 discount ------------------------------------------------…
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Words for today 智慧家電 smart home appliances 智慧音箱 smart speaker 吸塵器 vacuum cleaner 品牌 brand 掃地機器人 sweeping robot 特定的 specific 紅外線 infrared ray 遙控器 remote control ------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Instagram: @inspiremandarin Want to support me? Buy me a coffee here:…
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A return to Taiwan, an island off the Chinese coast, and a story that's largely been ignored unless it's to do with the standoff with China itself, which still regards Taiwan as a renegade province, and subject to eventual reunification, peaceful or otherwise. The recent crackdown in Hong Kong has only sharpened the notion that this is no idle thre…
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Another old friend, this time from university days, a guy called Johnny who turned doing lighting for our campus band to into a skill and a career. Johnny was out in Asia at the same time as me, and so we ended up actually living together for a while in the early 1990s in Hong Kong. He has since been married, had a kid who is now an adult, and lost…
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What’s your sequence of using care products? In this episode, we will talk about skin care-related topics! *There is so much to cover about skin products, so there are two parts to it! This week is Part 2. Enjoy! :) ------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Instagram: @inspiremandarin Want to support me? Buy me a coffee here: ht…
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This week's podcast is another interesting one, for political but also personal reasons. It's another old friend, Alexandra Hall-Hall, whom I met when she was working at the British Embassy in Bangkok in 1991. I lost contact with her shortly after she threw me a farewell party at her home until I saw her name in lights last year when she resigned a…
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This episode is with Christine Bader, who I first met in Indonesia in the early 2000s. I remember her as a fixture in the Cinnebar in Jakarta. She was working with BP managing the company's relationship with NGOs. In those days I was a wizened cynical hack, so I didn't set much store by such things, but she was funny, open and interesting and did i…
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What’s your skin type? Normal, Dry, or Mix? In this episode, we will talk about skin care-related topics! *There is so much to cover about skin products, so there are two parts to it! This week is Part 1. Enjoy! :) ------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Instagram: @inspiremandarin Want to support me? Buy me a coffee here: htt…
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I reunite with my old bookselling friend Martin Latham, who I haven't spoken to in more than 30 years. He sounds the same, and has a book out, the tales of a bookseller. He is the kind of person you want to just sit and have a beer with, or ask for advice on buying a book from. Luckily I could do both for a while, and I try to capture some of that,…
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In this episode, we are going to talk about what you need to consider if you’re opening a restaurant. Find a cozy place and let’s get it rolling! :) ------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Instagram: @inspiremandarin Want to support me? Buy me a coffee here: Visit my website:…
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In this episode, you will hear Joyce talking about her life in the beginning of 2020. This podcast aims for creating content for Chinese learners from upper-intermediate to advanced level. Enjoy your Chinese learning and see you in the air! :) ------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Instagram: @inspiremandarin Want to support …
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Jeremy talks to James, Japanese-Canadian CEO and an early entrepreneur in mobile health tech, who finds himself in mid-lockdown in Tokyo working the phones to help out friends and colleagues to fill some of the void in the international war on Covid-19. Indonesia watchers might be encouraged by what he has to say. But what about the implications: w…
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Jeremy Wagstaff writes: As part of his Life in a Pandemic podcast series, Jeremy talks again to Susan, a childhood friend he spoke to a month ago. She's taking cover in her home in northern England, where she runs a company that makes colours -- for everything from paint to body bags. Susan, living alone and wrestling with trying to run a company d…
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Jeremy Wagstaff writes: My former colleague Joyce, still in her native Taiwan. Is the poster child of how to handle a pandemic still doing well, or have things, as she feared, slipped? Joyce is one of the several people who are sheltering in places that aren't where they supposed or necessarily want to be. Running to Taiwan was her idea when Hong K…
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Jeremy Wagstaff writes: The latest in my series on lives disrupted by the coronavirus. We return to Dinny in Tana Toraja, the remote highland home her husband's Toraja people. Dinny is grappling with economic crisis as her company of weavers implodes under collapsing tourism, and with the more personal questions about relationships: Is Zoom just fo…
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Jeremy Wagstaff writes: In this episode I speak to Joyce, a Taiwanese friend who was also for many years a journalist colleague at Reuters. Joyce is a straight shooter like any good journalist, but she has a soft spot for her homeland, and so it wasn't a surprise that she was proud of how her government had confronted COVID-19, despite of, or perha…
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Jeremy Wagstaff writes: This is Susan, a classmate of mine from primary school. We haven't actually seen each other in nearly a half century, and my last memory of her was in a sack race at my 7th birthday party. Facebook has brought us back together, sort of, but this was the first time we'd actually talked since she got second prize, if I recall,…
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Jeremy Wagstaff writes: This episode is about Dinny, an Indonesian friend who has a particular vantage point from which to watch the Coronavirus saga. She has long dumped the polluted streets of Jakarta for the highland life of her husband's Toraja homeland. Dinny runs a small company that employs local weavers. When I caught up with her she was in…
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Another conversation between Jeremy and his globe-strewn friends. This time it's Toby, a German he met in Singapore during time as a technology journalist with Reuters. A former concert pianist, Toby doesn't fit your idea of a startup founder, which is perhaps why he makes for more interesting company. But how is the lockdown affecting his battling…
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Part of my podcast series on life in a pandemic. I first visited Afghanistan in 1996, shortly after the Taleban had taken Kabul - to everyone's surprise. At Kabul airport the Reuters stringer, Salahuddin, was there to meet me and by the time we got to the guest house we were both rolling around with laughter in the back seat of the taxi. Given the …
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