show episodes
A fun, dynamic “Feel so Great!! Got to Groove Vibe” with your DJ/Host, TAKEYCE; Reggae Fusion Artiste, Lover of Life, Entrepreneur ( , Producer, Promoter, Singer/Songwriter, FACTOR Canada Juror. CFRU 93.3FM EVERY TUESDAY! TODO LOS MARTES ! TOUS LES MARDIS ! 4-5PM EST ( Music from amazing Guests across the Universe, Inspirational Words (Poem, Refrains, Conscious thoughts) done in English, French, Spanish and Patois! :-) Much love and light! ”Lady who wears many ...
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Under Volume 57, the McGill Law Journal became the first Canadian legal journal to launch a significant podcast series. Each episode provides a forum for discussing important legal questions, while connecting with our audience in a deeper way. Envoyez-nous un courriel à [email protected] si vous avez des questions ou des suggestions.
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show series
In this episode, we unpack the ethical and regulatory challenges posed by artificial intelligence, particularly its impact on systemic inequality. Our guests, Professor Ignacio Cofone from Oxford University and Professor Jane Bailey from the University of Ottawa, delve into the ways AI can amplify discrimination, the shortcomings of Canada’s curren…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA *****Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Days Of Our Lives! Les jours de nos vies ! ¡ Los días de nuestras vidas ! ***** #Ivanbrookssr #daysofourlives #lesjoursdenosvies #losdiasdenuestrasvidas #t…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA *****Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Interview with Denise Mansur, owner of Ms. Meri Mak / Meri Men Boutiques 31 Quebec St, Guelph ( ***** #msmerimak #merimen #guelphentr…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA *****Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Opportunity! Opportunité ! ¡ Oportunidad ! ***** #opportunity #opportunité #oportunidad #bertonbraley #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #enaky #1dabanton #theb…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Blessings! Bénédictions ! ¡Bendiciones ! ***** #blessings #bénédictions #bendiciones #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #theshindellas #teddyswims #msana #vita…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Beware of wrongful dismissal! Attention au licenciement abusif ! ¡ Cuidado con el despido improcedente! ***** #bewareofwrongfuldismissal #attentionaulicen…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: The Gift of Wishing! Le don de souhaiter ! ¡ El regalo de desear ! ***** #thegiftofwishing #ledondesouhaiter #elregalodedesear #wishing #ellawheelerwilcox…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: A Smile ! Un sourire ! ¡ Una sonrisa ! ***** #asmile #unsourire #unasonrisa #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #mette #samgallaitry #lumidee #piapounds #nynova…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Manipulation comes in many forms ! La manipulation prend de nombreuses formes! ¡ La manipulación toma muchas forma ! ***** #manipulationcomesinmanyforms #…
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The late Professor Paul André Crépeau was a legendary figure in Quebec Civil Law and in the study of civil law at McGill. His work in the reform of the Civil Code, in the development of new theories in the law of obligations, as well as his contributions to comparative law, and legal academia spanned approximately six decades. In this episode, we d…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Time Will Tell ! Le temps nous le dira! ¡ El tiempo lo dirá! ***** #timewilltell #letempsnousledira #eltiempolodira #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #ladavin…
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In this episode, we unpack the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement and the 2023 Supreme Court of Canada decision Canadian Council for Refugees v. Canada which unanimously upheld its constitutionality. Our guest, Audrey Macklin, Professor and Rebecca Cook Chair at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, delves into the history, consequences, …
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Gratitude Is a must! La gratitude est essentielle ! ¡ La gratitud es imprescindible! ***** #gratitudeisamust #lagratitudeestessentielle #lagratitudesimpre…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: See It Through! Voir à travers ! ¡ Ver a través ! ***** #seeitthrough #voiratravers #veratraves #edgarguest #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #eceseçkin #alba…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Know Your Value! Connaissez Votre Valeur ! ¡ Conoce Tu Valor ! ***** #knowyourvalue #connaissezvotrevaleur #conocetuvalor #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #b…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Love Thyself! Aime-toi ! ¡ Ámate a ti mism@ ! ***** #lovethyself #aimetoi #amateatimism@ #reynabiddy #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #fuzion #katiekadan #in…
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This episode explores the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), intellectual property, and art, focusing on the challenges posed by AI-generated works. Katherine Wilson-Milne, a partner at Schindler Cohen & Hochman LLP, discusses the complexities of copyright laws as they apply to AI-created works. Katherine also considers ongoing legal bat…
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*** Sorry for the delay - away on Holidays *** A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Humility is a gift! L'humilité est un don ! ¡ La humildad es un regalo ! ***** #humilityisagift #humilitees…
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This episode explores the challenges of freedom of expression in Canada’s digital landscape. Emmett Macfarlane, Professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo, discusses how Canadian courts define free speech and the role of professional regulatory bodies in curbing misinformation and disinformation. Professor Macfarlane also examines…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Insecurities! Insécurités ! Inseguridades ! ***** #insecurities #insecurites #inseguridades #haley # #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #staceykent #jimtomlins…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Children! Les Enfants ! Los Niños! ***** #children #lesenfants #losninos #everychildmatters #chaqueenfantcompte #cadaniñoquenta # #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Family! La Famille ! La Familia ! ***** #family #lafamille #lafamilia #afamilyislikeacircle #unefamilleestcommeuncercle #unafamiliaescomouncirculo #nicole…
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This episode delves into the controversy surrounding Quebec’s decision to significantly raise tuition for out-of-province students attending anglophone universities. Dr. Daniel Weinstock, Full Professor at McGill University and the Catherine Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy, contextualizes the tuition hikes within the province's lon…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Listen to action, Not words! Écoutez l'action, non les mots ! ¡ Escuche la acción, no las palabras ! ***** #listentoactionnotwords #ecoutezlactionnonlesmo…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Don’t Fall! Ne tombe pas! ¡ No te caigas ! ***** #dontfall #netombepas #notecaigas #youwillneverseemefall #joycealcantara #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #a…
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Dans cet épisode, nous interrogeons les défis que vit actuellement le système de justice et ce, sous un angle bien précis. Notre invitée, Emmanuelle Bernheim, professeure titulaire à la Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa, s’est penchée, dans son article dans la Revue de droit de McGill, sur les défis rencontrés par le personnel judiciaire da…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Let Patience be your Virtue! Que la patience soit ta vertu! ¡ Deja que la paciencia sea tu virtud ! ***** #letpatiencebeyourguide #quelapatiencesoittavert…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Inspirational Quotes! Citations inspirantes ! ¡ Citas Inspiradoras ! ***** #inspirationalquotes #citationsinspirantes #citasinspiradoras #mahatmaghandi #m…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Manifest Great Things! Manifeste de grandes choses ! ¡ Manifiesto de grandes cosas ! ***** #manifestgreatthings #manifestedesgrandeschoses #manifiestogran…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Let it be! Qu'il en soit ainsi ! ¡ Que así sea! ***** #letitbe #quilensoitainsi #queasisea #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #dyke&theblazers #victorjsefo #an…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Break through the storm! Briser la tempête ! ¡ Romper la tormenta ! ***** #breakthroughthestorm #briserlatempete #romperlatormenta #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Love like you Don't! Aimez comme vous ne le faites pas ! ¡ Amo como no lo haces ! ***** #tebogophaladicorneliaphooko #lovelikeyoudont #aimezcommevousnelef…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Close the Door ! Ferme la porte ! ¡Cierra la puerta ! ***** #closethedoor #fermelaporte #cierralapuerta #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #rosemayalba #enyewf…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: What a Difference a Day Makes! Quelle différence une journée fait! ¡ Qué diferencia hace un día ! ***** #whatadifferenceadaymakes #quelledifferenceunejour…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Speak up! Parlez ! ! ¡ Hablar ! ***** #speakup #parlez #hablar #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #benininternationalmusical #bombino #aquakulture #belindabra…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Take Care of Yourself ! Prends soin de toi ! ¡ Cuidate ! ***** #takecareofyourself #prendssoindetoi #cuidate #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #anglinamango …
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This episode will explore access to justice as part of the McGill Law Journal's progression towards open access, highlighting the importance of access to justice and how access to legal information can contribute to this pursuit. In this episode Me Steeves Bujold provides rich insight on how to improve access to justice, particularly for marginaliz…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: You’re Good, They’re Not! Vous êtes doué. Ils ne sont pas! Estas bien. ¡No son! ***** #you'regoodthey'renot #vousetedoueilsnesontpas #estasbinenoson #tiz…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Just do your best Faites de votre mieux Hagamos lo mejor que podamos ***** #justdoyourbest #faitesdevotremieux #hagamoslomejorquepodamos #makeyourdamnbed…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Song of Myself! Canción de mí mismo! Chanson de moi-même! ***** #songofmyself #chansondemoi-même #cancióndemímismo #waltwhitman #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Vetting is a thing! Aprobar es algo bueno ! Vérifier est une bonne chose ! ***** #vettingisathing #aprobaresalgobueno #verifierestunebonnechose #tiznatur…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Power Tripping Abus de pouvoir Abuso de poder ***** #powertripping #abusdepouvoir #abusodepoder #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #liakali #nickinicole #dani…
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Over the last 5 years, the use of section 33 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, known as the Notwithstanding Clause, has become increasingly controversial. This episode delves into the historical context of the Notwithstanding Clause to shed light on the section’s current issues. Using Quebec’s Bill 21 and Ontario’s Working Families cases, we h…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Heal a Broken Heart Guérir un coeur brisé Sanar un corazón roto ***** #healabrokenheart #gueriruncoeurbrise #sanaruncorazonroto #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Stand on it! ¡Párate encima! Tenez-vous dessus ! ***** #standonit #parateencima #tenezvousdessus #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #sonersarıkabadayı #reynme…
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Join us in a conversation as we reflect on the end of this season of the NASPA Leadership Podcast with our Hosts and Executive Producer! Want to stay connected to the NASPA SLPKC? Follow us on Social Media:Email: [email protected] Facebook: Student Leadership Programs Knowledge CommunityInstagram: @naspa_slpkcTwitter/X: @naspaslpkcLooking to volu…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: People's Choices Las elecciones de la gente Les choix du peuple ***** #peopleschoices #laseleccionesdelagente #leschoixdupeuple #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Second Chances Segundas oportunidades Secondes Chances ***** #secondchances #segundasoportunidades #secondeschances #tiznatural #takeyce ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #shanta…
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Join us in a conversation with Drs. Correia-Harker, Hastings, and Taylor about assessment, evaluation, and research in the field of leadership education. We are excited for this conversation!Want to stay connected to the NASPA SLPKC? Follow us on Social Media:Email: [email protected] Facebook: Student Leadership Programs Knowledge CommunityInstag…
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A MultiLingual Affair (AMA) on CFRU 93.3FM TUESDAYS, 4-5PM EST, with/con/avec Takeyce on (, Guelph, CANADA. ***** Inspirational Words - Les mots inspirants - Las palabras inspiradoras: Sending Good Vibes Enviando buenas vibraciones Envoyer de bonnes vibrations ***** #nadsimon #sendinggoodvibes #enviandobuenasvibraciones #envoyerdebonnes…
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Quick Reference Guide

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